Community > Posts By > Shadylady131

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Tue 02/17/09 09:15 AM
Young have many options.....

The fact of the matter is.......Its up to YOU to make a decision, and follow through with it.

Its not gonna be "instant" gratification, but lots of work. You seem to want better, the trick is to work toward that goal.

Young people, seem to want to start out at the top. That just does not happen, in most cases, unless you have relatives that can put you there.
Most don't


The economy is bad, and will probably get worse before it gets better..soo......make a plan, work on making it better for YOU..

Good luck..flowerforyou

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Tue 02/17/09 09:01 AM
Seems as if I know of this 1st hand.

I held a lot of anger, for lots of different reasons, to particular people in my life, though deserving so.

After many years, I thought, just let it go, and i'm sorry it took so long to understand that.
We can't change the past, cant predict the future, we have to live for today, theres no promise of tommorrow. So yes, attitude about life does play on our outcome.


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Tue 02/17/09 08:52 AM
Wow Sweets, I'm really sorry that you have this battle going on again..and as someone has already
mentioned, they are constantly changing treatments.

I hope you know, that everyone here is pulling for you. Relations and distance does not make the friends, the heart does..God, or you're higher power, is by you're side, all the way.

I also lost my mom to cancer, and I always looked at it this way, she has always watched me from afar, and I never lost her guidance.

Peace and love to you, and we are here, if only to pray, and listen to you...
God Bless flowers

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Mon 02/16/09 09:08 PM
Geez...I either like the person, or I don't...go from

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Mon 02/16/09 09:00 PM
I can only speak for myself...I have been married 3 times...Ok, so they didn't work out..but I had every intention of it working..I just didn't get any backing...

I believe in marriage, not for the governments sake, but from my heart.

It was never for what I could acquire in anyway, it was from the heart..

I would like to say, it makes it harder to leave a marriage, but in reality, it doesn't...just a screw up, and the papers can be written up by oneself.

Both people have to be commited to the relationship...can't be 1-sided

It actually, takes 2 people, that are committed.
If thats not there, then it won't work....flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 08:41 PM
Dang...Good luck to you.....smile2

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Mon 02/16/09 08:38 PM morgans', but nothing much more than beer...Michelobe Ultra for me...

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Mon 02/16/09 08:32 PM
Oh sure, thats why I have time to read this stuff.....???? lol...If I had met someone...I wouldn't be of great, honest people though....flowerforyou

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Mon 02/16/09 08:25 PM
Didn't do it "on-line"...I actually went to classed after regular job, 4 evenings a wk......but, I can see, where on-line would be a plus...

So busy now, with 2 jobs...I have NO time for anything else....

But, I applaud anyone else that, try's to better themselves....No matter how its done..flowerforyou

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Mon 02/16/09 08:20 PM
Cause, its better than what I've had....

Giveme a

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Mon 02/16/09 08:06 AM
Yep...pretty much, sum's it up...


no photo
Mon 02/16/09 07:29 AM
1st of all....Calgon does not work...

I'm so sorry for you're son, and for you. Its very painful..Don't ever give up, and pray, pray, pray..


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Mon 02/16/09 07:22 AM
Everyone has their own preference..

Mine is "clean"..

I tend to look farther inside a person.


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Mon 02/16/09 07:15 AM

How do you REALLY show a guy....Tonights the night...Be Honest...PLEASEbigsmile


When they convinced me.....


no photo
Mon 02/16/09 07:00 AM

Dun' like it. Dun' want it. Dun' need it. 'nuff said.

And, through with it...biggrin

One of the lil pleasures I have now..biggrin

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Mon 02/16/09 06:18 AM
Paint???? without lead....

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Mon 02/16/09 06:16 AM
Cleaned "boarding" house.......

$5 a day....spock

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Mon 02/16/09 06:11 AM

I think "we're", smart enough to know that.....


no photo
Sun 02/15/09 07:02 PM

I delete these characters immediately. I care about my feelings. I just reminded one tonight that adultery is in the Ten Commandments and I'm not a Holier Than Thou type. I'll answer to a Higher Calling and I'm going to be held accountable for that one.
A really cute cop contacted me a while back and forgot he wrote he was separated. When I mentioned it, he thanked me and deleted it immediately. Those are the ones that slip. We have to keep our radar up when they don't say anything. Guys run into those romantic casualties, we all do.
I've got better things to do then head for pain, anyway.

lol...No internet then...He just happened'' to stop by where I worked...twice a day....

Heh heh, besides your attractiveness, avoidance was a drug. People want to believe they're still attractive to the opposite sex when they're having trouble with their significant other..WIFE, that is.

Yea...seperatated, back together, seperated...I even left the area...He found me, and I fell for those lines again....many years, after his divorce...waving

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:54 PM

Don't get the wrong idea, I am very happy with my man. I'm just saying marriage itself is not for me. smitten

It's just that almost every single married couple I know is completely bored/miserable. My mom has been with my "step dad" for 15 years and they're not married. Honestly, I think if they had they would have been divorced by now.

Hey...when its right, its right...........
When its wrong, its very wrong...........

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