Community > Posts By > CampLight

CampLight's photo
Sat 05/19/07 12:26 AM
Oh my, maybe I left the dance tonight too soon.
That's ok, I'm going again Sunday, maybe then.

come to think of it that gal in the tango class was quite friendly.

CampLight's photo
Sat 05/19/07 12:01 AM

CampLight's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:56 PM
For the green eyed one -- Smil’nEyes

CampLight's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:51 PM
sum up

ops, can't add


CampLight's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:48 PM
lex - LOL!

na, I think crash is alright, he doesn't need to be nuked

CampLight's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:40 PM

CampLight's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:35 PM
Tell me ,oh tell me wonderful boobs of fortune – where is that partner
of life, where does she await me?
Please don’t tell me I have to get a sex change and become lesbian to
find her.

CampLight's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:31 PM
Now what was the topic? We all get laid in two weeks or turn into
Is there a site that at does this? Not the whiner part but, of course I
think my next word “respectable’ becomes mutually exclusive with the

I want it and I want it now, but don’t make it a microwave relationship
cause I have all these conditions.

Oh goodness… the ramblings of an inconsistent mind

CampLight's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:15 PM
well, I guess at least there is no worries of waking up with a regret
this way.

CampLight's photo
Fri 05/18/07 11:09 PM
So why is that, the local vegetable thing. I see a few profiles near
where I am but it seems they do an initial profile then go comatose.
It’s not like I live 20,000 leagues under, heck I’m only 50 miles from
San Francisco, in the wine country even.
Computer dating is just a myth?

CampLight's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:43 AM
Me tooooo good night yawaaaannnnn

hey wait - it's morning already

good morning

CampLight's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:28 AM
smoking = campfire happy

CampLight's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:10 AM
fools = fall off stools

CampLight's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:07 AM
Guess it could have been worse-
like in my bedroom ready to greet my feet when they hit the floor
or the neighborhood skunk could have come in the back door I left open
the other night.

he's resting well, carpet cleaner is everywhere, and all windows are

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:56 PM
glad my light was working, walked into the front room and my dog got
sick all over the carpet - from both ends

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:54 PM
kick Knee = High

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:48 PM
drop = a bad habit

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:20 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou :smile: flowerforyou :smile: :smile:

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:11 PM
Let’s seeeee

1- ok, fine, just ask her what she likes about that one & that one. Use
to work with a gay gal and we would go on business trips. Was always
interesting checking out the gals together. We had some good laughs
about it.

2- Hey, that’s about what happened when the X left. Shut em off cut the
losses. Sorry future GF, it wont happen again.

3- Um….If I was gone or sleeping, I wouldn’t know.
Let’s say I found out – I’d invite her to an afternoon of cross
dressing. She gets my closet, I get hers, yeeeHaaa

4- Send that top friend a message from her phone and see what happens.
Maybe invite him to meet somewhere dark and cozy - - - muwahahaha I
have a cattle prod that works well.

5- I certainly would hope my pick in a partner would be someone who’s a
bit beyond these things

CampLight's photo
Tue 05/15/07 09:52 PM
Unhappy with who I am, naw more like accepting who I am.
Sure there are some things I’d like to be different, but why stand in
misery around that. Just accept it and find the joy. I find that making
the best choice I can based on the information I currently have leaves
no regrets and no real place to get stuck in that backwater of pitty.

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