Clue 7:
ok, rule out the ladies in arts: poems & paints that leaves how many? how can you guys 'love thy neighbor, when you have no idea who they are?' come on, come on. |
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Fri 04/08/16 07:40 AM
clue 5:
in our forums, she stands up for the underdog (include me in the lot) gives a Constitutional basis for such arguments. I'd say if she wins every argument you need to get better at arguments
it's not just me may be we don't win cause we end up on different planets. |
in my experience they're arw no wixked women here....because 'wicked' implies evil. and true evil xomes in the form of am angel, so therefore if you've spotted someone as evil, that just means thwy aren't truly evil...because you wouldn't have spotted them to begin with. Perhaps someone who appears to be evil to our naive view of the word...maybe. But calling someone out on your iwn perception of the word, could be just as...if not more evil than the one you're attempting to out....just saying no sweat Isaac, wicked in a way like like say we all know how you adore your love but say what if every argument - she wins |
Mother Theressa? hahahaha yeah, may be; i don't have a pic of Mother Theressa in her younger days but there's a resemblance - an aura. ok, in response to LW clue 4: rule out our Mods; they are not wicked enough. |
Is she a regular poster and how long has this supposed "wicked woman" been here? hahahaha - wicked is all i'm saying. clue 3: she looks like a saint, talks like a saint, has the ethics of a saint.. |
Panama Papers Leaks
Ramon Fonseca, co-founder of Mossack Fonseca has lodged a criminal complaint. He said: "nobody is talking about the hack and that is the only crime that has been committed. We have lodged a criminal complaint. We have a technical report that we were hacked by servers abroad."
Latest updates reveal London to have played a pivotal role besides adding the involvement of drug barons from Mexico and Guatemala. - I. Express Pakistan's PM goes on TV. Expresses these corruption charges are part of an old conspiracy against his family. |
clue 2:
a bit like Puss-in-Boots when she does come in the forums we just can't be sure whose turn it would be to play her mice... |
i agree some wickedness lurks in every man, even in the best of us
how come women are exempt? i know this one is a tight rope walk so my first clue is: a few of us are with her and a few of us hate ourselves cause she's not with us.. that makes us work harder in the forums; and from this point of view, she's like Nero, playing the violin.. the fact that Rome has to burn before the Plague wiped out all citizens escapes us. on the other hand, she opines that the world is amply supplied with Nero's like us.. Disclaimer: i'm sure we all know somebody in our personal lives, just a wee bit more wicked than us. what can we do? they remain our bosom friends.. so, ok; guess, who? |
Guess who is this nude?
am I the only one who thought there should actually be nudes in this guess the nude thread?????? haha, ok. look at her hands, they are telling. i don't know how Sunshine caught that. |
a song, so incomplete
thanks LuRosemary,
you are very kind, song reminded me like what they say 'there's a boy in every man'. haha i was reading your 'my little corner of words' unusual lines... heartwarming, young, and so dear --xx-- dear friends, i think this post come to a full circle. thanks all. |
a song, so incomplete
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Thu 04/07/16 11:21 AM
"Do i know where hell is. hell is i hello!!" my dad died 4 weeks ago, i was there at his cremation my dad, towards end was quite disappointed in me.. i watched my Dad's body lay as the crematorium fires blew flames No words Jai. Just a hug... thanks baby, at times like this, need to say, but don't actually know what to say, MzRosie, my fellow traveler in M2 Bahiteva, thanks, Czery, now don't you become Mother Theresa, how i love you kiddo; actually i'm getting worried; haha.. and Soufie who is near to us all (if not always dear, haha) that's family and a personal thank you to all the guys; my friends who didn't whisper understanding these things could sometimes happen or happened; (took a blimey Indian to wail, that's all) As my Dad would've said; 'lets move on' but frankly, i'm still sort of .., getting over it, life gives us so little time... Yeah, i know he is gone.. edited: under what is poetic license |
Add caption
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Wed 04/06/16 08:18 AM
Damn...I need to find new friends to hang out with oh how world spins when mod throws out a post by our ear!! |
Sauropod sex..
