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Topic: DaVinci Truth or Myth??
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Tue 12/12/06 05:55 AM
I finally got the chance to watch this flick... and found it to be quite
thought provoking..

tell me.. (if you've seen the flick or not) what your thoughts on the
possiblity of DaVinci's rendition of a woman being the Holy Grail? and
If you lean towards the 'possible' side.. then in her position, what
would you do?? would you tell the world?? or hide the truth???

Tneal's photo
Tue 12/12/06 07:40 AM
in those days it was a mans world. Today, in the church, its still a
mans world. Even Nuns are considered second class in the church. I do
not think it will change no matter what anyone says.... untill we have a
female POPE *S* (yeah like that will happen)

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Tue 12/12/06 12:15 PM
if you think about it though... it's kinda twisted!!!

on the one hand.. the bible totes Jesus as Divine!! yet... what has been
slowly discovered is that he was just an ordinary man.. if this be true
and DaVinci is RIGHT in his speculations and Jesus was in fact married
to Mary Magdalen and there WAS a child from that union.. then wouldn't
that just blow the world to hell??? imagine the chaos it would create
no?? if all of a sudden... everything we've been LED to believe is all a
Lie just so the Church could stay THE most Powerful Force in the world??

Mind blowing.......... or is it just me??

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Tue 12/12/06 01:13 PM
it isn't just you zero. i haven't had a chance to see the movie but
there are certain things that the leaders of organized religion don't
want you to know. i have issues with the idea of don't ask questions
just do as i say with no explanation but that is how alot of them are
set up. i believe in GOD but i think that the early fundamentalists or
fantaitcs weren't opposed to twisting and hiding the truth to further
their cause. i follow the tenets of the bible like any moral person
would(whether religious or not)but i think man has had a huge impact on
the bible personal belief is that jesus was a man blessed by

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 01:43 PM
how VERY inciteful King.. really.. that was very well written.. and
COULDN'T agree with you MORE!!

you have to wonder if it IS true that there were council's set up to
approve or disapprove the content of the bible.. at no time do you
really get the WHOLE picture of what is being told of those times.. only
glimpse's.. Like ALL those in power I believe as you... that we are only
told what they want us to know..

I was brought up catholic.. yet do not Now follow the faith.. finding
the church lacking in many things.. I ventured out to other religions
and discovered many similarities amongst them yet at the same time more

I then focused my energies on one point only.. a majority of the
religions I visited had only one God! my deduction?? there IS a greater
power at work here.. that affects our lives in minute ways.. part of the
power teaches wrong from right.. giving us a concience.. whereas the
Choices are ours to discover..

Ron Howard is brazen for his 'delving into the mysteries' and bringing
them to life.. I was Riveted to my seat for this lengthy but powerful
rendition .. it's a topic that I've been 'discovering' for many years..
one that leave's you with yet another question hanging.....

Tneal's photo
Tue 12/12/06 02:03 PM
yeah the men in the times of Jesus couldn't handle the fact that a woman
could play any role but that of a righteous one.

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Tue 12/12/06 03:13 PM
how could anyone be MORE righteous/virtuous than be heir to Jesus and
THE Holy Grail??

Tneal's photo
Tue 12/12/06 04:15 PM
The fact that Magdalina was a loose woman. No man, in the time of
Jesus, would let a loose woman be the wife of Jesus. Let alone be the
mother of HIS children.

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 04:24 PM
as it turns out.. if you believe these new discoveries.. that Mary was
in fact NOT a prostitute but the daughter of a KING!! the only reason
she was 'scarlet lettered' was because of her association with Jesus and
wanting to keep Jesus DIVINE and Not just a Human ... they had to
degrade her in the eyes of the public... thus naming her a Whore...

now THAT sucks..

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Tue 12/12/06 08:32 PM
well the bible tells you in the last days there will be false prophets
and warns you to not fall under their influence as for Jesus being an
"average" man yes he was that's the whole point of it all, he was the
son of God. God wanted you to see that you could be good. Only thing was
we actually couldn't be like Jesus. That is why in the end he had to
give his life for ours. Just like Moses was a normal everyday man, he
was able to accomplish stuff but it was God working through him. Jesus
was the son of God believe it or not, we all have the freedom to choose.
The bible has many wonderful forecasts (predictions) in it that are
coming true all the time if one only takes the time to read it. If
something written so long ago can be so accurate, how can it not be

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:42 PM
Actually KB, there are about 12 or 16 books(I can't remember now lol)
that were NOT included in the New Testament. So as far as the New
Testament goes, someone DID decide what was going to be excluded.

And as for who Jesus really was. It's all semantics anyway. Jesus walked
the Earth AS a man. Altho he was able to perform MANY miracles he was
still a man. This can especially be seen just before his crucifiction,
when, in the Garden of Gethsemane, he had very human doubts and
beseeched His Holy Father to make sure that this was all part of His
greater plan.
He showed also anger, when he chased the vendors from the church and
trashed the place.

