Community > Posts By > Ron1218

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 11:02 AM
I hope he gets better soon! They just gave us our yearly flu vaccine a few weeks ago and while I haven't gotten the flu, I have gotten...*sniffs* sinuses aren't clogged anymore. Ok so I guess I'm not as sick as I was, but I had a cough that persisted for a couple weeks. Tis the season for sickness sad2

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:59 AM
Ya me too...if it was directed at me I knew you were calling Mayhem Sally. My "being lost" comment was more directed towards HE's situation. I've known her for all of 4 days now and then today..surprise! And I kinda feel bad cause I don't know her well and probably can't do anything to cheer her up sad2

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:58 AM
Haha I'm all about doing things 50/50 :P But yea, there's always things I'll just do since I'm a guy and all. Like, I'd always grab all the groceries and just have my ex open the door for me while I waddle in with 6 bags in each hand.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:49 AM
lol sweet. My mom used to make me put these things together for her and I'm just know, you can read the same instructions I can. It's not like I'm a pro at this or anything lol

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:48 AM
Hahah I'll get one someday. I almost had one but feralcatlady swooped in and stole it sad2

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:47 AM
Sure! Just pay shipping tongue2

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:41 AM
So, today is already off to a dramatic start slaphead

I feel like that guy who just walks into a war zone totally clueless as to what's going on while everyone is freaking out around him.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:38 AM
Yea, they really need to change that "Some Assembly Required" bit on boxes. It's sometimes like getting a box full of giant legos with vague, upside down directions and occasionally missing parts.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:21 AM
*sighs* I've been there, 2 years ago when I lost the person I cared for in my life and for a long time I didn't even want to care about anyone else. It's not going to do you any good to harbor hatred against everyone, nor is it going to help you to shut yourself out from the world.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:26 AM

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:21 AM
*pours himself a vodka twist* Morning all

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:23 AM
Ugh, that sucks toasted. I have a crappy car but even I wouldn't let anyone else drive it. The poor car has had enough abuse in park without being abused in motion too!

And..night izzie! I'm heading there myself too :smile:

Night all waving

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:20 AM
Oh man, we crashed this topic into the proverbial wall.

Anyway, *hugs his raisin bran* that's all mine sweety!

And as for the op...yea, just date her a few more times and get to know her and if all is still going well, then you might consider spending some money on her (you know, after a couple to a few months) but don't go emptying your piggy bank on her after the first date.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:14 AM
I've been taking care of my sweet tooth by adding a bit of extra honey to my tea but it's not really the same as a sweet truffle melting in your mouth...

But yea, I'm about to go to bed here soon. I have a full day ahead of me of uh...laundry and the same thing I did today. Ugh.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:10 AM
How about peanut butter chocolate rice cakes? Oh god.

Or mint chocolate brownies? OH GOD.

Or...or...godiva truffles? OH GOD!!!

Hello, my name is Ron and I have a sweet tooth which is why I am not allowed to go down the chocolate aisle...ever sad2

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:07 AM
LOL if you knew how much these cost you'd probably flip. I just got em in January. But yea, I often joke that they're just there for decoration lol.

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:03 AM

I still want some liquorice or pens!!!!

<-----please send to!!!bigsmile

Maybe it's late at night, but I keep reading pens as uh...well, penis LOL

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:01 AM
I'm going to South Korea for a year starting in June so I only have goals for the next 6 months lol. After that, it'll be lots of time in gas masks and 14 hour work days. So, my goal for the first 6 months find someone that I can come back to! And then my goal for the last 6 months of the following year is to come back to that person!

I don't think my odds are very good though lol

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:55 AM
I just used up the last of my bread sad2 I don't wanna buy more since I'm leaving in a few days. My family is cooking me one helluva christmas dinner! Roast beef, yams and sweet potatoes, cherry cheesecake, homemade bread...drool

Ron1218's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:52 AM

hey fellow nighters

waving waving

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