Community > Posts By > John7771

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Mon 01/15/07 09:21 AM
Teach your dog play sick so that she has to come over and save the

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Mon 01/15/07 09:04 AM
They have cameras at some stop lights in town Houston and that is
cutting down on people running red lights. Although its more gravel on
the road to electronic bondage,it is more of a disbelief in mankind to
make good decisions.
Freedom is somthing we have to continually seek and work for.
I still do not like cameras at stop lights. If we would have never run
red lights I do not think the city would have any ground to stand on
when trying to intall cameras. If everybody drove safley around
stoplights then cameras would not pay for themselves and would shrink in
Would there have been radar used if nobody speeded back in the 70's. I
cannot prove it but if neccesity is the mother of invention then driving
the speed limit may have stopped the need for electronic speed checking
Believing in people,not machines, to do the right thing and make good
decisions is what I call freedom.

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Fri 01/12/07 01:14 PM

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Fri 01/12/07 01:11 PM
Ha Ha, I did not believe in reincarnation till now! lol

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Fri 01/12/07 11:28 AM
What is your idea/opinion about freedom. What does the word "Freedom"
mean to you?

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Fri 01/12/07 11:19 AM
I think it will inhibit people to being not themselves in order to get a
better rating.
Well off to glamour-shotz I go....which by the way, is it owned by

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Fri 01/12/07 09:43 AM
I just knew it!!! I am gonna get a BMW!!! Or an FJ Cruiser!!!

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Tue 01/09/07 01:48 PM
But it solve alot of traffic problems all at once! lol

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Tue 01/09/07 12:58 PM
Where do you think our technology came from anyway? I figure What they
do, everytime somthing to big to cover up enters our solar system, they
just make a movie about it or a TV series like Star Trek.
Just think about it, where else to hide the super secrets when there
are so many of them!!!???

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Tue 01/09/07 12:42 PM
Ratings will help freedom of speech/text?

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Tue 01/09/07 12:06 PM

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Tue 01/09/07 08:36 AM
How about Gods Glory. The bible states "fear not" 365 times. The people
who really know the details may lead an honest heart astray. Do not lean
on your own understanding because Gods ways are not our ways, and his
thought's are not our thoughts.
His Son"Jesus Christ" The Truth, The Light, The Way is what I rest in.
belief may fail, faith might wander, a path may change.
Jesus is the foundation for my salvation and he will cover me it says in
the Gospel(first four books of the new testament).
Jesus is the Son of God that lived, died and rose again to conquer all
sin of mankind, past present future. Anybody who believes this with
thier heart will be saved and have everlasting life. (to believe this
with your heart means that jesus helped you believe in him)
Ok, so if you want to believe: thats a start. Ask jesus into your
heart right now and ask for a hedge of protection around you and your
friends in the name of Jesus Christ. Get with a good bible based church
or friends and grow your newly born self in HIS WORD. (Holy Bible is
definitly about jesus and why we need him)(All fall short before the
glory of GOD)(just look at the universe)(God adores You and wonders what
great things you will do Next)
If you can not believe: Then ask the holy spirit to reveal you who
*Jesus Christ* is. Then ask Jesus into your heart.

Still having trouble?
You have to overcome your mind (common sense) because that is where the
battlefield is. The spirit(life force) is at war with the soul(mind will
and emotions).
So have you asked Jesus into your heart yet? Or asked the holy spirit
to reveal who "Jesus Christ" is? I challenge the reader of this to do
so. And I will do it with you.
Jesus, You know I need you even more than my soul can perceive. Please
come into my heart and live Jesus Christ because your Word Says that who
ever believe's in you will not perish but have everlasting life. In
Jesus name , amen.

I pray in the name of jesus a hedge of protection around all
who have read this and anyone else who wants it. In the name Of Jesus
Crist. amen

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Mon 01/08/07 02:50 PM
I love buttons to push,
haha ...Gods Doorbell... NO WAY!!!

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Mon 01/08/07 01:56 PM
oh yeah!!!! Well guess who vanchow really is!!!

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Sun 01/07/07 09:36 PM
I just wonder if God ever asks "Did I Really Create A Universe with
humans and give them free will?"

Gods proof that HE believes in us: FREE WILL

Gods Sense Of Humor and object of Adoration: MANKIND

Gods Solution and Mercy: JESUS CHRIST

The look on peoples face, when they first see Jesus: PRICELESS

I believe in God.

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Fri 01/05/07 03:11 PM
Thanx for the replies on "what do you git if"
Any More? I was hoping for a

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Wed 01/03/07 02:23 PM
A question to the Pagans, Wiccans and other type religions not including
What do I get for not beleving in your religion/s and following it's
laws? (The Punishment or price to be paid). And also what is the upside
of such? (such as life/spiritual gains).

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Sat 12/30/06 01:34 PM
Romans 10:9
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your
heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
(Romans 10:9)

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Sat 12/30/06 01:26 PM
John 3:10

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Sat 12/30/06 09:39 AM
Are you bragging or complaining? lol
I would be proud if I got that much attention! When they get mad at your
response, it just means your worth it! I am overstating the obvious