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Topic: Major Garrett dares to ask Obama about Americans still held
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Fri 07/17/15 07:35 AM
Major Garrett dares to ask Obama about Americans still held in Iran and liberal media freaks out

Journalists are supposed to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Except when the comfortable guy is liberal President Barack Obama and the afflicted are four Americans trapped in Iranian jails.

Then when you ask that question, all hell breaks loose.

That’s the bizarre disconnect encountered by CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett when he interrupted the Obama Iran deal press conference with, well, journalism. Garrett stood up and asked Obama, “why you are content” to leave those four people behind in Iran, unaided by American diplomacy?
You would think Garrett dropped the “N” word. Oh wait, that’s precisely what sometime comedian and 24-7 liberal nutbar Bill Maher asked on Twitter. “If U wanna 'strike a nerve' with POTUS, why not just scream the N word? That shld [should] get his attention," wrote Maher, who also called Garrett “a huge *******.” Maher loves protecting the president by playing Secret Service, saying Obama’s detractors "hate him in a way they never hated before."

OK, Maher is a bomb-thrower. If he’s not provocative, no one watches. But journalists are supposed to know better.

CNN, sadly proves me wrong. CNN’s own Dana Bash called it “being disrespectful,” evoking her own experience “asking a tough question,” a network rarity usually reserved for conservatives.

Anchor Don Lemon pretended to speak for Obama, not that such a world view is anything new. In Lemon’s mind, Obama was thinking: “'Man, look here, are you out of your damn mind,'" said the anchor. Yes, how dare a journalist concern himself with the lives of those held hostage by terror sponsors? Especially when one of them is a journalist?

NBC "Today," co-host Savannah Guthrie praised the presser as “unplugged,” “unfiltered” and feisty. Perhaps because he was targeting CBS and not NBC.

Not that CBS had Garrett’s back either. "CBS This Morning" co-host Charlie Rose talked to Garrett and said “all of us have asked questions that we wished we had asked differently.” Then Rose asked if he had any “second thoughts.”

Thankfully, Garrett didn’t back down. In fact, he summed it up quite nicely. “Clearly it struck a nerve,” he told CBS anchor Contessa Brewer, according to The Hill.

Too bad Garrett’s one of the few with nerve to do so.

no photo
Fri 07/17/15 07:36 AM
Edited by alleoops on Fri 07/17/15 07:45 AM
If you still think Garrett went overboard, here’s the actual quote, direct from CBS:

Major Garrett: As you well know, there are four Americans in Iran - three held on trumped up charges according to your administration, one, whereabouts unknown. Can you tell the country, sir, why you are content, with all of the fanfare around this [nuclear] deal to leave the conscience of this nation, the strength of this nation, unaccounted for, in relation to these four Americans?

And last week, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said under no circumstances should there be any relief for Iran in terms of ballistic missiles or conventional weapons. It was perceived that that was a last-minute capitulation in these negotiations, making the Pentagon feel you've left the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff hung out to dry.

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 07/17/15 08:02 AM
Garrett gets bonus points for actually being a journalist. Most of the White House press corps has knee pads and an airplane size bottle of mouthwash available at all times.

Simple illustration of what I call the Obamagasm is when Obama tries to sing 'Amazing Grace' at the service for the victims of the church shooting. What followed on CNN was just shameless gushing about how great Obama was, how he has taken off the restraints and will just do whatever he wants now, how he has become the nation's pastor, etc etc.

Don Lemon I swear has a man crush on Obama, and wants him as his lover. I think some of the CNN women feel the same way. The ladies on the air that afternoon were hopefully sitting on towels, because I'm pretty sure they were moist during the broadcast as well.

I finally had to change the channel. Not so much for the Obama cheering, after all it is CNN, but I lost respect for the on air talent who had dropped all pretense of journalistic integrity and objectivity. It has really become a cult of personality.

The press is really the only way (save for the courts) to keep politicians in line, honest, and mindful of the promises they made. When the press stops holding politicians accountable you get the issues still on the table for this administration.

