Community > Posts By > mikeybgood1

mikeybgood1's photo
Mon 08/10/15 10:25 AM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Mon 08/10/15 10:28 AM
So we all saw poor old and white Bernie Sanders get interrupted during a speech in Seattle by the Black Lives Matter protestors. Hijack the mic, dismiss the guy who's actually on your side, and give him no street cred for marching with MLK 50 years ago. What was interesting was the coverage I saw only mentioned in passing how rude it was to interrupt the speech, but it mostly keyed on the fact that the Sanders campaign 'had gotten their act together' by hiring a black female communications specialist.

We saw all kinds of national press regarding the one year anniversary of the Michael Brown shooting, not really because of the march itself, but because of the gunplay that wound up with a young man identified as a friend of Michael Brown in critical condition, after being shot by cops. The CNN coverage I saw today was basically the shooting was a couple thugs, that's not the protestors. That they are a year later still trying to figure out how to process the death of Brown and how the community is poor, and where is the money from government?

We are today seeing a fair amount of national coverage in regards to a unarmed young black man shot dead in Dallas by a white rookie cop. The young man having crashed his SUV into a car dealership showroom late at night, and seen on video acting erratically, jumping on cars, etc before police arrive. Dead black kid, white cop, boom top story.

However, how many people saw in depth coverage on THESE stories?

A black female, calling herself 'Sunshine' protesting the recent death of Sandra Bland while in police custody in Waller County Texas, is captured on video saying repeatedly that all white people should be killed. Referring to whites and reporters as 'terrorists', she claims the world would be a much better place if all white people were dead. Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but pointing out a specific racial group, and saying they all should be killed is kind of the epitome of a race crime, is it not? WHY is she not in jail?

What seemingly has received virtually ZERO national coverage is the slaughter of a family in Houston over the weekend. David Conley, a black man killed his ex girlfriend, her new boyfriend and SIX KIDS! Some victims were handcuffed before being shot multiple times. The children included at least one he had with the ex. Having served multiple sentences for domestic violence totalling almost 6 years, he still managed to get his hands on a gun in order to kill everyone.

SO you KILL EIGHT BLACK PEOPLE and what, there's no CNN special "Death in Houston"? There's NO White House press conference where Obama comes out wanting more gun control? Saying these mass shootings have to end? That black deaths by crime have to stop? Where's Jesse, Rev. Al, Farrakhan????? Where are the Black Lives Matter folks?

The silence is deafening people. Seems like quite the stunning double standard at play here.

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 08/07/15 02:12 PM
Based on recent events where video conclusively proved that some cops lie, it makes total sense for anyone within earshot to pull out a phone and start recording. In fact, I would say it even makes sense for you to carry your own bodycam in a pocket.

If you know you are about to interact with the police (flashing rollers in the rear view mirror for example) take it out and fire it up.

In the case of cellphones, police will try to take them from you if you record an incident. I strongly suggest you send any recording immediately to the cloud, and then lock the phone with a password. A search warrant will be required to gain access to the phone. While waiting for the cop to produce a warrant you can send the video or call a lawyer. The cop simply can't be standing there ready to pounce when you unlock the phone to use it. You do not have to give them the password until the warrant is served to you. Make sure your read it COMPLETELY before handing over the phone as cops have been known to trick people by providing a pile of paper, saying it's a warrant and then pressuring you to comply.

Know the rights of the state you are in regarding such recordings and your legal obligations to provide them. I would say consult a lawyer long before you ever need to so you know EXACTLY what you can do and what police requests for recordings you can decline without a warrant being produced. They will threaten you with obstruction of justice, or failure to comply with a lawful police order, or something of that nature. Ask loudly (so others nearby can hear) if you are being detained, and if not walk away. If the cop says yes you are being detained until you comply with his request to hand over the phone, that's kidnapping and/or coercion and false imprisonment. Tell the cop if he fails to arrest you, that you will sue him personally and the department for $10 million. Then if he does arrest you, deal with that as a false arrest complaint and still sue for the $10 million. lol

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 08/06/15 09:49 AM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Thu 08/06/15 09:51 AM
In a similar vain, watched the documentary last night "The Man Who Saved the World". It is the story of a Russian Rocket Forces officer Stanislav Petrov, who in 1983 prevented WW III from starting.

