Community > Posts By > Rage35

Rage35's photo
Sat 09/13/14 06:40 PM
For me.... would have to be the 2nd date that me and my now ex wife went on.... we were comin back from an alabama football game ....The date was actually a really good 2nd date to this point. I hadn't said anything stupid r obnoxious like some of us guys do when tryin to empress the ladies :wink: .. Yea I see u over there ... you know what I'm talkin boutwaving ... anyway... on the way back my stomach got to doin some crazy s#%*.. I'm tryin to play it cool by cracking the window and all that.. but it was pretty bad.. so all of a sudden it hit me... what ever my stomach was doin it was wantin to not do it in my stomach anymore it was wantin out!! So she was drivin cuz I had taught her how to drive a 5 speed so she wanted to drive... so all of a sudden I told her ur gonna have to pull over at the next store r something... and of coarse it was an old beer store that was closed at this time.... so I ruuuun to the outside bathroom.... and just blow it up... I know ladies this sounds gross.... but S*%# happens.. now mind u there's no light... bad bulb r whatever but it turn on and I didn't have time to find any light source...sooo I finally get done and feel around and there was No toilet paper!!! Ha.. what r the odds? On a date with a hot chick and this has to GUYS what do u do when there's no t.p.?.... u use ur on underwear... it's all I had.... soo.... no lights.... now no undies.. and now I had that not so fresh feeling...ill ... so i have to do the walk.. like someone has tied a 8 foot 2�4 to my back... so much for inconspicuous. ... so i was like riding all the way home while which was still and hour away... leaned up hovering so that my chafed *** don't hit my good pants.... Every since then ... I always keep toilet n both vehicles....surprised winking

Rage35's photo
Sat 09/13/14 06:17 PM
Yea love is a great drug!!! Until ur lady doctor cuts u off!!love devil brokenheart drinks

Rage35's photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:53 PM
Wow.. dude that's a tough one.... Cuz you'll come off like a prick either way I guess so it's like. ..... ROCK.....u......HARD PLACE.... lol... just tell her u were drunk and don't know what's she's talkin about.... lol... j/k that would be aweful man... just run Forrest run!!!!!!

Rage35's photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:48 PM
And I just asked the question just to get a kick out of the responses of both men and women. It don't have to be ov er analyzed r anything... I was like ten the first time I seen it.... and even I was like whaaaa??surprised that's a big *** nose.. there's no way she'd ever be interested. .. Cuz my favorite part was when he was n the bar and the called him big nose and they threw darts and he had to come up with the 20 put downs... hell I was interested n him then... that was smooth... but I think both men and women have become less shallow over time cuz of women like Roxanne. .. Cuz like someone said on here earlier to each their own... Every one has different things r parts they're attracted to.... I just like the battle of the sexes... its fun and funny I don't care who u are...:banana: just like this dancing banana

Rage35's photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:19 PM
Yes he got the girl that's the point.. I love that freakin movie!! I'm just sayin that some woman would of taken one look at him and said no way right then with out giving him a chance... Cuz I know the younger me would of not even thought about getting to know a girl that looked like that. .. sounds mean but I'm just keep in it real... but luckily life experiences and and meeting some really cool down to earth people have helped me not to be so shallow....

Rage35's photo
Fri 09/12/14 12:15 AM
I know some of us guys and I know some of u gal's always say ..." looks aren't everything" but keep it real.... how many times have u met someone who thought was so awesome and would be a perfect match for you but........ anyone remember the movie Roxanne? ?? Starring Steve Martin. Great guy but wow... what a big nose you have!!

Rage35's photo
Fri 09/12/14 12:08 AM
I'm digging the single life!! asleep smokin

Rage35's photo
Thu 09/11/14 11:04 PM
Hummm. Good question..... well I was just glad to look down towards my nether regions and see that he was already up.. lol.. j/k.. couldn't resist.

Rage35's photo
Thu 09/11/14 10:52 PM
You know that's why I guess I was a little taken by them tellin her that. Cuz I am the disciplinary. But I think there was a song about that. Daddys hands were hard as steel when I done wrong but daddy's hand were soft n kind when I was cryin.... something to that effect. But no... to be honest and I always told myself that when I became a father that I would try a remember being a kid. So that's helped. Cuz there is some things they've done that I was gonna get the belt r give them a good talkin to... but I just stopped for a moment and remembered and looked at some things for their perspective and I was able to laugh. Cuz as parents sometimes we take out our frustrations of the day r with our spouse out on them and that's not fair. Cuz when we r aggravated about something then every little thing they do drives us crazy. It's not their fault our boss is an a#% hole or our bills r higher than they should be. Remember they're kids. Sometimes u just have to stop and look at the world through their eyes

