Community > Posts By > cutiecami

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Thu 09/03/09 10:13 PM

Funny, when I was a child no one would have thought a thing about this. I can actually remember being "corrected" by adults that weren't my parents, and no one thought a thing of it. Of course now I can't imagine what would happen if a parent "corrected" their own child in public much less what would happen if a stranger did it.

its not that he corrected the child as you say but i grew up in a town where if u did something wrong the neighbors would get you and when u went home ur parents did to but that was ppl we knew well not a random stranger walking up hitting a 2 yr old for nothing more than doing what children do

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Thu 09/03/09 10:02 PM

Weellllll Allllll Riiiiiiiiitey Then!

Go grab a towel


no photo
Thu 09/03/09 10:00 PM

What the?????????????? surprised

Some old bloke thumped a 2 year old, in a public place?

Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!

The mother was probably so stunned she was immobilised....people react differently.... perhaps she was frozen in place with the shock.

Personally, I don't care who the person is.... mother, father, stranger, touch a child in front of me, and I will give the same in kind, but only harder.explode explode explode

i wouldve shanked him like we were in prison

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Thu 09/03/09 09:56 PM
okay so apparently this mother was in wal-mart and her 2 year old baby girl was crying as babies do and this old dude walks up to the mom and goes if you dont shut that baby up ill do it for you when the baby does not stop crying he then slaps her five or six times until a bystander tackles him to the ground and holds him until the cops get there what baffles me is what was the mom doing is some guy told me that with Isabella i would've looked at him calmly and said if u do it'll be the last thing u do but seriously what mother lets that happen

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Thu 09/03/09 09:37 PM
itrained here too me and my friend where driving and we were like what is that fog and all of a sudden we drove in to a storm so being the goofy girls we are we ran in and out of it going its raining now its not

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 10:15 PM
night guys ill tell u how it went tomorrow

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 10:10 PM

well welcome back

or was that at the other place? I forget

it was here

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 10:09 PM

ohhhhhh I remember you now

your second photo used to be your profile photo?


no photo
Sun 08/30/09 10:07 PM

how do i start the conversation when i do walk up to him

It depends.

Tell him this: Hi! How are you?

it should be that easy but its not

It is that easy, I'm telling you.

i have a nervous laugh so id go hi hahah how are u hahahahahah it be strange

he'll notice you're nervous so he's gonna know you got something going on for him. Unless he is made of wood and can't read body language.

alas i am transparent

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 10:06 PM

how do i start the conversation when i do walk up to him

It depends.

Tell him this: Hi! How are you?

it should be that easy but its not

Sure it is. Guys that age like pretty much the same thing. Food, music, athletics, electronics, females paying attention to them. Offer him a cold drink or something to eat. Show him a magazine or something you found interesting on the computer. Give him a compliment. Ask him to carry something for you.

i mean he said hi to me first right its a good sign

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 10:02 PM
Edited by cutiecami on Sun 08/30/09 10:02 PM

how do i start the conversation when i do walk up to him

It depends.

Tell him this: Hi! How are you?

it should be that easy but its not

It is that easy, I'm telling you.

i have a nervous laugh so id go hi hahah how are u hahahahahah it be strange

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:58 PM

I would think he finds you very pretty, smart, a devoted Mother, and your shyness enchanting. Don't worry about having the right thing to say just smile and use good manners the rest will take care of itself. Having a child to a good man is only a detraction if you are a neglectful mother, shameful, or make him feel excluded. Share your joy and and dreams and if he is the one worth having he will continue to politely pursue you.

thx lots he gives me indigestion u know, im smitten

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:55 PM

how do i start the conversation when i do walk up to him

It depends.

Tell him this: Hi! How are you?

it should be that easy but its not

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:52 PM

can we stay on topic i posted some pics of me and my offspring

Ummm note: I don't see no few extra pounds. Your'e daughter is cute like her mom. :wink:

thx but its all in the thighs I see, you're 20. "all in the thighs", jeez, you don't know what I have seen getting away by saying "few extra pounds".

haha i can imagine

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:51 PM
how do i start the conversation when i do walk up to him

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:49 PM

can we stay on topic i posted some pics of me and my offspring

Ummm note: I don't see no few extra pounds. Your'e daughter is cute like her mom. :wink:

thx but its all in the thighs

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:47 PM
i dont know im such a nerd we arent made for these situations

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:40 PM
can we stay on topic i posted some pics of me and my offspring

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:36 PM
im a girl uggh

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:25 PM
it can hurt i have a fear of rejection like no other ill die if he rejects me and i have a kid most guys dont wanna pic up a kid on a drive by

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