A week earlier, the Russians shot down a Korean airliner. Killing all aboard, including Americans, Ronald Reagan had given some rousing speeches, indicating the world was clearly lining up to condemn the Russians and start dealing with them.

It's in this environment, that the missile warning systems at a bunker outside of Moscow go off just after midnight, with the computers calculating with 100% reliability an American ICBM had been launched.

It takes several minutes, but the launch warning is found to be erroneous. Then suddenly, another warning goes off, a new launch, and then another, and another. Over several minutes, 5 missile launches are detected, and American warheads are thought to be speeding towards Russia to rain nuclear death on the citizens asleep in their beds.

As always, there are those urging instant retaliation. Petrov alone must seek permission to launch Russian missiles that will annihilate America before the incoming bombs take them out!

Instead, the Russian thinks for a moment and realizes the computers doing the warning are only a week old. They were wrong about the first missile, and if America was to launch a first strike, why would it only launch 5 missiles?????

Taking a deep breath, he orders his troops to hold fast and wait for ground radar to confirm the incoming missiles. That confirmation never comes, as there were never any missiles launched by the U.S.

Hailed as hero by his unit, it's tears and handshakes all around realizing they could have accidentally launched the missiles that would would have meant death for hundreds of millions to billions of people, and would have turned the planet into a radioactive desert.

Surely Petrov would be awarded the nation's highest honor they thought. He saved the homeland from American nuclear obliteration as surely Russia would have been destroyed once America understood what the Russian launches would have meant for them!

Instead of being publicly recognized by the Russians, and the world by extension, Petrovs commanding officer actually tears him a new orifice for not actually doing the required paperwork noting the 'attack' in the logbook for the facility!

His story came to light some 15 years later, and some low key events were eventually provided in his honor. Seems the most important honor for the Russian was to meet the actor Kevin Costner. He is seen in the documentary entertaining Petrov is his trailer on set, and assembling the cast and crew to tell them all how if not for Petrov, they would all likely be dead or for some, never born. A toast is made, the assembled group gives him polite applause, and he has some pictures taken.

It was a very compelling story, and we see that today Stanslav lives in a pitiful Moscow flat with his cigarettes and vodka. Simply running out the clock on what's left of his life. The world not really knowing who he is or what he did. In fact, we see during the story, that for years even his own family never knew what he had done, and the heroic act he had performed.

I highly suggest you see the documentary when you have the chance.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 08/05/15 05:22 PM
Well he can always visit the mosque with a trailer full of pigs, release them into the mosque as a petting zoo experiment.

Oooo, yeah. That will make the mosque uninhabitable for 7 years under Islamic law as it will considered to be unclean as a place of worship.

Oh, I know, maybe just Fedex em' a couple pounds of bacon (unwrapped of course) as a friendly offering of good small farm crafted meat. Oooo, yeah, same problem as option 1.

Ok, so maybe you could just offer up some biscuits made with bacon grease to provide that bacon-ey goodness without the actual pig itself? Oooo, yeah, seein' the problem there as soon as I typed it. The actual eating of the pork issue.

Hmmmm. Obviously you can't educate these people on swine firsthand. You can't provide them examples of your farm fresh meats. You can't even give em a home made biscuit!

Screw em. The pigs were here long before the Muslims were. Take the mosque down the road Hajji and build it somewhere else.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 08/05/15 09:47 AM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Wed 08/05/15 09:49 AM
Ah, the lure of institutional racism. It's the excuse for everything...(rolls eyes).

