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Topic: It's the end of the world as we know it...
TwilightsTwin's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:02 PM
In your opinion, how/why/when will the world end?

no photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:04 PM
Edited by SKPCG on Sat 11/29/08 06:06 PM
"Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine cry? Don't they know it's the end of the world. It ended when you said goodbye."

no photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:06 PM
In about 4.5 billion years, when the sun runs out of hydrogen and expands into a red giant, baking the inner planets.

Of course, humans will be long gone well before that, having evolved into a kind of pasty gray substance that tastes great on crackers.

beauty314's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:21 PM
Our world will collapse in December 2012.
I have spoken..spock

burgundybry's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:24 PM
magic 8 ball says..ask again later

lilwick86's photo
Sat 11/29/08 07:18 PM
I rolled some dice, it said, 5 6 3 3 4 LOL take it for it is, LOL hahahaha, its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine, giggles, I love you guys, really I do, don't leave me, LOL hahahahalaugh :banana: :banana: bigsmile :heart:

burgundybry's photo
Sat 11/29/08 07:45 PM

I rolled some dice, it said, 5 6 3 3 4 LOL take it for it is, LOL hahahaha, its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine, giggles, I love you guys, really I do, don't leave me, LOL hahahahalaugh :banana: :banana: bigsmile :heart:

have you been watching independence day again??laugh laugh

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/29/08 07:45 PM

In about 4.5 billion years, when the sun runs out of hydrogen and expands into a red giant, baking the inner planets.

Of course, humans will be long gone well before that, having evolved into a kind of pasty gray substance that tastes great on crackers.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
...but who will eat the crackers? surprised


no photo
Sat 11/29/08 07:49 PM

In about 4.5 billion years, when the sun runs out of hydrogen and expands into a red giant, baking the inner planets.

Of course, humans will be long gone well before that, having evolved into a kind of pasty gray substance that tastes great on crackers.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
...but who will eat the crackers? surprised


The hyperintelligent fish-birds which will develop after the Neptunians mess up their next attempt to destroy our harmless little world....(Easter Egg for those in the know!)....

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:02 PM
It is the end of the world as I know it. Of course, it used to be flat but now it is round. I wonder what shape it will be when my grand children become my age.

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:09 PM

In about 4.5 billion years, when the sun runs out of hydrogen and expands into a red giant, baking the inner planets.

Of course, humans will be long gone well before that, having evolved into a kind of pasty gray substance that tastes great on crackers.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
...but who will eat the crackers? surprised


The hyperintelligent fish-birds which will develop after the Neptunians mess up their next attempt to destroy our harmless little world....(Easter Egg for those in the know!)....

Awwww fishy-birds...all dressed up and no place to go? whoa

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:59 PM
the day i win the lottery..i just know it.

martymark's photo
Sat 11/29/08 09:08 PM
It already did! Twice! No one knows when the third time will be.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 11/29/08 09:22 PM

In about 4.5 billion years, when the sun runs out of hydrogen and expands into a red giant, baking the inner planets.

Of course, humans will be long gone well before that, having evolved into a kind of pasty gray substance that tastes great on crackers.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
...but who will eat the crackers? surprised


Cockroaches, and Rosie O'donell

noblenan's photo
Sat 11/29/08 09:55 PM

In about 4.5 billion years, when the sun runs out of hydrogen and expands into a red giant, baking the inner planets.

Of course, humans will be long gone well before that, having evolved into a kind of pasty gray substance that tastes great on crackers.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
...but who will eat the crackers? surprised


Cockroaches, and Rosie O'donell

Personally, I like people who speak their minds, especially when they agree with me. But, you know she's at the top of the "Damned" list, right? whoa


lilwick86's photo
Sat 11/29/08 10:51 PM
Actually I love independance day, but i don't think aliens really care much for our over polluted planet, all though we can survive here, LOL not sure how, but really, are we living yet, LOL I just watched Wall-E I love that movie, it is my new favorite. I related with that little robot, don't even know why, giggles. He is a cutey, giggles. I like that Eva too. Seen alot of movies lately, but that one is stuck in my head now. I hope we don't all abandon the earth because we didn't even try to fix it. Its our world, we should claim it back from our years of stupidity. I mean try darnet, at least. I was sitting here tonight and I thought, I know alot of people sit in their offices day after day and sometimes they just want to walk outside and take a stroll like down a path in the woods or in a nice park or maybe get some sunshine. I don't know about you, but Wall-e kinda made me think a little. giggles, anyways, lollaugh

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 07:23 AM

In your opinion, how/why/when will the world end?

In answer to these questions The High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty (me) will now do a three card reading with her magic hand designed and crafted tarot deck.

