Community > Posts By > tv2enslave4life
an entity known by many names by many peoples thru out all time
(god,jesus,allah,gia,ext.) there is a place in every seperated slanting book with this exact statement. It is a shame that its there in every religion but because of peoples need to be some how better in some respect that this one true law is not followed by all . If it was we all would still living a physical life in complete and total peace. |
| has the only 100% free internet security and anti-virus with life time updates and liscence nothing more to pay ever . all the rest have a yearly liscence fee. this software is as good if not better than all the high dollar well known ones. and operates in constant scan mode when your computer is on. I truely recomend it to any one tired of the corperate greed game.
this my only explination of a truely real imaculant conception.
Try using scientific formula too prove that. being that I know how to create a living organizm that is proven to be imposible by formula in all runs thru the formula. it comes back as 13 or 14 in the periodic table 1 to 1 every time and not what is truely creates life. |
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Wed 12/03/08 08:40 AM
I have had experiances since my father passed that were not just isolated to me. my neighbor and I saw the exact same same thing at the same time each from our own homes across the street from each other. my soulmate and me saw my father which had passed several years earlier , he forwarned us of an immediate future moments before it happened. After my soulmate
passed me and two friends saw her out in my back yard. and the end all to everything she had to want to end her existance as a spirit to somehow allow my not seeing but feeling the afterlife and it is a place of pure love I wanted death even more but realized i could wait for that an eternity of pure love. |
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Wed 12/03/08 08:27 AM
I live by one and the only simple law. one must not let anything come before love because if it does it will put man against man.we are in school to learn this in physical life and come back until we do . It took me 9 times from the time before time till now, and for those that don't get it this time reincarnation to learn is gone. Besides that those that can't believe any/everthing is possible never will. I believe the sci-fi reality show ghost hunters has absolutely proven the afterlife all you have to do is watch the episodes for all 2008. this proves that there is living energy with individual free will & thought.
the question is not need or want it is why and while were at it why does man and woman create now think about this even though we can mass produce why is each and every one uniquely different in its own way even though the process is exactly the same cant wait to start using energy instead of material which is from energy as a living energy a spirit
The fact that I am the youngest to become and retire as an executive/ advisor/ member of the RED & WHITE Hells a Angels International with the only obligation ever bieng to slap in a newly inducted members ribbon tatoo other wise I was to be myself No doing questionable things , no making money no calling shots nothing but giving of myself and my love to help people with the pain of an all to buisey world. Ha Ha this is what a realy true and creative soul is for so use your talent to go right to peoples souls where they can't help but feel you. Yes you bug me but if you didn't I would think you didn't care. Yes I can wite,play and sing as well as I draw, but my creativity doesn't stop there if it can be imagined I can bring it to being.
love dosen't beget materialism or monitaryism only greed doeall is created of energy and man has learned to create of physical thats from energy so we soon will be living energy and will be creating from energy when we are no longer physical I was lost in that mentality at one time it is like a fix but should never come before love that is why this world is so twisted just look at it now see where greed has sent us damn the person that created money oops sorry I was one of them in a past life , thanks to the greedy finaciaal corperations
Of this I truely hope to be / A complete and total slave to thee / In a manner only that you can agree / is as you see fit and perfect for me / / And of this I surely want to continually be / forever enslaved to your every whim,will,wish,
desire and fantasy / your endentured servant with no escape ever for me // Your ever loving servant ; now is a name for me /you have given and provided for me by thee // I prowdly keep it written on me / for all to plainly see / as proof of my commitment, dedication and love to & and for thee. |
Because its truely what I'll endure if my action deserves a consiquense and when I love a woman sometimes i must controle my foresight into making love because I have lost it but at least I always make sure you get your to and this happens out of my love for that 1 woman
Does anyone believe in ...
Yes life before death and life after death without question
because i am on my ninth having a soul mate but only for a very short time for every one but this time I shall have another given of god |
If you want to see into an artistic persons heart looking into the eyes will be unfruitful unless they are in an flash flood of emotional release. Otherwise all you have to do is look at there art, listen to there music or watch and see what triggers their emotional flash floods. In a truely creative person they are driven by the spirit and live for love a
( soul love ). In my pics I have an unfinished pleed that someday only I will finish since its my art. The other pic is more of my creativity that comes thru my hands and voice. If you truely want to see if you might be #2 show your interest in living from the soul & spirit love being your inspiration. |
When it comes to REAL LOVE I am a man that is ready willing and able to be truly open minded, truthful and honest . Female friends of mine said that I am that extreamly rare 1%, that every woman dreams of having a REAL LOVE relationship with but are afraid of , knowing hat it means compleatly opening up their heart , mind and soul to another as they will to them so that they may know each others any and every want,need and desire. As long as they are willing to hear each other being non-judgmental, accepting of one anothers deepest thoughts, dreams and ideals then they can truly love each other. Now , how many people do you know of that can fall in love with someone by just communicating with some one without having sex or even seeing them face to face ? Well I can , this is why I am that exteamly rare 1% of men.
Hello , believe in REAL LOVE
I am a believer in Real love and the open mindedness , truth and honesty without judgement it takes to obtain and make it last forever. How come so many people think they know real love but aren't willing to be dedicated , committed to the things that make it work like being non-judgemental or ready willing and able to comprimise or accept the things that help make one happy that in other situations are part of a soul without openess or the ability to know what REAL LOVE truely is? I need to know if there are others out there are true totheir beliefe and wanting to find and live a life of REAL LOVE.