Community > Posts By > dicimus01

dicimus01's photo
Tue 07/27/10 06:53 PM
Edited by dicimus01 on Tue 07/27/10 07:46 PM
Ol Hose B Filipe Calderone the president of Mexico did an interview a couple weeks ago. I'm looking for it and will get back to you.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon denounced as "racial discrimination" an Arizona law giving state and local police the authority to arrest suspected illegal immigrants and vowed to use all means at his disposal to defend Mexican nationals against a law he called a "violation of human rights."

But the legislation, signed April 23 by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, is similar to Reglamento de la Ley General de Poblacion — the General Law on Population enacted in Mexico in April 2000, which mandates that federal, local and municipal police cooperate with federal immigration authorities in that country in the arrests of illegal immigrants.

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to "economic or national interests," violate Mexican law, are not "physically or mentally healthy" or lack the "necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents.

dicimus01's photo
Tue 07/27/10 06:38 PM
The Earth is Flat and Gallileo should have been eviserated, the earth revolves around the sun. What a bunch of BS. My Grampa said we didn't land on the moon.

Infinite Possibilies ? Must mean it's fact.

dicimus01's photo
Tue 07/27/10 04:35 PM
Unless you are from the US. Then they throw you in Jail and your family is blackmailed for months til the State Department can get you released.

dicimus01's photo
Tue 07/27/10 04:12 PM
After months of investigations he arrests them for felony ID theft

dicimus01's photo
Wed 07/21/10 12:23 AM
She has turned off Photo Enforcement. Now when someone breaks the speed limit some cop is going to ask the poor slob for ID.

dicimus01's photo
Wed 07/21/10 12:13 AM
In 1968 I was told I would have carry ID to show Law Enforcement.State ID and a Draft Card. In 1969 They took my Draft Card at R and O.
I've been stopped while driving, the only thing that has changed since 1966 is now you have to show a Photo Drivers License and Proof of Insurance.
If I don't have my License with me he doesn't say have a nice day and send me down the road. I have to a least prove who I am before he gives me my ticket.
Lets take a short poll here. Who thinks the cop should let me just drive away. Who thinks the cop should verify who I am.

dicimus01's photo
Sat 04/24/10 09:13 AM
One of the chain stores here had to replace 200 employees today because the illegals were fired.

dicimus01's photo
Sat 04/24/10 09:09 AM
Edited by dicimus01 on Sat 04/24/10 09:10 AM

What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home?slaphead

The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided????

The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status.

ok,, if a crime has been committed.. status seems more reasonable,,, what does the law say about what constitutes 'status' and at what times do we have to carry this? Will showing my drivers license be enough and does this mean I have to carry ID on me at all times(whether driving or not)?
I have been required to carry ID since I signed up for the draft. IT'S THE LAW

dicimus01's photo
Sat 04/24/10 09:05 AM
I don't have an original birth certificate, I have a copy of it. The state of Oregon has the original. They send me a copy. Hey does that mean it's not real. Does that mean I'm not a citizen. Does that mean I'm not me. I may be having an identity crisis. Now I live in Arizona will they take my copy as proof. Where does it end.

dicimus01's photo
Sat 04/24/10 08:46 AM

What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home?slaphead

The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided????

The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status.

dicimus01's photo
Sat 02/14/09 06:50 PM

a perfectly timed four- ship fly by of F-16s from the 63rd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt. Jeremy Fresques.

A lie! Unless those F-16's flew over his grave and all the way to AZ.

Capt Fresques, and the other 4 US airmen, God rest their souls, were buried in the same casket with the first Iraqi national to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Separate funerals with remains that could be identified were held earlier by each of the airmen's families.

dicimus01's photo
Sat 02/14/09 06:41 PM
If Lincoln could be President and sleep with Buck Tailed Lieutenants in the White House.... Oh yah that's different. Like footsie in the airport or chasing congressional pages. Maybe if they registered as republicans it would be okay. But then they wouldn't serve would they.

dicimus01's photo
Sat 02/14/09 06:15 PM
This is outstanding.. -----

Luke AFB is west of Phoenix and is rapidly being surrounded by civilization that complains about the noise from the base and its planes, forgetting that it was there long before they were. A certain lieutenant colonel at Luke AFB deserves a big pat on the back. Apparently, an individual who lives somewhere near Luke AFB wrote the local paper complaining about a group of F-16s that disturbed his/her day at the mall.

When that individual read the response from a Luke AFB officer, it must Have stung quite a bit.

