....Yessss the OUIJA BOARD,,,some of you might not know what it is,i don't know how to post pics,if anyone wouldn't mind posting one,that i'll be really cool,its one those things where you try to communicate with spirits ,this board has the alphabet and numbers on it and maybe like 2 people holding a little class like thing and the spirit is suppose to be moving it,yeesssss that ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() y would you want to play with it - r u that lost u need a board of spirits to give u direction? wow, ppl out here r truly freakin lost!!!! |
I thought America goes to war everywhere to make it easier to teach the kids geography ![]() Yeah, could trace that back to English ancestry. And besides, it's really not too much different now, the British, the French and the Americans, war everywhere. yep, I actually do agree, but my comment was meant in jest. Besides that, if us Brits didn't join America in most wars, who else would you lot use for target practice. You take the expression 'friendly fire' to the extreme. LOL, I guess a little history plays into this, no matter what America, Canada or Britian does vice versa they will always support ea other because historically they are sister and brother countries operating for the world as separate but in reality all connected. So don't get lost in the propaganda to truly see the underlying current that is at work here pulling the strings of all parties involved. |
Witchcraft has nothing whatsoever to do with playing god or messing around with Mother Nature. Rather Medieval statement. Perhaps you should look into the origins and historical significance about witchcraft before making a blank statement. No matter how you dice it, witchcraft is an occult practice (satanist), that simple. Do some research into witchcraft historically pre-America and you would see its origins and how it has transformed over the centuries from mysticism, supernatural, spiritualism, black magic, spell casting, and the list goes on. In substance this cult is monotheistic and has nothing to do with ancient paganism. Lucifer and/or the Devil is the object of the cult. Witches everywhere and unanimously today speak of some living person who is to them "the devil", their master or his representative in the flesh. To most of them the chief seems a semi-supernatural person, though in some cases they frankly speak of him as a quite well known man of their own district, the secret organizer of the sect. Witchcraft (pure form before colonization) stems as far back to Babylonian times then to Egypt then to Europe and then to America. Along the way the transformation from dark to light have become acceptable in modern day society. Sad to say this is why so many fall into cults without knowing it, this is not excluding some Christian faiths that have a cult base but most do not recognize. Word of caution, everyone should fully understand what they are getting into before jumping in, if you do then it is at your own accord. By all means, I am not here to judge, just stating facts. In short, if you believe in witchcraft and practice it then its your prerogative, that simple. |
thanks for the post I thank you have done this before... many, many thanks... it's one word Coud'eta.. Thanks and God Bless I would think in this day in age everyone knows politicians dont work for the ppl but the lobbyist; however, the ?'s to ask what is the reason for the large donations, what is the motive/agenda, why was that particular politician picked for the task/donation, who made the donation (not what organization donated the funds, but where/who actually supplied the funds)? Once these questions can be answered, the light bulb should light up and now the meat and potatoes who is pulling the strings, etc..... |
Edited by
Tue 10/07/14 03:10 AM
FROM FREE REPUBLIC "Every child is our child." -- Motto of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). "To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification." Brock Chisolm, when director of UN World Health Organisation 1948 -- UNESCO president and Fabian Socialist, Sir Julian Huxley, calls for a radical eugenic policy in UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy. He states: "Thus, even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy of controlled human breeding will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable." "In order to stabilize world population, it is necessary to eliminate 350,000 people a day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it." - Oceanographer Jaques Cousteau Published in the Courier, a publication of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) [/quote Agree. I think what most ppl don't see is the underlying agenda/motives which plays into the ruling factions betting on US citizens to remain ignorant, divided, dumbed down, and ill informed (if interested read: http://www.paulmcguire.org html/store_books_the_day_the_dollar_died.html). |
I too live in Texas, less than 5 miles from the Presby Hospital. I have a question maybe someone can answer. Who or what organization paid this man's airfare to come to the US? I think that we have the right to know who is paying for these peoples airfair. Don't you? ![]() excellent question? hmmm ![]() |
instant messanger
Unfortunately, adityajmni, this is a known bug with a small minority of accounts. I wish that I could tell you when it will be fixed, but it is now known at this time. I wish you wouldn't state this, becuz everyone so far i have come into contact with on this site, has stated IM doesn't work, including me. When I first signed up, there use to be the option in the profile to select IM as an option of point of contact, now the only option is email or nudge, wtf, mingle2, get it together. You guys have been using this "bug" excuse for the past couple of months and the f'bug isn't fixed. Pretty sad for an internet dating site. Really, it should be f'basic platform protocol. |
Anybody else a big fan of Karl Marx? I don't mean to refer to his thoughts on Communism (which the educated reader knows is a phrase he only uses sparingly throughout his career.. seriously people stop associating Marx with Russian / Cuban Communism and Stalin / Castro, they're completely different), but rather his infamous critique on Capitalism in Das Kapital and other writings. To me, Karl Marx's analysis is one of the best explanations for how the world actually works; capitalism, a system of exchange, entrepreneurship, and exploitation (you can't have a capitalistic mode of production without a increasingly exploitative relationship between haves and have-nots)extends far beyond the realm of finance and economy into the very manner in which we interact with people, or, going further, even the way we conceptualize history and the world (one of the reasons why we can't see a reality outside of a capitalistic one). Anywho, any thoughts or other Marx fans out there? It's been too long since I've had some intellectual conversation about how the world works lol Karl Marx provided the principles for the Communist Manifesto. He was Jewish, then Christian, and then either became an atheist or a satanist. One of the things that has gone down the memory hole is that Marx was also a failed mathematician. He wrote an absolutely hilarious proof that a sequence of continuous functions must converge to a continuous limit function [it does not.] His proof involves appeals to "forces of nature," which even by the standards of the early nineteenth century were not considered rigorous. So he decided to become a "philosopher" instead. From time-to-time Russian and the occasional Chinese mathematician tried to argue that he was "essentially correct." Eventually they decided it was probably better not to talk about his mathematical career at all. Capitalism has not changed its crisis-prone nature since Marx’s time. It is in the context of crises, however, that the centralization and concentration of capital creates significant problems for a capitalist economy. First, the bankruptcy of a major firm, or of a major industry, becomes much more costly. There is the greater possibility that the collapse of a large corporation, or several significant players within a particular industry, will bring the rest of a national economy, if not the global economy, into severe crisis. It is still doomed to make the lot of the working class more unstable, insecure and miserable. Indeed, the promises made by the ideologists of capitalism have not been fulfilled for billions of people around the world. If anything, crisis has ensured that the opposite is true, as working people in countries from Argentina to Korea to the United States can attest. For Marx the only solution was economic planning–socialism. |
What do women want??