1) Fast and Furious gun running scandal.No one in jail.
2) IRS scandal. No one in jail.
3) Benghazi debacle. No one loses their job.
4) Arms supplied to ISIS via Syrian 'rebels'. No one loses their job.
5) Mortgage meltdown. No bankers in jail.
6) Unemployment numbers. Fudged just before 2012 election. Admitted to later, but no one loses their government job.
7) False reporting of the national debt. 6 months after the government shutdown the debt limit only has 28 million left on it. For the next SIX MONTHS, the debt number was reported to be the same EVERY SINGLE DAY despite the U.S. government losing BILLIONS a month on simple currency exchange transactions. Forget the other losses it racks up daily. NO ONE loses their job or goes to jail.
8) A virtual explosion of unjustifiable deadly force encounters by American police departments with NO national investigation. The justice department reacting to only the most politically sensitive for them.
9) The deliberate introduction of Ebola into the United States by the CDC. All patients could have been cared for outside the U.S. or even in facilities created offshore such as isolation ships. Instead, infected health care workers travel the country potentially creating an epidemic, but only through sheerluck is it avoided.

You could go on, but why bother? Neither the press, nor the GOP seem prepared to do the right thing and launch an investigation that will result prison or impeachment for various officials.

no photo
Fri 07/17/15 09:35 AM
ajor Garrett dares to ask Obama about Americans still held in Iran and liberal media freaks out

Journalists are supposed to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Except when the comfortable guy is liberal President Barack Obama and the afflicted are four Americans trapped in Iranian jails.

Then when you ask that question, all hell breaks loose.

Even puppets have a master

no photo
Fri 07/17/15 10:18 AM
The sickening part was that Obama had the gall to imply that mentioning the captive Americans in these negotiations would amount to letting the Iranians negotiate while holding captives in the future.
Mr. Bergdahl says hello Mr. President. The least you could do is give the hostage's families a Rose Garden party....hack.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 07/17/15 10:44 AM
Major Garrett: As you well know, there are four Americans in Iran - three held on trumped up charges according to your administration, one, whereabouts unknown. Can you tell the country, sir, why you are content, with all of the fanfare around this [nuclear] deal to leave the conscience of this nation, the strength of this nation, unaccounted for, in relation to these four Americans?

Major Garrett impersonated Helen Thomas by making an accusation in the form of a question.

Thomas once asked George W. Bush, "What is the real reason that you wanted to go to war?" Bush replied, "Helen, I didn't want to go to war."

In his question for Obama, Garrett made the accusation that Obama is "content" about something. It was this accusation that Obama objected to and responded to.

no photo
Fri 07/17/15 11:21 AM
Edited by alleoops on Fri 07/17/15 11:22 AM

Major Garrett: As you well know, there are four Americans in Iran - three held on trumped up charges according to your administration, one, whereabouts unknown. Can you tell the country, sir, why you are content, with all of the fanfare around this [nuclear] deal to leave the conscience of this nation, the strength of this nation, unaccounted for, in relation to these four Americans?

Major Garrett impersonated Helen Thomas by making an accusation in the form of a question.

Thomas once asked George W. Bush, "What is the real reason that you wanted to go to war?" Bush replied, "Helen, I didn't want to go to war."

In his question for Obama, Garrett made the accusation that Obama is "content" about something. It was this accusation that Obama objected to and responded to.

Major Garrett impersonated Helen Thomas?
How dare he ask Obama a simple question. (To which he got a bumbling reply).
Obama was into self admiration as usual.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 07/17/15 01:08 PM
OMG,he questioned The Exalted One!noway pitchfork

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 07/17/15 01:50 PM

Major Garrett: As you well know, there are four Americans in Iran - three held on trumped up charges according to your administration, one, whereabouts unknown. Can you tell the country, sir, why you are content, with all of the fanfare around this [nuclear] deal to leave the conscience of this nation, the strength of this nation, unaccounted for, in relation to these four Americans?

