Community > Posts By > suncandy25

suncandy25's photo
Sat 02/28/09 03:58 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

You Might Be A Redneck If . . .

. . . you were acquitted for murdering your first wife after she threw out your Elvis 45�s.

. . . you think watching professional wrestling is foreplay.

. . . your front porch collapses and four dogs get killed.

. . . you no longer drink wine ever since the screw cap got caught up your nose.

. . . you think that Dom Perignon is a Mafia leader.

. . . that billboard that says, �Say No To Crack� reminds you to pull up your jeans.

. . . your wife�s hairdo was ever ruined by a ceiling fan.

. . . you go to your family reunions looking for a date.

. . . you think a Volvo is part of a woman�s anatomy.

. . . your Junior/Senior Prom had a Daycare.

suncandy25's photo
Fri 02/27/09 11:30 PM

i find them to be sexy on a man.

What the bad suit or the comb over?

suncandy25's photo
Fri 02/27/09 11:29 PM

:smile: i do like to keep people on their toes be seeing you

your not keeping anything a secret

suncandy25's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:00 PM

Ice Cube - F#$% the police.
Dope has a better version of that song:wink:

suncandy25's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:20 AM

i have been to hawaii a lot of times but it's only for work so my next time i go i like to take my girlfriend but i wood like to go up there for 2 weeks but not sure what is the best time to do this in the year, i wood like to see a lot and do a lot but with out all the people, and i don't went it to cost us a lot to go,

can you help me out some

Anytime is a good time to go to hawii, if your looking for off peak time (cost efficient) go in the mid to late summer months.

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:01 PM

When do you think its right to divorce?

When you have no malice towards the other person then you know its time.

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:53 PM

I'd like to sucker punch some of these "mothers" at my kiddo's b-ball game. They seem to think their child is god and therefore they have the right to b*tch and moan about the other kids. They are KIDS for gods sakes. Yes, be competitive, enjoy the game and get excited, but GET OVER YOURSELF already!!! The world will still keep revolving around it's axis even if little Mary Jane doesn't get to play every freaking second. And also, quit trying to live your life through your kids. Just because you feel like a worn out has been, it doesn't mean you can reinvent yourself by pushing your child to do more, more, more!

Phew, that felt good.

Pay attention people. This is a righteous whine. I say go ahead and sucker punch them. Or sit next to one of them at the next game and accidentally spill your drink. What a shame if that ketchup you have on your sandwich accidentally gets on their blouse.

Your so badddd.....devil I love it!!!!! Sounds like something I would do myself.

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:46 PM

i'm still here.. just had to deal with an upsetting phone call that left me in tears... this night is just really working out for me huh? My Best friend just left work so she's on her way over to help me out and thankfully the dinner i just made won't go to waste, still doesnt help that i'm crying (not over the guy)

I hope everything works out for ya.

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:39 PM

I think the OP is gone... hopefully because HE showed up offering his apologies flowerforyou

maybe so

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:10 PM
Have you thought about running a back ground check on him?

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:07 PM

he's 25, he lives down in penn grove nj.. and he didn't give me his house number because it kinda wasn't needed, i mean the whole time we were talking he was in iraq... and then he's been calling me from like.. his friends phone's everytime he calls.. i mean he's been in iraq for a while now and he's catching up with other friends... but atleast he takes the time to call even when he's with other people
Sounds to me that he's usuing other people's phones so you have no way of contacting him, which means he dosn't want you to know any more than he's told you.

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:05 PM

I don't know his house number and he doesnt have a cell phone (when they're across seas they're not allowed to have their cell phones) so he's been calling me from differant numbers each time he calls

R U sure he's really in Iraq, the cell phone story isn't exactly ture?

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 08:08 AM

I can't believe all the "peaches" on here come on ladies lets get original. Can't use the excuse "well I'm in Georgia", if that were the case where is "I can't drive" and "Needs some teeth" not that I'm interested in meeting either of them but it would be funny. Just trying to lighten the mood here and start the conversation so keep the flames to a minimum... And my apologies to the real "Peaches" on here.
That could be said about the men also :wink:

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 07:35 AM
With a new year brings a new beginning, I can't help to be a little optimistic.

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 07:32 AM
It's a great movie, I suggest everyone see it.

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 07:31 AM

Oh Mirror,I cant even begin to answer this in an acceptable, way.The people I thought would be there for me, have been a big disappointment.Then there have been others that have turned out to be a something special,which surprised me...I think whats more important, is how they evaluate me?......

watched a movie on tv the other day "Crash" - has a lot to do with the comment...but many of the characters complete the loop, i.e. good to bad to good again..

The meaning behind the movie "Crash" was to show that every one has prejudices.

suncandy25's photo
Tue 02/24/09 07:08 AM

I don't

you will when you get a little older:wink:

suncandy25's photo
Sun 02/22/09 06:00 PM

Ok, here it goes......I watched a show on Discovery Health last night that had a debate of if a woman can ejaculate or not. It was found to be a possible thing.

Knowing that.....will men now be nervous that they will shoot their eye out?

Nahhhh....most men don't know what the hell they are doing down there anyway.

Besides....if he has his EYE in line to get it poked out that way....he REALLY doesn't know what he's doing.

Amen to thatohwell

suncandy25's photo
Thu 02/19/09 08:07 PM

Depends on who it is, and what i'm doing, if i'm busy i'll hang up, but i never hold over a minute...hey, it's my time...they can talk to someone else, on their time.
I'll remember that next time you put me on hold.....ohwell

suncandy25's photo
Thu 02/19/09 07:35 PM

I think I found the girl for him.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl