Alvin Plantinga's Free Will Defense (Alvin Plantinga, God and Other Minds- A Study of Rational Justification of Belief in God. (Ithica, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967)
1. Free will is of moral value. That is, a world with free will is better than one without it. 2. It is a contradiction to say that God brings it about that humans freely will only the good { vs J.S. Findlay who claims that this is possilbe} 3. God must bring about the best possible world in his capacity. 4. Therefore, God must create a world with free will.[We believe the word "must" is objectionable here, but the point still stands. Instead read "God is correct to create..." ] 5. But then God is not responsible for evil (choices), since it is not in his power to bring it about that men freely choose only the good. [note: this assumes that God cannot, and need not, do the logically contradictory. If logic does not apply to God, then there is nothing wrong with asserting the apparent contradiction that God is good and He permits evil to exist. Where there is no logic, there are not any contradictions . . . and anything could be the case!] |
And that is part of the many reasons why I turned my back on Christianity. God can kiss my ass if he she it thinks I would ever give myself over to such a manipulative and self righteous deity! How can a loving God condone murder in his Great plan? I dare question god and if I had the opportunity I would question God in his hers its face! Love does not justify murder! This is where the free will argument comes into play. God allows murder to take place for a certain amount of time to bring about a greater good. Justice will eventually be paid by God to all who diobey him. For the Christian Justice was paid for on the Cross, through faith in him. This may be the best of all possible worlds given the existence of free will. Free Will is nothing more than a cop out. Either God CAN prevent evil(and if god can, why doesn't god?) or God CAN'T prevent evil.(In that case, why call him God?) God can and will get rid of evil in the future. God will bring about a greater good through evil. God cannot do anything. For instance the bible says God cannot swear by a name greater than himself. God cannot make a square circle. God cannot make a free human being love him with out violating his free will. God can do anything power can do. |
Why do you bother?
| these forums....people express their beliefs. someone from all sides tell others that they are wrong. I agree |
Why do you bother?
It is possible i am wrong. if I am right? It means everything. Nubby........a born again christian never ever will say, "it is possible that I am wrong." And here is why. A born again christian is now born of God!!! His spirit is truly born again . HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS HE IS BORN AGAIN.... NO MORE QUESSING...NO MORE DOUBTS ... simply because GOD NOW HAS OPENED THAT BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN'S SPIRITUAL EYES.. AND HAS GIVEN THAT CHRISTIAN A BRAND SPANKIN NEW SPIRIT WITH IN !!! Just like a person KNOWS beyond a shadow of doubt that he has been born of the FLESH into this world ........ so also does a spirit filled born again christian KNOW..... beyond a shadow of doubt..... that he has been BORN OF THE SPIRIT....or BORN OF GOD..or in other words...BORN AGAIN. He KNOWS!! NO DOUBTS WHATSOEVER...also because God's Spirit bears WITNESS with that born again person's spirit.... thus letting him KNOW..... that he is TRULY BORN AGAIN!!!! You KNOW that what you feel and believe exists and is true. I KNOW that you are totally mistaken. How do we meet in the middle? Whats the point in talking any more about it? Again....Mostly to answer questions.....and to share...cause we care. But then there also comes a time when we are to move on ,too. But even then...if there still are questions....or people still not understanding.... we answer....and share ...again...because we care. I am born again. Good. I hear the assertiveness now!! That's what I mean Nubby......You KNOW!!!! You KNOW THAT YOU ARE BORN AGAIN!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! He also knows he might be wrong. I KNOW that he is. I am 100% sure I am right, but there is still possibility that I am wrong. You know that I am wrong? You made a positive assertion. How do you know that I am wrong? Actually, i havent paid a lot of attention in what exactly it is that you believe. I dont know that there isnt a god. Im agnostic more than athiest. But i KNOW that Christianity is wrong. Call it faith if you like. (and my faith is as strong as anyone elses) Have you investigated the resurrection? |
Why do you bother?
