Community > Posts By > DeKLiNe0fMaN
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Thu 02/05/09 09:48 PM
Thank you mountain and teddybear.
This was written during a time of significant change in my life, When i write I usually start with a personal emotion pick up a pen start at the beginning and when i get to the end ...stop. ;) Very rarely do i edit, i just start writing and release whats hurting inside to paper. If you like these i have two more poste "A tale worth a 1000 words "and "The Rescue" Look em' up and feel the writing. ![]() |
thanks for reading lurches sis and jason i appreciate it
6000 years
I came here to edit a post and apologize to jean but it looks like it's gone. so on that note my apologies to jeanniebean, for my inappropriate remark. U really pushed my buttons and i thank you for showing me something in my character weakness i needed to still work on
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6000 years
"but the fact is no matter what i say you will twist it to your anti-christ p.o.v. On with your worldy lives of shallow emptyness and shame on you who claim to be Christians that side with the enemy !"
You see right there you have a person who has set his life up as some kind of war with anyone who is not what he considers to be a "Christian" and probably with anyone who does not agree with his particular brand of Christian doctrine. He also assumes that anyone who does not live as he lives then must be leading "shallow empty worldly lives." How special. ![]() |
I'd have to say the newest release of "Halloween" by Rob Zombie. Rape,incest, sensless murder, fratricide,matricide,patricide all them other cides' Dont get me wrong i love a movie with a lil bit of the ultra violence, but in most cases there's a purpose( to squash evil,get the bad guy,war, etc)a sense of good and evil, where as in the rob zombie flick it's just pure immorality, with no other intentions than to promote the satanic lifestyle these types of bands promote to impressionable teenagers mostly too cowardly to accept responsibility. Welcome in a generation of God hating, blaming others, lazy, disrespectful, punk azz "hardcore" , poor me its my parents fault, "misunderstood" whiny, gonna shoot up the school cause you were mean to me in highschool,gonna experiment in homosexuality cause MTv said it was cool,......... *settles down* ![]() ![]() Hahah, it's just a movie. And it wasn't Rob Zombie's creation. Just his vision of John Carpenter's creation. You bring up some interesting points. Promoting a Satanic lifestyle? It's just a movie dude. No one's going to turn into Michael Myers because they saw the movie. You're referring to Black Metal, and Black Metal is really not all that popular, MTV wouldn't touch it because it doesn't get the teeny boppers attention. Yeah, those kids probably did shoot up the school because kids were mean to them. Very mean to them. Maybe if the mean kids parents would have taught them they don't poop gold, they wouldn't have been mean and karma wouldn't have bit them in the butt. You love some ultra-violence? That's not very Christian of you. A movie, is a movie. Regardless of the content. If a person can't discern reality from fantasy, be it violence or sex or drug use, THEY are the problem. Not the movie. Carry on. I know its just a movie and responsibility is on the parents, and as for " a bit of ultra violence" that is a quote from "A Clockwork Orange". all i meant is i'm not bashing violence in movies just the glorification of evil ![]() ![]() |
6000 years
The point in my post especially about my beliefs is not intended to attack anyone elses beliefs but to simply state my opinion on the subject. I have found myself on the defense in a couple threads now and bow out gracefully as not to create any animosity or strife. I don't hate anyone and everyones point is valid. Some things need a break to reconsider.
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Atheism Weak or Strong
Maybe i'm not quite understanding your P.O.V You're saying my belief in God threatens you to a point you feel you need to defend yourself? Why? And what do you mean by "basic understanding"? I'll try to explain it, by taking religion out of the equation. I'll use the cliche Rocket Science instead. If one of us, is knowledgeable in Rocket Science, and the other isn't, the argument on either side is not going to be a good one. If I am the one not up on my Rocket Science, you can pretty much slip anything half-truth or flat out lie by me, and I won't catch it. So, to bring religion back into the picture, For me to be able to bring up decent points, I need to have a knowledge of the religion(or religions) and the holy books that belong to them. I can't make a good argument against something I know nothing about. To use an example that (I hope) everyone will find absurd, If we are arguing, and you claim that Jesus road a T-Rex to the spot where he was crucified, If I don't have any knowledge of the bible, I can't dispute your claim. To answer whether a belief in God threatens me, I would say that yes a belief in god threatens me, but it does so more in the actions that come about from a belief in god. 9/11 is the best, recent example of this. The actions of those hijackers were motivated by their religious beliefs. And it is that ugliness that I feel threatened by. ![]() |
6000 years
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Tue 02/03/09 08:57 AM
"Hello? I'm a Christian. " Hello ![]() ![]() |
6000 years
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Tue 02/03/09 08:55 AM
So to say something written in the bible has been completely abandoned is anti God rhetoric. So, I take it you still stone to death "Heathens"(anyone who doesn't believe as you do), unruly children, and women who have had "relations" before their wedding night? Since the bible says you're supposed to do that. That's old Testament. Jesus states in the new testement Matthew 5:17-19 (King James Version) 17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. And as for public stoning? Well i'm all for public execution of criminals who commit murder, and adultery.(adultery in the sense of outside of the covenant of your own marriage) I'm too tired to continue this conversation right now, there are many verses in the bible to back my point , but the fact is no matter what i say you will twist it to your anti-christ p.o.v. On with your worldy lives of shallow emptyness and shame on you who claim to be Christians that side with the enemy ! ![]() |
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Tue 02/03/09 08:34 AM
Jean you responses have no facts, Who said anything about teaching religion ? Why is it acceptable to be gay in school but frowned upon if you claim you love Christ?. Yet widely accepted to proclaim any other religious belief. Read carefully b4 you respond.
