Community > Posts By > DeKLiNe0fMaN

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:01 PM
Good grief after a minute of reading i had a comment... but then holy smokes when i scrolled down it went on and on... sorry not that interested. but what has been on my heart is the fact that people want to dismiss the bible based on timeline history writing... are we not still writing facts about the civil war over 2hundred years later?... guess our history books are lies cause none of tyhe writers actually witnessed it.

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Wed 03/11/09 10:29 AM
I wasn''t condemning your beliefs because you really didn't state any belief structure. Reincarnation isn't a belief it's just another way to justify our fear of death. And thinking that you lived some past life is just as absurd as believing Jesus was raised from the dead. But that is where faith comes in. My intention wasn't to attack you but after re reading my post it may have seemed that way. So i apologize for that. My intention was to have you re evaluate what you had said because to me it was full of contradiction. There is proof that Jesus walked the earth and a written account of his miracles. Where as a written account doesn't prove Him to be a diety several people seemed to feel the need to record the history. I'm not here to say i'm right and your wrong, go with whatever floats your boat and helps you get through the day. And if you're gonna decide not to be a part of a religion based on a little opposing belief, than frankly my friend you just proved your rebellious attitude towards anything you don't agree with. So I suggest you start your own religion where you can make the rules up as you go along. Here's something believable for you. If you put water in a plastic canteen and hike into the desert, there will come a point of soul searching as you are dying. Then you can "pray" to the canteen to save you and it will. Now you will have an idol that saved your life and no one will be able to tell you different. btw "shave your facee clown"? i don't get it, is that white wanna be gangster hip hop thing?

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:25 PM
This is a tough site to be a Christian on, so it's nice to see not everyone on mingle is a God hater. Drugs, alcohol, sex, lying, cheating, hows the verse go.... 9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11AND THAT IS WHAT SOME OF YOU WERE. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Lord knows that's what i was. But praise the LORD for GRACE !

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:03 PM
Edited by DeKLiNe0fMaN on Tue 03/10/09 11:05 PM
" A higher power made us(not God)" wtf does that mean? u believe in a creator just as long as it isn't god? which god ? Many people call many different things god. The latest cool thing in this country and is widely popular on this site is to hate on the God of Christians. Is that the god who couldn't have possibly made us? Or are you so wrapped up in your own rebellion that you don't even know whos ideas your trying to claim, because obviously you don't have any of your own. I love how your open to be " persuaded" into any religion, i hope a suicide bomber doesn't befriend you. And you're right it should be believable like your philosophy of a generouse beings creating us for sh!ts and giggles and giving us many lives to cross paths on.. lmao.. Dude put down the bong and step away from your mtv realty show dvd collection.

P.S your not crazy your nuckin futs

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:44 PM

I agree Adam I posted a similar threat stating that if i spend my whole life believing in God and Im wrong then i just die and thats it but what if you spend your whole life believing there is no God and youre wrong, then that would suck. So my worst case scenario is living after the teachings of Jesus and helping my fellow man and in the end mabey ill be remembered as a good man. but athiest/agnostic worse case scenario is eternal damnation.. hmmmm leeme think which path i wanna choose........................:angel:

But what if the Muslims were right all along and you are damned anyway?
By that logic you'd have to follow every religion just to be safe.

Or atleast the ones that promise eternal damnation for not believing. I can only think of two...
My statement is merely a reference to my life and what is according to my beliefs. My belief says heaven or hell one or the other, the opposite being agnostic/atheist which isnt religion at all therefor im not attacking a belief in non-belief. Where as usual any statement made on here "pro-God" is used as a platform for those who dont have any faith in God to attack our belief structure. Personally i'm not Jesus i'm human and i have alot to work on in perfecting my walk with God. I couldn't really care any less what religion,faith or belief system anyone else operates on or lack of for that matter. The fact is alot of worthless wasted effort is expended in trying to prove to christians there are other faiths and beliefs out there and that maybe our isn't right. We know where we stand with our faith and won't be moved where as most of you don't have a clue where you stand and that why you jump onboard with whatever religion or belief or rebellion to a belief structure that suits you at any emotional given moment. At least 5 years from now my faith in my religion will have been molded and grown stronger, whereas agnostics/athiest will be in exactly the same place they are today.... unconformed faithless people just waiting to die.

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:17 PM
I'm going to attempt to liken this question to a gun metaphor.... Its said that guns kill people, when in fact its the people using the guns that kill people. Or even more specific its the bullets that kill people directly or indirectly through complications such as infection. So the same is said for those who kill in the name of religion i think.

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:12 PM
I agree Adam I posted a similar threat stating that if i spend my whole life believing in God and Im wrong then i just die and thats it but what if you spend your whole life believing there is no God and youre wrong, then that would suck. So my worst case scenario is living after the teachings of Jesus and helping my fellow man and in the end mabey ill be remembered as a good man. but athiest/agnostic worse case scenario is eternal damnation.. hmmmm leeme think which path i wanna choose........................:angel:

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:29 PM
Damn Skippy I did it ! I used the lil damnit

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:26 PM
experiments absolve morality

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:20 PM
I think my biological programs are running on torrent downloaded rips installed from ghost iso drives. If i upgrade someone will know my life is a bootleg. And if murder is an inherited trait we're all on the brink of homicide.
We are earths plague.
Our brains tell us what to do, our bodies are merely vessels, we are adaptive learning computers. The firewall is our conscience, our ego's are the hacks.

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:06 PM
Can you say " Trench Coat Mafia" hahahaahaahhaha
Smoke a joint , hug a tree, jerk off and watch "Beaches"(the movie)... you'll be ok waving

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:00 PM
I think we're all embedded with a sense of right and wrong. By that i mean there are decisions in life where we ask ourselves the above mentioned question, what we choose is irrelevant the truth is having weighed both sides of the coin we make a decision.
So i would say the nature of the universe is accepting accountability in any given direction of motion.

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 10:49 PM
I personally take my suffering and pain in life as lessons for the good or bad. Hindsight on such things as broken relationships made me aware of my character defect in the situation and motivated me not to make the same mistakes.

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 10:38 PM

who determines what is smart and what is stupid?

Smart people decide and stupid people agree lol frustrated

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 10:37 PM
I often find myself in conflict or at war with my logical side and my belief structure. They seem to clash alot but the more i read into such personal divisions i tend to liken it to "business is business and pleasure is pleasure" Sometimes i just have to accept that some areas in my life are guided by faith in my beliefs while others are broken down into logical arguments. That was a good read thanks dude.

P.S if you know your weird doesn't that absolve you? Kinda like a sane man can not really claim insanity and contrarily an insane man would claim sanity.
I can usually count on you for an unbiased opinion on interesting material bushido :thumbsup: keep up the good fight all will be reveald just keep diggin'

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Fri 02/27/09 10:35 AM
Have to agree with a nail

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Thu 02/26/09 11:36 PM
If a NASCAR event airs 3pm est, and 1pm mst, what time does air if your watching it on a turn dial b/w television set built into an apollo space craft resting serenely on the north east polar cap of the dark side of the moon ? :angel:

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Thu 02/26/09 11:26 PM
What was the last bid bob?..... ok I bid $1:laughing:

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Thu 02/26/09 11:24 PM
Mingle2 :laughing:

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Thu 02/26/09 11:21 PM

that vicodin sucks for killing pain.
Yea but it kicks azz for killin time happy

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