Community > Posts By > Adrenaline

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:18 PM

Wow....without a doubt the best profile I have ever read. I have to say that it's a little intimidating since you are obviously very well spoken, articulate, and goal oriented. As a plus, many people are goal oriented but still have no idea what they ultimately want to achieve, just that they want to achieve.....something. You, on the other hand, seem to have a clear, specific picture in mind and I would not bet against the fact that you will achieve everything that you set your mind to.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:08 PM
Still fairly new and uncorrupted. Feel free to initiate me.. :)

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:49 AM
Avoid showing a strange rash or growth and commenting on how much it looks like a famous celebrity.

"Truthfully.....does this look like Ronald Reagan or what?"

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:43 AM

My friend, it takes a lot to understand women,Since the creation women do as they please God told Adam an Eve not to eat from the knowlege Tree and what happen it was de first thing Eve did, the Only woman that understand us is our Mothers and unless you turn and live or married another man, you'll live the rest of your life thinking what's wrong with me? Or better yet stay alone the rest of you miserable life, becaus if you need time to be alone then why complicate your life? stay alone. I never intent to ofend or hurt you, but if in any relation you need time to be alone they (woman), never will or try to understand you

Can't do that friend. I'm not a quitter. Given the choice between not trying and die trying....I would rather take the hard way.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:40 AM
Ok, so basically what I am hearing is that I am chumming around with women that are too dependent and can't understand the need for me to retreat every once in a while?

Sounds like what I really need is a DragonFlytat...

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:09 AM
I have been in some relationships that have ended because I need a little "alone time" each week. I really don't think that this is too much to ask, but you tell me. It seems that when I make this need known, women don't hear "I need to be alone", they hear "I don't want to be with you". Tell me some way to communicate the fact that I need some private time without making someone think that I am drawing away. I'm a very independent guy and have been for some time. I find that if I don't get some time to myself once in a while I will start to feel a little claustrophobic. I don't want to ignore this feeling because it will only grow until the point where I might say something I can't take back or don't mean. I don't want this to happen when I meet someone that I really want to hold onto.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:58 AM

ummm yeah by the third date you should prolly know whether there is anything there or not.

If there is, there should be lots of kissing.

If there isn't, you prolly shouldn't be on a third date


Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:40 AM
I find that the third date is when things start sparking and all the exciting stuff is getting ready to happen. If I take someone to dinner on the third date, I will bite the bullet and lean in for a kiss, no asking. The last time, it was between courses (I guess I didn't want to wait until the end of the night). More often than not, it is welcomed.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:32 AM
I donate a few times a year and organize a blood drive at work. You should have something in your stomach before you go, but not right before. Eat about 2 hours beforehand and it might be good to stay away from fatty or sodium rich foods. After you finish they will want you to have some juice or a cookie, thats a good idea too.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:20 AM
Your loss...I can do better :)

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:18 AM
I understand if someone gets busy or has an unforeseen circumstance that prevents them from contacting me, but I don't accept it when someone says they will and you don't hear from them for a week. I think that is inconsiderate. It takes 2 minutes to let someone know that you have a problem and will get back as soon as you're able. I don't do it to other people and I don't like it when it's done to me. There are too many ways to contact someone. You can email, txt, phone, whatever....

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:01 AM
I don't know if you would call it a "crush". I don't think I develop crushes any more. To me, a crush is when you develop an infatuation with someone and can't bring yourself to do something about it. If I have feelings, I tell the person. There is someone here that I am "dewy eyed" over...and they know it.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 08:56 AM
Listen, if this dink wants to give you a present, smile and say, "Thank You". But it doesn't change the past. I mean, if it turns out to be a fruit cake or something by all means ship it back to him (or chuck it at him), but why not accept it if it's something not-sucky? After all, he's already bought it (or stolen it). If you don't take it he's going to re-gift it to someone else, and possibly dupe them into getting them stranded somewhere. Do you really want to be responsible for that??? :) Think of it as a tiny bit of compensation.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:35 AM
I have to read the profile. It's nice to be physically attracted to someone, but if there is no interest or common ground other than that it won't last. Before I waste my time I want to know if there is anything solid there.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:31 AM
I am very hopeful about someone out there. Fingers and toes are crossed.

Adrenaline's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:56 AM
Get on a one way flight to St. Thomas, Bermuda, or Cancun.

Adrenaline's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:00 PM
Edited by Adrenaline on Mon 12/08/08 12:01 PM

Actually I would be the one doing the rump smacking.. Im the beyatch in charge in this here house...

My mistake mistress.....I could have sworn I wore pants today...

Oh well, I deserve a little smack every once in a while.

Adrenaline's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:55 AM

Sure, and that would be the last time she would ever be considered my gf. There are other ways to reign someone in other than telling them to shut up. I wouldn't do it to someone and I wouldn't want them to do it to me.

oh baby.. come on..


Ok....we're talking about "shut up and sit down", no one said anything about a little playful smack on the rump... :)

Adrenaline's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:51 AM
Absolutely. It gives me a little cheap thrill and I have to smile for some of my day. I also like to flirt back. I'm not greedy, I share the wealth :)

Adrenaline's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:48 AM
Sure, and that would be the last time she would ever be considered my gf. There are other ways to reign someone in other than telling them to shut up. I wouldn't do it to someone and I wouldn't want them to do it to me.

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