Community > Posts By > beeorganic

beeorganic's photo
Fri 01/30/09 04:36 PM

You can not just wothdrawl and let them crash and burn....and if we just pull out, we will open the world up to even more attacks than what is going on right now.

Whether we agree or not with what was started, it must be finished in order to protect against further travosties from occuring around the world. Did everyone expect the change in government would just stop what has already begun???

The democrats stated even before the election the it would be difficult to withdrwal w/o opening up the world to further terroristic attacks and tactics....and do you think that the people that have suffered due to our attacks against removing the genecide and terrorism in their country, should be left to pick up the pieces, starve and undergo abuse and endure terroristic attacks upon their country and people just bcs we pull out??? Where is the humanitarianism in that???

Sure we can just withdrawl our military personel from every country we currently occupy or have a miltary presence in and bring them home. Just pack up our toys of death/destruction and leave like we did in Vietnam. Has Vietnam attacked us since we left? Nope. It's not our job to serve as the world's police force, that's the UN's responsibility. Some of these other glorious super powers like China, Russia, and France can help. I know Hugo Chavez would chip in. Obama just has to swallow is pride and ask for help is all, instead of continuing the failed "lone wolf" policies of that brain dead Bush.

There is no way we can win this conflict because it's already lost. (according to Senator and leader of the senate Harry Reid). They are just preying on our fears now. Bin Laden said he wouldn't attack us anymore if we got out of the middle east. We're giving Obama a chance, I think like it's only fair that we give Bin Laden a chance too.

Every day we stay where we are not wanted or needed is one more day we put at risk the lives of our military troops. We could leave and instead of dropping bombs we could drop food, medical supplies, and things to help them rebuild their country. Just let them fill out a list of what all they need. Look at this way, it might help our economy by employing people to help fill and deliver all the things on that list. Let the Iraqi's keep their oil, we don't need it. Obama himself said we need to start learning to live with less.

beeorganic's photo
Fri 01/30/09 01:05 PM

Sorry to inform you 'beeorganic' that you are missinformed and I fear for this new tack you are pressing up against.

I have followed these threads for a while now. In addition, I have kept a close eye on FOX news, because I learned from these threads that FOX was the ONLY fair and balanced source of news in the whole world,

... and I must assure you 'beeorganic', that in spite of some 'unfounded critics' (their source wasn't FOX news), the truth has always prevailed in these threads, and 'bush' is reponsible of nothing!!!

The 'right' people, those that have 'FOX' AND 'god' on their side, ESTABLISHED VERY CLEARLY OVER AND ABOVE ALL POSSIBLE (FALSE) INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY, that 'bush' was repsonsible for none of the things that have taken place during his 8 years in office!

Not his fault period!

According to the 'right' sources (FOX and GOD), it was always something or someone else that was accountable for the unnamable 8 year mess.

I heard Clinton was a big part, and Congress, well now there you go! The right people, righteously, point to the tail-end second mandate 2 years of the Democratic Congress as the cause of the 6 previous years of failures.

And when that didn't wash, the 'right' people righteously came back to Clinton, such a powerful guy, that he ruled the White House throughout the years Bush occupied it it seems, according to the 'right' people's truth (given that FOX and GOD are on their side). What a Bully this Clinton guy! Poor Bush!!!

So, there you have it 'beorganic', whatever 'they' might come up with to blame 'bush',


So as you say, 'what's good for the geese, is good for the gander'!!!

I hope you'll feel relieved that your recent conversion was totally unnecessary, and agree that this 'born again' liberal thread is profoundly obsolete!!!

For your own salvation sake, don't spit on the 'right' people 'beorganic', and do come back to the 'right' flock!!!

