Community > Posts By > tv2enslave4life

tv2enslave4life's photo
Sat 01/24/09 11:43 PM
Now here it is, I have a guaranteed monthley income which keeps food in my mouth and a roof over my head with just tiny wee bit extra left. But when you are creative to the soul and give of yourself and to others god definitley gives unto you supplying all might need when love is put first.

I have all the ammenities that other people want in there homes, differance is mine may not be brand new but it does exactlly what it is supposed to. I help other people by doing little things for them like being there, giving them repair knowledge hands on and/or even research& location assistance in putting toghether the same ammenities everyone else enjoys. So in return they look out for useful items that a creative jack & jill of all arts & trades can use to skilfully make something that is just as good if not better than the latest & greatest.

I can surely say that god has taken care of my needs. If something gets stolen or eventually breaks down it is not long before he provides a replacement far better than the last. I just traded out a 1989 zenith tv works perfect for a 2006 20in stereo flat screen all I had 2 do was
fix the coax connection on the elec board. That is how 80% of the things god provides come but there is that other 20%. My last love had beautiful clothing, jewelry and everything else A real lady might want. It came on gods time not by the materialistic value system society uses as bases for attraction to one another.

Here is an example most people pour tons of money into a home electronics/entertainment system and have to have the latest thing just because the neighbor does. Not me but having patients is its reward like having a computer that does it all with full version software that needs no addons like the new stuff and a home entertainment system not big screen but excellent
in its performance and audio/video quality which will put even a multi-thousand dollar super high end custom home ratteling auto sound system to shame, cleaner, louder, one has to experiance & can't possibly be decribed.

The possibilities are endless to what one can do with a little effort, creative knowledge & patients, still having all the things others have but without become a slave to a the monetary & material existance as long as they always put love first.

What is the better life one of endless time spent
away from the ones we love for just the latest,things & bling now or one being able to have lots of time with the loved ones in your life, still having those ammenities we all enjoy as god said { he will provide every need for those that put love first and never let monetary/ material want or wealth come before that.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Sat 01/24/09 03:01 PM
E harmony says I am not just creative but I live thru my creativity having the heart & soul of an artist. If that's not enough try being a Capricorn born under a full moon with a definet Pices influence. This makes me a very unique very rare spirit and with my astrological numbers being exactallly the same as Jesus and the archangle michael even more so. I am sure you know that michael has never fallen and Jesus was pure unconditional love. Well I live for love and creativity and my capacity for committed to non-jugdemental communication, undestanding and forgiveness is boundless along with being able to pour out my heart and soul without question.

So why is it so hard for me believe that what my last love said? ( That 90% percent of the women out there are at heart monetary, material and out of touch with truely real unconditional love and the other 10% are true,real ladies with a loving heart,soul and spirit.) I am begining to see the truth in her words.

I would like to believe that she was wrong but we shall see.


tv2enslave4life's photo
Sat 12/06/08 04:06 PM
Yes there is a ton of music with belief and faith as an underlying inspiration to its creation. now check this my astrolical# comes down as 777/3/1 you might say I drive evil away like stryper 777 to hell with the devil. and that i'm tyed to the father , son ,and the holy ghost bringing about unity for all with undying faith.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Sat 12/06/08 03:58 PM
I ( God ) have put everything upon this earth for you to use in any manner that you want as long as you don't put it before love of (god) ,yourself, family , freinds , and mankind on earth. If you follow this as written you will be sure to move on to the next life as spirit.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Sat 12/06/08 03:51 PM
I listen to a varity of music but nothinggives me more pleasure than finding that there are more songs written with a love of god and jesus being the inspiration and so much of in rock , hard rock , and heavy metal music. This is a good thing . My self My belief is unwavering unquestioned and without doubt and has been full of events that related directly to god taking care of those with absolute true belief and faith.
I have only one fear now and that is not doing right by god and that is not going to happen.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Sat 12/06/08 03:30 PM
I happen to know that at least once was after the time before time that was my first life. My soul mate and me have had 7 toghether where we got 7 to be toghether 7 yrs in each. we were trolls in the first. Native american indians are sure that human beings have advanced into societies as far along as we are today and futher. Each being destoyed totaling 4 times. They believe that it will be destoyed once more but this time we will not come back as physical beings. WE will become beings of electromagnetic energy capable of breaking the barriers of time and space and that we will create out of energy .

