Community > Posts By > cutiecami

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Fri 05/15/09 08:56 AM

I think my heart is missing...

thats unfortunate how did it come about

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Fri 05/15/09 08:53 AM
so yeah i was in school learning to be a good medical assistant when i felt this pain was so bad i thought id walk it off any way it got so bad i screamed like slutty girl # 1 on teen horror flick ended up in the hospital and now my appendix is gone and my skin feels like a zipper so much for a swimsuit

anybody else missing any organs

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Sat 05/02/09 09:24 PM

Maybe it was her 12 month old daughter.... she could be a ninja you know.....

gotta watch out for those toddlers

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Sat 05/02/09 09:03 PM
Edited by cutiecami on Sat 05/02/09 09:13 PM
okay so i was in the kitchen making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because its raining and i was about to watch my chick flick and write my college paper and feel sry for my self while eating my sandwich like the ravenous woman i am when the lights went out this is a major problem because i am deathly afraid of the dark so at that time every slasher movie known to man was going through my head as i tried to creep upstairs and grab my 12 mo old daughter for protection lol any way i totally forgot about my sandwich before i got up stairs the lights came on and i realized i was safe checked on the baby she was safe so my plans for the night where back on i get back to the kitchen and MY SANDWICH IS GONE PPL GONE NO TRACE OF IT EXCEPT SOME CRUMBS so my theory is ninjas caused the power outage cause they had a pb&j craving and forgot to go to the store so they stole mine any how i don't now where my sandwich is!!!!!!!!!!!


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Fri 04/03/09 09:04 PM
oxygen needs chuck Norris to survive

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Fri 04/03/09 06:38 PM
Men Catch Toddler In 30-Foot Fall In Lawrence


[Click to zoom.] Click to enlarge
The child fell from the third floor window of this home on Haverhill St.

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Two men are being hailed as heroes by police for catching a toddler who fell 30 feet from a third-story window in Lawrence.

Robert Lemire of Methuen told WBZ that he was talking on his cell phone on Sunday evening outside a pizza shop when he saw the toddler dangling from a third-story window in a home across the street.

"I heard some commotion across the street. I saw some toys go out the window," he said.

"A couple of minutes later, I heard a baby cry and I thought right away - I looked across and there was a baby hanging from the window sill."

The toddler was being held by two other children.

The 45-year-old father of two bolted across a busy street and was nearly hit by a car.

"I didn't even look, I just ran across the street," Lemire said.

He met 23-year-old Alex Day, who had been inside the home at a Bible study meeting on the first floor.

Together, they caught 18-month-old Caliah Clark before she hit the ground.

"The baby basically fell about two seconds after we got there," Day told WBZ.

"He got the top half, I pretty much got the bottom half," said Lemire.

The child was taken to a hospital and is OK.

The toddler's father was taking care of a newborn at the time.

Police Chief John Romero told the Eagle-Tribune "these guys are heroes, no question"

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Sun 03/08/09 12:08 AM
i dont like to go outside at night

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Sat 03/07/09 11:56 PM
waiting for my ex to bring my daughter home

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Sat 03/07/09 11:53 PM
ahh all the lights in the house are on still scared

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Sat 03/07/09 11:49 PM
thats okay im not only afraid of the dark but escalators give me panic attacks

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Sat 03/07/09 11:46 PM
you should come in so we can have hot hate sex

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Sat 03/07/09 11:45 PM
well im not so much afraid of the dark as of what might be lurking therein

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Sat 03/07/09 11:43 PM
so yeah im sitting here in the middle of the night by myself getting way creeped out any body else scared of the dark

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Thu 02/12/09 09:08 PM

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Sun 02/08/09 02:09 PM
LONDON (Reuters) – A milkman who admitted he delivered cannabis as well as pints to elderly customers to ease their aches and pains, was spared jail Friday.

Robert Holding, 72, from Burnley, told police he supplied the drug to 17 customers after detectives raided his home and found nearly 6oz (167g) of cannabis in an egg crate in the van he used for deliveries.

"He said he sold the cannabis to existing customers because they were old and had aches and pains," said prosecutor Sarah Statham.

"He said he sold a 9oz (255g) bar about every three weeks and sold it for a relatively cheap value. He said that customers left him notes saying, for example, 'Can I have an ounce this week or can I have an eighth.'"

Holding, who admitted supplying and possession of the drug at a previous hearing, was given a 36-month prison sentence suspended for a year at Burnley Crown Court Friday, the Press Association reported.

Judge Beverley Lunt told him the sentence was "an act of mercy" because he visited his wife, who has Alzheimer's disease, every day in a care home.

"You were not some philanthropist helping out the elderly out of the good of your heart. You dealt drugs for profit in a calculated way. It was a business," the judge told him.

His lawyer Philip Holden said his client "wasn't making much of a profit" and that his oldest client was 92.

"Word had got out that he was a man who could supply cannabis to those of a certain age with aches and pains and he misguidedly believed he was providing a public service," he said.

After the verdict Holding insisted he had not made money from his drug dealing.

"They (the customers) enjoyed it, they saved a lot of money while I was doing it and I only did it for a short time," he said.

However Neil Standage, area crown prosecutor for East Lancashire, said there was no evidence that he was only supplying elderly people with painful ailments.

"This might make it sound like what he was doing was harmless. It wasn't," he said.

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Sun 02/08/09 12:44 PM

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Sun 02/08/09 12:36 PM
food in general im a little piggy

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Tue 02/03/09 09:07 AM
awesome i stumbled across them on youtube anybody else know them

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Mon 02/02/09 11:07 PM

Got two pillows im gonna CUDDLE with..imagine that

ill cuddle with u

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Mon 02/02/09 11:07 PM
i think ur mistaking love for limerence

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