Community > Posts By > Ron1218

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:31 PM
Oh man, she might be able to out run me too. Sexy AND dangerous!

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:21 PM
I know I can run at least 2 miles on a normal day at the gym, so hopefully she's low on gas LOL

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:19 PM, i love you. I got a hardcover edition of a novel brand new on there for $1.00 once.

blah blah blah

Covering her ears "I CAN'T HEAR YOU"

And I will kick you if I so feel like you deserve it!!!

LOL I've tussled with a girl or two in my day. I'm not scared to save a few bucks shopping at amazon :laughing:

*gets his kevlar vest*

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:14 PM
I like talking about myself, but I like hearing about the date as well. I don't like any conversation to be one sided and I don't like having to initiate every topic of conversation. The woman should be able to come up with her own thoughts and topics of conversation as well. It just makes it so much more fun when you're both jumping from one topic to the next, laughing about things, etc. etc. rather than me babbling, her giving a two word response, me coming up with something else...that's a good way to get me to never call you again :P

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:11 PM, i love you. I got a hardcover edition of a novel brand new on there for $1.00 once.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:59 PM
Hmm my dad would quit his job every time they came around to collect child support from him. He owed over 20 grand when I turned 18 and quit his job again so the court had it reduced to $1,200. I don't know much more than that because I was never directly involved in the legal proceedings being the kid and all but he always avoided paying it.

The worst thing though was he was injured when I was 4 and won a settlement of well over $200,000. He could've easily sent a little bit of that to my mother but he never did.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:48 PM
It is sad but money can definitely put a huge amount of stress on a relationship if you don't have it. I've seen perfectly happy couples fall on hard times and end up splitting because they couldn't support their lifestyle, had things repo'd and were living in a trailer after having a 3 bedroom house with a nice two car garage.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:42 PM
Haha I don't do scrabble or trivia, but I'll wipe the floor with you in Stratego or Go :D I especially love Go because of how deep it is, but I've never found anyone that's willing to learn and stick with it because of how long it tends to take people to become good at it. I think if I ever found a woman that showed enough interest in Go to play with me regularly I'd have the beginnings of a soulmate right there lol.

Oh and thanks but I'm part of a critique group that dissects my writing and gives me feedback. Some of them are published already and they're all helpful. It'll probably be a couple years before I'm done writing it though as I take breaks to ensure I don't get burnt out. My novel so far is roughly 20,000 words out of my targeted 100,000 words and it's only the first novel in what will probably end up being a trilogy.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:39 PM
That looks great, mirror. The first one especially...she looks really nice in that one. I'm sure HE will love it :)

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:35 PM
I don't play many games anymore, but I do have a PS3 that I fire up now and then. Don't hold that against me. It's like twice a month :P

As far as music and books...I was a book worm growing up. I devoured everything I came across and eventually settled into the fantasy genre where I've been ever since. I'm working on writing a novel of my own and have a couple short stories on the side (comedic horror is my favorite short to write).

Music...I listen to everything depending on my mood. Beethoven, Mozart and Bach when I'm writing or relaxing...I also love a good violin solo...and when I'm working out, Disturbed, RHCP, Nightwish, etc.

I've even listened to a good chunk of Japanese music. I don't really understand what they're saying in the music, but they do have translations for the lyrics and some of the vocalists they have are just amazing.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:29 PM
Hahah yea sooo modest :D

I've only had one girl that knew anywhere as much about the computer/techno babble side of things as me so yea...besides, you don't always want a woman that's a geek around. You'd laugh at some of the heated arguments we'd get into! lmao

"Hey, I'm raiding with my clan today in WoW."
"AGAIN?! We were supposed to go out tonight!"
"Yes, again! How am I going to get my next piece of armor if I don't raid?"

And for the was her playing WoW. Ugh. I've never touched that diabolical game myself and never will.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:12 PM

I got the geek gene too.

Ya it's good and bad. I'm the "HEEEY SMART GUY FIX MY COMPUTER" guy at work..which is the down side lol. But it has its perks too. I have a pretty nice setup here at home with my PC hooked up via hdmi cable to my 61" tv. So, I have a 1920x1080 resolution which is great for movies and a 61" computer monitor with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. I'm actually on my couch atm :wink:

Fire: Sounds like a pretty sexy combo :D My ex got mad at me because I'd always be the last one drunk and one night while we were playing strip poker I kicked everyones ass and she got mad lol. I was the only one still clothed at the end.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:02 PM
lol. I grew up in redneck country in NY and while my best friend is one it never rubbed off on me. His father used to drive around the neighborhood on a riding lawnmower with a beer in his hand and his big ol beer belly hanging out lol.

I got the geek gene! I'm all about computers and stuff lol

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 11:58 AM
I have a bit of French in me too from my grandfather but yea, while I can hold my liquor, I can't stand the taste of it so I always have to mix it with something. I don't do well with straight almost always makes me puke.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 11:49 AM
Haha, I'm a hairy beast. I gotta do a bit of trimming. I got irish and german blood in me and it's quite an interesting mix.

I was actually a loner in school too but now I'm a butterfly? lol something like that. But, the difference is I'm kind of a loner still but not by choice. I'll be happy when I leave vegas cause I've just not found any real friends in this place.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 11:37 AM
I don't imagine anyone would wanna see me dance, but I look pretty sexy when I'm tumbling down a mountain after a skiing trip!

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 11:34 AM
Haha nah, you know what I mean. I want some random chick that's not read my profile to say some funny crap to me lol.

I had to turn off IM's though...some random dudes were IMing me and one of em was just some old looking dude wearing white underwear...ewwwwww lol

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 11:28 AM
lol depends on the woman and all...I don't have a problem with the woman shouldering things too since you need to go 50/50 in a relationship anyway. Some women tend to do 20/80 :P

And...that's a funny email lol. I wish I got a bunch of random emails from chicks sending me funny comments, but that'll never happen lol.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 11:14 AM


Thank you. Just being here helps me.

And your wonderful emails.

Naughty naughty

lol well, don't take em for anything but what they are. I'm not out looking for fresh meat or anything. I just do a bit of creative writing is all spock

And, I'll do my best to cheer ya up skipper :)

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 11:09 AM

Like sands through the hour glass so are the days of our lives.....

Ron don't feel bad just one of those things

a brokenheart and a few members having shown their true colors and hurt some feelings

AHHHH! My mom used to watch that soap when I was a kid lol. I heard it all the time during the summer when I was off school.

And, yea, I can see there's a lot of things going on or have been going on in the background that I'm not aware of since I'm still pretty new here and all. I'm the kinda person that feels bad when he can't make someone smile though. I like to have a good time and joke around and be playful and when someone is depressed it gets to me too. From what I see so far, HE seems like a really great and caring person, but she's had a couple bad experiences that has soured her perspective of things. sad2

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