Sorry my unenlightened conservative friend, you are like the one so totally misinformed. FIX news is just the propaganda wing of the rePUKEblincan party. I heard that FIX news was importing poor, pregnant, non-union, illegal aliens to work for them after these desperate women could no longer be exploited in cutting down trees in the Amazon rain forrest. Working 18 hours a day dragging these huge logs out of snake and mosquito infested areas by hand (according to a top secret Red Cross report). I forgot to mention they are starving them too and forced to wear a ball and chain... with no bathroom breaks. I think I saw Sean Hannity waterboarding one of them in background shot during the Glenn Beck show on a youtube clip too.

I repectfully submit if that liar Bush wasn't responsible for anything, why is it that like tons and tons of people here say he is? As you say "the truth has always prevailed in these threads". All my fellow liberal minded friends can't be wrong, they posted links to unbiased sources. They are all enlightened, independent, great thinkers. I think the truth here has emerged in regards to that habitual criminal Bush. We all know Bush was nothing more than a two-bit cowboy, dictator puppet who would have taken every single right and liberty from us eventually... unlike the late benevolent humanitarian Sadam Hussien. It was the likes of FIX news who destroyed Mr. Hussien's reputation. He was on the cutting edge of abortion rights. Trying to save the planet from the woes of overpopulation and starvation. On behalf of my narrow minded fellow Americans I would like to apologize to the surviving members of Mr. Hussien's family.

Here we go again about Bill Clinton, can't we just move on? I don't mean to whine too much but it's President Obama now. How many times does it have to be said "what a president does in the privacy of the oval is none of our business"? We're just beating a dead horse (my apologies to my PETA friends if that analogy upsets you) talking about him. Next to Obama, Clinton was the greatest president since Jimmy Cater! The only president in recent memory to take the oath of office seriously and literally- "I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me, according to the best of my abilities and understanding...". He was just doing his job and knew the pain I might feel, so he was kinda telling a little white lie to protect and shelter me from the pain like I think every president should do. With Clinton we had peace and prosperity... no blood for oil wars. Why? because Clinton was way smarter than those idiot Rebumblicans like Newt Grungerich in congress. I think like Obama could really learn a thing or two from former president Clinton is all I can say.

Nice try to manipulate me to go back to the "dark side". The side of Darth Cheney and the empire. Bush the proverbial "Evil Emperor" is to blame for every single problem in the entire world for the next 100 years (at least). Obama has now become his apprentice. As a "free-thinker", all your biased/doctored FIX news jedi mind clips generated by the most evil jedi of them all (Karl Rove)in the world won't change my mind. Keith Oberman of MSNBC is my Luke Skywalker.

I would encourage you to put away all your hates, all your fears brother, and judgemental behavior. Open your mind and heart. That lying, two-faced, thief Bush has clouded your reasoning. Come join us. Renounce your ways like I did and like-minded (open-minded) people will flock all around you, shower you with kind words and emoticons, and receive enough symbolic support to last a lifetime. Please try to pay attention here, I shall show you an example below.

Fanta46- Brilliant post! You are the master wordsmith! You're up there with the best! Never have I seen such a stunning display of eloqence combined with brevity. If my life-partner and I ever have children, I would like to name them all "Fanta". drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

BTW- Obama lied, innocent people in Pakistan died.

beeorganic's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:00 AM

Dont worry, these posters are just trying to find anything and everything they can that might in someway connect Barrak to something negative.
Its all part of their Sour Grapes campaign. Instead of a "White-wash" it could be called a "Black-wash".
All these Gun totin, Neo-conservative, Right-wing, players are getting in as many hits as they can now, before Barracks Presidency can start yielding any real results. Its all in the game and they are fueled by the fact that their "good ol'boy" saviors arent in charge anymore.

Just a bunch of Sore Losers!

"Dont worry, these posters are just trying to find anything and everything they can that might in someway connect Barrak to something negative.
Its all part of their Sour Grapes campaign". This same kind of comment that was typically spoken by those who supported the previous (and worse)presidential administration in history...when we weren't in power. If we (me and my fellow liberals/democrats) really want "change", I think like it has to start by not imitating them. Unnfortunately, my dearly beloved leader Obama is imitating that war mongering, alcoholic, murdering despot Bush in the killing fields of Pakistan. It really makes me feel sad.