Major Garrett impersonated Helen Thomas by making an accusation in the form of a question.

Thomas once asked George W. Bush, "What is the real reason that you wanted to go to war?" Bush replied, "Helen, I didn't want to go to war."

In his question for Obama, Garrett made the accusation that Obama is "content" about something. It was this accusation that Obama objected to and responded to.

Major Garrett impersonated Helen Thomas?
How dare he ask Obama a simple question. (To which he got a bumbling reply).
Obama was into self admiration as usual.

Major Garrett did not ask a simple question. He asked a loaded question.

no photo
Fri 07/17/15 03:49 PM
"Journalists" and main stream media rush to protect Obama?
To downplay anything that might reflect negatively?
Becoming advocates of Obama?

That has never ever ever ever happened before and has not been happening ever since the very first election of Obama as president.
Not once. No leg shivers. No Steve Kroft "softballs." No attacks on Mitt Romney and his dog rather than talk about a drone strike killing a 16 year old American kid.

Major Garrett did not ask a simple question. He asked a loaded question.... Thomas once asked George W. Bush, "What is the real reason that you wanted to go to war?" Bush replied, "Helen, I didn't want to go to war."

You mean there's a history of journalists asking leading and loaded and probing and agenda ridden questions to presidents in the past?!?!

No! Major Garrett was the first! This time it's unique!
Leave Brittanybama alone!

Next thing you're going to tell me is that a politician may ignore the question that is asked and answer the question they want to talk about. They should come up with some sort of phrase so it can be spotted. Like spin, or dodging the question, or something weird like that.

no photo
Fri 07/17/15 04:15 PM

Major Garrett: As you well know, there are four Americans in Iran - three held on trumped up charges according to your administration, one, whereabouts unknown. Can you tell the country, sir, why you are content, with all of the fanfare around this [nuclear] deal to leave the conscience of this nation, the strength of this nation, unaccounted for, in relation to these four Americans?

Major Garrett impersonated Helen Thomas by making an accusation in the form of a question.

Thomas once asked George W. Bush, "What is the real reason that you wanted to go to war?" Bush replied, "Helen, I didn't want to go to war."

In his question for Obama, Garrett made the accusation that Obama is "content" about something. It was this accusation that Obama objected to and responded to.

Major Garrett impersonated Helen Thomas?
How dare he ask Obama a simple question. (To which he got a bumbling reply).
Obama was into self admiration as usual.

Major Garrett did not ask a simple question. He asked a loaded question.

Garrett was only doing his job. The question was loaded because Obama did not do his job.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Fri 07/17/15 05:24 PM
Some people don't like it when someone waxes self-righteous against them or their favorite politicians, but join in gleefully when the target is someone they already don't like.

I personally have no patience with this sort of posturing nonsense, no matter who is doing it or why. Join in if you like, but it's all just self-worship. Nothing heroic or admirable.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 07/17/15 06:10 PM

Garrett was only doing his job. The question was loaded because Obama did not do his job.

At least you admit that Garrett's question was loaded.

no photo
Fri 07/17/15 06:14 PM

Garrett was only doing his job. The question was loaded because Obama did not do his job.

At least you admit that Garrett's question was loaded.

I knew I shoulda put that in parentheses, "loaded". slaphead

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 07/17/15 08:14 PM

Garrett was only doing his job. The question was loaded because Obama did not do his job.

At least you admit that Garrett's question was loaded.

I knew I shoulda put that in parentheses, "loaded". slaphead

Perhaps you should have picked up some more parentheses the last time you were in the Hebei Province of northern China.

silverwolf_109's photo
Sat 07/18/15 07:38 AM
You are right about, the real question is this: If the media isn't willing to do what it's supposed to do (be the watchdog of government), and most of the media outlets are run by people that lean toward the left, politically, how do we get past that? If the GOP isn't willing to stand up and do what is right, how do we get past that?