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Tue 02/03/09 08:29 AM
The reason they don't teach this in schools is because they have more pressing doctrines to push, such as accepting homosexuality and hating Jesus.
DeKLiNe0fMaN: How about instead of claiming that they are pushing us to accept homosexuality, say that they are trying to get us to accept people for who they are without hate and prejudice. And instead of claiming that they are pushing us to "hate Jesus" (which they are not doing!) why don't you realize that they are attempting to keep this a free country where the government does not sponsor or push one specific religion down the throats of our children? Huh? ![]() You're correct this is a free country to choose. That is unless of course you choose to acknowledge Jesus in school where you might get expelled. And as far as homosexuality.. thank you for proving my point. I don't hate anyone, but even from a scientific p.o.v homosexuality has no use for furthering the human race and while i have no evidence to prove it, i would safely guess that a high 90% of homosexuals were abused as children, or suffered some traumatic relationship crisis. Nobody is born gay. to assume that is to A. Call God a liar (which is easy for the non believer) or B. Claim evolution is flawed in humans. Just because i don't agree with homosexual BEHAVIOR, doesn't mean i'm hating or prejudiced. But if a way of existence/survival has absolutely no positive use in the human race other than not wanting to hurt someones feelings or call them on inappropriate behavior then rock on politically correctness. But this is a direct result of a fatherless generation. This country is lacking men and filling up with boys who are taught to blame everyone else for their actions. ![]() To make the unscientific ascertain that homosexuals are not born gay is ridiculous and irresponsible. If you did a study, I think you would find that all homosexuals were NOT ABUSED AS CHILDREN. Serial stone cold killers, might be found to have been abused or neglected more than gays. Also, there are many children being born that are physically both male and female. You can't deny that does not happen because it is a FACT. Many of these children are physically altered AT BIRTH. Therefore the doctor or parents are making the choice at to whether that child will be male or female. WHAT IF THEY ARE WRONG? What if they make a child female that turns out to be more male? I think you are hobbled by your religious upbringing and you are not using your logic and you are not being fair or understanding. And i didn't say ALL homosexuals, and since were on the "if" subject, i better not move next to an airport, what if an airplane falls on my house. And i don't consider my religious beliefs to be hobbling although i can understand why they hobble you. |
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Tue 02/03/09 08:19 AM
That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot? guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards "Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools. Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths. Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world. Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards. Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve. |
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Tue 02/03/09 08:15 AM
The reason they don't teach this in schools is because they have more pressing doctrines to push, such as accepting homosexuality and hating Jesus.
DeKLiNe0fMaN: How about instead of claiming that they are pushing us to accept homosexuality, say that they are trying to get us to accept people for who they are without hate and prejudice. And instead of claiming that they are pushing us to "hate Jesus" (which they are not doing!) why don't you realize that they are attempting to keep this a free country where the government does not sponsor or push one specific religion down the throats of our children? Huh? ![]() You're correct this is a free country to choose. That is unless of course you choose to acknowledge Jesus in school where you might get expelled. And as far as homosexuality.. thank you for proving my point. I don't hate anyone, but even from a scientific p.o.v homosexuality has no use for furthering the human race and while i have no evidence to prove it, i would safely guess that a high 90% of homosexuals were abused as children, or suffered some traumatic relationship crisis. Nobody is born gay. to assume that is to A. Call God a liar (which is easy for the non believer) or B. Claim evolution is flawed in humans. Just because i don't agree with homosexual BEHAVIOR, doesn't mean i'm hating or prejudiced. But if a way of existence/survival has absolutely no positive use in the human race other than not wanting to hurt someones feelings or call them on inappropriate behavior then rock on politically correctness. But this is a direct result of a fatherless generation. This country is lacking men and filling up with boys who are taught to blame everyone else for their actions. ![]() ![]() |
Atheism Weak or Strong
On that note might i add the fact that athiest and or agnostics will exert and argue at great lengths against something they claim they don't even believe in.