I would encourage you not to fall for those rascally republican tricks my friend. If you want to talk about sour grapes, all those evil conservative republicans have to do is remind you of the 2000 election... which some could say went way further that sour grapes. Some of my poor, overly emotional fellow liberals are so distraught... they're still urinating vinegar to this day about it (and in therapy).

I like really think we need to get past all this hate, bitterness, and intolerance of others. Let those nasty skank republicans (the party of hate and racism) drown in their own rhetorical sewage. We as liberal democrats are better and smarter than them and we always will be... we just have to prove it, somehow. Obama continuing the failed policies of that miserable wretch Bush is not a good start.

beeorganic's photo
Thu 01/29/09 03:58 PM

Yes why don't we all just buy into media propaganda, subjection, and opinions of the press that never just report the facts but influence the facts with twisted points of view and while we are at why don't we just point out that we were attacked first. We responded and supported that response by a whopping 90% of the people that were led to believe by who (the media)that Iraq was the guilty party oh yes the media.....the media is the crux of all inherent evil so just foolow everything they say as gosepel....allowing them to the public around by the nose, go ahead....its up to you to believe or not believe everything you read and hear....paid for by the politicians in order to sway public view

It doesn't matter if we were attacked. The perpetual question by my newly adopted liberal brothers and sisters was always "why"? It was obviously the Cretin and Chief, Bush's fault we were attacked. His fault he didn't listen and try understand them, their diverse culture, and their peace loving nature (like Bill Clinton did). He backed them into a corner where they simply had no choice what-so-ever but to attack us (even though I really think 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by Penis Cheney (*****= synonymous with "Richard" again, just in case the name of that Halliburton lapdog mentioned in the above sentence gets hopefully censored like before, the less I see his name the better)... like the always insightful actor Charlie Sheen. Obama (Mini- me)is just following in the footsteps of (Dr. Evil) Bush now.

I'm curious to know how these said politicians pay for these media types. Cash, I would assume. The completely unbiased and totally objective Keith Oberman of MSNBC would NEVER take a penny from anyone or even consider doing anything unethical. I swear, as Al Gore is my witness. So what you are saying that Obama bought the media and subsequently this election? LIES, all LIES... just because the media reported something like a 7 to 1 ratio of favorable stories of Obama versus John McShame means nothing. Besides someone had to fight/counter the propaganda machine of FIX news, the American equivalent of "Pravda". All those doctored videos of the honorable Reverend Jeremiah Wright. The false allegations against the great educator William Ayres. Slanderous and libelous attacks trying to connect Obama with project ACORN. I think like the media (people like Chris Matthews)finally did it's job for once. They helped make history! I for one trust everything Keith Oberman says... America's next Walter Kronkite.

Go PETA! Make love not meatloaf! Save the Darter snail! Say no to Escargot! Sheehan/Moore (Michael) in '12!

I just found out who the Republicans are picking for the Super Bowl.... the Stealers. No big surprise there.

beeorganic's photo
Thu 01/29/09 11:27 AM
Edited by beeorganic on Thu 01/29/09 11:28 AM

[When Bush was president, I would have agreed with you 1000%. I have come to finally realize ALL of Bush policies in his support of Israel were wrong thanks to all the unbiased information my fellow Obama supporters provided here... you guys rawk! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Obama will solve everything. I can't apologize enough for allowing myself to be blinded and led around like a sheep.

Except that you are still being led like a sheep. You have only switched whose rhetoric you are blindly swallowing. Rather than seeking a group to feed off of, why not form an independent thought?

OMG, you are like so absolutely correct. How could I be so blind? What independent thoughts would you suggest I have? Sorry, that's asking for your help; Hence, not independent. In all reality, what does it matter to you or anyone else what my thinking process/belief system is? I like totally support Obama now no matter what.