What nobody seems to remember, or care about, is that we have the power and the right to do something to make changes. The Declaration of Independence says that we have the right and the duty to alter or abolish a government that becomes destructive of the ends as laid out for freedom and liberty. The Constitution says we have the right of free speech and, among others, the right to peaceably assemble and the right to seek redress of grievances.

Think about those things for a moment, please. While there is the problem of a government that has become too big and too intrusive on both states and individual rights and privileges, the bigger problem is that we, the people, have let it happen. We keep putting the same people back in office, we keep letting them spend us into a national debt that can never be repaid, we keep letting them get away with coming up with more laws than were ever necessary, we keep letting them tax us to death, and we keep sticking to the same worn out two party system that has never changed.

How many of you out there are conversant about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or any of the civics we were taught in school? How many of you can name some of the most powerful people in our government, like the Secretary of State, or the Attorney General? How many of you know where this partial quote came from? "A government of the people, by the people and for the people"? Maybe this will scare you into looking it up...98% of the people surveyed knew that Paula Abdul was a judge on "American Idol", while only 49% knew that the partial quote above came from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. I don't know about anyone else, but that scares me to death.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 07/18/15 08:31 AM

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Sat 07/18/15 12:27 PM

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Is that Dodo?laugh

no photo
Sat 07/18/15 12:28 PM

Garrett was only doing his job. The question was loaded because Obama did not do his job.

At least you admit that Garrett's question was loaded.

I knew I shoulda put that in parentheses, "loaded". slaphead

Perhaps you should have picked up some more parentheses the last time you were in the Hebei Province of northern China.

I knew you were going to say thatslaphead DOH!

Lpdon's photo
Sun 07/19/15 05:29 AM

Garrett gets bonus points for actually being a journalist. Most of the White House press corps has knee pads and an airplane size bottle of mouthwash available at all times.

Simple illustration of what I call the Obamagasm is when Obama tries to sing 'Amazing Grace' at the service for the victims of the church shooting. What followed on CNN was just shameless gushing about how great Obama was, how he has taken off the restraints and will just do whatever he wants now, how he has become the nation's pastor, etc etc.

Don Lemon I swear has a man crush on Obama, and wants him as his lover. I think some of the CNN women feel the same way. The ladies on the air that afternoon were hopefully sitting on towels, because I'm pretty sure they were moist during the broadcast as well.

I finally had to change the channel. Not so much for the Obama cheering, after all it is CNN, but I lost respect for the on air talent who had dropped all pretense of journalistic integrity and objectivity. It has really become a cult of personality.

The press is really the only way (save for the courts) to keep politicians in line, honest, and mindful of the promises they made. When the press stops holding politicians accountable you get the issues still on the table for this administration.

1) Fast and Furious gun running scandal.No one in jail.
2) IRS scandal. No one in jail.
3) Benghazi debacle. No one loses their job.
4) Arms supplied to ISIS via Syrian 'rebels'. No one loses their job.
5) Mortgage meltdown. No bankers in jail.
6) Unemployment numbers. Fudged just before 2012 election. Admitted to later, but no one loses their government job.
7) False reporting of the national debt. 6 months after the government shutdown the debt limit only has 28 million left on it. For the next SIX MONTHS, the debt number was reported to be the same EVERY SINGLE DAY despite the U.S. government losing BILLIONS a month on simple currency exchange transactions. Forget the other losses it racks up daily. NO ONE loses their job or goes to jail.
8) A virtual explosion of unjustifiable deadly force encounters by American police departments with NO national investigation. The justice department reacting to only the most politically sensitive for them.
9) The deliberate introduction of Ebola into the United States by the CDC. All patients could have been cared for outside the U.S. or even in facilities created offshore such as isolation ships. Instead, infected health care workers travel the country potentially creating an epidemic, but only through sheerluck is it avoided.

You could go on, but why bother? Neither the press, nor the GOP seem prepared to do the right thing and launch an investigation that will result prison or impeachment for various officials.

By the time the impeachment process ends it will be time for his term to end. I say, keep him in there, every thing he does just get's more people to want to vote for the Republican for President.

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