Topic: wiccan
redneck_woman21's photo
Mon 12/04/06 12:31 AM
i believe in wicccan do you?

redneck_woman21's photo
Mon 12/04/06 12:49 AM
any one going to chat

kaminorisu's photo
Mon 12/04/06 12:59 AM
i dont think they really like this "topic thread" as much due to how the
others turned out

bogie's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:03 AM
hello redneck hows things going

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 05:46 AM
It could also be due to her blatant disrespect for anyone elses opinions

Shadowlover's photo
Mon 12/04/06 05:55 AM
I heard of Wiccan. I believe they worship mother earth and seem to be a
nature based religion. I admit besides that, there is not much I know
about it. I do know even though that some people may think of them as a
satanic or evil cult. they are far from it.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 12/09/06 11:55 PM
I think they have some modern-day roots in the 70's as an Alt religion
to Christianity.

As far as they being an Ancient religion though is still up for grabs.

I tend to think the ancient ways are gone for good. Most are a new
traditionalist. inspired by a few.

no photo
Wed 12/13/06 08:57 AM
Shadowlover, thanks for your comments. It would be hard for us to follow
Satan when we, generally, do not believe in Satan OR hell. You are
Ghost, nothing is up for grabs. There is enough
archaeological/historical proof out there to prove its existence from
ancient times to the present. Although some things have evolved over
time we worship and believe much the same today as Wicca did many
centuries ago.
CCP - thank you once again for your comments. It is a shame that you are
correct on this one. Even more unfortunate is that applies to some Wicca
as well. Tough way for them to learn the "rule of three" huh?

no photo
Wed 12/13/06 09:11 AM
Can you tell Me a little more about Wicca?

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 12/13/06 08:42 PM
Well, it is some what part of the Pagan tradition( well actually pagan
refers too those who don't believe in the God of Abraham) So Is wiccan
different then Pagan? In what way if true.

no photo
Thu 12/14/06 10:38 AM
No. Just as Christian encompasses ALL faiths that follow Christ as lord
and saviour, Pagan encompasses ALL faiths not of Christian belief.
Pretty simple really. Hope that helps. CCP....any input on this?

michael1313's photo
Thu 12/14/06 11:03 AM
did this come from th Druids?

no photo
Thu 12/14/06 11:12 AM
The Druids and the Kelts/Celts depending on how you want to spell it. It
goes back to ancient times of "hunter/gatherers" if you understand
archaeology and sociological theology. It is one of many Pagan faiths
and is nature based as some have mentioned. We believe deity exists in
all things - including ourselves. I just want to take this chance to
point out one more time that while Satanism is a Pagan faith we do not
follow it and my personal belief is that Satan was created by human kind
to relieve them of the burden of guilt. As such Satan and hell do not
exist to us! We do however, generally speaking, believe in polar
opposites and there are those that propogate darkness/negativity. Just
depends on what you choose as your focus of beliefs and practice.
Blessed be )0(

no photo
Thu 12/14/06 11:15 AM
Just a thought here folks for your thinking........Would Satanism really
be Pagan as he and his hell are both a Christian concept from the bible?
Or would it be that Satanism is Christian as it was christianity that
brought about the belief in satan?

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/14/06 10:52 PM
"I just want to take this chance to
point out one more time that while Satanism is a Pagan faith we do not
follow it and my personal belief is that Satan was created by human kind
to relieve them of the burden of guilt."

Sorry Pool.

Just confused by that sattement. So Pagans believe in a satan just not
the same guy as Christians?

You can see the confussion I hope.

So what exactly is Satan then? Part of the Yang of Yin and Yang of the

kaminorisu's photo
Thu 12/14/06 11:21 PM
somethign i was going to add in the other tread relating to this but
never got to it ( had to go to work.)
if i recall correctly satanism falls in two divisons.
one in which the "satan" from the bible is worshipped. and the other is
a "satan" in which the "ideal" is worshipped. its more about self
worship rather then of a actual "god". They calim the name statan for
what it repersants. well thats from what i read of it anyway.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/14/06 11:28 PM
So is Satan not an evil force or just a miss conception? Again I refer
to the need for evil to survive in order for good to exist.

kaminorisu's photo
Fri 12/15/06 12:01 AM
depends on what you "claim" to be evil. good and evil is a concept
created by man. in truth there is no such thing as good or evil. the
meaning of evil to one can easily differ from the what it means to be
evil to another.
Just look at it in the terms of the weather. destructive fire while at
first look may seem "bad/ chaotic" but could bring much benifits to the
area later down the road. just as a much needed rain fall can have
postive or negitive affects on the landscape.
i dont know a alot in terms of bible lore, but i think in older versions
satan was not evil, in fact he could have been seen as good for he
tested man. that was his job. any harm that he had done was an order
given by god, but in all honestly i dont know how to answer your
question, i think its more based on ones own veiw or concept of the
thing rather then a soild answer . it seems in modern day christian
views satan is pure evil, since god is pure good.
but i dunno, im not a christian nor do i ever plan to be lol. it always
seemed to me to be very unbalanced. but thats my thoughts on the matter.

kaminorisu's photo
Fri 12/15/06 12:25 AM
heh and while im at it =P
antoehr thing to keep in mind is how the 'names" and views of "gods"
change over time as they become adapted into more and more cultures.
Take the goddess Artemis
also know as diana, cynthia, isis and many others. goddess of birth,
magic, hunt, woods,moon
each culture has taken this goddess and adapted her into a version of
their own
the same thing with Satan
( in no real order.)
Azazel ( brought cosmetics to women and meatal working to man said by
the Horned God

these are just a way of showing how the concept of satan was formed.
each of these can be seen as a "source" from the satan theme, many
sharing some quailities in common. but remember each one was adapted
into a another or "new" culture to best fit their views. Does that make
each and everyone of these deites evil..? not at all. any evil that is
placed on to them is what a person interprets evil to be. one must also
keep in mind that religion WAS used as a source of control. so an
effective way to convert others is to "shame" or to prove foul of the
deites followed by the competing religion.

no photo
Fri 12/15/06 08:35 AM
Sorry Ghost. I did not mean to confuse you. I was a bit confused myself.
Perhaps it was the fact that I have met a large number of Satanists at
Pagan gatherings. In retrospect I now realize that they may actually be
considered Christian and that they just know that the Christian faiths
will not socialize with them but we will socialize with virtually anyone
without passing judgement. I was a bit confused myself so I asked a
Satanist friend for his input.