Community > Posts By > Tomishereagain

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 10/21/15 10:59 AM
Edited by Tomishereagain on Wed 10/21/15 11:01 AM
Its been a few years since I have owned a CD or DVD.
Like 8-Track tapes I put away the old technology and embraced the new.

Recently I have been looking into new car stereos and I see two trends forming.

One trend (which I think is dangerous) is the ability to play DVD movies on your car stereo.
Cell phones distract drivers from the task at hand so why are DVD movies any different?

The other trend is the ability to play USB (which I have been doing for a few years now) and SD memory cards.
You can now take ANY mp3 and play it in your car radio.
Not only can you now have 1,000s of songs you like available instantly without storage issues but you can also listen to any verbal complilation.

From learning new languages to reviewing meetings and everything in between.

I don't take long road trips very often anymore but some people do.
There are 1,000s of books in mp3 format that can be easily transfered to a usb or SD card.
I don't know much about Sirius Satellite Radio - Do they have a station with audio books or radio theater?

Depending upon your preferences you can find very well done audio books to hear as you cross 4 or 5 states.
There are audio blogs that explore just about any passion. I have even obtained old 40s & 50s radio shows that take you into the origins of many of todays hit movies.

There is Scott Sigler who swear but has very good stories and a great voice
Scott Sigler Profile - Podiobooks

A wide range of genre favorites from Sports to Zombies To Combat

Other titles include:

They even have children's stories

At All Categories - Podiobooks there are many categories to choose from:

Science Fiction (196 titles)
Horror (47 titles)
Mystery (31 titles)
Thriller (34 titles)
Fantasy (113 titles)
...And More!

That is only one site, there are thousands of sites with many different styles and production values

WE're Alive is a podcast of a Zombie Apocaylpse that has sound effects included and different actors playing the parts.

We're Alive

There are audio short stories that are just fantastic for lovers of fiction

PodCastle | The world's first audio fantasy magazine.
Fantasy Stories and podcasts

Escape Pod
Science Fiction Stories and podcasts

Horror Stories and podcasts

Old Time Radio Shows at

Isaac Asimov - The Foundation Trilogy

Radio Lovers

Every night, families and their neighbors would come together and listen to radio broadcasts of Sherlock Holmes, Groucho Marx, The Avenger, Gunsmoke, Perry Mason, Superman and more. Radio broadcasts were so much a part of everyday life they could influence mass movements, such as the night Orson Welles told millions about an impending alien invasion... a "War of the Worlds." Re-live those times with the largest online archive of vintage radio shows, available to you for FREE!

Enjoy the Greatest Books of All Time Without Ever Reading a Word

Free Old time Radio Shows - Buck Rogers

No matter your personal preference you can find hours of entertainment to get you thru your road trip.

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 10/20/15 12:30 PM
Edited by Tomishereagain on Tue 10/20/15 12:30 PM
American Ultra (2015)
Assault on Wall Street (2013) ~ bluray
Bad Karma (2012)
Bloody Flowers (2008)
Breakout (2013)
Broken City (2013) ~ bluray
Dominion (2014)
Entourage (2015) ~ bluray
Escapee (2011)
Fighting Man (2014)
Ghost Watcher 2 (2005)
Headhunter (1988) ~ dvdupgrade
Hijacked (2012) ~ bluray
Hostile Force (1997)
House of the Rising Sun (2011) ~ bluray
Howl (2015)
Ice Soldiers (2013) ~ bluray
Lensmen Power of the Lens (1987) ~ anim
Lensman Secrets of the Lens (1987) ~ anim
Officer Down (2013) ~ bluray
Straw Dogs (2011) ~ bluray
Suddenly (2013)
The Bag Man (2014) ~ bluray
The Condemned (2007) ~ bluray
The Sand (2015)
They Found Hell (2015)
Trainwreck (2015)
Turok Son of Stone ~ anim
Vikingdom (2013) ~ bluray
Vychislitel (2014) ~ subs
Wind Walkers (2013)

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 09:51 PM
Dad used to say that nobody is happy all the time. Try to be content and happiness will come on its own.
Until about 5 years ago I had no idea how wise that was.
Now I have no doubt.

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 09:47 PM
Oh, Wow, I completely misread the instructions. Someone currently alive?


You Sassy!

It would be a quiet dinner by the outdoor fireplace with a nice glass of wine and a starry night.
We would talk of dreams and wishes and when you are relating your desires I would sink into the beauty of your soul streaming from your glistening eyes.