Card #1 Four of cups: Past Influence:

In this reading it means apathy and discontent. People need to take a second look at their lives and their attitudes. They need to be grateful for their lives and live in the moment and stop worrying about the state of affairs or the future.

The card does indicates that people sense there is something not quite right with the world but they don't know what it is. The advice of this card is to cherish each moment. Appreciate the opportunities that are all around you. Live in truth.

Card #2 Nine of wands: Current energy:

This is an important card that tells us of one last challenge we will face. We are ready and waiting for this last battle. We have come a long way to get to this point in the game and in this point in our history. People feel as if they have come to the end of their fighting powers, but they have skill and determination in reserve that they don't know about. Humans are actually in a position of strength, although they will need to draw on all their courage and abilities. Start planning your next course of action. Look before you leap. Be prepared. Don't panic. Be patient. Keep your own council.

Card #3 Three of Pentacles: Future outcome:

As master builders humans have reached the end of their educational or developmental phase. They have passed the necessary tests and have earned their degree, license, or title. We will now enter into a new realm of experience. This is a step up, not the end or a change of course.

The three is a group card. It signifies a group working successfully together to achieve their goals. Humans will come together and continue to build a new and better world.

noblenan's photo
Sun 11/30/08 08:48 AM

In your opinion, how/why/when will the world end?

In answer to these questions The High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty (me) will now do a three card reading with her magic hand designed and crafted tarot deck.

Card #1 Four of cups: Past Influence:

In this reading it means apathy and discontent. People need to take a second look at their lives and their attitudes. They need to be grateful for their lives and live in the moment and stop worrying about the state of affairs or the future.

The card does indicates that people sense there is something not quite right with the world but they don't know what it is. The advice of this card is to cherish each moment. Appreciate the opportunities that are all around you. Live in truth.

Card #2 Nine of wands: Current energy:

This is an important card that tells us of one last challenge we will face. We are ready and waiting for this last battle. We have come a long way to get to this point in the game and in this point in our history. People feel as if they have come to the end of their fighting powers, but they have skill and determination in reserve that they don't know about. Humans are actually in a position of strength, although they will need to draw on all their courage and abilities. Start planning your next course of action. Look before you leap. Be prepared. Don't panic. Be patient. Keep your own council.

Card #3 Three of Pentacles: Future outcome:

As master builders humans have reached the end of their educational or developmental phase. They have passed the necessary tests and have earned their degree, license, or title. We will now enter into a new realm of experience. This is a step up, not the end or a change of course.

The three is a group card. It signifies a group working successfully together to achieve their goals. Humans will come together and continue to build a new and better world.

Well, let's hope so! flowerforyou ( you are so good at this!)


martymark's photo
Sun 11/30/08 08:59 AM
Edited by martymark on Sun 11/30/08 09:00 AM

In your opinion, how/why/when will the world end?

In answer to these questions The High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty (me) will now do a three card reading with her magic hand designed and crafted tarot deck.

Card #1 Four of cups: Past Influence:

In this reading it means apathy and discontent. People need to take a second look at their lives and their attitudes. They need to be grateful for their lives and live in the moment and stop worrying about the state of affairs or the future.

The card does indicates that people sense there is something not quite right with the world but they don't know what it is. The advice of this card is to cherish each moment. Appreciate the opportunities that are all around you. Live in truth.

Card #2 Nine of wands: Current energy:

This is an important card that tells us of one last challenge we will face. We are ready and waiting for this last battle. We have come a long way to get to this point in the game and in this point in our history. People feel as if they have come to the end of their fighting powers, but they have skill and determination in reserve that they don't know about. Humans are actually in a position of strength, although they will need to draw on all their courage and abilities. Start planning your next course of action. Look before you leap. Be prepared. Don't panic. Be patient. Keep your own council.

Card #3 Three of Pentacles: Future outcome:

As master builders humans have reached the end of their educational or developmental phase. They have passed the necessary tests and have earned their degree, license, or title. We will now enter into a new realm of experience. This is a step up, not the end or a change of course.

The three is a group card. It signifies a group working successfully together to achieve their goals. Humans will come together and continue to build a new and better world.

hhmmmmm,,,don't knoww about that one JB, oh that was "achieve" their goals not archive them, sorry I mis-read, I'm sure your exactly correct. Thanks for letting us know, your hieness

Jess642's photo
Sun 11/30/08 11:56 AM
The world as I know it 'ends' every day...whilst I sleep...:wink:

And yet it is but a dream ...this reality... so this world is but an artful part of my dream state and therefore, really has no beginning or end... unless I choose to change the dreaming, so I suspect when I die.

The world as I know it will die along with this dream body.

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