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Topic: What is real Love..? Well I'll tell 'ya.Join in.
sushi's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:02 PM
Real love is when you wake in the morn, and look over at her, She has
mascara down to her chin, he has garlic breath, her eyes are puffy and
crusty. Hair is smushed to one side and sticking straight up. And you
still think of each other as cute.You go into a rage over something
he/she has done and still manage not to use the words whore, slut, MF,
bastard,pervert, creep. Boy, then this is the REAL thing! She puts
on a few LBS. and you don't even notice. And if you do, KEEP YOUR MOUTH

bogie's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:13 PM
true very true

michael1313's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:15 PM
love is to me,waking in the morning with her,
fixing the coffee,watching deer from my porch,
as they greet the first rays of the sun,
work through each day,to live,and love again,past all the ghosts from
dreams and skeletons in closets,
to sleep again unangered from another frustrating day...
to hold within loving arms,untill the next sunrise,another day.

that is what love is to this

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/07/06 12:51 PM
Love is knowing that to day.
It will bring a smile your way.
Just seeing them you call them dear.
All you want, is to have them near.
So you can hold them in your arms.
To keep them safe from all that harms.
As you look towards the heaven above.
You promise to give them all your love.
As you look deep into there eyes.
You never want to say good bye.
It makes it harder each day.
To leave them and be away.
Thinking of your last time you kissed.
You know you have been very blessed.

sushi's photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:28 PM
All beautiful sentiments and they should fill in in between real life.
Love is when she's 9 mo. pregnant. She looks like a whale,feels like a
whale, and weights as much as whale. You don't bug her about having sex
because you love her and understand how she feels. Plus you don't
particularly want have your eyes scratched out by those newly manicured
nails. That's the truth!

redmange420's photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:36 PM
HA HA HA!!!!! LMMFAO!!!!!!! No doubt!!! All that sounds like love to

redmange420's photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:37 PM
And ya better not let me around that deer cuz!! We be eatin GOOOOOOOOOOD
tonight!!!! HA HA HA!!!

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 01:52 PM
real love is sticking together no matter what

escapedlunatic's photo
Thu 12/07/06 02:48 PM
Love is just a lie...made to make you blue.....
thats what the song says anyhow!

DJDream's photo
Thu 12/07/06 02:58 PM
"real love is sticking together no matter what" no thats co-dependancy

sodamnsexy's photo
Thu 12/07/06 04:28 PM
Real Love is sacrafice.
Being uncomfortable if it makes her a little more comfortable.
Going hungry if it means she can eat.
Being cold if it means she'll be warm.
Defending her whether she is right or wrong.
Carrying the burden if means she can rest...

Wisdom is knowing who you can let yourself fall in love with.

sushi's photo
Thu 12/07/06 06:31 PM
There are so many romantics out there. I love it.

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 06:47 PM
real love is letting her get into the bathroom first and tolerating her
family even though theys be ignant lol

iceprincess's photo
Thu 12/07/06 06:52 PM
love is realizing you can live without the other person and you just
don't want to. It's knowing that at times your really not gonna like
them you may want to kill them but you's looking at the other
person seeing your future in their eyes it's being content in their
presence. it's not fireworks and heat all the time sometimes it's ice
and frostbite but through it all you realize even though you can live
without them and function fine you don't want to.

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 06:55 PM
its from within no matter what she looks like i would love her for her

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 07:00 PM
that's nice princess. no matter how big of an ass they are being at the
moment you still put up with it because you wouldn't trade them for

iceprincess's photo
Thu 12/07/06 07:03 PM
ohh honey i may trade them i just realize the trade in value is so low
i'd have negative equity out the ass.LOL

no photo
Thu 12/07/06 07:04 PM

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 12/07/06 10:32 PM
Love is when
1) You care so deeply for another person that you dont have to speak to

2) You know them so well that you can complete their sentances for them
but won't.

3) All you can do is think about being with them and what you will do

4) They accidently break something of yours that you have had since
birth and your more concerned that they may have hurt themselves then
for the loss of the item.

5) They get hurt you feel their pain.

6) Them telling you something in public could turn you on in an instant
if they choose to.

7) they touch your skin and every hair on your body raises in

8) they can melt you with their eyes.

9) If someone tries to hurt them in any way you go out of your way to
protect them at any cost.

10) you want to do anything and everything that they will find
pleasureable without reguard to your own pleasure as doing this will
please you as well.

11) Love is being there for them through the good as well as the bad

12) in the bad times your love should get stronger to help them.

13) You dont care if you go without as long as they have what they want
in life.

14) You lose all interest in other people because all you can think
about is your partner.

15) You know in your heart that their is nothing that you could not
share with your partner that they would use to hurt you.

16) You do something wrong and don't even bring the flowers into the
house for her or say anything about them until after you tell her the

Always remember Love is a 2-way street you should be able to expect the
same type of treatment in return as well.

I am sorry people for it being so verbose but it is how I have been

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 12/07/06 11:01 PM

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