A dog that can talk
We would share a T-bone and some fresh water and he could tell me how he manages such devoted love.

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 09:41 PM
As you can see here
A little bit of Country
A little bit of Celtic
Some Oldies

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 09:37 PM

Mine is wearing hats inside
Oh my I have to hold my tongue. It's flipping hard when you want to say something.

I don't know why but I can't stand it.
I love hats but wearing them in the house drives me crazy.

I find that kinda funny. I wear hats when I have long hair and often forget that I am even wearing a hat. I once got into my jammies for bed and as I laid down I noticed I still had my hat on! LOL

I don't know what I started here?
But I can't stop laughing.... Please continue

People that start Pet Peeves Topics {Kidding}

Toilet Paper - ALWAYS OVER THE TOP! If I find it otherwise not only will I Repair the malfunction I will scold the house! ALWAYS OVER THE TOP!

Children that stare at you over the booth in restaurants while you are eating.

People that can't do their simple jobs.

People that stand around bullcrapping while you bust your donkey.
(word filters on an adult site)

Stereo Instructions
(Especially when I know more about their product than they do)

Unset Clocks (Flashing Displays)


Pumpkin Guts - Flat out nasty!

People that don't put their dvds or cds back in the cases then complain about the skips and stutters

The Leavers - People that will use all but the last sheet of toilet paper, paper towels or kleenexes so you have to refill it for them.

Drinking from the container, milk, iced tea, orange juice - any bulk container.


Rug trippers - instead of taking a moment to fix a bunched up rug they would rather trip over it then complain.

Jumping on the furniture (except the bed, I still jump on the bed. Its...Fun)

People that are so worried about what everyone thinks of them that they can't be themselves and have fun.

Implied Religious Beliefs - Including that you need to be saved

Clothes on the floor. Clean clothes mixed with dirty clothes no matter where.

People that don't keep their food preparation areas clean enough to eat from. Slipshod diswashing.

Burnt Steak!

Under cooked Chicken!


Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 10:39 AM
Here is a list I made for another website

Some old Favorites:
Alien (1986)
The Crow (1994)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Signs (2002)
Se7en (1995)
Season Of The Witch (2011)
Into the Grizzly Maze (2015)
Jaws (1975)
Burning Bright (2010)
Art Of The Devil (2004) plus all the sequels
Demoni (1985) and the first sequel Demons 2 (1986)
Evil Dead 2 (1987) and the remake wasn't too bad, Evil Dead (2013)
Hellraiser (1987) The rest of the series of movies are nowhere near as creepy
Pumpkinhead (1988) Try to forget the rest of those movies
Clown (2014)
In The Mouth Of Madness (1994)
Event Horizon (1997)
Mirrors (2008) and the sequel, Mirrors 2 (2010)
Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Amityville Horror (1979)
House On Haunted Hill (1959)
House On Haunted Hill (1999)
Return To The House On Haunted Hill (2007)
No Man's Land: Rise of the Reeker (2008)
Rest Stop (2006) the sequel is 'meh'
13 Ghosts (2001), the original is not scary to me, 13 Ghosts (1960)
1408 (2007)
An American Haunting (2005)
Dead Mary (2007)
Flatliners (1990)
Ghostmaker (2012)
Ghost Ship (2002)
Ghost (1990) a Chick Flick
Kingdom Come (2014)
The Haunting of Cellblock 11 (2014) a documentary style horror that is well executed
The Legend of Bloody Mary (2008)
The Others (2001)
Trailer Park Of Terror (2008) a fun ride - I especially like the Zombie on top of the trailer playing guitar!
Cabin Fever (2002) Forget that mess called Cabin Fever 2
Cabin Fever 3 – Patient Zero (2014)
Candyman (1992)
Carrie (1976)
Death Factory 2 – Bloodletting (2008)
The Descent (2005)
The Descent 2 (2009)
Red Dragon (2002)
Hannibal (2001)
Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Hannibal Rising (2007)
The Hills Have Eyes 1 ~ org (1977)
The Hills Have Eyes 1 ~ Remake (2006)
The Hills Have Eyes 2 (2007)
Hostel (2005)
Last House On The Left Original (1972)
Last House On The Left Remake (2009)
A Nightmare On Elm Street 1 ~ Org (1984) - the rest...meh
Offspring 1 (2009)
Offspring 2 – The Woman (2011)
Pet Semetary (1989)
Phantasm (1979) all the movies in this series are watchable
Psycho (1960)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) & (2003)
The Collector (2009)
The Collection (2012) One seriously demented sequel!
The Prophecy 1 (1995)
The Prophecy 2 (1998)
The Prophecy 3 – The Ascent (2000) The remaining two movies are just fillers

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 10:34 AM
My dad had the addage - Never put too many irons in the fire or the fire will go out.

