Topic: What would YOU do? GAME
no photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:30 PM

Imagine if you were in this situation and ask the questions. These
questions are meant to be OUT-OF-THERE and crazy.

1. What would you do if your mate had wondering eyes on the SAME sex
while you're eating at a public restaurant?

2. What would you do if all the sudden your credit cards bounced and you
find your finances plummeting? Say if you stay with your mate and they
come home with luxury items and clothes that costs more than an organ

Would you be suspicious if you loan the card to them?

3. What would you do if your mate secretly tried on your underwear when
you were gone or sleeping?

4. What would you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend had your best
friend in their cellphone as a top friend? or the phone entry said "boo"

5. What would you do if your mate claims they were faithful but on their
myspace they had naked/ barely dressed users of the opposite sex? What
if some of their top friends were local in the state area?

Answer the best way you can. I'm headed out to be shortly lol. I'm
almost completely out of ideas for topics lol. This is my last one

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:50 PM
LOL I know it takes thinking and writing..i'm going to bed. Night night

LinzSTP307's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:51 PM

AutonomousW's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:51 PM
1. That would actually be pretty awesome. im really open though if she
wants to, I get to watch at least :P

2. I would ask them If they were using my cards to buy all that stuff,
if they are Thats a big trust violation if not then theres no problem,
Either way I'd tell em they're buying dinner, and I want cheese on my

3. thats actually kind of hot.

4. ask em who boo is

5. I need more proof than just top friends, if i saw some messeges
planing out thier hookups I would probably end the relationship though

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:51 PM
LOL Linz

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:53 PM
Great answers autonomous. I know you would come through.

Guys are funny! They like when girls makeout! What's up with that?

AutonomousW's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:55 PM
I dono, two girls being sexual is always nice

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:55 PM
uhh guys love that ..I still don't get it lol.

AutonomousW's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:01 PM
oh well if your boy likes that thing and your up for it, do it for him.
He'll love you for it.

To many girls take that as their guy gettin board of them, when its
really the oposite. In most cases they wouldnt value it nearly as much
if it werent their girl in there.

its not just seeing girls go at it, its seeing their favorite one that
love do it.

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:11 PM
Let’s seeeee

1- ok, fine, just ask her what she likes about that one & that one. Use
to work with a gay gal and we would go on business trips. Was always
interesting checking out the gals together. We had some good laughs
about it.

2- Hey, that’s about what happened when the X left. Shut em off cut the
losses. Sorry future GF, it wont happen again.

3- Um….If I was gone or sleeping, I wouldn’t know.
Let’s say I found out – I’d invite her to an afternoon of cross
dressing. She gets my closet, I get hers, yeeeHaaa

4- Send that top friend a message from her phone and see what happens.
Maybe invite him to meet somewhere dark and cozy - - - muwahahaha I
have a cattle prod that works well.

5- I certainly would hope my pick in a partner would be someone who’s a
bit beyond these things

SheNerd's photo
Wed 05/16/07 11:27 PM
1. What would you do if your mate had wondering eyes on the SAME sex
while you're eating at a public restaurant?

It's happened to me before. It turned out the guy was his ex lover, he
introduced me and we all wound up being good friends.

2. What would you do if all the sudden your credit cards bounced and you
find your finances plummeting? Say if you stay with your mate and they
come home with luxury items and clothes that costs more than an organ

Would you be suspicious if you loan the card to them?

I've always maintained separate finances, so I don't see this happening.
No, I definitely wouldn't loan my credit card to anyone unless it was
for something really important, like emergency surgery.

3. What would you do if your mate secretly tried on your underwear when
you were gone or sleeping?

It's happened, we both laughed, end of story.

4. What would you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend had your best
friend in their cellphone as a top friend? or the phone entry said "boo"

It wouldn't matter to me.

5. What would you do if your mate claims they were faithful but on their
myspace they had naked/ barely dressed users of the opposite sex? What
if some of their top friends were local in the state area?

I don't think this person and I would be together much longer. :)

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 11:05 AM
O_o WOW SHE NERD #1 happened!? I would have freaked out like gag if that
happened to me lol.

I'll be like we'll be friends, but it's OVER.

Camplight is hilarious lol

Thankyou for your posts

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:54 PM
bump lol

SheNerd's photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:42 PM
It sure did, but then he was bi, so it wasn't a total surprise. :)

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:59 PM
hilarious !