I have been told by "enlightened, open-minded, independent thinkers" here that the past 8 years have basically been the WORSE in world history. They've cut and pasted links to prove their assertions/opinions here and in other threads on a continuous basis. Okay, I'm convinced (it was the flood of symbolic "emoticons" that really persuaded me). Why else would they waste time posting here if they weren't trying to convince, educate, and inform me? I think like if you disagree with them, they only become more "cruel", "evil", venomous, with comments filled with innuendo. If you agree with them, I think they'd be like open-minded and accepting of me, like the open-minded people they claim to be. Personally, I haven't been able to determine a difference in attitudes of my fellow Obama supporters as of yet by my agreeing with them. Just like they want the world to like/love us (the US), I too just want to be liked/loved, and accepted (I think I feel a symbolic cyber-tear welling up in the corner of my eye right now).

I've publicly renounced my support of that draconian tyrant Bush, completely embrace the ideals, philosophies, and beliefs of the man who some claim will save us all, our beloved leader Obama. They are right and Bush, his cronies, and I were wrong. I too want "changeeee" and "hopeeeee". Since it's been proven beyond any doubt (like global warming) "It takes a village to raise a child", I now consider myself a "child" of the world and adopt Obama as my surrogate father. If I fall down, he will be there to pick me up. If I fail (as not being able to pay my bills), he will be there bail me out. I'm just a victim of circumstances. Though it pains me to say again "Obama lied, innocent people in Pakistan died".

Free Tibet, save the whales/dolphins, down with corporations!

beeorganic's photo
Thu 01/29/09 12:05 AM
The one question I have is "Why would you liberals/democrats here (or anywhere) even remotely care how house republicans vote now to begin with"? If you didn't realize it, the legislation still passed (as will all democrat legislation)in the house without them (for the time being). Is there some concern this strategy might fail and you will have nobody else to blame? In fear democrats may lose the majority in the house/senate during the mid-term elections? Appears so.

Kudos to Giocama "il pescatore".... cast out that line and reeeeeeeeeel em on in. Remora (suckerfish) for dinner. laugh

beeorganic's photo
Wed 01/28/09 11:11 AM
Those who can succeed in life on their own merits,do... those who can't, join unions. It is my belief that REAL men don't need to hide behind the apron strings of a "mommy" figure (union leadership) to take care them (job protection). "Mommy" negotiates your allowance (pay and benefits) but charges a monthly fee to do so. "Mommy" tells you what to do in regards to your responsibilities at work and when to throw a temper tantrum in public for attention (strike or picket). "Mommy" protects you when screw up (intentionally or unintentionally). If you don't do what "mommy" says, she punishes you. If you have to make a decision at work and not sure what to do, you have to ask "mommy". If your feelings are hurt when you see a REAL man not part of the family doing your job and making you look like a wimp, you go running and crying to "mommy". One doesn't need to be a licensed psychologist to see union "males" have some form of an "Edopus complex" (with "mommy") coupled with abandonment issues and are afraid to move out of "mommy's" basement. I speculate union boys/adolescents are naturally submissive and have made a consensual and cognitive decision to be controlled/dominated by "mommy". "Mommy" will give you everything you need to survive in life, except your employment manhood. Those who can do, those who won't/can't, become union eunuchs.

For you female union types, just exchange "mommy" for "daddy" with an "Electra Complex".

beeorganic's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:55 PM
"They really may not hate us, I think it could be just a propaganda scheme hatched by **** "Joseph Goerbells, Jr." Cheney and FOX news".