So let's deal with the reality of the situation. I come from a family of cops, and so I can speak with a little authority on the issue.

1)First, where were these surveys done? Are middle class and above minorities represented, or did we go straight to the hood where a white cop ALWAYS gets told the truth in a timely fashion when he's investigating a crime?
2) Of those answering the survey, did they already have experience in the criminal justice system? In other words, how many have a record? If you have multiple arrests, guess what Snowflake, the cops are going to roust you on a regular basis.
3)When 75% of black men also say they knew other people who had issues with cops, are we not now counting some people twice? If my cousin Delroy answered the survey, and then I say, "Well I got a cousin Delroy who's been hassled by the cops", did the people doing the survey account for duplication?
4) As mentioned in the article, areas with the most crime get the most cops. The odds of you interacting with them are that much higher. Reduce the crime, and some of the cops go elsewhere, and you see fewer of them. Being stopped in a high crime black area while driving a car with tinted windows and flashy rims screams 'Thug'. To you, it may be a fashion statement, but getting pulled over is not an instance of 'DWB' or driving while black. Being in a minivan, wearing a Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt, having a 'My kid is on the honor role' bumper sticker, and getting pulled over on a fishing expedition while in the suburbs? THAT's a 'driving while black' traffic stop.

There are so many peaceful, honest, and wonderful minorities in the world who are not represented in the discussion on police vs minority crime. The reason is that cops are not arresting them. They are usually victims, and if you ask THEM what their experiences are with cops, I would suggest that they are usually positive. They feel the cop is professional, tries to help, and will do their best. What sets cops off is working in high crime areas where no one cares enough to testify, provide info, even call a snitch line like Crimestoppers until there is some high profile death, like an infant killed in a drive-by. Then there's a huge uproar about violence, guns, gangs, how we need money in the hood to help people, and on and on. The poverty pimps line up for the money to start training centers, job banks, recreation centers, and it seems the problems never get solved. The hood goes back to sleep, does its drugs, its booze, buys its stolen goods, and just falls into a state of apathy until the next moral outrage. Are there sincere people who want to help? Sure. They get pushed out of the way by the Jacksons, Sharptons, and Farrakhans mugging for the cameras and yelling into the megaphone about how George Bush and Dick Cheney are still responsible for what happens in the hood.

Pretty frickin' depressing ain't it? Thus endeth the sermon.

mikeybgood1's photo
Sat 08/01/15 07:29 AM
Well what can I say? Americans care more about a lion in Africa than they do about the lyin' African in the White House.

We have war, pestilence, fire, flood, hunger, murder, hate, and all manner of inhumane things we do to EACH OTHER that you could get mad about and want to change.

THIS is what sets people off though? A lion, killed in a country where they are killed with some regularity it seems, and with a ruler that likes baby elephant for snacks?

Yeah. I used to wonder why I drank. It's kinda making more sense now.

mikeybgood1's photo
Sat 08/01/15 07:21 AM
Irony and karma are a biyotch.

Guess you could say they died when their plane crashed into a car trade centre.......

I'll be here all week folks. Try the veal...

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 07/31/15 09:56 PM
Can you imagine if Iran loses nuke facility to a space rock? OMG. They'll blame the Israelis and the Christians and claim it was a Zionist missile attack. LMAO

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 07/31/15 09:03 PM
I read the following paragraph, several times, and slowly, just to make sure I was right. Taken from the article is this cut and paste. It cites the reasons why the streets are running in blood. Read it yourself, slowly....

"Crime experts and residents of Baltimore's most dangerous neighborhoods cite a confluence of factors: mistrust of the police; generalized anger and hopelessness over a lack of opportunities for young black men; and competition among dealers of illegal drugs, bolstered by the looting of prescription pills from pharmacies during the riot."