It is possible i am wrong. if I am right? It means everything. Nubby........a born again christian never ever will say, "it is possible that I am wrong." And here is why. A born again christian is now born of God!!! His spirit is truly born again . HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS HE IS BORN AGAIN.... NO MORE QUESSING...NO MORE DOUBTS ... simply because GOD NOW HAS OPENED THAT BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN'S SPIRITUAL EYES.. AND HAS GIVEN THAT CHRISTIAN A BRAND SPANKIN NEW SPIRIT WITH IN !!! Just like a person KNOWS beyond a shadow of doubt that he has been born of the FLESH into this world ........ so also does a spirit filled born again christian KNOW..... beyond a shadow of doubt..... that he has been BORN OF THE SPIRIT....or BORN OF GOD..or in other words...BORN AGAIN. He KNOWS!! NO DOUBTS WHATSOEVER...also because God's Spirit bears WITNESS with that born again person's spirit.... thus letting him KNOW..... that he is TRULY BORN AGAIN!!!! You KNOW that what you feel and believe exists and is true. I KNOW that you are totally mistaken. How do we meet in the middle? Whats the point in talking any more about it? Again....Mostly to answer questions.....and to share...cause we care. But then there also comes a time when we are to move on ,too. But even then...if there still are questions....or people still not understanding.... we answer....and share ...again...because we care. I am born again. Good. I hear the assertiveness now!! That's what I mean Nubby......You KNOW!!!! You KNOW THAT YOU ARE BORN AGAIN!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! He also knows he might be wrong. I KNOW that he is. I am 100% sure I am right, but there is still possibility that I am wrong. You know that I am wrong? You made a positive assertion. How do you know that I am wrong? |
1. Jesus himself testified to his coming resurrection from the dead.
No one has any clue what Jesus might have said or not said. All we have to go on is extremely belated hearsay that was written by someone who had an OBVIOUS AGENDA. So to claim that Jesus said anything is truly silly. Actually scholars have a pretty good idea what was in the original text. Scholars agree the gospels are actual attempts to write biographies about the life of Jesus, particularly his 3 years of ministry. This agenda cost them everything. All the desciples went to the death believing they had seen the risen Lord and refused to recant. They lived lives of persecution, abandonment, and very little material wealth. It cost them everything. There was nothing to gain for them in this life by what they believed. No, they were looking for the greater prize. Actually thats not realy true, Only one was original the others were just a Plagiarism of Mathew. And that was done many years after jesus' death. Actually Mark is believed to be written down first. It is believed by scholarship that the other disciples took bits and pieces from Mark. |
1. Jesus himself testified to his coming resurrection from the dead.
No one has any clue what Jesus might have said or not said. All we have to go on is extremely belated hearsay that was written by someone who had an OBVIOUS AGENDA. So to claim that Jesus said anything is truly silly. Actually scholars have a pretty good idea what was in the original text. Scholars agree the gospels are actual attempts to write biographies about the life of Jesus, particularly his 3 years of ministry. This agenda cost them everything. All the desciples went to the death believing they had seen the risen Lord and refused to recant. They lived lives of persecution, abandonment, and very little material wealth. It cost them everything. There was nothing to gain for them in this life by what they believed. No, they were looking for the greater prize. Actually thats not realy true, Only one was original the others were just a Plagiarism of Mathew. And that was done many years after jesus' death. Actually Mark is believed to be written down first. It is believed by scholarship that the other disciples took bits and pieces from Mark. |
Why do you bother?
It is possible i am wrong. if I am right? It means everything. Nubby........a born again christian never ever will say, "it is possible that I am wrong." And here is why. A born again christian is now born of God!!! His spirit is truly born again . HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS HE IS BORN AGAIN.... NO MORE QUESSING...NO MORE DOUBTS ... simply because GOD NOW HAS OPENED THAT BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN'S SPIRITUAL EYES.. AND HAS GIVEN THAT CHRISTIAN A BRAND SPANKIN NEW SPIRIT WITH IN !!! Just like a person KNOWS beyond a shadow of doubt that he has been born of the FLESH into this world ........ so also does a spirit filled born again christian KNOW..... beyond a shadow of doubt..... that he has been BORN OF THE SPIRIT....or BORN OF GOD..or in other words...BORN AGAIN. He KNOWS!! NO DOUBTS WHATSOEVER...also because God's Spirit bears WITNESS with that born again person's spirit.... thus letting him KNOW..... that he is TRULY BORN AGAIN!!!! You KNOW that what you feel and believe exists and is true. I KNOW that you are totally mistaken. How do we meet in the middle? Whats the point in talking any more about it? Again....Mostly to answer questions.....and to share...cause we care. But then there also comes a time when we are to move on ,too. But even then...if there still are questions....or people still not understanding.... we answer....and share ...again...because we care. I am born again. |
Why do you bother?
I am not meeting in the middle. I am 100% sure I am right. But there is still a chance I am wrong. If Christianity is not true I am done with it. My faith has only grown through the years as I study the truths of scripture.