He also said only fools argue over politics and religion.

He also said, if you have nothing you will always find something if you look hard enough.

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 10:31 AM

tom it really has more to do with the two people immediately involved than just the age gap. one simple example she couldn't have kids and truly didn't want them. so that part of it evaporated for us. i say go meet and get a better feel for each other.who knows you could find that reality is very different from text on a screen, or that lightning has struck and you have a good foundation to build from

Very positive thinking ~ Thank You

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 09:05 AM
If she truly loves you

Thats the issue. We just met and are in the 'getting to know each other' stage.

Every relationship has to have a beginning. I have hinted at my concerns but she either doesn't get the hint or is unsure how to answer. We are exchanging 4-7 emails a day now. She already wants to meet but I fear it is too early for that. Perhaps I am just worried that something will happen. I really don't want to lead her on. I need to get a handle on my trepidation soon.

Some of us just want someone to be there to love us.

Don't we all?
Its not a question of Love for me right now. I don't know if I love her or if she loves me yet. Still too early.
Its a question of doing what is right by both of us.

When my husband found out he had Cancer and was no chance he would survive

I'm sorry for your loss.
The difference is that you two loved each other and were married, probably with a family. That is a big difference.

someday I will find someone that will love me

Love is not found, it is grown. Growing love takes time.
She is 'interested' in me and I in her. We could grow into love. THAT is what I am worried about. Is it fair for her and for me?

Now who wants a toothless women.

That goes with the stereotypical thinking reflecting beauty.
If I was interested in you it would not be because of your teeth or lack of. It would be for your personality and state of 'being'.

Don't give up and talk to her, maybe you will be suprised how she really feels.

I am doing that now. She has trepidation as well. Scammers and insensitive, vulger and disgusting men have given her that trepidation. I am letting her pace the conversation. In my replies I do ask about the things I am concerned with. I am waiting for her to address those things on her own terms.

Thank you for responding.

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 08:45 AM

i breath air and eat food and smoke that is about it
my parents where hhmmm how to say it with out going to mingle jail
they where not nice people : )


Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 08:19 AM

I had a pet peeve once, but it died.

I have one remaining feeling.
I keep it in a box with bubble wrap.
I got it out once but my date stepped on it.
Its healing...

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 08:17 AM
I considered Einstein. He was certainly smart but not fundamentally smart. I also considered Stephen Hawking but I am not entirely convinced that he is as smart as made out to be.
I picked Tesla because he was a brilliant thinker on any given subject.
Not only a thinker - He was also a doer.

I considered Neil DeGrass Tyson. I like the way he talks. He thinks like I do but I wanted someone that thinks differently so as to broaden my horizons.

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 08:10 AM
People that talk during movies

Rap Music anytime and anywhere

People that mount speakers on the outside of their vehicles and blast rap music everywhere they go.

Thumper thumps in cars

Inapropriate humor at inappropriate times

Flies in your face

People who have pets but do not take care of them properly

Stollen faces

Someone putting away dirty tools

People that don't respect my home

Heavy Traffic

Trying to talk to someone with a phone on their head

Cell phone ring tones (give me a bell ring like the old days)

Squeeky doors (I have to lube the hinges, have to)

Rattles and vibrations when playing music

I could go on and on but what is the point?
I try to live positively and pet peeves are certainly negative thinking. If I can do something to correct the discretion I will, If there is nothing I can do ~ I let it go.

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 07:58 AM
I'm not one to wish for fanciful things but since you asked...

Jesus Christ & Nikola Tesla

I would make some Cajun Burritos and a Strawberry flip-cake

I would converse with Jesus Christ about religions and with Nikola Tesla about technology.

Tomishereagain's photo
Mon 10/19/15 07:53 AM
My dad was a romantic
I am a romantic

My dad worked until he was 50, got sick and ended his work career
I worked till I was 49, got sick and ended my career

My dad married a woman 9 years younger
I married a woman 8 years younger

My dad was married once
I was married once

My dad was born in 1912 and my grandfather was 48 years old
I was born in 1961 and my dad was 49 years old.

