Community > Posts By > Kristi31

Kristi31's photo
Wed 04/01/09 06:37 AM
asleep slaphead

Kristi31's photo
Sun 03/15/09 08:43 AM

This one is any popcorn?


actually, yes i do.

. . .

Ooohhh, wanna share? :)


Kristi31's photo
Sun 03/15/09 08:06 AM
This one is any popcorn?


Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/13/09 07:55 PM
Very nice. Thank you for sharing that.

Kristi31's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:36 PM
Heck yeah, thats too long.

Sorry for being crude but either **** or get off the pot!


Kristi31's photo
Tue 03/10/09 03:56 PM
It sounds to me like you're past the point of talking. Ask yourself what kind of person you think she is. Is she there hope? Will she change? If she is not willing to see what she is doing on her own than there will never be change. Without change you can only endure it some more or get out.

Not all women are that way. Some times I feel like men are all the same too but keep your head up. She may be what you want right now but she may not be whats best for you. Not "healthy" I mean. It sounds like you're doing your part so you might want to reevaluate what you're still doing in that relationship. Sure it would hurt but anymore than what you're going through right now?

I spent 3 years trying to change my husband and I finally realized that the only one who needed changing was me. I needed to make that change for myself and stop waiting for him to do it because it was NEVER going to happen....never.

I am alone right now but strangly enough, I'm at peace. I don't have to fight anymore or cry myself to sleep each night. I don't dread coming home to an empty house. The hurt will pass but you still have a lifetime of happiness that can be had if you choose to.


Kristi31's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:50 AM

Do communicate.
Do be honest.
Do live by the Golden Rule.
Do be empathetic and act accordingly.

Don't have expectations.
Don't go against the do's...
Don't be selfish or blame anyone but yourself.

Is there a gay pill because I'd like to have that mind thought with a male body but I just don't think it exists.

I just can't bring myself to like the famale anatomy or the male brain. The penis will be my downfall.


Kristi31's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:38 AM

Do what I say and don't piss me off!!

And with that theory who could go wrong, right? Where can I get in

Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 02:35 PM
Main Entry: ob·sess
Pronunciation: \əb-ˈses, äb-\

transitive verb
: to haunt or excessively preoccupy the mind of <was obsessed with the idea>
intransitive verb
: to engage in obsessive thinking : become obsessed with an idea


Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 02:19 PM
My theory is that Mr. Right and Miss Right found each other and we're all screwed! grumble

Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 11:22 AM
I view a person's external features as a window for looking at whats on the inside.


Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 11:03 AM
Both, my friend. I like a man that works with his hands and isn't afraid to get dirty. At the same time he has to be willing to take those rough hands and touch me so softly when the time is right.


Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 10:55 AM

A good song can make you wanna dance; to feel the music and the beat from head to toe. Two bodies touching and moving in sync within a crowd of people while looking into each others eyes.

You seem to be in slow motion as his hands reach around to grab your hips and pull you closer. Your body moves in waves of pleasure with circular pulsations of erotic and suggestive motions. Both of you are sweaty but you don't stop. Quivering sensations come over you as he caresses the small of your back with his fingers. You can feel the hair stand up on your neck as he kisses you so softly that you can feel his warm breath on your skin.

For a moment you're the only ones in the room dancing together back and forth with inter-locking hands. He is so beautiful and passionate and you let him know it with the way your body responds to his advances. He watches your rythmn with wanting eyes and feels your moist and hot skin all over. Can you feel it?

Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 10:45 AM
I like that. You have managed to capture the image of a genuine woman.

Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 10:25 AM
Who are you?

Where did you come from?

What's your name?

I sense your presence

I hear your prayers & know your tears

I cannot see you for it is still dark outside

Your pain is great but you have learned to cope

Maybe you've given up on me

Maybe you still have hope

You are a seed deprived of sunlight and water

Having never been planted your growth is forever altered

I wonder if I'll be too late

There will come a time when I will find you

Two lost souls will be united in loves embrace

You will have ample sunlight and water and I will watch you grow

Here, your heart can be filled with immense joy

Here, you can learn to trust and love

It won't be easy but I will never give up on you

You are so delicate and fragile

I will never let you wilt, nor burn, nor drown

I will be your teacher, your guide through life...your friend

I say to you, hold on to faith and be brave

The darkness may call but stay near the light

Soon I'll be there but the time is not right

Who are you?

Where did you come from?

What's your name?


Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 09:56 AM

O, with what freshness,
what solemnity and beauty,
is each new day born;
as if to say to insensate man,
thou hast one more chance!
Strive for immortal glory!'

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:28 AM
Edited by Kristi31 on Fri 03/06/09 07:29 AM
Dang, do you have to bring everyone down? Some of us are just happy to wake up and be breathing. lol


Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:25 AM
Dammit! Whats a girl gotta do to be called pookey around here?!


Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:20 AM

:smile: we are all INDIVIDUALS and i have NO RIGHT to tell the woman i am with she can't flirt,just as she has NO RIGHT to tell me what i can or cannot do be seeing you

You are absolutely right! You can only sit back, watch and hope they make the right choice. If they don't then its your decision to accept it and live with it or find someone else.

Kristi31's photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:33 AM
I'm not a pookey?


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