tv2enslave4life's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:22 PM
Thank you I already am as the hair on my body is being moved from the sound pressure and movement of my audio system and my heart and soul from the creativity

tv2enslave4life's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:18 PM
I have kept up with it from it's debut 4 years ago and all I have to say is (is any more proof that there is an afterlife nessassary ) I see undeniable proof in this reality show and I know you will to if you take the time and just watch all of the 2008 season

tv2enslave4life's photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:05 PM
Those musicians that can go to your soul and provoke an emotional response so strong that it is healing when you hear them for the very first time . That takes true talent to be able to project your very soul with such energy that it felt by the listeners heart along with all the emotion the artist felt when the wrote the song.

Amy lee is just one of these true talents
jon oliva's Pain,lillian axe, geof tate, Don dokken,

These artist are just unbelivable you can literally feel the joy, sadness , pain & depth of there very souls in their voices

Being an artist ,musician and vocalist my self I strive to project my very soul into all of my creative talents because of the effects it has on the persons that expiriance it. The benificial release of things that some need to deal with is brought to the surface by others creativity & willingness to bear their very souls for all to see and feel.
Thank God for insuring that we are all unique spiritual creative individuals.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:54 AM

If I have love I need just enough income to have a home and the nessessities and thats every thing it takes to be happy . If having real love and a home and the nessessities is all you need to be happy then i would love to talk to you and see where it goes.

Regardless of the material items needed to survive, there are three essential people in any long-standing, committed relationship: he, she, and HIM or Her(God)

Too many people forget that crucial fact.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:21 AM
Edited by tv2enslave4life on Fri 12/05/08 02:52 AM
I hada job after school in high school and while I was getting my associates then I was employed by the federal government up till 2000 so as for others paying for me not I payed into the social security system. and wrong not every one gets turned down by the government when they apply for ssi i was diagnosed as with manic depression an ailment that one must cure themselfs just to get up out of a bed.( not bi polor moodyness)
a manic goes down for possibly weeks and weeks at a time. My problem is the asses that play like they need help , me being the type of person that wants to give people a hand so they can help them selfs is very rewarding to see them do better ,now days ha there are so many peolple running a game praying on big hearted givers that It pushed me into becoming manic. there were so many that deserved being helped that didn't because of these asses when someones greed takes you down so you can no longer help the less fortunate it tends to truely go to a place so it wont happen again. so now the only thing I can give is an ear to talk to and the fact that I never gave up on putting love first and if i can do it any one can unless the have gave up on love and jesus.and for those still injecting money and material things into love where is that garbage going to be in the next life not with you so learn to let it go or do you put it before love and can't if so I will be positive for you and know that you can . This life is where you learn to let go of the physical because there is none there only living energy in a eternal existance and energy can not be destoyed only changed to another form of energy. people putting money and material before love is what devistated the world economy and what is the goverment doing bailing out the ones that did wrong knowingly and kept on doing it do you believe that will change things and help the ecomomy not before a whole lot of people learn what truely makes them happy and what could that be when you only have enough money for a roof and food. the world economy that was based on greed will never come up again so get used to it and not having the lastest thing to brag about and show off just to be better that another. if you were one of the kids reeducated by the greedy corporations and the comercials designed to make you believe you had to have the latest shoe , clothes , tech or other popular item that begain in the early 1980s I truely feel for you because you were taught that being popular was to be loved and to be popular you had the latest thing. how many children got hurt or killed for what they wore because if you had it you were liked and loved. don't you believe that that mentality has to go . well so does anything that is slanted or changed for self benifit of one or a society look how religion got abused for the sake of power no more death, pain or hurt is acceptable in the name of god by anyone or peoples.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Thu 12/04/08 10:15 PM
Oh didn't tell you that that love didnt stop because of are parting it was because she passed away from medical complications of a pharmicutical reaction between two medications and if you have money problems before having that love you'll have them with it . I was that kid that tried to trade his best new toys for freinds so material wants are not an issue material things are not a source of happieness for me. and the more money that I had the more people wanted to take advantage of me so I litterally had myself diagnossed as permanentally dissabled So I now recieve a guaranteed monthly income and monthly food debit card and have full medical so I know that i will always have a home food and the nessessities.

