Community > Posts By > dicimus01

dicimus01's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:02 AM
Hi Tina

dicimus01's photo
Sun 08/31/08 06:33 PM

it's def. not cool! I went to jail all weekend. I just told them to take me. I'm just so stressed about this. It could be life changing for me!

If you need tpo drink get help if you don't why bother. Your just pissing your money and life away.

dicimus01's photo
Sun 08/31/08 06:28 PM

Has anyone mentioned she is a fisherman

and a hunter.

or would that be fisher

dicimus01's photo
Sun 08/31/08 06:12 PM
you forgot ike

dicimus01's photo
Sun 08/31/08 06:06 PM
Has anyone mentioned she is a fisherman

dicimus01's photo
Fri 08/29/08 07:18 PM

That explains why she's a feminist.
laugh She's notlaugh She's a Republican. Being a feminist is more than being a woman. flowerforyou

bigsmile McCain would LOSE republican votes if he picked a feminist.bigsmile

You have a tendency to demonize those who disagree with you. That's sad really. I suppose all Republicans are also racists? Any other slanders you want to use to describe half the nation?
:smile: Republicans love America but hate half the people in it.:smile:

I'm truly sorry that you are so blinded by hate. Maybe you are trying to be funny? I don't know, maybe you really believe this stuff. If you truly believe this way, then you might want to see if there are medicines which can reduce the number of delusions you experience.
flowerforyou I wasnt the first person to say that. Itsa quote from John Stewart. And it seems to be true because Republicans are against half the groups in this country (gays,abortion rights activists,ACLU,PETA,the media,etc.) It just seems like they are against everyone.flowerforyou

Painting a group with a giant brush is the perfect way to demonize and eventually illegalize their beliefs. You and John Stewart learned well from Hitler.

And would that be the stuff Hitler learned from the state of Michigan

dicimus01's photo
Fri 08/29/08 07:03 PM
Edited by dicimus01 on Fri 08/29/08 07:05 PM

Sarah Palin was the point guard for the Wasilla High School Warriors, in Alaska. Her nickname is "Sarah Barracuda".

Sarah Palin finished second in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant and played the flute.

Sarah Palin served as Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Population 6,715

Sarah Palin has been Governor of Alaska a little over a year.

Population of Alaska is 626,972

McCain could not have made a better choice for his DOOMED campaign.

Ypu missed the part where she stopped the $400,000,000.00 Pork Bridge to nowhere or forced the Big Oil to pay taxes, or the part where a Private Company got the contract to build the new gas pipeline and not big oil. Or the part where she has an 89% approval rating or is the most popular Governer in the Country. Well I quess those aren't negative so they don't count.

Ted Stevens doesn't like her either.

dicimus01's photo
Thu 08/28/08 07:13 AM
My friend stepped over his power takeoff. He was slightly impaired. Now he's disabled. Friends don't let friends operate Machines drunk.

dicimus01's photo
Wed 08/06/08 09:37 AM
We did go in unprovoked and blow their infastructure all to hell. Sooo maybe we are obligated to spend some money to rebuild it.

dicimus01's photo
Wed 08/06/08 07:41 AM
So when your profile says friends, it means what?
Your not going to reply. If you don't want E-mails just say so. Even a blank page shows some respect.

dicimus01's photo
Wed 08/06/08 07:22 AM
Been there. Took a Picture and had it put on a shirt.

dicimus01's photo
Fri 07/04/08 09:47 AM

Spare the rod, Spoil the child.
The quote reads"Spare the rod Hate the child"

dicimus01's photo
Fri 07/04/08 09:35 AM

flowerforyou If a person supports Israel so much then perhaps they should move there.flowerforyou

EXCUSE me, do you have a problem with Israel? I mean, after all, you claim to be a Christian, Christianity stems directly from Israel. Does this mean you have a problem with Jesus Christ? But, you claim to be a Christian, I just do not understand................huh


even Jesus wasn't a christian

dicimus01's photo
Fri 07/04/08 09:30 AM

Let's see, the latest flip flop had something to do with campaign funding......
well that is right since macCain borrowed money aqgainst the federal funds he couldn't just opt out

dicimus01's photo
Thu 06/26/08 09:33 AM
Edited by dicimus01 on Thu 06/26/08 09:34 AM

worthless or of little use

laugh laugh laugh Sorryoops
sometimes we just have to learn how to live with things beyond our controlfrustrated

dicimus01's photo
Thu 06/26/08 09:21 AM
worthless or of little use

dicimus01's photo
Thu 06/26/08 09:18 AM
What the heck just e-mail it to everyone except the Mods

dicimus01's photo
Thu 06/26/08 01:00 AM

biggrin me personally im sorry but i dont like the idea of having a president that will not even salute our flag! and like it or not this country was founded by christians and to me its a smack in the face to all that have fought and died (God rest their souls, and Bless their families) and do fight for all we Americans believe in, with me its not a racial issue at some might believe, but it is a Proud to be an AMERICAN issue and to have a President that will NOT salute OUR national flag would be a disgrace! again please dont argue everyone has the right to their own opinions (one of our freedoms). I was just curious how others felt!

I'm not taking side BUT unless you are in uniform with a cover you do not salute you stand at attention or put your hand over your heart during the National Anthem. In this country that was stolen by christians

dicimus01's photo
Thu 06/26/08 12:13 AM

Wrong... Maybe you have never been to a reservation. Only a small percentage practice Christianity. Most still believe in the earth and the ways of there ancestors.

Obama...only cause theres not other choice...christians founded this country...interesting....didn't know the american indians were christian....learn something new everydaylaugh laugh laugh

Many are Christians now.bigsmile

The American Indians that I have met didn't live on a reservation. But..they were Christian. Btw, my comment was a feeble attempt at a joke.

A lot of my people live on the reservation and they are not christian. Although their are some that didn't escape the christian prison schools, and the brain washing took.

dicimus01's photo
Thu 06/26/08 12:03 AM

I will never understand the reasoning behind this decision. Speaking as a child rape victim, I have to live out a lifetime sentence of the horror that was done to me. I wished from the day it started (it lasted for 5 years straight from the time I was 8 years old til I was 13) that he would die. Instead, he got 18 months in prison.

It's been 29 years since it started and the laws have changed somewhat, but how fair is it that a child rapist can get out of jail after they serve a 5, 10, or even 25 year sentence and go on to live a "normal" life while the victim has to suffer for the rest of his/her life. The constant horrific memories of a touch, a smell or even silence are embedded in our minds and we are forced to live out a life time sentence of those memories. It never goes away, and it will never go away. When will they see that the death penalty is the only justice for this horrific crime?

I'm also a victim, I've served 48 years of my life sentance, imposed on my because I was a little boy under the control of a pervert. Every Thursday at 2:00 pm I spend an hour with a PTSD Theropist. He got out of County Jail after 30 days.

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