Community > Posts By > John7771

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Thu 12/14/06 01:01 PM
The electorial college gives rural USA a voice. It keeps california and
new york from picking our president every time.
Our is it another misconception? Please explain. Thanx

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Thu 12/14/06 12:50 PM
Just one question. If I change religions to wicca or another pagen
faith.....What do I get that I do not already get as a Christian?

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Thu 12/14/06 12:20 PM
Just Google it.
I found on websites Satanism is not Pagan.
Pagan includes many different faiths including Wicca one site said.

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Thu 12/14/06 08:12 AM

Thanks for the Info chrismah.
I want a President that believes in People!

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Wed 12/13/06 11:03 PM
Hi Zero_Effected
I intended the following:

Would it be faith if I could prove Jesus Christ Is The Son Of God?

This is the trickey part. (lol)

[Holy Bible NIV] Hebrews 11:1
[ By Faith ] Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of
what we do not see.

John 3:16 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a]
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Ok so If I am wrong you lose a couple of bucks and actually learn
about Jesus Christ and how he differs so much from Mankind and meet lots
of people on thier best behavior
and believe in a much higher power than even you(lol).

And if I am right, then you live your life free from
paying the price of sin and go to heaven where all the answeres are and
not to mention a whole new life NOW, full of brand new challenges and
you could be a Warrior Princess with Arrows of Fire and a full arsonal
of deadly weapons.

I answered all the questions you asked all about the Holy Bible but
could not post them because it would take to much research and My belief
is not bullet proof like some people I know..(lol).
So I rest My head and heart knowing that God's strength is perfected in
MY weakness and I only have one Arrow left.

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Wed 12/13/06 12:44 PM
About Jesus Christ.
Would it be faith if I could prove it?

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Wed 12/13/06 12:21 PM
Thanks Zero_Effected
I think more people learned the rules of HYPE from Jesus than he got
schooled in it. Just a thought.

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Wed 12/13/06 09:52 AM
This is late and out of order and inspired by tneal.
Jesus Lives to lift us up. Not so we could rule over our
brother/sister, but so we could have spiritual life and in turn lift
somebody else up.
My thoughts are the following: The *lowest person* on earth is Gods
Highest Treasure.

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Wed 12/13/06 09:11 AM
Can you tell Me a little more about Wicca?

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Tue 12/12/06 09:24 AM
I am fortunate to be Born IN the U.S.A.

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Tue 12/12/06 08:39 AM
Love is a lot like pepper spray or a jolt of electricity from a taser!

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Sun 12/10/06 11:47 AM
Are You calling all my X-girlfriends "PIGS"

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Sun 12/10/06 11:40 AM
Tell Me More

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Fri 12/08/06 02:48 PM
The most influential and copied band in rock n roll "Led Zeppelin"
I am tryin think think of one song I did not like by Zeppelin!

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Thu 12/07/06 09:41 AM
It takes big heart to love someone who is always screwin up and makin

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Thu 12/07/06 07:35 AM
The battlefield is in the mind. I found this in the Holy Bible.

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