The fact that the Jewish Rabbis at the time had such a fear of
Him(because they really did believe in a strange way that Jesus MIGHT
just be the son of God)and wanted to ensure that THEIR belief system was
undisturbed by setting Him up, could well lead one to believe that Jesus
was MUCH more than just a man as he walked amongst His ppl.
Jesus existence is acknowledged by more than just the Christian faith,
as are His deeds. Yes Jesus did exist, but I don't believe he was JUST a
His miracles are also well documented and not just performed in privacy.
He raised the dead(Lazurus). He cured lepers with just a touch, he fed
multitudes with just a couple of loaves and fishes. These are not feats
that can be accomplished by a mere human. He cured the blind, the deaf,
the lame, and all with a touch.
But, that's just my opnion and belief. lol

no photo
Wed 12/13/06 09:38 AM

our Governments are RIDDLED with False Prophets.. and I'm not disputing
that Jesus OR Moses were anything more than mere mortal men.. Yes.. they
seemingly had POWERS.. but ask yourself one question ( purely devil's
advocate here :o) hearing the stories you hear today of people with
FANTASTIC skills.. Healers, Nobel Prize winners, seers.. etc.. would we
proclaim them 'divine' as we have Jesus for his ability to heal or
lead?? Or those that amass in droves to visit an idolized speaker or
Preacher.. Billy Graham perhaps?? because of HIS ability to bring
together the masses.. does that not then make him Divine??

Lest we forget.. not only ONE person wrote the bible.. and there was
claimed to be a 'council' gathered to put the 'book' together.. which
just means there were LOTS of Editors before the final production.. thus
stated.. how then can we accept the Bible VERBATUM?? with That many
Cooks in the Kitchen so to speak.. the 'theories' and accuracy are left
to individual interpretation I believe.. Often times as well... MUCH is
lost in translation.. and yes.. I've read it cover to cover.. as well as
those from several different religions too.. and feel I've had a fairly
open-mindedly approach to this whole topic..

And if we take it one step further... there's a passage in the bible
from Jesus/God stating "let no man erect a temple in my name for YOU are
the Temple of God!!" meaning our bodies.. so.. why do we have SOO many
church's when the Bible itself states NOT to put them up? hmmm... more

Hey.. Nostradamus made predictions as well that seem to be coming to
pass... but didn't I read somewhere that they called him INSANE or MAD

very thought provoking Mike.. thanks :o)

no photo
Wed 12/13/06 09:52 AM
This is late and out of order and inspired by tneal.
Jesus Lives to lift us up. Not so we could rule over our
brother/sister, but so we could have spiritual life and in turn lift
somebody else up.
My thoughts are the following: The *lowest person* on earth is Gods
Highest Treasure.

no photo
Wed 12/13/06 09:58 AM
Question Public... if he's MORE than a man and has THOUSANDS of
followers.. could he not just have been a simple man to begin with.. had
some 'special physic type powers' as some do today... then after his
first "miracle" became the 'talk of the Town' and in NO time travelers
came from all around after hearing perhaps exagerated stories of this
All Mighty Healer... then Like a POP Star of Today.. became an IDOL in
the form of the "Son Of God"?? is it not possible that humanity itself
created this Man into the Saviour??? and being our ancestors and all..
wouldn't many of our traits come from the past??

Another is.. did he in fact raise the dead?? or was it perhaps as some
'ailments' today where the body's heart rate slows dangerously to the
POINT of death but then revive's itself.. could that NOT have happened
back then?? it happens today?? why not back then too?? maybe he ate the
wrong shrub that induced this form of death then revived 'coincidently'
at Jesus's touch??

Also.. there ARE healers today.. that can seemingly heal with a touch..
and as long as people BELIEVE that it's TRUE?? then ALL things are
Possible if Not Probable.... NO?? not neccessarily brain washing.. but
just the need to believe soo much that they heal or witness it?? after
all.. the mind is a VERY powerful tool... I'm Living the success
thereof.. :o)

It's really cool to have a forum such as this to discuss the varied
opinions on ANY topic... thanks for all your thoughts.. I'm really
enjoying playing the 'devils advocate' :o)

no photo
Wed 12/13/06 10:07 AM
Very Cool John...

simplistic and to the point!!


(John 7-77-1 ;o) LOL

Tneal's photo
Wed 12/13/06 11:33 AM
*glad I inspire something* :o)

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Wed 12/13/06 12:21 PM
Thanks Zero_Effected
I think more people learned the rules of HYPE from Jesus than he got
schooled in it. Just a thought.

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Wed 12/13/06 12:44 PM
About Jesus Christ.
Would it be faith if I could prove it?

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Wed 12/13/06 05:20 PM
In my way of thinking.. you can't PROVE Faith.. you either have it.. or
not.. I BELIEVE in a higher Power.. in GOD if you will... I just don't
believe in the church or the bible.. let's just say I hold reservations
about the 2... I AM curious though.. how would you go about proving it??

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Wed 12/13/06 05:27 PM
I havent seen the movie yet. but I did read the book, twice. Going on
the third time. First time i flew threw the book in 2 days (have kids
otherwise it would have been in a few hours). I found it very
interesting about the entire subject of the Holy Grail. I honestly do
believe that Mary Madgelene was NOT a prostitute like the Bible totes.
With everything going on in the world today, makes me wonder if God is
trying to tell us that the Bible is not everything we are led to
believe. We need to educate ourselves and decide that truth. I have been
baptized Lutheran, but I do not attend church (since 1998). I honestly
believe that if God ended the Earth tomorrow, the entire truth would be
spilled out for all of us, and those that blindly follow the church
leaders like zombies will have a completely different outlook on those
leaders and smack themselves for not questioning the ideals laid before

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