The complaint:
'Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base:

Whom do we thank for the morning air show? Last Wednesday, at precisely 9:11 A.M, a tight formation of four F-16 jets made a low pass over Arrowhead Mall, continuing west over Bell Road at approximately 500 feet. Imagine our good fortune! Do the Tom Cruise-wannabes feel we need this wake-up call, or were they trying to impress the cashiers at Mervyns early bird special?

Any response would be appreciated.

The response:

Regarding 'A wake-up call from Luke's jets' On June 15, at precisely 9:12 a.m., a perfectly timed four- ship fly by of F-16s from the 63rd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt. Jeremy Fresques. Capt Fresques was an Air Force officer who was previously stationed at Luke Air Force Base and was killed in Iraq on May 30, Memorial Day.

At 9 a. m. on June 15, his family and friends gathered at Sunland Memorial Park in Sun City to mourn the loss of a husband, son and friend. Based on the letter writer's recount of the fly by, and because of the jet noise, I'm sure you didn't hear the 21-gun salute, the playing of taps, or my words to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques as I gave them their son's flag on behalf of the President of the United States and all those veterans and servicemen and women who understand the sacrifices they have endured..

A four-ship fly by is a display of respect the Air Force gives to those who give their lives in defense of freedom. We are professional aviators and take our jobs seriously, and on June 15 what the letter writer witnessed was four officers lining up to pay their ultimate respects.

The letter writer asks, 'Whom do we thank for the morning air show? The 56th Fighter Wing will make the call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and parents of Capt Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives.

Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you....Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr.


dicimus01's photo
Sat 02/14/09 06:13 PM

Luke AFB is west of Phoenix and is rapidly being surrounded by civilization that complains about the noise from the base and its planes, forgetting that it was there long before they were. A certain lieutenant colonel at Luke AFB deserves a big pat on the back. Apparently, an individual who lives somewhere near Luke AFB wrote the local paper complaining about a group of F-16s that disturbed his/her day at the mall.

When that individual read the response from a Luke AFB officer, it must Have stung quite a bit.

The complaint:
'Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base:

Whom do we thank for the morning air show? Last Wednesday, at precisely 9:11 A.M, a tight formation of four F-16 jets made a low pass over Arrowhead Mall, continuing west over Bell Road at approximately 500 feet. Imagine our good fortune! Do the Tom Cruise-wannabes feel we need this wake-up call, or were they trying to impress the cashiers at Mervyns early bird special?

Any response would be appreciated.

The response:

Regarding 'A wake-up call from Luke's jets' On June 15, at precisely 9:12 a.m., a perfectly timed four- ship fly by of F-16s from the 63rd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt. Jeremy Fresques. Capt Fresques was an Air Force officer who was previously stationed at Luke Air Force Base and was killed in Iraq on May 30, Memorial Day.

At 9 a. m. on June 15, his family and friends gathered at Sunland Memorial Park in Sun City to mourn the loss of a husband, son and friend. Based on the letter writer's recount of the fly by, and because of the jet noise, I'm sure you didn't hear the 21-gun salute, the playing of taps, or my words to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques as I gave them their son's flag on behalf of the President of the United States and all those veterans and servicemen and women who understand the sacrifices they have endured..

A four-ship fly by is a display of respect the Air Force gives to those who give their lives in defense of freedom. We are professional aviators and take our jobs seriously, and on June 15 what the letter writer witnessed was four officers lining up to pay their ultimate respects.

The letter writer asks, 'Whom do we thank for the morning air show? The 56th Fighter Wing will make the call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and parents of Capt Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives.

Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you....Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr.


dicimus01's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:50 PM

gimme gimme gimme. notice how she didnt ask for a job, or education to get a better job. no no no. working is too hard. she demands a house! a freaking house!!! not a job so she can earn a title of home owner like so many americans have done by working. nope she wants a house for free!!

Sounded to me she would settle for a bigger car

dicimus01's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:46 PM

dicimus01's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:43 PM

No problem with the legalization of pot. However I personally still wouldn't use. Especially after reading latest study regarding link between pot use and testicular cancer.

Well thats NUTZ

dicimus01's photo
Tue 02/10/09 05:19 PM
If you take your left hand, put it behind your back, just within your line of sight. That is how close your death is to you. Always fight the greatest fight of your life today...

dicimus01's photo
Tue 02/10/09 05:05 PM

I'm present....

I have compassion... I have empathy...

I won't suffer fools lightly.

A vast proportion of this site could do with a kick up the arse.... living in pink fluffy sugar coated illusions.
aho my post was in no way aimed at you.

dicimus01's photo
Tue 02/10/09 05:00 PM
Then too, there are those who are not emotionally present.

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