I guess we are all missing the point. The questions to ask, why is this man so important and talked about (may be called, JC, Yeshua, Yehoshua or Yahweh) throughout history for centuries? Now, it is true the stories of him are written by men and translated numerous times (so without saying lost in translation). But his life was significant enough to write down for future generations to read about. The question is, who is this man, is he the son of god, why is he important, why did he offend so many, why is he worthy to recollect his life? These are the questions to ask and not get hung up on defacto, but what is it about this man that so many thought was relevant. My opinion, he knew something that those in power and authority wanted to suppress, end of story. As it is today, whenever knowledge can be spread to awaken, those who lust power, greed and authority always want to silence. Guess what that means you know what they know and they no longer have the power over you.. Unfortunately, we know what they want us to know, ppl dont get it so they rely on what is force fed to them instead of inquiring or critically thinking for themselves. Oh, how dumb down our society has become, we need a spoon to be fed.
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Would you date someone across the pond (U.S.A.)?
Y or N Just post your response Y or N, thanks. Y = Wasn't intimidated of the distance and tried it. N = Was intimidated and did not try it because of the distance. |
is this site a scam
The site itself is not a scam, its just that there are scammers in the site. Not just those whose profiles have no photo and who are looking for intimate encounters are scammers. There are well written profiles and have several photos but are scammers as well. I have actually encountered a few. Maybe a lot more to come LOL. We all just need to be extra careful. Well said! DITTO. As a matter of fact, doesn't really matter if its mingle or eharmony scammers will try their luck no matter what, just use common sense and pay attention to what they say - DEAD GIVE AWAY!!!! |
Jim Rogers Warns: Prepare , we are on the brink of a very serious collapse that will end with currency turmoil, food shortages, panic, social unrest and a total shakedown of average citizens. Rogers understands that we are living in perilous times, and that actions by governments, finance ministers and officials across the globe have left us on the brink of a very serious collapse that will end with currency turmoil, food shortages, panic, social unrest and a total shakedown of average citizens. http://www.bioprepper.com/2014/05/18/jim-rogers-warns-you-better-run-for-the-hills/ Historically, all giants have to fall. The key is: can we rise again and prove everyone wrong and show the world truly why we are unique and why we are called America "the land of opportunity!" |
So. The muslim is now the victim to defend and the women who was stabbed along with the woman behead are just insignificant *** dumpsters? I'm not defending the savage who did this, in fact if it was up to me I'd execute him. However we can't let them spread the hate. If we do it will end in a Muslim against Christian war and that's what they want. Young and wise! Kudos to you. Unfortunately, most on this post do not get the big pic, that is why religion and race would always be the number device to separate and conquer. Trivial minds can not comprehend, only ignorance, hate and anger. Sad, really. When i say this understand this plays out on both sides. I don't care what your religion or "race" is! Ignorance deserves the ignorant. |
Just wondering what women think of a single dad, I was reading a lot of these posts and there's a lot of questions about single moms, so just wondering. They deserve the same respect as a single mom, since they both have to endure the hardships and triumphs being a single parent calls for. The reality is, it doesn't matter if you are a single mom or dad becuz it takes dedication, courage, and endurance being one. So kudos to all single parents everywhere!! |
Happy Valley
Edited by
Tue 09/09/14 01:16 AM
I just watched this on Netflix and loved it (Happy Valley)! Anyone else saw this? Your thoughts.
sometimes I'll spend the entire week.. teasing her.. just a little every day.. .. starts with a passionate kiss on her neck..mon... Tuesday another passionate kiss on her neck. followed with a little massage on her shoulders..mmm Wed.. another passionate kiss on her neck a little ear nibble... and a slight little tickle on her buttocks... Thursday... I leave the shower with my towel on... I find her give her a very passionate kiss on her neck... pull my towel off flip it over my shoulder and walk away... . Friday.... bingo.. . Well said!!! ![]() |
Someone must be misinformed. There are no policies designed to help "black" people or "poor people." Until you become more diverse in your reading and understand how policies are institutionalized for the greater greed and control then you will stop posting stupid **** like this that displays your true lack of understanding for social economical gain and policy making. I appall how ppl try to equate things in black and white context and have no f'ing clue what they are really talking about only to copy and paste someone else propaganda ******** for the ill informed masses.