**** = synonymous with "Richard". My thanks to whoever for censoring his real first name, I could barely bring myself to type that disgusting mans name to begin with.

beeorganic's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:45 PM
Excuses, excuses, excuses. Obama doesn't "have to do" anything he doesn't want to do as my beloved president. He's already making great use of the "Executive Orders" power bestowed upon all presidents. Obama is obviously choosing to continue the failed policies of that, PETA hating, alcholic degenerate, Bush. I saw no evidence (a bill of particulars), an indictment, any charges filed against these dirt poor people that were murdered by Obama without due process of law or mercy. Are they not allowed life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness... innocent until proven guilty too or is that an entitlement given to those who live in the country of "white man's greed"? Obama could have tried talking with the ALLEGED terrorsts first, telling the we are really their friends and we want to help them. Instead of consulting with the United Nations and working with them for a peaceful resolution, Obama has decided to go it alone- just like that despicable dictator (worse than Hilter) Bush. Before this murderous act, Obama could have met with "Code Pink" represenatives and my gal (and hopefully the next president of the US) Cindy Sheehan like in a focus group to understand what real patriotic Americans like Cindy feel.

I think like before Obama launches one more military assault that kills MORE innocent people, he should like try to find out and understand why these kind of people might hate us (if they REALLY do). They really may not hate us, I think it could be just a propaganda scheme hatched by **** "Joseph Goerbells, Jr." Cheney and FOX news. We could like drop a lot of questionaires out of those big military airplanes, have the local populace fill them out, then analyzed by the likes of the unbiased Keith Oberman. Wait, that may not work. Those poor and starving people might not be able to read or have pencils. We could like maybe parachute in former Obama campaign workers to furnish edible pencils (union made of course) with translation books (union made as well) to help. The honorable and honest types ONLY- whose single desire was to see EVERY vote count by visiting nursing homes and mental institutions to register voters, drive them to the polls, and provided money and/or essentials like booze or cigarettes). Think of it like the Pakistani version of project ACORN. How coooool would that be? Fill out the questionaire and get a weeks supply of Healthy Choice "Yakhni Palao" microwavable dinners. Ok, just like Chris Matthews, I now have a tingly feeling travelling up my leg with excitement. I've been e-mailing the highest esteemed intellectuals in the world with this idea (actors Matt Damon, George Clooney, and Tim Robbins and his mother Susan Sarandon) to get them on board.

Sorry, I seem to have gotten carried away again. All this murder and mayhem by Obama has gotten me and my pet cat "Saul" in a complete tizzy. I just want to sob endlessly into my one square sheet of toilet paper (as per recommendations of the totally enlightened, completely unreproachable, enitrely dedicated enviromentalist activist/singer, Sheryl Crow). We need to organize and help these people, not kill them!

beeorganic's photo
Mon 01/26/09 04:31 PM

psychic paw reading huh??? i guess that says it all!!!!!!!

Agnes, my personal pet pyschic informed me a little while ago that my cat "Saul" (named after one of my presidents idols "Saul David Alinkski") is as equally outraged that Obama has killed innocent people in Pakistan. FYI- Pet psychics are not covered by Progressive insurance company. I so dearly want to dress precious little "Saul" up in Pakistani attire, put organic ketchup all over him (to symbolize blood), take a picture of him and send it to Obama to make him aware of the atrocities against humans and animals he's committing. We're currently working on this adorable peace sign poster to help him get over the pain Obama has caused him. I've been dipping his little paw in union-made, eco-friendly, organically grown (catnip flavored) biodegradable ink and dabbing onto the poster. So when people finally wake up and realize Obama is no different than Bush, we'll be prepared for the protest marches... which should be any day now. I've also been practicing my shoe throwing technique as well... tossing my sandals (made from hemp and recycled tires for the soles) at a poster of Obama to symbolicly vent my frustration.

FACT: Obama attacked a sovereign country unprovoked (violation of international law).

FACT: Innocent people and probably some animals were killed by Obama (without a trial or at least some form of legal representation).

FACT: Untold damage to the enviroment...innocent trees, insects, and microscopic organisms, not to mention the carbon footprint by Obama's military (contributing to global warming... uhhh, I mean... climate change).

FACT: Obama has the power and authority to stop all these assaults on man, beast, and mother Earth right now but isn't doing squat to do so.