Rage35's photo
Thu 09/11/14 09:33 PM
I've just got out of a 15 year marriage. I wasn't always the good one in the marriage. I messed up, drugs, alcohol even stepped out once early n the marriage. But I learned from my mistakes and paid my dues. My ex always threw all my past up n my face with her holier than though atitude. But I busted my A#% to right all my wrongs. The only thing I regreted was the time lost with my daughters when they were babies. But I swore I would do right and never hurt my family again. So as my girls grew.. As did I. My oldest girl is 13 now and my youngest is 9. And they r my heart and soul. I have spent every second I could with them when I was given my second chance and because of my dedication to their lives I have two of the biggest daddy's girls. After their mom would bash me about something I did a million years ago and my girls would ask me about it I was honest and open with them. And they forgave me. Kids r so forgiving why can't we adults be like that?... anyway.. but my dedication and sacrifice has made me the man I am today. And when my 2 girls sat down with my ex a few weeks ago and told her that they wanna live with me and not her... I was the most gratifying moment of my life. All the bad that I had done early n their lives had just been erased from my memory. So moms or dad's that r beating ur selves up because of ur past and feel u can't make it right I'm here to tell u that u can. Trust me. Be open and honest with ur kids they'll listen and forgive. Just try with everything u are not to repeat those mistakes. Being a parent is the hardest job. But being a kid can be also. Your child is a piece of u. Take pride in that. Make them the person the deserve to be. Your past can't dictate who u can be.

Rage35's photo
Thu 09/11/14 09:08 PM
Wow finally peeps from my neck of the woods!! So folks can understand my southern draw!!

Rage35's photo
Thu 09/11/14 09:02 PM
Well men r woman with no kids r have never been around kids r whatevr the case may be usually don't want someone with kids I think. Maybe they're scared r intimidated. But for me a sin gle dad, have no problem finding Interest in a single mom. Because a woman that can do it by herself has my respect. And it shows me that they have good character. Cuz it's hard to be a single parent r woman. And if a man r a woman don't want to get to know u because of that then f#*% em!!!! U don't want them around you r your kids!

Rage35's photo
Wed 09/10/14 04:31 PM
Yea thanks I appreciate the advice. I wasn't saying that she made me a whinny little baby that needs to be told that I'm ok or that it was all her fault cuz lord knows I wasn't perfect. And I'm sure some of u know and understand what I'm trying to say. She was my high school sweetheart and I loved her deeply and she loved me. But towards the end by her actions I just felt like I wasn't good enough or she wasn't attracted to me r something like that. But her opinion of me meant alot. That's what I was sayin. But I have been rediscovering myself a little at a time. This is just so sureal. But I'm glad that there are places like this to get get honest advice. Cuz I'm new at this single stuff.

Rage35's photo
Wed 09/10/14 02:12 PM
Me and my ex went through a lot n the 15 years we were married. We lost a baby girl to cancer 7 yrs ago and we've had just tragedy after tragedy and just bad luck followed by bad luck. And now it's over. So my concern is that I don't know if i still love her or was I just used to her and comfortable? Cuz it's single stuff scares the s*#$ outta me. I haven't been si ngle since I was 19 and I'm 35 now. And I've aged a little since then lol!! But I am wiser though. I'm just trying to find that one someone that I can always be myself around you know? Someone who will look at me like there's no one they'd rather be with than me. Cuz I can love strong and unconditionally so I expect the same. But I have trust issues. And I don't want to punish and nice woman that's really in to me for what my ex did you know what I'm sayin? I guess she has made me a little insecure over the years.

Rage35's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:37 AM
I just became a single father. I'm a great guy that bad things have happened to, but my 2 girls make all those bad things irrelevant. I never knew how much u could love someone until I had my daughters. And all I've ever wanted to be is a good father. And I think I've done pretty good so far cuz both my girls want to live with their daddy instead of their mother. And that's usually the other way around. I was married for 15 years and have recently ended it. And to have both my girls tell me that , was the greatest feeling of accomplishment I've ever had. So I am workin on finding a place and getting settled so that I can make it happen for them. In the mean time I spend as much time as I can with them. I see them every day because their mother can't stop them from seeing me cuz both of my baby's are strong willed and will do what it takes to get to their daddy.

Rage35's photo
Wed 09/10/14 10:26 AM
Thank you so much. This is all new to me so I feel like a little baby learning to walk for the first time!

Rage35's photo
Wed 09/10/14 08:01 AM
Goin through a divorce. I've got 2 daughters that r my life. I have been. With my ex since I was 19 so I don't know how to be sin gle I'm a little broke right now and just look. To start over and learn to trust and find myself again.