Community > Posts By > Shadylady131

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Sun 02/08/09 05:13 AM
So sorry for you're loss. I know that it hurts, and we want to "be there" for our friends. But, sometimes, life puts us in a different place. Its not you're fault. Some people go on a "self-destruct" path..Just know, his pain is over, and you're still carrying the load..Forgive yourself, and just remember the "love" you had for you're friend...He would want that...flowerforyou

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Sat 02/07/09 08:32 PM
But, thats just it, they weren't here...say they have been deactivated??...

I'm sure.....laugh drinker

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Sat 02/07/09 08:29 PM

I dated a man that thought he was, does that count??????:wink:
noway bigsmile


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Sat 02/07/09 08:28 PM
I've had them contact me, through other sources, saying they were from mingle???..I could't find them here.. what shades

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Sat 02/07/09 08:20 PM
Hum.....I like most of the new stuff...:smile:

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Sat 02/07/09 08:18 PM
I dated a man that thought he was, does that count??????:wink:

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Sat 02/07/09 08:10 PM

weeks months days hours?...

When I'm certain the other person isn't gonna flake on me.

slaphead ..They do that AFTER......laugh

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Sat 02/07/09 05:28 PM
Worked at convenient store for many duties were cleaning, and restocking..........

Bathrooms, after all the drunks got through with them,...Had to "hose" out....I had NO idea, people could Sh** all over the walls...shocked

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Sat 02/07/09 08:48 AM
I would just once, like to experience "mardi gras".

Have a blast,....:wink:

Reminds me...we got some of those "beads" at work, for some "off the wall" Sh**, that the company thinks up, to waste money...I just hung them over my rear-view mirror...thinking nothing about it...Picked up my 32 year old son one day...He looked at me...think think think think think

Mom...where did you get those at???laugh laugh laugh

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Sat 02/07/09 08:43 AM

Lost my faith { My mother tryed to raise me as a jew} when I watch my grandmother a long slow painful death from ovarian cancer after she spent her whole life helping people I saw her die i was there at the moment she died. I prayed to god to let her live...never prayed again after that. that was back in 06

Sorry...God calls "All" his children home....flowerforyou

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Sat 02/07/09 08:39 AM
Are we talking hourly, or yearly??

And, only if I could buy them all.....laugh

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Sat 02/07/09 08:16 AM
Awwww..Coffee down...bath taken..its off to work....have a good day everyone...flowerforyou

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Sat 02/07/09 07:09 AM
Ouch...sorry to hear that....Glad you're here to tell us about it though....


Drinking and driving home, use to be the "norm"...many, many years ago...after a night out...Things have changed, as it should. Lots more traffic on the roads now..

Now, I just kick back, at home, after work, with a couple..

Trucks, can be though..sorry..

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Sat 02/07/09 06:57 AM
At the risk of sounding "selfish"...........

awhh....retirement...from 1st job, keeping, part-time job...It won't be elaborate, but, maybe, I can pursue, some down-time, and hobbies..just going for walks, photography, wood-working...Been "others" slave for too long..Kids are raised, they have their families..I'm hoping for "time" for me...flowerforyou

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Fri 02/06/09 08:45 PM
Best friend, contentment....

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Fri 02/06/09 08:44 PM

tell a mother that the best thing to do is not have a relationship with her own daughter? The daughter is grown up.

Ohhh...your sister. She's enabling her isn't she?

Not at all


If you tell a mom that, I feel that you are risking hard feelings from that mom. Parents don't like to hear negative things about their children.

But what if the mom only has a realtionship with the daughter because the mom is taking care of the daughters child? What if the daughter having a realtionship with her child is actually hamrful to the child?

Are we talking, Mom, daughter, grandchild?? No way would a Mom, walk away from that, in good concience...

The daughter chooses the boyfriend over her own child and pratically has to be forced to see her child, it's not good at all. trying to do the best she can...Child has NO say-so in the situation, so, Mom will do whatever she can...and, I hope she will NOT give up on daughter either...although, you can't force someone to be responsible, and to be loving...Many grandparents raising their grand-children, because of lack of responsibility of the parents...thats just a sad situation...:angel:

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Fri 02/06/09 08:35 PM

amen shady, and krupa...montana not texsas. dont get the two confused (: texas has her texan cowboy, montana has her northern range cowboy

Wasn't aware there was a difference...but, now that you mentioned it...i'm sure there is..

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Fri 02/06/09 08:31 PM

Actually, it's the GATT treaty (or rather, the changes Bill Clinton made to it back in the late-90s) that allowed for the rather iniquitous trade arrangement we now have with China.

NAFTA was responsible for sending a great deal of manufacturing, particularly that of the auto industry, where a great majority of vehicles are made nowadays. It also allowed for "runaway production", or the exodus of film and television productions that used to be filmed in California and the U.S. to Canada and later the Czech Republic, Australia, and New Zealand.

And no one as of yet has taken the account the impact NAFTA has had on the environment- after all, in shifting the manufacturing of products to Mexico, they've also shifted any responsibility as far as toxic clean ups and waste handling there as well. As a result, lead and mercury levels off the Western Mexican and Californian coast are at their highest levels in over a decade.

But Al Gore won't mention any of THAT stuff in his documentary though, right?

What needs to happen is a fundamental shift in national economic policy- we need to get away from wrong-headed and unfair "free trade" policies that have done nothing to help this country and shift to more of a "fair-trade" platform. If our international neighbors want to push their products onto our shores, then they have to take an equal number of our products as well.

Not only that, we have to have encourage a pro-American stance when it comes to manufacturing and other industries. The American middle-class has been beaten by the corporate world long enough.

Suffice it to say, "free trade" and globalization have failed completely and outright.

I just stated it better..:smile:

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Fri 02/06/09 08:23 PM

tell a mother that the best thing to do is not have a relationship with her own daughter? The daughter is grown up.

Ohhh...your sister. She's enabling her isn't she?

Not at all


If you tell a mom that, I feel that you are risking hard feelings from that mom. Parents don't like to hear negative things about their children.

But what if the mom only has a realtionship with the daughter because the mom is taking care of the daughters child? What if the daughter having a realtionship with her child is actually hamrful to the child?

Are we talking, Mom, daughter, grandchild?? No way would a Mom, walk away from that, in good concience...

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Fri 02/06/09 08:18 PM


two guys walk into a bar they fall over.


I give up...why?

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