Community > Posts By > SchnaughtTrew
You ever have a dream...
how about dreaming that you drank the world's largest margarita and waking up to find salt on the rim of your toilet happy that you didn't eat the worm.
obama on gaza crisis
Shedding tears for the Devil? Like that really makes sense. Any life lost is a loss and a shame. But before you shed anymore tears for the palestinians, you might want to keep in mind that these are the same people who indiscrimately send rockets into populated areas, send 12 & 13 yr. olds in to blow themselves up and do their dirty work for them. Ask any one of them and they will tell you that WE are satan. I've got dozens of listings on my computer from people IN the states, espousing suicide bombings and hating your country while taking shelter from it. Are you people for REAL?? Give your head a shake and look at what is going on around you. You want my proof? Go ahead and email me, I'll send it.
That conflict is a family feud since the time of Abraham, its been going on for thousands of years. Believe me, it ain't going to be settled now. Who's right, who's wrong no longer matters. The cruelty of the war is the loss of life. Neither side really worries about the children. The terrorists believe that Martyrdom is an honour and guarantees a spot in heaven. Therefore sending in 12 & 13 yr. old children as suicide bombers to fight their battles for them is doing the child a favor. If they are responsible for making the child a martyr, they did good. If that same child by some act of defense by the israeli dog it is heinous. This world is crazy, and people are crazy for defending either side. Look at Iraq, another bad case, where the US stepped in for the good of the people and help prevent civil wars. Now, American soldiers are fired upon by both sides.
Blue helmets don't do any good, just look at Iraq & Afganistan our soldiers go there and are fired on by both sides. They may still be fighting each other, but now they concentrate on us. They DON"T want us to solve their problems, they have their OWN solutions. They just want us to come & enforce their rules with them. Complaining about the jews dropping bombs is rather futile when you're busy firing rockets at them. What you have there is a family squabble thats been going on since abraham. Doesn't matter who you help, you're wrong and if you don't help, you're STILL wrong. Quit trying to lay the blame and help lay the foundation for a peaceful solution.
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Lets go topicless...
I thought she said "tropicless" and worried 'bout my tan.
Guess what, Thomas. I don't know enough about the situation in Israel to comment on it. There are no terrorists here!!!!!!!!! Where the heaven did that come from! If you think that there are no terrorists here, you are hiding your head in the sand. I can show definite proof of advertising for suicide bombers and donations from organizations right in the good ol' USA. I get mailings from 6 - 15 different sources every day. |
I don't think that it was even fair posting this question. It co-notates a desire for help or comfort. Yet, when someone goes out of their way to be helpful, you quite unabashedly, lash out at them. This is supposed to be a friendly caring place. You shouldn't pose questions like that if you don't want people to be concerned.
The sweet little girl caught her mother by surprise when she asked "Mommy, where I come from?" She became embarrassed and stuttered "wait until your father comes home." Dad got home from work and mom told him briefly about what the little girl had asked. Dad then called to his little girl and took her upstairs to her room and with really well chosen words told her about the birds & the bees, and about how mommy & daddy really loved each other when it happened. With sweat beading his forehead, he asked if that helped. The little girl solemnly answered "not really daddy". Dad wringing his hands together, cried out "please, tell me please why you asked that question!" The little girl answered; "We got a new boy in our class,,,,he came from Toronto, I just wanted to know where I came from."
doctor told me the next time I went in, I'd have to take a urine test. On my way to the doctor, I bought a bottle of applejuice and put it in my pocket. When the doctor looked at me and the bags under my eyes (I had partied the night before), he asked me if I was ready for the urine test. I told him that I was up all night studying for it. He said,with some exasperation, "go piss in a bottle". I didn't want to let it go yet, so I retaliated with "go sh!t in yer hat!" Anyway, I finally let him talk me into the bathroom. As I was stepping in he handed me a sterile bottle. I shut the door and poured the apple juice into the sterile bottle and brought that bottle out to the medical assistant. Just before she could get from the counter,,,,,I grabbed it up and said "it looks a little weak to me, I better strain it through again" They just about passed out.
so, its the new year, getting ready for spring, the birds, the bees,,,,,,,Bees are so amazing, don't you think? They taught about wax, thanks worker bees....honey bees give us honey. Pretty good huh? Thanks to bees, we have milk, wax & honey....
God created all creatures upon the earth with mates at first except for man and man was lonely. One night, God created the most beautiful, awesome mate for adam and presented it to him. Adam was just staring at it,,,,,,,,finally adam, rubbing his chin asks "How much is this going to cost me?? Well, you know God, He ain't gonna lie so He says "PROBABLY AN ARM & A LEG". Adam thought for a second, and asked "Well what can I get for a rib?"
I had a sound board, kept tapping the mouth piece while punctuating with the sounds of grunts or breaking dishes,,,,I got "gonged" because I kept falling in the sink.
you are in the washroom and your hand goes to sleep.
they all have boyfriends??
You gotta understand,,I've reached the age where food is just as important as sex,,,why I'm putting a mirror on the ceiling above my dining table.
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nobody would take the trade
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wipe him off and tell him that your sorry.