How can a loving God condone murder in his Great plan? But it's not about a loving God. Where did you get that? Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." It's about a God that lusts to be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and will cast anyone who gets in his way into a hell fire. It's not about love at all. It's about about a jealous egotistical God who acts precisely what we could call a 'spoiled arrogant brat' if he were a mortal man. But since he can cast us into a hell fire we don't dare point out his flaws. We just cower down and kiss his feet and tremble in fear praying all the while that he has some parents somewhere who will come and give him a spanking and save us all from his immature egotistical wrath. That's the best we can do. Either that or convert back to Zeus who seemed sane in comparison. God is love. Hell is the abscence of love, everything good, and everything that is called God. Hate will consume. You bow your knee and say Lord your will be done, or turn your back on him and say thy will be done. Separation. You deny him now and He will deny you later. |
And that is part of the many reasons why I turned my back on Christianity. God can kiss my ass if he she it thinks I would ever give myself over to such a manipulative and self righteous deity! How can a loving God condone murder in his Great plan? I dare question god and if I had the opportunity I would question God in his hers its face! Love does not justify murder! This is where the free will argument comes into play. God allows murder to take place for a certain amount of time to bring about a greater good. Justice will eventually be paid by God to all who diobey him. For the Christian Justice was paid for on the Cross, through faith in him. This may be the best of all possible worlds given the existence of free will. |
When we are truly born again, we can still be a part of any denomination. That includes Even still going to a catholic church. BUT...... may I say something here , Nubby? Make sure before joining a church, that it is a place where you can now GROW. Point being..... Some churches do NOT help you to GROW in your NEW FOUND FAITH or BORN AGAIN EXPERIERNCE now. In fact, unles you find a place where the WHOLE WORD OF GOD is being taught, you may end up stunted in your spiritual growth. Some churches, although christian, will only feed you the cheese and crackers of God's Word...... whereby ..... the Full gospel spirit filled churches ,will feed you the WHOLE FEAST OF GOD'S WORD.... and NOT just cheese and crackers of God's Word only!!! Pray...ask God to lead you ( if you haven't already) , and God WILL Lead you to the RIGHT church .... a church home , where you can TRULY fellowship and GROW in. I am very careful Morningsong, I grew up in a church that went verse by verse through the bible. The Catholic Church teaches the bible, and I like how they hold tight to tradition. I feel it was the Spirit of God who gave me the final word. I have prayed about it and meditated on it. |
andy....hun....dearest lol those things were committed by men hiding behind beliefs. not to mention....the other side has done their share as well. it's a mankind thing. Again the question goes since these men of the church condoned and also acted on their beliefs in the name of God and Jesus Christ, would Jesus have condoned God's plan or would he have called God on it? Did God's plan include the extermination of his own children just because they refused to accept another person's beliefs? That is all I really wanted to know! Christ already knew these things would take place, He didnt have to call God on anything. |
Edited by
Thu 03/12/09 06:18 PM
I didn't ask that many questions. the main question I ask you still holds. Trust me, I have made A LOT of Catholic priests squirm as a teenager because of a good Lutheran Education! I even make pastors take note at what they say using the bible! Let me explain WHY I ask the questions I am. Jesus the Man or Jesus the Savior? Was Jesus born of Man to experience the life of a man or did God create another Deity to expand his Pantheon? If God said I am and Jesus comes along and shares a position with "Him" that puts Jesus in the same position as God and we are talking about a jealous God who said "THERE SHALL BE NO OTHERS BUT ME." That means that all of those misguided are praying to Jesus or Mary instead of directly to God. Why does anyone need an intercessor like Jesus if God is all that powerful. Because Jesus is going to absolve them of acting like a SH*THEAD in life sparing them eternal damnation? Let me give you an idea of HOW polluted the church has become at least pointing the finger at the Catholics Directly! Do you remember this image? Likewise this one? Can you identify who is holding up the virgin in the first image and who is under the feet of the virgin in the second picture? In the first classic Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is a copy of a stone relief in the Vatican that has been dated to the beginning to the Holy Roman Church. I cannot find the pic of the original image online and cannot get it on from my text book. Do you have any idea who the "angel" holding the virgin Mary up in the first image? TRY THE ROMAN GOD BACCUS! GUESS WHO HE WAS! Think the Greek version of him as Dionysus. The second image was a later translation of the original concept but although there are several winged people in it vs. one it turns out that they were personifications of the former Roman Gods giving way to the Greater God! PAGAN PAGAN PAGAN! Worst still is the idea a religion can be founded on the murder suicide of a man! Needless to say most Christians have confused priorities on who to worship! You cannot worship God and Jesus in the same breath. It is a sin against the very doctrine the Church holds dear! Figures it takes a bunch of humans to take a good idea and screw it up so thoroughly! So if Jesus knew his 'sacrifice' would lead to the murder of millions would he have called God on it? i am going to keep asking because you are dodging the question! Answer CAREFULLY because I am not the one who will rip into you if you put your foot in your mouth. I'll just shred your argument to pieces