My dad had 2 brothers and one sister
I had 3 boys and 1 girl

My dad & mom lost twin boys due to blue birth
I lost 1 girl due to pregnacy complications

Had the twins lived I would have also had 2 brothers and one sister.

My dad was racist
I am not

My dad gambled
I do not

We both were alcoholics but I kicked that habit - He didn't until he was 68

My dad lived thru the great depression
I did not

My dad was in the Navy
I was in the Navy Seabees
Two of my sons were also in the Navy Seabees

My dad fought in WW2
I did not fight in any wars (peacetime service)

My dad worked in a steel mill that made railroad cars
I worked as a mechanic fixing trucks and heavy equipment

My dad graduated school
I graduated school ahead of my class

My dad worked for the Conservation Corps building dams and levees
I worked for a bunch of ********

My dad died pennyless
I am trying not to

Tomishereagain's photo
Sun 10/18/15 11:16 PM

mean to you... and do you have that with anyone ...

Unconditional acceptance of who they are...and I have that for my children... I couldn't love a man like that...just my kids..flowerforyou

A nice honest answer - thank you!

To me it's the moment when you decide that being selfish isn't making you happy. I'm not talking about forgetting your own dreams, or submitting yourself to someone who won't give in as well. I'm talking about meeting someone and realizing that you share a different kind of love with that person. You wake and decide that being with that person means more to you than being alone. They become a reason for you to submit your feelings into their own and thus you decide to work together to find a way to make a life with one another. You act them for all that they are but most of all you love every little flaw that that person has. You don't demand that they conform to simply talk to them and find a way to make every little disagreement work. Basically....if two people are truly in love then they will move Heaven and Earth to be with each other for a long time. That's unconditional love.

Thats nice. Its wonderful if it only worked that way.
I ask though, Could you love someone unconditionally if they were to turn against you? If they slept around, stole, lied, or were hateful and viscious toward you? Remember the keyword here is Unconditional.

One thing that is a certainlty is that people change. All people change. Anyone that tells you differently is a Liar.
We change and we change the people that we interact with. Sometimes the change is for the better, sometimes its not. But change we do.

Unconditional is an extreme. Its like always and never.

If someone I love says they will always love me I will tell them to love me for the moment and be happy.

The best source for unconditional love would be your pet dog. That...Is Unconditional Love...until you attack it.

Tomishereagain's photo
Sun 10/18/15 11:04 PM
Thank you. Very well-worded responses and I appreciate the effort.

The last thing I want to do to someone I love is cause them pain.

My father was 9 years older than my mother.

I was 8 years older than my X and it was difficult for me at the end thinking it was my age difference that caused her to do the things she did. When I got sick she turned. Shortly after it ended.

I'm disabled and I will never get better. I'm losing muscle mass and appetite and slowly deteriorating. I'm a good person (well, everyone who knows me tells me so) and I want so much to see if true love really exists. It has eluded me for 54 years so far.

I don't doubt that someone that truly loves me would be able to cope. Only that it will always be in my mind that I will be the old shoe in the relationship and her dedication to us will cause the one I love anguish. It would eat at me.

I live my life trying to accept realities. The reality is that I have no idea how to woo a woman anymore. Sure, when I was younger and stronger and able to work I had plenty of p'tspaw but now, in reality I am just alone.

I want a woman near to my age. I think it would be easier. 20 years younger and I have to deal with menopause and her realization of death as her friends and family slowly die.

What can I promise except to be there but I know I won't be for long.
Its not like I can wave a wand and be active and healthy for the next 20 years. In their 30s they are still in child bearing age. What if she were to become pregnate. Would it be fair to the child to have an old sick father? My dad was 49 when I was concieved. He never played ball or chased me around. Never took me fishing or hunting. He was sick from years of working at a steel mill. How can this be desired for anyone.

I'm having great reservations over this issue. I don't want to lead her on but I don't want to let her go either.

Tomishereagain's photo
Sun 10/18/15 07:25 PM
Thanx for responding.

That can be a factor but I am not so set in my ways. I'm one to try new things...that work.

Was there many conflicts in how the two of you viewed things?

Most of the time with age comes experience and experience gives wisdom. Were there many times where you wanted to do something and he wouldn't because he knew better about the probable outcome? Did that cause conflict for either of you? Did he act like a stick in the mud?

Tomishereagain's photo
Sun 10/18/15 05:38 PM

flowerforyou good luck in your searchflowerforyou

Thank You and Likewise to you

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