We finally got rid of that lying, cheating, son of a Mr. "Read my lips" and look what we've got now. Another war-mongering male. We need to impeach Obama and call for special elections. It's time to give Cindy Sheehan a chance! I know her first act as president would be to bring all the troops home immediately instead of playing media-footsies with the likes of Rush Limbaugh (like Obama is doing) whilst innocent people are dying. I think like we need to start a protest camp like right across from the street of Obama's home in Chicago. Maybe we could all have like this giant peace rally down the street at Bill Ayres house... BYOB (means bring your own bong... not bomb).

beeorganic's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:22 PM

its easy to say cease and desist immediately...yet doing so would put countless of our brave troops at risk...entrenched as they are at a very minumum they would have to fight thier way out in retreat...its not a logical part of the sure obama had no intent to kill innocent people where as bushes intent did indeed kill countless thousands...thats part of it...intent...its an unfortunate part of war..innocent people sometimes die...the murderous hand still belongs to our former commander in chief...regardless of who is at the controls of a runaway train...i agree...the fighting needs to stop...but stop today isnt possible.

I'm more than confident that if Obama reaches out and announces to the world "If nobody fires on our troops, we will leave the middle east immediately", those opposing our efforts would cease firing (just like the North Vietnam freedom fighters did for several hours when we pulled out of Siagon and left Vietnam). Afterall that is what these fearless patriots defending their homeland say they wanted all along... the US military occupying forces to leave. They would have no reason to shoot or attack us anymore. Though we couldn't trust one word from the former liar and chief Bush, there's no reason at all we should doubt the word of people like Bin Laden. He has always been a man of his word in the past. I think before Obama opted to display his testosterone by utterly obliterating those innocent people, he should have tried to reach out to them first (I think he's like trying to overcompensate for not having any military experience). Talk to them. Show them the sensitivity they probably weren't shown as vulnerable youths. Obama, since his presidency has adopted the "kill first, talk second" murderous Bush policy. Appears we have an "Obushma" doctrine now.

I really wish I could attribute the deaths of those 17 innocent individuals in Pakistan on that coke-head drunk Bush, but I can't. In this ball game, Obama has come in as the relief pitcher to continue the carnage, death, and destruction. Nobody is forcing him to stay on the mound to continue the game. There is no reason this has to continue one more day. No more blood for oil, no more blood supporting Cheney's (Satan's right hand man)corporate cronies like Halliburton. I was just thinking today of all the poor animals there too... subjected to all that gunfire, mortar explosions, and such. There is no dispute now, Obama has innocent blood on his hands. Obama is violating international law. President Obama, if you read this... please be a real man and admit/accept total defeat and pull our troops out of every foreign country and conflict in the world and bring them home NOW! You have the power and authority to do it today!

"Hey Obama, the question of the day, how many innocent people in Pakistan did you kill today"?

It saddens me (and has caused me to weep profusely) that so many people are sitting on their hands now doing nothing. There is undeniable evidence Obama is engaging in war crimes. Where's the zeal and vocal passion when Bush was illegally killing innocent people? I would gladly get out there with you in the trenches and hold a protest sign and march, but it's a little too cold out today, my sinuses are acting up, and my pet cat is going in for a psychic paw reading sesson in a little while.

beeorganic's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:03 AM


You idiots still don't get it?

He is a destructive druggie who revels and profits lying and inciting small minded idiots..and he admits that's the plan...


Is he a crafty bastard? Why yes..he is a money maker and he promised to be more profitable in these next four years.

&uck our &uture...

It appears to me if this topic were renamed "Obama" the same basic comments mentioned above could apply.

I was just thinking, it's been a while since I've listened to Rush on the radio. All this FREE advertising you're providing for him here has aroused my curiousity and has inspired me (and perhaps others) to turn him on and listen now. Thanks Lynann, it's very thoughtful and considerate of you helping Mr. Limbaugh save money on advertising... increasing his profits!