if you are not careful in what you say. Let me first ask you a question to clarify what you are saying. What millions of murders is Christ responsible for. Christ was always in perfect fellowship with the father untill the very moments before his death. You are BLATANTLY trying to avoid the question and I did spell it out who died in his name! DID YOU EVEN TAKE HISTORY CLASSES IN SCHOOL? Fellowship is one thing but Jesus has been Deified! I have met your flavor of Christian before. You will not answer anything that does not meet your sensitive nature because the answers are too hard for you to answer evidently. So what you in essence are telling me that the Three inquisitions sanctioned by the church were meaningless, the persecution of Jews in medieval Europe never happened, and that the Aztecs evidently never existed in the first place nor the California Indians? I am really on the verge of calling you ignorant outright. You really do not appear to be as educated as you would like us to think! It is not hard to answer a question without using these cheap dodging tactics to protect your beliefs. You are blindly obedient and evidently prefer to live in deception rather than answer my questions with anything but a diverting question. Man how I would love to discus Plato and the Cave with you but you probably can't do philosophy without falling apart when presented a conundrum! I grew up among people like yourself and needless to say we DON'T get along because I am a lot smarter then they take me for and I dare ask questions that challenge their beliefs. I grew up with the bible pounded into me and now I pound back but softly with articulate and thought out questions and I never resort to one liners or diversion tactics. This is a situation where I can feel no guilt saying "piss or get off the pot!" What is the matter. A simple question or questions scares you that much? I thought that might be where you were going. You must be careful not to lay at the feet of Christ the terrible atrocities of the Past. "My kingdom is not of this world that men should fight", here Christ clearly condemns fighting for him. Christ taught us to turn the other cheek. When Peter caught off the guards ear, Jesus turned to Peter and rebuked him, then Jesus healed the guard. You never judge a philosophy by it abuse. These atrocities were not a fair representation of Christianity. Try to ask clear questions. |
I didn't ask that many questions. the main question I ask you still holds. Trust me, I have made A LOT of Catholic priests squirm as a teenager because of a good Lutheran Education! I even make pastors take note at what they say using the bible! Let me explain WHY I ask the questions I am. Jesus the Man or Jesus the Savior? Was Jesus born of Man to experience the life of a man or did God create another Deity to expand his Pantheon? If God said I am and Jesus comes along and shares a position with "Him" that puts Jesus in the same position as God and we are talking about a jealous God who said "THERE SHALL BE NO OTHERS BUT ME." That means that all of those misguided are praying to Jesus or Mary instead of directly to God. Why does anyone need an intercessor like Jesus if God is all that powerful. Because Jesus is going to absolve them of acting like a SH*THEAD in life sparing them eternal damnation? Let me give you an idea of HOW polluted the church has become at least pointing the finger at the Catholics Directly! Do you remember this image? Likewise this one? Can you identify who is holding up the virgin in the first image and who is under the feet of the virgin in the second picture? In the first classic Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is a copy of a stone relief in the Vatican that has been dated to the beginning to the Holy Roman Church. I cannot find the pic of the original image online and cannot get it on from my text book. Do you have any idea who the "angel" holding the virgin Mary up in the first image? TRY THE ROMAN GOD BACCUS! GUESS WHO HE WAS! Think the Greek version of him as Dionysus. The second image was a later translation of the original concept but although there are several winged people in it vs. one it turns out that they were personifications of the former Roman Gods giving way to the Greater God! PAGAN PAGAN PAGAN! Worst still is the idea a religion can be founded on the murder suicide of a man! Needless to say most Christians have confused priorities on who to worship! You cannot worship God and Jesus in the same breath. It is a sin against the very doctrine the Church holds dear! Figures it takes a bunch of humans to take a good idea and screw it up so thoroughly! So if Jesus knew his 'sacrifice' would lead to the murder of millions would he have called God on it? i am going to keep asking because you are dodging the question! Answer CAREFULLY because I am not the one who will rip into you if you put your foot in your mouth. I'll just shred your argument to pieces if you are not careful in what you say. Let me first ask you a question to clarify what you are saying. What millions of murders is Christ responsible for. Christ was always in perfect fellowship with the father untill the very moments before his death. |
I am a very strong protestant who is converting to Catholicism. I understand what you are talking about Eljay. In many points I agree. Nubby, according to what you just posted here, I am afraid you do NOT understand whay Eljay is saying atall. You say you are a strong protestant, who is converting to Catholicism. Well..that's fine....if that is what you want... but basically, what you then will be doing is..... converting from one denomination to other denomination..nothing more. UNLESS of course, you already have ALSO asked Jesus into yuor heart and made Him your personal Saviour and Lord...... then THAT CASE, YOU ALSO ARE CHRISTIAN!!! And as long as you are a christian, your joining the catholic church will not make you any less or any more a christian. Simply because..... A christian is not someone who just joins a denomination..... a christian is someone who has JOINED JESUS!! I understand. I am born again. The denomination i belonged to was Calvary Chapel. I am now joining the Catholic faith. |