1)Mistrust of the police...Hmmmm. Ok. I understand why black men are suspicious of cops. However WHO do you think is going to make the problem go away? Groups of vigilantes? Black Panthers? Nation of Islam bow tie salesmen? The National Guard? Time for people to be collecting some of that Crime Stoppers money snitching out the gang bangers!
2) General 'anger and hopelessness' over lack of opportunities. Yeah because not EVERYONE can work at a burned out CVS, destroyed cheque cashing shop or demolished family owned liquor store. Don't wanna take a 2 hour bus ride to work? How about not burning to the ground places that might actually EMPLOY YOU.
3)Competition among drug dealers? Again see point 1. CALL THE COPS WHEN YOU SEE PEOPLE DEALING DRUGS. Get the thugs off your street. AMAZING HOW THE LACK OF MURDERS tends to make the neighborhood a nicer place to live.

Now, also notice what DIDN'T GET BLAMED.......

1) WHITE PEOPLE...Yeah, there are white cops, but there are a lot of black cops in Baltimore as well. No one called out George Bush, or the KKK, or the 'vast right wing conspiracy'. Is black Baltimore taking ownership for its behavior and not trying to pass the buck?
2) GUNS...Holy crap on a cracker. You have the most violent month in 40+ years, a horrendous number of shootings year to date, and NO ONE thinks to mention the criminal use of guns as a problem????? Why the **** are people ALWAYS screaming about gun control when white people are doing the shooting? Apparently when it's black gun crime, the guns are not even listed as a contributing factor???
3) BLACK POLITICIANS...Yeah. The mayor has played musical chairs with her senior police staff, but I don't see the population blaming her policies, asking where the Obama money is, how come BLACK LEADERS have let the BLACK PEOPLE down?

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 07/30/15 08:46 PM
"Is Wayne Brady gonna have to kill a b*tch?"

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 07/30/15 08:17 PM
THIS JUST IN....Claiming the name shows a lack of sensitivity to the tragic loss of Cecil, PETA has announced that it will 'shame' the NFL's Detroit Lions franchise into changing its name to the Detroit Cecils.

It plans to ask members to protest all Lions games, refrain from attending or watching Lions games, or owning items bearing the Lions logo.

When asked to comment, team spokesman Lamont Snerd said...."Say whaaat? They can kiss my black a$$! Send a lion up in this here motherf*cker and see how long he last. We'll make coats, clothes, and BBQ outta that thing!" Mr. Snerd then proceeded to wolf down a burger, and bust a cap in the direction of a bothersome butterfly....back to you Wolf!

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 07/30/15 11:59 AM
Based on the trophy pics, our dentist has likely spent a quarter million dollars + on the hunts for the animals pictured. Since these 'canned' hunts (animals are confined in a small area and are a guaranteed kill)run around $20-50,000 each plus airfare, hotels, meals, and any bribes to various officials to get the game out of or into a country, he's done a crap load of root canals and braces in his lifetime.

Of note is there have been about 12 MILLION stories, comments, postings etc about Cecil, and only 1.8 MILLION about Samuel DuBose, killed in Cincinnati about 10 days ago by a white police officer who now faces a murder charge.

Seems to me, that based on the level of press coverage, and how the Hollywood elite have rallied around the death of Cecil, the logo on the t-shirt should be 'Lion Lives Matter!'......

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 07/30/15 07:23 AM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Thu 07/30/15 07:28 AM
Well the analysis of the video is reasonably correct, but you've missed a few important things.