Languages are subjective, to the number of people on any site, who can read, write, speak, and/or comprehend, any given language. As a child in Europe, I learned that a person who speaks many languages, is called multilingual. A person who speaks at least three languages, is called trilingual. A person who speaks at least two languages, is called bilingual. And... A person who speaks only one language, is called an American. A sad but true, overall world view of 'us'. LOL, the world view of America.... So true and not an understatement of the mentality to only speak American not English, do not mix up the two they are quite different.. lmao |
My Dear Friend
Today I Spent Most Of The Day By The Phone Waiting or A call From The Hospital My Dear Freind Brian Whose Been Part Of My Life For 22 years Helped Me raise A Child Into A Man...And Always Been A Dear Freind Is Fighting For His Life.. We Had Ice Cream A Few Days Ago..He Looked Healthy And Happy Tonight I Spent A Few Hours Holding His Hand Letting Him Know I Loved Him For All he Has Done For Me.. And How Important Hes Been To My Life...I Could Only Talk Softly And Hold This Dear Mans Hand..Hoping He Might Hear... Since Yesterday Hes Had A Massive infection Take Over His Body Internally.. As Well as Internal Bleeding They Can Not Stop,His Heart has Stopped Twice.. If Its Stops Again There Is A DNR,in place...... I Pray Tonight,I believe He Is Already Gone,But The Ventilator,Is Breathing For Him..I Pray For This beautiful Man ,With Such A Kind Heart.. Does Not Suffer,,,Sometimes Through So Many Losses,,I Feel Theres Nothing That really Matters Much To Me Anymore... Then Life Finds One More Thing ,That Can Break Whats Left Of Your Heart Goodnight This Is The Only Post I Feel Like Making,,,Tonight My prays r with you and your friend. Most of all you are there for him every step of the way. Stay positive, Peace. |
Awwwwww hope all comes to fruition :-) Ditto, gl you guys!!! |
BTW, Fergus is Celtic for penis Apparently you don't have the Gaelic. Fergus is the anglicized form of Fearghas, which means "man of vigour". [Source: http://www.behindthename.com/name/fergus ] And where do you think "man of vigour" comes from; should I have said in ancient celtic, ie- cattle raid of cooley, it means penis. Your source of info? [e] The professor teaching the translation of The Cattle Raid of Cooley and the notes in the translation; the benefits of a liberal education KUDOS, awesome response. |
Alex Jones seems to have all the answers. And he's also very entertaining. He is also one of their cronies, so develop discernment when researching the topic!! |
lol... i read them because i find some of it amusing, but never answer... Ditto! Actually, I have fun with it, depending on my mood, i will chat with them. 99% of the time if they know u know they are a scammer they don't ever contact you again. If they pester u, just report it, the site is good about deactivating their account. Even though they would just create a new profile but at least they won't contact you again in fear of being reported with their new fake profile, lol. |
Welcome to the Annual 2014, pre-election, Dog and Pony Show! Ditto!!!! and at the cost of American dollars, oh i forgot our money is worthless that is why we need to keep printing forever in debt to the Fed Reserve, oh i forgot the wealthiest family in the world that own banks globally one in ever country. Oh, shut your mouth, said too much as is..... LOL |
Who would be surprised finding out Palestinians did that to attempt to blame Israel. Pretty convenient there's filming going on at that exact moment. Almost as if there was an event about to happen. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/07/italian-reporter-confirms-hamas-rocket-killed-children-on-playground Italian reporter confirms: Hamas rocket killed children on playground Hamas blames the IDF, of course, and so does the international media. But now this reporter, out of Gaza and safe from what he tellingly refers to as “Hamas retaliation,” confirms the Israeli account. The propaganda facade is broken yet again. “Italian Reporter Reveals Hamas Cover-Up Over Misfired Rockets,” by Ari Soffer, Arutz Sheva, July 30, 2014: An Italian journalist who until Tuesday was embedded in Gaza has backed the IDF’s account of a rocket strike on a school playground in central Gaza’s Shati refugee camp on Monday. At least 10 people were killed in the attack – most of them children – and some sources claimed the death toll was as high as 30. Palestinian sources were quick to blame Israel, claiming that an Israeli fighter jet fired missiles directly at the playground and nearby hospital. Israel denied the accusations, saying that Hamas rockets aimed at Israel from the area misfired, and struck both the school and the hospital… Verifying facts on the ground in Gaza is notoriously difficult for foreign reporters, and even for Palestinian journalists seen as aligned with the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, as journalists are closely watched by Hamas security forces and can face interrogation and a permanent ban from Gaza for publishing material deemed unfavorable to the territory’s Islamist rulers. As such, little information has emerged on what exactly happened that day in Shati. But returning from a stint in Gaza, and safe from what he ominously referred to as potential “Hamas retaliation”, Italian journalist Gabriele Barbati broke the media silence by tweeting the following message, confirming that Hamas terrorists rushed to cover up evidence of what was indeed errant rocket fire aimed at Israel: During the 23 days of Operation Protective Edge a handful of journalists have defied, purposefully or inadvertently, Hamas’s restrictions on reporting negative information from Gaza – only to backtrack soon after. Two cases in particular were highlighted earlier this week. In one, Wall Street Journal reported Nick Casey tweeted evidence – and veiled criticism – over Hamas’s leadership’s use of Shifa Hospital in Gaza as a command center, shedding more light on the group’s use of human shields. Hamas reacted furiously, and a Hamas-affiliated twitter account blacklisted him as a journalist “who lies for Israel” – a potentially deadly accusation for anyone in Gaza, let alone a foreigner. Shortly afterwards, the tweet was promptly removed by Casey…. Numerous foreign journalists have admitted to interviewing Hamas leaders inside the hospital, but their reports are notable for the lack of emphasis placed on such a flagrant violation of international law. In the second case, another WSJ journalist tweeted evidence of a Hamas rocket misfire which damaged Gaza’s main hospital. Again, shortly after tweeting it, Tamer El-Ghobashi removed the evidence. The use of human shields by Gazan terrorist groups during the current conflict has been repeatedly documented. Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have stored and fired rockets from within densely-populated civilian areas, making Israeli attempts to stop them without causing collateral damage near to impossible. To compound the problem, Hamas has openly encouraged civilians to act as human shields, glorifying their actions as heroism. Terrorists have also used hospitals and schools as command centers and military bases. On Tuesday, the United Nations Work and Relief Agency (UNWRA) admitted that it had discovered rockets stored in one of its schools for the third time. Hamas has not issued a response to Barbari’s claims, and it is unclear whether he will face a ban from reporting from the Strip in the future. But whatever happens to him, his claims raise some uncomfortable questions about the objectivity of reports coming from Gaza – in particular the accuracy of the much-touted civilian death toll, and who may be responsible for it. for the deleted Tweets visit the site! I don't blame the Israeli or Palestinian people for the phucked up politics of their leaders or the actions they employ. Like I said above, there is more than enough blame to go around but it all stands on the heads of leadership, a censored western press and its affiliates, and the criminals responsible for carrying it out Not all Palestinians support Hamas and not all Israelis support the Zionists Well said! |
here is something i have been wondering since corp. have become people if you or i as an american citizen must pay income tax to the u s if move to another country why is it that corporations do not have to pay income tax when they move out of the country and still do business here Complicated question. Most countries have lower corporate tax rates than the US to entice businesses to come there. If you move to another country it matters how long you are there as to whether or not you pay US income tax. Some companies have fake "home Offices" like the Cayman Islands to avoid US taxation. The US tax code is so complicated, the ability to find a loophole is endless. Ditto! Someone who gets it! In addition, I don't know why anyone would flee the US because in Europe or Asia, it is a mess economically as the US. In fact, no one place is better in this day age globally. |
The reason Obama's polls are so low is that most of the country now sees him as he truly is. There is a percentage who can never see him as anything but a hero because he is black, a hard core liberal, a socialist, or some other version of the man who will change the nature of the USA to something less than what it was intended to be. He would have no chance of winning the election again. Here we go again! Another delusional American. It doesn't matter who's in office because the agenda of the real power is pushed to the president. So blaming the puppet in office give the less intelligent a sense to blame, keep the country ignorant and divided of knowing the real direction for America. This is why we are in the state we are in. No such meaning of republican or democratic party becuz in reality they are one. Study your history Americans, understand colonization and the inception of America the great before you make stupid comments that prove to the world we are truly backwards as stereotyped by other countries and nations. Why not read the historical facts of politics before you make comments based on your bias and ill-informed news you absorb from media propaganda! Delusional? I think I just stated the obvious. Most of the attacks made on anyone who points out the obvious weaknesses of Obama tend to be either hard core liberals or black. Which are you? The president of the US has influence over the entire world. This president is golfing and fundraising while the world burns. Even a fool should be able to see that. Instead of attacking the poster as delusional, why don't you take a specific statement and find error in the facts, assuming that the statement is not expressed as an opinion. Again, delusional! Is it a matter of conservatism, liberalism, black or white? Really? The problem is ppl understanding historically what globalization and the power of politics work and how they shape nations for generations to come. If you make a statement why not make it to educate than hate. Peace my friend. |
The reason Obama's polls are so low is that most of the country now sees him as he truly is. There is a percentage who can never see him as anything but a hero because he is black, a hard core liberal, a socialist, or some other version of the man who will change the nature of the USA to something less than what it was intended to be. He would have no chance of winning the election again. Here we go again! Another delusional American. It doesn't matter who's in office because the agenda of the real power is pushed to the president. So blaming the puppet in office give the less intelligent a sense to blame, keep the country ignorant and divided of knowing the real direction for America. This is why we are in the state we are in. No such meaning of republican or democratic party becuz in reality they are one. Study your history Americans, understand colonization and the inception of America the great before you make stupid comments that prove to the world we are truly backwards as stereotyped by other countries and nations. Why not read the historical facts of politics before you make comments based on your bias and ill-informed news you absorb from media propaganda! |