1. Jesus himself testified to his coming resurrection from the dead.
No one has any clue what Jesus might have said or not said. All we have to go on is extremely belated hearsay that was written by someone who had an OBVIOUS AGENDA. So to claim that Jesus said anything is truly silly. Actually scholars have a pretty good idea what was in the original text. Scholars agree the gospels are actual attempts to write biographies about the life of Jesus, particularly his 3 years of ministry. This agenda cost them everything. All the desciples went to the death believing they had seen the risen Lord and refused to recant. They lived lives of persecution, abandonment, and very little material wealth. It cost them everything. There was nothing to gain for them in this life by what they believed. No, they were looking for the greater prize. You're using the book to support the book. That's about as circular as it gets. If we did that with Greek Mythology we'd all still be worshiping Zeus. No for instance: "1. Jesus’ burial is multiply attested in early, independent sources. We have four biographies of Jesus, by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which have been collected into the New Testament, along with various letters of the apostle Paul. Now the burial account is part of Mark’s source material for the story of Jesus’ suffering and death. This is a very early source which is probably based on eyewitness testimony and which the commentator Rudolf Pesch dates to within seven years of the crucifixion. Moreover, Paul also cites an extremely early source for Jesus’ burial which most scholars date to within five years of Jesus’ crucifixion. Independent testimony to Jesus’ burial by Joseph is also found in the sources behind Matthew and Luke and the Gospel of John, not to mention the extra-biblical Gospel of Peter. Thus, we have the remarkable number of at least five independent sources for Jesus’ burial, some of which are extraordinarily early. 2. As a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin that condemned Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea is unlikely to be a Christian invention. There was an understandable hostility in the early church toward the Jewish leaders. In Christian eyes, they had engineered a judicial murder of Jesus. Thus, according to the late New Testament scholar Raymond Brown, Jesus’ burial by Joseph is “very probable,” since it is “almost inexplicable” why Christians would make up a story about a Jewish Sanhedrist who does what is right by Jesus.1 For these and other reasons, most New Testament critics concur that Jesus was buried by Joseph of Arimathea in a tomb. According to the late John A. T. Robinson of Cambridge University, the burial of Jesus in the tomb is “one of the earliest and best-attested facts about Jesus." "This doesn’t mean that there aren’t sources outside the Bible which refer to Jesus. There are. He’s referred to in pagan, Jewish, and Christian writings outside the New Testament. The Jewish historian Josephus is especially interesting. In the pages of his works you can read about New Testament people like the high priests Annas and Caiaphas, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, King Herod, John the Baptist, even Jesus himself and his brother James. There have also been interesting archaeological discoveries as well bearing on the gospels. For example, in 1961 the first archaeological evidence concerning Pilate was unearthed in the town of Caesarea; it was an inscription of a dedication bearing Pilate’s name and title. Even more recently, in 1990 the actual tomb of Caiaphas, the high priest who presided over Jesus’s trial, was discovered south of Jerusalem. Indeed, the tomb beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem is in all probability the tomb in which Jesus himself was laid by Joseph of Arimathea following the crucifixion." |
Why do you bother?
The question is what is true concerning these issues.
Why do you bother?
To argue with people of opposing religious viewpoints? It is quite clear that some people arent going to accept your point of view no matter how well or how often it is put accross. But do you still hope that you can put something in such a way that it will change the viewpoint of the other? Maybe its the shear disbelief that the other person can have such crazy(in your own opinion at least) beliefs? Do you just enjoy the debate? Or maybe god told you to do it? The discussion i read, albeit often very interesting and/or amusing just seems pretty pointless to me sometimes. I enjoy debate, and sharing my faith. |
Why do you bother?
It is possible i am wrong.
if I am right? It means everything. |