Community > Posts By > Adrenaline

Adrenaline's photo
Thu 12/18/08 12:56 PM
I like my women to be able to do it all. You can't be afraid of a little dirt or blood, but at the same time be able to put on an evening gown and make peoples jaws drop. I ask a lot......but I give a lot too. :wink:

Adrenaline's photo
Thu 12/18/08 12:54 PM
Never the front bumper, but a bunch of times I've had dings in my doors or fenders from shopping carts and people opening their door into the side of my jeep.

Adrenaline's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:05 AM

Many of us have been in VERY bad relationships in the past. Probably, in a lot of cases, more than one.

Now here we are on a " dating " site.

But, could part of the reason why the majority of us are even here, be because we simply don't trust ourselves to make a good decision about our next potential mate??

I mean, with my previous track record, I really am not sure if I can trust myself to make a good decision about who I should be interested in.

Anyone else???

I don't know if I agree with you. Regardless of being on a dating site or not, I am still making the ultimate decision. I would be very uncomfortable not having control of a decision that impacts my life so much. Now, if I was involved with a dating service that chose my dates for me, I could understand that I might not trust my own decisions. Really, there are a few reasons that I chose to be on a dating site. First, I'm not a "bar guy" and don't really like to go pick up girls at the local's just not me. Second, I on a site like this I get a lot more exposure to a lot of different people that I normally would never meet or get to talk with. Third, chances are the women that are on a dating site like this have at least some of the same reasons for being here (don't like bars, etc....). The worst that can happen is that I have some good conversation/opinions, make some new friends, and don't get a DUI on the way home. :thumbsup:

Adrenaline's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:50 AM
I would, providing they are capable of having an intelligent conversation without using the words "like" or "ya know" ever other word. I have dated quite a bit younger in the past but always couldn't get past the lack of mental connection. It's been my experience that most young hot chicks are great to look at but when they open their mouth shocked ( talk :) ) I realize how much empty space there is between their ears.

Adrenaline's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:36 AM

I got a mutual match interest saying he wanted to meet me. Looking for his "soul mate". He writes that he will TELL ME if I'm his soul mate or not, that he is divine, and he wants a soul mate to love and respect him and not talk too much!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I want a "hell no" button option!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG.....I said that to you in confidence! You are SOOOO not my soul mate.....

Adrenaline's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:00 AM
I would love to go more organic in my grocery shopping, but it seems like all the organic stuff is so much more expensive. I really don't understand why since if there are no pesticides, steroids, growth factors, and chemicals used I would think it should be cheaper to produce. If anyone can explain that to me, please do. It seems that the more healthy a food is, the more it costs. The flip side is that you can buy a bag or cheese burgers from McD for under $ wonder there is such an obesity problem.

Adrenaline's photo
Thu 12/18/08 07:56 AM
If a friend were to intentionally do something that made them untrustworthy, I would have a serious problem with that. I would probably still associate with them, but it would take a long time to get back to the "friend" status with me.

Adrenaline's photo
Thu 12/18/08 07:52 AM
I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say a bagel with cream cheese.......

I think I might get one.....that sounds good.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 02:28 PM
When she asks your advice on brand name Lice shampoo.....

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 02:18 PM

Some people thrive on conflict and support the myth that opposites attract. Sometimes conflict sparks interest in people and subjects that never would have been achieved through agreement. The unknown is sexy :) :banana:

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 02:14 PM
Love to flirt, love to be flirted with. There is nothing better than the little sideways glances, shy smiles, and open ended comments that make up the dance of romance. The anticipation and giddy feeling of being involved in a two-person flirt-a-thon makes that first contact even more incredible.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 02:05 PM
A flint, steel, and a hammock. (there are trees and stuff on this island aren't there? I guess if not the hammock can be used for a fishing net....)

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 01:54 PM
You have to have a little of both in my honest opinion. For example, I've met a lot of beautiful girls that had either no personality at all or a very bad (psycho) personality. No amount of looks can compensate for the fact that you have the emotion and intellect of a day old doughnut. On the other hand, I have met truly fascinating, smart, and kind people that were great to be around but didn't have the basic physical attraction I need to consider a more intimate relationship. I am not vein and tend to lean more in favor of the great personality, but I need some physical attraction. It would be nice to meet someone that had it all (and thought the same of me) but I am not holding my breath or anything.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 12:55 PM
A paper bag with eye holes cut out and a nice wrapped cheese log....(parting gift)

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 10:25 AM
I can't blow air out my nose when underwater. I have to plug it like an idiot or the ocean will rush up my nose and make me puke.

I can't leave well enough alone if I think I can improve something.

There's a girl here at work that I can't stand and I can't pass by her cubicle without making nasty faces and obscene gestures at her back.

I can't do things half assed, it's whole ass or nothing.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 10:19 AM
Have a nice slice of aged salted pork served in a dirty ashtray :)

The closer you are to the middle bottom of the ship you are, the less pitching, rolling, up, down, will notice. The higher and more bow and stern you are, the more you can expect to see that omelet you had for breakfast again.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 09:38 AM
If you want to do it yourself, put on some welding gloves and go grab and big puss. Throw it out into the street. If not, call animal control. Thats what they get paid for. Personally, I like to do things myself.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 09:34 AM
I used to be almost exclusively a Home Depot guy until earlier this summer. I do a lot...and I mean a lot of home remodeling on my own house. Basically I have been going from room to room over the past 3 years updating a 1970's house to 2008 styles. I usually went to HD because it is the closest and Lowes was across town. I ended up going to Lowes once because I happened to be in that area for some other reason. After that one time, I would much rather drive across town to go to Lowes. Their customer service seems much better than HD to me. Sometimes you can't find an associate in HD that will help you at all. The one's you do find sometimes tell you that what your asking about isn't their department and just shrug. I've haven't had that problem in Lowes yet. Also, I like the different brands and varieties of things that Lowes carries. Maybe it is just that it's different, but so far I like what they have better.

I worked for HD for a short time between my military and civilian careers, so if I was going to be biased I would think I would be biased towards HD.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/16/08 09:24 AM
At the risk of discrediting myself, I would have to say that men probably tend to be bigger liars. We tend to get ourselves mixed up in situations that we should never have been in the first place, and rather than admitting the mistake will try to buy a little wiggle room by creative recollection. Sometimes it works and no one is the wiser, more times than not it compounds things and requires bigger stories to cover up the first one.

Of course, I could be lying about all of this......

Adrenaline's photo
Fri 12/12/08 11:34 AM
Edited by Adrenaline on Fri 12/12/08 11:35 AM

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