I guess that nobody is ready to have a life of love because all I am hearing is your afraid of giving yourself to possibly being hurt and put up with going thru a life believing that every one lets something come before love If you say your a christen feeling this way Then you have no faith and jesus never existed how dare anyone that doesnt believe in love before anything say the are. I am not a preacher or bible thumper or regular .congrigation attende. I am one of the few that stayed open minded enough even after being a thru more pain of the heart than you can imagine .I now have a unquestioned beliefe without doubt and every thing he says he will do for those with this faith he has done along with providing the proof of an afterlife that I asked for him to give to all mankind. If you ask for yourself it wont happen ask for some else to recieve and he provides. He has been giving use scientificaly prooven evidence that is recorded dated and verified not just by the investigative team but by media corperation that sponsers the team and publicly airs the recorded evidentiual audio/video data on the sci fi channel doubt me and god then carefully watch the last four years of the reality show ghost hunters and you have a spiritual awakening and know that you dont want to live an eternity in pain.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Thu 12/04/08 09:23 PM
do trust your heart if a man confesses that he loves you for all to hear without going to bed with you first then I would have to say believe it when he does not get an attitude if you still don't go to bed him ,and still wants to see you.

Before my 1st soulmate there was this young lady that I enjoyed just spending time with. and was hurt very badely by.She was giving me a lot of attention and would say i love to me quite often along with cuddling up with me every chance she got ,well I fell head over heals in love with here and told her that i loved her and spent the night toghether asleep in the same bed, after my not making love to her because niegther of us had any condems and she wasn't on the pill .i told her that i didnt want to take any chances and possibley get her pregnant without being ready for the responsibitly that comes with having and keepin a child .well every thing still seamed to be perfectly fine between us . a few of our friends were visiting one day and she started telling everyone that she wanted to see if she could get a man to fall deeply in love with her as a way to see how bad she could emotionally devistate him just because she wanted to. yes falling in love to be hurt sucks but to be played into falling in love to be intentionally hurt out of someones desire to see how bad they could hurt you is the worst.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Thu 12/04/08 08:11 PM
I realy do wonder if that desire for and fantasy of finding the one and falling in love only to fall ever deeper in love with each other with out end is truly what women want . I hear how you ladies ethusiastically are serious about falling in love and living happily ever after. Then when it is at your doorstep you are afraid to let it in. Is the reality of two people whos only care is to make the other one happy not enough. I know my last love was happy she constanly ,heard the 3 words i love you, received love letters , gifts of my art dedicated to my love 4 her, and little things given out of my appreciation of her continual guesturs of her love 4 me . otherwise having a roof to live under, pleanty to eat and what god provided that was all we needed. If I have love I need just enough income to have a home and the nessessities and thats every thing it takes to be happy . If having real love and a home and the nessessities is all you need to be happy then i would love to talk to you and see where it goes.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Thu 12/04/08 09:02 AM
Does anyone know a doctor that deals with adult attention defficit dissorder

tv2enslave4life's photo
Wed 12/03/08 07:51 PM
and oh how it has been slanted and swayed to the benifit of each sect and there are endless numbers of them

tv2enslave4life's photo
Wed 12/03/08 07:47 PM
they do it is whether they have been able to acknowledge any and every pain they had caused others while still a physical being this must be acknowledged even if it is to themselves while they are still in a physical life not after.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Wed 12/03/08 06:07 PM
Transforming for those that put love before anything else for the others an eternity in a hell of their own creation.Watch the movie[ what dreams may come ]( with robin williams) every one connected to that movie has now doubt that this the next life and the personal hell the others create.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Wed 12/03/08 04:11 PM
If you have not noticed in cultures all over the world there is a foreseen future event that many prophets have forseen that they all describe which is startellingly the same even though none of these prophets existed in the same time or place. All of them describe all life as we know it ending. Well to my best knowledge life as most people know it is physical. The only life left is one of energy and I felt that place and it is 100% love. so there lies the that need to always put love before anything else to live in a place of 100% love nothing can be more important

tv2enslave4life's photo
Wed 12/03/08 01:10 PM
the love between me and soulmate 1 just grew stronger with each passing day because we were honest, truthful, trusting, communicative and very open minded experimentalist open to each others need ,whims,wills, wishes,desires and fantasies with out judgement . Is there A woman that is truely ready and wants to have a love like that . one that grows ever stronger and that will last forever.

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