Chito's crocodile: Chito's crocodile was supposed to be blind!! --xx-- Anyway, it's there on the web about crocodiles going through elaborate courtship and then takes them 15 minutes to complete the act. That is excluding the time for moving the tail out of the way, grabbing with both fore and hind paws and aligning up. Then it's 15 minutes of sea-saw in the water as they both come up for air and then submerge in rhythm with the locomotion. In comparison elephants have duration's of less than a minute. "Cause there's no pelvic movement involved" - explains Wiki. Now before i raise the question, recall a few facts, that crocodiles go back some 200 million years while as we know the elephant is relatively a younger species the crocodile brain is small: size of an orange and the elephant has a massive brain: 3 times the size of man (brain size could be inversely relevant (?) So the question is: what would have been the duration for sex if this sauropod was mating??? Keep in mind, this fella is also "lizard hipped", about 20 times the size of a crocodile and so forth. |
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Mon 04/04/16 06:14 AM
Was free internet!!
end story in: Not certain whether it was a combo plan Z had in mind.. Google to float hi-alt balloons all over for connectivity & FB covers the cost for free basic net connections / services Google has a pilot project running in Sri Lanka aptly named as Project Loon (tests are on); a working project in Indonesia... balloons as low cost alternate to satellite coverage?? |
No matter the business or scam they both want you to: 1. Value what they're selling more than you value what you would give up to get it. 2. Perceive what they sell as being something you need. Well balanced point of view. a first, seeing a ppm example used to such terrific effect. By the way the Indian government didn't buy into Z's plans. |
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Sun 04/03/16 02:11 PM
was trying to raise a laugh guess this one was too close to real life explains Facebook does not have any such program. |
As a fellow Mingler once accused me of trying to scam him
here's the difference between scamming & Zuckering in 1. Our man in India.. Oct, 2015 His mission is: " to connect over a billion people who currently don’t have access, a move that could provide health information as well access to jobs." - Indian Express As per Zuckerberg's proposal to Indian government, every Indian would get free basic net services - basic could mean news feed, health info; job info. For additional website access / content, like Wiki(?) there would be a fee. 2. The 'Work from Home' ad that is doing the rounds.. Ok, it's not from Facebook but if one looks up the ad: one has to put down $80 for the 'kit' and then start earning $300 per day; working 2 hours / day. So scams as we know - it's cash upfront In Zuckerberg's proposal - no cash upfront. It's free. Any one interested to collaborate? |
To LpDon
on the Prize issue, that was a slip up - nothing to with topic. was triggered by today's (Indian) news on the nuclear summit in DC. Mr. Obama / Mr. Cameron and others have gone public with some "war game scenarios" that i felt was giving ideas. appalling. |
Okay, so you're all saying that this ONE woman from Indonesia, represents the entire world Muslim community? Are you aware that we have a few lunatic Christians, some Hindus with screws loose, A Jew or two who are less than entirely rational, a couple of atheists that are rather "out there," and maybe even a Mormon or two who don't really qualify as fair and balanced? a Muslim does not raise an issue with authorities unless they have consulted, cleared and encouraged to do so by the local Imam - Sharia Yesterday's news, Indian Muslim board has issued a "fatwa" on Muslims who declare 'Jai Hind': Victory to India. They don't join in singing the National Anthem over here. Kindly provide one post on Christians, Hindus or Jews who are cutting a country to ribbons. without such evidences; bright statements don't shed light. |
wonder how much the Family's Attorney will gain ,should the Jury award the 1.4 Million! Heard he's working for the Lawfirm of Dewey,Shaftem & Howe! the material side; how it unfolds; interesting may be .. an award, that will not return the 11 year old to angels but reinforce the vigor of Islamist.. yet on the root of Islam as i see it; on just those few lines that the mercenaries are using to bind their public with; it reduces to what Christ said.. who among us can cast the first stone on the Koranic verses. A Muslim - Salman Rushidie, UK, attempted & a fatwa was raised on him!! |