1) The officer seizes a pint of liquor from the victim which had been on the floor of the car. Was the officer trying to remove the victim from the car to see if he was drunk? The tape does NOT demonstrate the officer having this thought, or expressing it verbally. "Ok sir, I think you may have been drinking, can you exit the vehicle please?"
2) The officer after asking 4 or 5 times finally is told that the victim doesn't have his license on him. I'm pretty sure that driving without a license is an offense which can warrant a ticket or maybe arrest in Ohio? Failure to be immediately forthcoming tweaks the 'spidey sense' in most cops. What else is this guy hiding?
3)The officer asks the victim to take off his seatbelt and get out of the car. The victim GENTLY pulls the door closed, and proceeds to try and drive away. If the car were in park, and the engine off, the car would not have moved when he was shot. TECHNICALLY the act of closing the door after the officer opened it could be considered obstruction or resisting or refusing a lawful order.
4)The shot is fired as the victim struggles with the officer, and we have no way of knowing if he is simply trying to stay clear of the officer OR reaching for a hidden weapon. Since police training is to shoot at the PERCEIVED or CLEARLY RECOGNIZED threat, no firearms training officer is going to testify that you should wait until someone's gun is stuck in your face BEFORE you decide to fire. For example you say 'Police! Freeze!" and the suspect reaches into his jacket. There is no expectation he's reaching for an ice cream cone, care bear, or lollipop. He's reaching for a weapon. You shoot him, and it turns out he was going for a wallet. It's a typical training scenario, and in court it's a LEGALLY excusable death. The suspect made you shoot him based on his action.

The officer in this case is guilty of murder based on his report, and not his actions. I'll explain why. He lies on the paperwork, and in his radio traffic. You can't come back from that legally. At this point it doesn't matter if the victim had a machine gun in the glovebox and three kidnapped nuns in the trunk.

His LEGAL TEAM would have presented the following case.
1)Officer stops victim.
2)Officer finds liquor in plain sight.
3)Victim is evasive providing timely and truthful answers.
4)Victim resists officers command to exit the vehicle, and engages in active physical resistance.
5)Victim attempts to drive away and flee. Officer does not know if driver is drunk, and so he has a 3,000 pound weapon to threaten the public with.
6)Officer fearing for public safety, discharges his weapon.

Now as lame as you might find the logic of the argument, the issue is that the video supports that train of thought. The jury of course would ask why he didn't simply chase him in his car, call for backup,or shoot at the fleeing car? All questions that speak to reasonable doubt. Once there are multiple solutions to the problem, you now speak to the JUDGEMENT of the cop. You can fault his judgement all day long. He did what he THOUGHT was right. LEGALLY the jury would have to decide that NO REASONABLE PERSON would have arrived at the same conclusion he did in order for him to be guilty.

The bottom line is, in the scheme of the universe, it was a lousy shooting, and no one actually HAD TO DIE here. The cop however by virtue of his poor judgement, at worst would have faced a wrongful death charge like manslaughter, or the city would have faced a civil suit. By lying both in writing and on the radio call, he buys himself the murder charge.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 07/29/15 10:19 PM
Well the Mother Jones info is interesting only from the standpoint that assault weapons at 20 being listed are the LEAST OFTEN used weapon.

Shotguns, revolvers, and other types of rifles are used more often. Yet it seems the Obama administration wants to ban arguably the least used weapon of the group! Hmmmmmm. Is this unrelenting effort by the WH, to ban the weapon that statistically is used even less often than grandad's old 12 guage pumpgun REALLY the best use of it's resources?

I mean c'mon. I carried a .357 wheel gun concealed for several years. My CZ-75 wound up being far less bulky, and with even one double mag pouch I had 43 rounds. My revolver required a triple speed loader case, plus the six rounds in the gun and only gave me only 24 rounds. It was a hell of a lot more cumbersome to haul around all day than a pistol, but even the pistol and ammo weighed out at like 3 pounds.

Either one of THOSE options however was used more often than assault rifles in the Mother Jones stats. Sooooooo, America. Stop letting people BS you on banning assault rifles. MAYBE instead, have politicians spend a couple bucks to find out WHY people are so quick to settle disputes with a firearm instead of maybe just flapping their gums at each other, throwing a punch, or spraying the idiot neighbor with a garden hose instead of a Glock?