Very sly indeed, using your wiley female, anti-Rush, reverse pyschology Jedi mind tricks... Kudos.

beeorganic's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:21 PM

Like I said before, I have nothing to say.


beeorganic's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:08 PM
Edited by beeorganic on Sun 01/25/09 11:11 PM

Rush is prejudiced and he's a male chauvinist too.

While you are entitled to your opinion, I completely disagree with it and willing to put my money where my mouth is. Care to cite verbatum, IN CONTEXT quotes by Mr. Limbaugh himself supporting that opinion?

I'm willing to place a friendly wager of a $50.00 donation to your favorite charity if you can (within the next week) substatiate that opinion. There are a few conditions. The quotes must be directly obtained from his official website ( and in sequential context. No youtube sound bites, no third party opinions/interpretations from other sites/ sources, and no assistance from anyone else. Since it's obvious you and he have a different sense of humor as well, statements intended as humor in his "reductio ad absurdum" style on his behalf are disallowed.

If you choose to accept this challenge, who knows... this could be the start of a new, interesting, and fun trend (providing this doesn't violate any of the rules here). Perhaps this post could be moved to the "games" thread.

A-hem...When you lose (providing you accept the challenge), feel free to make your donation to St. Judes Children's Hospital on my behalf. If you get too snippity make it the NRA then. laugh

beeorganic's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:47 PM
Edited by beeorganic on Sun 01/25/09 09:50 PM
Okay, Sarah Palin has been labeled "dumb" and a "hillbilly". I'm somewhat curious to know what's the justification/rationalizations are behind the visceral opinions. I can understand philosophical/ideological/political differences; However, are we talking about a "three letter word J-O-B-S" or "Fifty-seven states" kind of dumb or another kind? Apparently my perception of a "hillbilly" is quite different than some of yours. Her attire appears modest and professional. Appears she possess good dental hygiene. Her vernacular isn't riddled with "errrs" and "uhhhhs" when a teleprompter isn't available. Granted, she may be a puppet like most politicians but I don't perceive her as neither dumb nor a hillbilly. I believe she may not be able to answer the Final Jeopardy question all the time but do I believe her and her family would do rather well on Family Feud.

hellkitten54- This is meant as a total compliment. I believe many here will share my observation- you do kinda have that Sarah Palin look going for ya as represented by your photograph.

beeorganic's photo
Sun 01/25/09 07:55 PM

How many idiots are on the boards puking Rush?

How many idiots are on the boards puking those three?

(Yes...those three are largely idiots)

Some Rush pukers are so bad they even use the verbiage of that clown...

Enough said...

Answer to question #1. I don't know (nor care enough to count).

Answer to question #2. I don't know (nor care enough to count).

So back to my question... again. What's your point? So someone may speak like Rush Limbaugh, other than obviously irritating you, what does it matter? Trying to win the "curmudgeon of the year" award?

beeorganic's photo
Sun 01/25/09 04:30 PM


Talk about from the horses mouth!

Early interview with Rush Limbaugh shows him bragging how he manipulates his listener's emotions for profit. Right-wingers insist they are not being duped.

Rush Limbaugh - How Talk Radio Works

In these excerpts from one of his early interviews, Rush reveals how the talk radio sausage is made. Like any form of entertainment, the primary goal is to capture the attention of the audience and compel them to keep listening. Rush is remarkably candid in describing his attitude toward his performance and the importance of caller screening.