Whatever you think we want...only that's not it. |
![]() the only one who got it, kudos - who the f is this joker |
It depends on what your after, if you want to keep up with the Jones's, are mostly looking for a status symbol and don't mind the getting price gouged and occasionally hose by the company, go with Apple (no one calls them mac anymore). Unfortunately Windows (while cheaper) isn't much better because they don't seem to fully debug anything before releasing it and then try to make up for it by peppering you with patches and updates. I believe Android is windows base and as of yet isn't capable of running anything massive but can handle most of your gaming and streaming needs. So basically what you have is a game of Russian Roulette. Just pick one and hope it doesn't blow up in your face, figuratively speaking of course. LOL - so true, russian roulette, doesn't matter what cell you purchase these days, all price inflated, all function exactly the same, and all will tell you anything just to get your money.... |
Denver bank robbery suspect
![]() Denver bank robbery suspect hams it up in mug shot. A good way to build a insanity plea, don't you think. Oh well, I guess it went over everyone's head, lmao, nice mug shot. ![]() |
Woman Beats Men in Rap Battle, So They Rape, Set Her on Fire and Shoot Her ![]() 3 men arrested woman beat rap battle ![]() Three men have reportedly been arrested after a brutal crime committed against a woman who beat them in a hip hop rap battle at a house party. Joey Betrail Garron, 28, Robert Carl Johnson, 23, and Ketorie Glover, 23 all of Columbus, Georgia could not handle losing to a woman in a hip hop rap battle, so they allegedly raped, beat, shot and doused the woman with gasoline setting her on fire before leaving her for dead. Columbus police reportedly responded to a vacant parking lot where a person was screaming out for help. They found a woman suffering from several gunshot wounds in the vacant lot. The woman had allegedly engaged in a hip hop rap battle contest outside of a house party on Garden Drive where she was pitted against the alleged men opponents who she apparently defeated and set off anguish. Apparently the rap battle got heated when one man drew a weapon – a handgun – and forced the 36 year-old victim into her own vehicle as two other men joined. The woman was taken to the vacant lot where she was found by police at 988 Farr Road, the place where she was allegedly sexually assaulted by all three men, doused with gasoline, set on fire, shot several times and left for dead. Fortunately, the woman survived her ordeal after being treated for injuries at a local hospital. The three men have all been arrested and face felony charges of kidnapping, rape, aggravated assault, aggravated sexual battery, aggravated sodomy, arson in the first degree, possession of a firearm, among other charges. I think the charges s/b attempted murder and rape - end of story. Now you can tack on the other charges to increase the sentence. Food for thought. |
Why exactly is it most usual for a prayer to end in "In Jesus' name I pray Amen". Why is the name mentioned as a third party? Jesus is our God, Jesus is whom we are praying to. We aren't praying to the "father" eg., Jesus' father for Jesus is our creator our God thus we pray to him. So why exactly do we say "In Jesus' name I pray, amen" as a third party? Good question, idk? ![]() |
Should there be a course or seminar given in the Jr Highschool up to at least the freshman year of college for Domestic Violence,and Sensitivity? And mandatory before you get married REALLY, REALLY, YOU ARE ASKING? WTF, WE HAVE TO TEACH PPL NOW TO KEEP THEIR HANDS TO THEMSELVES AND DON'T GO AROUND KNOCKING PPL THE F'OUT. REALLY, REALLY. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS POST, I'M LOST FOR WORDS. GL DUDE @##$@@$$!! |
Is it natural?
For older women to date younger guys and vice versa? I'm not sure I would have anything to talk about with a girl in say her twenties or am I missing the point entirely and its not about the 'talking' |
What is pionate??
I'm sorry but I keep seeing this word in so many profiles and of course I am the kind of person that when I see a word I don't know, and I can't get an understanding of it's meaning simply by the way it is used then I can't help but to try to look it up to find it's meaning. sadly try as I may I find the word pionate nowhere in any dictionary that I have access to. Thus I must ask, is this even a word and if not then stop using it, because to use a non existent word just because it sounds smart, shows just how ignorant you truly are. I noticed it in a couple of profiles, too. Don't know if one person meant to say poignant and misspelled it and another idiot copied the word misspelled, then being unoriginal as some are other azzholes kept copying the word becuz it sounds intelligent, there you go, a domino affect of azzholes. lol |
need proof of God?
proof of God? the existence of life. every single person reading this, whether you are a believer or non believer, you and all of life is proof of God. Science can neither create life where there is none, nor save a life whose time on earth has come to an end. |
wtf - part 4
WTF I hate Mondays!!!! WTF WTF WTF.....
With love generally no. With getting a real woman from here - yes, your distance and your origin has everything to do with it. Nigeria has very bad reputation for online scamming. For God sake, you have businesses there that specialize in online scamming! ![]() That's sick as fck! So I don't think anyone wants to get real with you. You're not a safe choice. |