Some USEFUL studies on gun USE using the actual shooters seems to be a hell of a lot less money than the hundreds of millions spent by both sides of the gun control debate.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 07/29/15 12:23 PM
Your job as a 911 operator is to gather information and dispatch services with the appropriate speed and disposition of resources. Wanting to know how someone is breathing simply tells you if they are injured, or hyperventilating and freaking out over whatever has taken place.

If breathing is laboured, (as in this case) you speed up the response. In addition, the info was the victim had been shot. So again you want to know where. If it's the chest, then it could be a punctured lung. If shot in the pinky, could be hyperventilating.

People call 911 for not getting the right McNugget sauce so you sometimes have to be mean to people to get them focused. However hanging up on a life threatening call is simply inexcusable, no matter how bad a day you're having.

The operator in question should be fired immediately, and there should be a determination if the delay in emergency services response to this patient contributed to his death. If so, he should be held criminally and civilly liable.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 07/29/15 06:18 AM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Wed 07/29/15 07:01 AM
You know what? I'm more than happy to carry a concealed weapon, because if for no other reason, it's easier to carry my 9mm, than carrying a cop around on my back all day!

So based on the statistics noted in earlier posts, the number of shootings is less than 1/100th of 1% of the population (about 28,000 divided by 330,000,000). OF those shootings, about 25% are fatal.

So your odds then, as a general member of the population are 1/400th of 1% of being fatally wounded by domestic gunfire in the USA. So 99.06 of the population can breathe a sigh of relief.

For 'mass' shootings, statistically they represent .75% or less than 1% of all shootings. Not a seemingly significant number statistically. I would also caution how the term 'mass' is arrived at. For some statisticians it is used when more than one victim is shot. For others, it is the number of people at the scene who COULD HAVE BEEN shot.

So if I go to my crack dealers house to cap his a** for ripping me off, and only shoot him, but there's 10 crackheads in the house left untouched, that's still a 'mass shooting'. Also of note, when the cops show up and search the house and the crackheads, and they find guns, they are ALL considered to be drug crime guns. Regardless if it's a shotgun buried under a pile of clothes in the back of a closet, or a Mac 10 on the coffee table next to a bag of rocks. The stats would say they were all guns used in the commission of drug crimes.

Beware statistics....

mikeybgood1's photo
Sat 07/25/15 09:14 AM
Well let's step back for a moment and use some deductive logic shall we?

1) This current movement is based on a perceived hate crime. A white man shooting black people. Ok. Pretty simple really. As a reaction to this, there is now a movement to purge symbols of perceived hatred from society. Again. Pretty simple concept.
2) So in keeping with this thought process, I move that all traces of Martin Luther King be expunged from American society as we know it. Buildings need to be renamed, and statues need to come down.

How can I even for a moment think that anything Doctor King ever did is even remotely similar to what Dylan Roof did? Pretty simple actually.

In the mid 1950's, having been threatened on numerous occasions, Doctor King applies for a weapons permit to protect his home and family. His application was actually denied. He then stocked his home with firearms provided by family and friends. His intent in having these weapons would have been to shoot people, specifically WHITE people, that he perceived to be a threat to him,his family, and way of life. You know, kinda like how Dylan Roof is said to have seen African Americans.

Only through pure luck, there is never an attack on the King home which requires Doctor King to commit a racially charged homicide using the weapons he at the time kept illegally in his home. To his credit, he later removes the weapons, as he sees they are not consistent with his non-violent approach to dealing with the issues of racial strife in America.

So, forgetting his contributions to mankind, and approaching this from a PURELY logical and legal point of view, MLK kept weapons illegally in his home, and was prepared to kill the white people that he perceived as a threat. Dylan Roof had a LEGAL weapon and killed people HE perceived as a threat. You can definitely argue that one was a nutbag, and the other merely engaging in legitimate self defense. I will strongly suggest to you however that there are people out there who think MLK was the nutbag. THAT is the actual problem you face as a society.

mikeybgood1's photo
Sat 07/25/15 06:48 AM
This is a pretty simple problem to deal with. Many cities actually televise their Gay Pride parades. The suggestion is do the same here and make sure you pan the crowd so there are easily identifiable pictures of potential attackers.