Your point being? I'm sorry if I don't see/share the "humor". Radio entertainment is the business he's in. Like any other private, non-government subsidized business, it has to show a profit or the business closes. It makes perfect sense to me that if ones bores the listening audience, the listener will change the channel. Pretty much a no-brainer... for some. Where I would see the humor...Can you say "Air America"? I knew you could.

beeorganic's photo
Sun 01/25/09 12:30 PM

im thinkin maybe we need to at least let him get his socks and underwear put away before we accuse him of being the problem...the things that are happening are things that had built there momentum long before he was even a dont stop a frieght train on a dime...dont make hasty blame and expect him to change the world over night...its not only unrealistic but impossible...the state of the world handed to him is in its worst shape in history...he has alot on his plate...i believe he will do the best he can with what he has...think about the situation of our government as a coporation in peril...just because a new ceo takes charge of the corporation doesnt mean that the corporation will turn around overnight...he certainly cant do anything in a week to turn the world for the worse and you cant expect immediate results for the better...i most certainly wont agree with all of his policies...yet i cant help but hope for the world that he will do best he can to fix the disaster left in the wake of the worst leader in history.

Once again, I agree with you. It would be nice to allow him to get his socks and underwear put away; However, the precedence to invalidate that consideration was established in the year 2000 by the supporters of the losing democrat nominee. Obama has already been touted as one of the smartest presidents ever by some "unbiased" sources (the same ilk that proclaimed Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the US). Now one doesn't necessarily have to be an Einstein to understand that when people are needlessly dying in phoney war perpetrated by a congential liar, thief, and murderer who should be tried for war crimes against humanity (Bush) that there is only one viable course of action. To stop immediately. Stop the death and destruction. "...the state of the world handed to him is in its worst shape in history..." though survivors of "The Great Depression of the 30's might disagree with you, this should be no problem for the smartest president ever, to handle. I believe it impossible for Obama (my great leader) to have been totally oblivious of world events before he became the democrat nominee, or my one term senator, or a community actvist. I tend to believe that smart people do their own homework before they take a test, instead of copying off the dumbest student ever(in this case that war mongering, murderer Bush). I've already noticed a significant difference already watching CNN as for my only source of news. Not one single soldier has died or been injured in Iraq or Afganistan since Obama has become my president (if those tragic events are occurring, they aren't being reported with nearly the same zeal and passion, maybe it's just my post Bush indocrination latent memories, resurfacing). I know when that despotic Bush was the president, there used to be a daily death/injury count. The simple fact remains- Obama lied, innocent Pakistani's died.

FearandLoathing- "Well if any of you "Americans" knew a thing or two about politics chances are it would have been a closer race for Ron it is I don't even know if any of you even know what a write-in ballot is..."

I believe it's a little late to be speculating about "what if" and "what could have been" now. As a former indoctrinated Dr. Ron Paul supporter myself (now an unquestioned, devoted Obama disciple), It's my opinion that we just need to put all that kind of rhetoric behind us and move forward (lest thou stands accused of being a 2000 Al Gore presidential supporter by those PavROVEian repukeblicans). I suggest we treat Obama and his supporters with the same "fair" and "equal" accords/respect our former president was provided. Surely there will be absolutely no objections, what-so-ever, from ANYONE that we hold our dear leader Obama to the same, identical standards. When he (Obama) murders innocent Pakistani's in a continuation of an unjust and morally irrehenisible "war" started by the "butcher of Crawdford, TX" for corportate greed... it is our duty as American citizens to speak out, protest, and become "community activists". I would encourage you to follow in examples set by and best personify our dear leader and bestest buddy before he became our president. Totally embrace the ideals and tactics of his supporters (except Bill Ayres). Nay, I say... allow not thy eyes gaze behind thy shoulder, focus thy occular devices forward with intent and purpose to opportunity and the bounty that awaits us!

beeorganic's photo
Sat 01/24/09 02:35 PM
The best analogy that comes to mind in regards to this topic. Even though I'm most likely the wrong gender for one and too old for the other, I would publicly pretend to profess my unconditional love and unbridled adoration of/for Rosie O'Donnell or Barney Frank if I thought either one would be my no strings attached, personal, sugar momma.

beeorganic's photo
Sat 01/24/09 12:41 PM
Edited by beeorganic on Sat 01/24/09 12:46 PM
I'm sorry again.