There are a number of Atheists out there(myself included) who were raised as a child of religious parents, since my parents are Christian, I was raised on the "teachings" of the bible. Also, to be able to defend ourselves in the arguments about god, we still need to have a knowledge of all the religions, because you cannot argue for or against that which you do not know. What i don't understand ink is why you feel you need to defend yourself against a God you don't believe in. Perhaps you should look back at your "teachers" and ask yourself if they are living what they are teaching. and not base you entire belief structure on what may add up to poor teaching. And just because i don't agree with you doesn't mean i'm saying your wrong. Because that kind of prideful assumptions destroys all hope of communication. It's not a need to defend ourselves in front of a god we don't believe exists, it's a need to be able to defend ourselves against the people who do believe that a god exists. If I don't have a basic understanding(at least) of the bible, then when someone makes the claim that they get their morals/values from the bible, I don't have a response. Mabey i'm not quite understanding your P.O.V You're saying my belief in God threatens you to a point you feel you need to defend yourself? Why? And what do you mean by "basic understanding"? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
On that note might i add the fact that athiest and or agnostics will exert and argue at great lengths against something they claim they don't even believe in.
There are a number of Atheists out there(myself included) who were raised as a child of religious parents, since my parents are Christian, I was raised on the "teachings" of the bible. Also, to be able to defend ourselves in the arguments about god, we still need to have a knowledge of all the religions, because you cannot argue for or against that which you do not know. What i don't understand ink is why you feel you need to defend yourself against a God you don't believe in. Perhaps you should look back at your "teachers" and ask yourself if they are living what they are teaching. and not base you entire belief structure on what may add up to poor teaching. And just because i don't agree with you doesn't mean i'm saying your wrong. Because that kind of prideful assumptions destroys all hope of communication. |
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Tue 02/03/09 07:25 AM
Perhaps then, a problem is a thing or situation that you personally can't or don't want to deal with. If you have a problem and don't realize it, is it still a problem? Yes I think so. For example if you have been targeted by a serial killer and you don't know it, or if you are turning the corner on a mountain pass and and avalanche of rocks are tumbling down the mountain. I would say that those are real problems. WTF ? speculative serial killer worries, possible avalanches? Perhaps you should just become a shut-in order psychotropic drugs online to help you cope with false fears and stay nice and safe in your dark lil' apartment with the blinds closed the T.V unplugged. Then when they find your body in an apartment filled with random defecation and a plague of anorexic cats they can say " there are worse ways to go like being crushed by falling rocks running from Dahmer" JMO ![]() |
Atheism Weak or Strong
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Tue 02/03/09 07:11 AM
Look around you. You all want to put down the bible. It is true thier was a day when atrocities happened. In todays world where the Holy Bible is held as a guidence book you have the freedom to say and speak what you want. Just like on here. In a communists or socialists country you have to watch what you say. Because at the top is an Athiests and he has decided he has total control. So why don't Athiests and non believers flock to Russia to where they won't have to hear anything about the Scriptures? Blessings...Miles On that note might i add the fact that athiest and or agnostics will exert and argue at great lengths against something they claim they don't even believe in. That to me is like arguing 1 + 1 = 3 ....I don't believe it so why would i tell you you're right or wrong if you believe it ? ![]() ![]() |
6000 years
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Tue 02/03/09 06:52 AM
I have a question... I don't understand how people use the bible to justify that the earth is only 6000 years old? ....corresponding to the six days of Creation, on the grounds that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). This view had been almost completely abandoned by 1997,[citation needed] six thousand years after 4004 BC. Some biblical scholars, as well as a number of evangelical Christians, declare their literal interpretation of the Bible and a 6000-year-old Earth. Abandoned by who? No true follower of God and Christ would abandon anything written in the bible, and those that do are putting "God on a shelf" so to speak and in fact creating their own god. It is written Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. So to say something written in the bible has been completely abandoned is anti God rhetoric. And to say "some biblical scholars,...a number of of evangelical Christians" is a vague generalization. By no means am i pushing my doctrine of faith, to each must decide for themselves but i will defend against lies and propaganda. BTW if its written in wikki it must be true, because it's not like anyone can just tamper with facts from that site ![]() ![]() |
colbert report
My favorite quote from colbert report after obama is elected... "now that racism is OVER !"
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Lets not forget Alice in Wonderland... Eat some hallucinogens wander round' the forest clueless till you realize you're lost and your trip takes a turn for the worse.
The supposed message: Life is carefree in a daydream of imagination. Actual Message: Drugs are fun as hell,jump on-board the magical mystery tour but if $hit hits the fan, just ride it out, it will all be over in a few hours ![]() |