Community > Posts By > gardenforge

gardenforge's photo
Tue 09/25/07 09:57 PM
Ah my reputation preceeds me. happy

gardenforge's photo
Tue 09/25/07 01:48 PM
Invisible, I didn't know there was a difference, thanks for pointing that out laugh

gardenforge's photo
Tue 09/25/07 01:44 PM
or dumbass

gardenforge's photo
Tue 09/25/07 01:16 PM
voile look up a couple posts on this thread. he called someone a dumbs**t

gardenforge's photo
Tue 09/25/07 01:14 PM
Random, I think some of them guys on the left had one wheel out where the sand is soft laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 10:21 PM
Catchme those were hillarious. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 10:16 PM

people can espress any point of view they want here. You can agree or disagree with it as you like but you seem only to be able to spew profanity and make personal attacks on people who post here. I told you once that it is better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt, but obviously that message was lost on you. Further, profanity is a small mind's feble attempt at self expression. Clean up your act.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 05:39 PM
I actually saw one of these things a while ago on TV it had a Australian accent and was doing a commercial for a car insurance company. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 04:38 PM
gee now it's turned to me and my opinion. All I did was point out the error in your rant and you have been dodging the issue ever since.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 04:35 PM
They say the best way to catch one is to grab it by the tail, but be careful that it don't turn around and bite your head off. It seems in this case you can actually lose your head over a little piece of tail. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 09:08 AM
Fitness, I hear France, Germany and Canada are still accepting immigrants have you ever thought of moving. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 09:05 AM
you got that right big sis

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 09:04 AM
what about the liberals who control congress, they have the option of continuing the present program while a compramise is worked out bu tthat don't fit your argument does it. The fact is if Bush had said get the bill to me asap so I can sign it, you would still jump on him because it wasn't enough. For the sake of brevity, why don't you just post a thread with a subject line and then in the body of the message type in "I hate Bush" and just leave it at that because all of your posts boil down to that eventually anyway.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 08:58 AM
Hi big sis how's the day going

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 08:45 AM
singledad it is better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubbt laugh

hi catchme, :smile:

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/24/07 08:41 AM
excuse me, you lost me again, we went from "Bush Hates Children of the Poor" because he said he would veto a new bill. Then he asked congress to continue the old bill while further debate takes place which they haven't considered. That takes the air out of your "Hate" argument and now we are off on cigarette tax you change the direction of your rant more often than most people change sox.

As for cigarette tax, we raised the cigarette tax here in SD by a substantial amount in Jan of this year. The result lots of people quit smoking or went to bootleg cigarettes the end result they are taking in less tax money off cigarettes than they did prior to the raise. Excellent idea creat another market for contraband merchandise and make more crooks rich in the interest of humanity.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 09/23/07 09:21 PM
But Bush has promised a veto, saying the measure is too costly, unacceptably raises taxes, extends government-covered insurance to children in families who can afford private coverage, and smacks of a move toward completely federalized health care. He has asked Congress to pass a simple extension of the current program while debate continues, saying it's children who will suffer if they do not."

Did you all not see this paragraph in the original post. Congress could continue the existing program whiel they continue debate on a different program but then they would lose an issue for the election and a means of buying votes from the poor. There are alternatives but Congress can't make political hay from them.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 09/23/07 09:12 PM

Gary was a guy who used to be on here, his views were very radical. Accoding to him he was originally from Hungery,in the U.S. Army for 22 years or so, got tossed out or something for refusing to go to Iraq or Afganistan. He supposedly was the body guard for a Hungarian Chick "Gina" who was also on her and was going to college here in the U.S., her father was a diplomat or something. Anyway their derogatory posts and I belive the fact that they had multiple identities on her got them both booted by Mike and Van. Gina snuck back in a few days ago but her post and the thread was almost immediately deleted.

Now anyone who expresses an idea that is quite radical in nature gets called Gary or Gina. For all we know they could have been the same person. Some people think that I am Gary, but actually I am more like Atilla the Hun on a bad hair day. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Sun 09/23/07 08:55 PM
Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. Prohibition does not work, has never worked and never will work. It did not work with Booze in the 1920s. What the hell makes us think it will work now with drugs. All any sort of prohibition has done is make a bunch of crooks rich. Those who want to use drugs will use them whether they are legal or not. I think all drugs should be legalized, taxed and controlled. Then we can declare victory in the war on drugs and spend the billions we are spending now to stop less than 10% of what comes into this country on other programs that will benefit more people.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 09/23/07 09:44 AM
Abra you have a great sense of humor, and you have certainly had the limits of your patience taxed on this thread drinker