When Hajji and his minions decide to go off on the marchers, we'll see a couple of things...

1) That Islam is NOT the 'religion of peace' Obama keeps on referring to, and we'll see the marchers get attacked. In fact, the Koran contains a sizeable list of people who need killing. Jews, Christians, Sabians, polytheists, non-believing Muslims, those who blaspheme Islam. Gays are definitely on the list...
2) The sprint to the microphone to see who can be the FIRST media outlet to have either a reporter or talking head describe the attackers using the phrase "Oh these are a few misguided people who don't understand Islam and are perverting it..."
3) What a 6'2" guy wearing 4" heels looks like when he fights.
4) If there really is scratching and hair pulling when drag queens scrap.

So make some popcorn, sit back in your comfy chair and watch the fanatics versus the fabulous!

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 07/24/15 09:15 PM
Wonder why he was afraid to go to the hospital? I thought all illegal aliens were covered by Obamacare?

1,200 guns? 7 tons of ammo? I wonder how much of that is going into the LAPD armory? Wonder if maybe he was going to start a new cult waiting for the mother ship? Did they find any Kool-Aid?

Wonder if the fiancee could be pregnant with the first truly alien anchor baby?

Man this is an X-Files episode that practically writes itself! Just curious though, if you are an alien hybrid, do you actually dress up for Comic-Con or just pull out your 'work' clothes?

So many questions, so little Jagermiester....

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 07/17/15 08:02 AM
Garrett gets bonus points for actually being a journalist. Most of the White House press corps has knee pads and an airplane size bottle of mouthwash available at all times.

Simple illustration of what I call the Obamagasm is when Obama tries to sing 'Amazing Grace' at the service for the victims of the church shooting. What followed on CNN was just shameless gushing about how great Obama was, how he has taken off the restraints and will just do whatever he wants now, how he has become the nation's pastor, etc etc.

Don Lemon I swear has a man crush on Obama, and wants him as his lover. I think some of the CNN women feel the same way. The ladies on the air that afternoon were hopefully sitting on towels, because I'm pretty sure they were moist during the broadcast as well.

I finally had to change the channel. Not so much for the Obama cheering, after all it is CNN, but I lost respect for the on air talent who had dropped all pretense of journalistic integrity and objectivity. It has really become a cult of personality.

The press is really the only way (save for the courts) to keep politicians in line, honest, and mindful of the promises they made. When the press stops holding politicians accountable you get the issues still on the table for this administration.

1) Fast and Furious gun running scandal.No one in jail.
2) IRS scandal. No one in jail.
3) Benghazi debacle. No one loses their job.
4) Arms supplied to ISIS via Syrian 'rebels'. No one loses their job.
5) Mortgage meltdown. No bankers in jail.
6) Unemployment numbers. Fudged just before 2012 election. Admitted to later, but no one loses their government job.
7) False reporting of the national debt. 6 months after the government shutdown the debt limit only has 28 million left on it. For the next SIX MONTHS, the debt number was reported to be the same EVERY SINGLE DAY despite the U.S. government losing BILLIONS a month on simple currency exchange transactions. Forget the other losses it racks up daily. NO ONE loses their job or goes to jail.
8) A virtual explosion of unjustifiable deadly force encounters by American police departments with NO national investigation. The justice department reacting to only the most politically sensitive for them.
9) The deliberate introduction of Ebola into the United States by the CDC. All patients could have been cared for outside the U.S. or even in facilities created offshore such as isolation ships. Instead, infected health care workers travel the country potentially creating an epidemic, but only through sheerluck is it avoided.

You could go on, but why bother? Neither the press, nor the GOP seem prepared to do the right thing and launch an investigation that will result prison or impeachment for various officials.