Community > Posts By > breathless1

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 10:17 PM
Was he texting to you...or the chick in black leather with you, cause yeah...she's kinda hot, for sure!!! laugh :tongue:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 10:14 PM

This is what you get when you procrastinate to within an inch of your life...

What's got you so anx'd? ohwell

If you were like would have cast your vote early for prom king/queen last week already.

Just vote for who has the purdiest tiara...and has the princess *wave* down to a "t". It's as easy as two snaps up and a "hair flip" as my best friend says. :banana:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 10:04 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Mon 11/03/08 10:07 PM

Exactly, I understand that. I should have went my own way. Just when the Passions arose as a teenager, being raised under a Pastor's roof; it's kind of hard to go your own way.

I should have on some things, and I should have never quit pursuing alot of my dreams because of what my family thought or said about them. I would have done better if they were more supportive, but like I said, I'm picking up and running with my passions now.

Understood and respected, Engraven. We make our life's choices along the way based on the information and support we are given or not.

There comes a time when we come "into our own"...I'm just saying continue to make own your choices, good and bad, along the all.

If you continue to blame others in your past, then your own realized passions in the present/future will only belong to "them" and not to you and your own hard efforts...because your efforst will be credited towards some warped sense of revenge to those you perceive held you down.

Understand? flowerforyou

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 09:52 PM

Actually, held down no, pushed down yes. Some people out there find it hard to pursue a dream when it's shot down by the closest people around them.

Again, choice on your part...not theirs.

Just own it and stop blaming others. I'm not dogging you, Engraven...just pointing out a psycho-babble fact is all and saving you thousands of therapy dollars, dude! laugh

Not being harsh here, but who really cares if Mommy/Daddy/Whoever didn't support your lifelong made the choice not to pursue them until now, right?

Step up to the plate, say "I screwed up earlier by listening to them, but now I'm doing it differently".

What's so wrong with that? :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 09:41 PM
Just saying...

No one held YOU down...YOU chose to become a paperweight over time for whatever reason.

Glad to see you have chosen to shed that weight and become your own your own right and light.

Freeing yourself and others from stupid blame is well...freedom in itself, huh? :wink:

Best of luck to you in your newfound freedom, dude! :banana:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 09:34 PM
Guess there are quite a few things that would make me bolt...but, speaking only from real experience:

"Can I borrow your cell phone for a second...I need to check in with my parole officer..." noway

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 09:29 PM
Walk THIS way.... ------------------->>>> smokin

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:56 PM
Is this BEFORE....





breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:54 PM

get so depressed that it feels like you've been crying for days, yet you've been too depressed to actually cry?

Yep, sure have.

But, I took a breath and realized I'm actually alive and took the next step towards LIVING. :wink:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:17 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Mon 11/03/08 08:21 PM

[I can't vote anyway....

Why not? ohwell

"Hate to say it..but they ALL promise this or that...and it seems that we end up screwed in the end anyways..."

^^ Intelligent post....NOT! whoa

Yet, classic response from possibly an uneducated and yet another complacent NON-voter in our society. *HO HUM* yawn

Can't wait to read your posts in 2.5 years b*tching about your state's tax bills, educational funding for your children, your company's health care coverage or lack thereof, your retirement funds, long-term care for your loved ones, governmental funding for war crimes, smart growth in your public community, your personal right to abort, just to name a few "known" hot topics that affect YOU directly that you may be aware of due to "Google" and c/p posts in dating site threads. indifferent

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:58 PM

For you to speak my name, a thousand mile journey would seem but a trot.


I think we have found the new motto for Taco Bell!

Can you say..."I got the TROTS"?


And talking about kissing some chick's eyelids?? WTH? Please tell me you women are not falling for this!?! whoa

I'm with whoever said "taking the garbage out...or unclogging the toilet...or cleaning up the kid's puke from berber carpet - now THAT is LOVE! love

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:19 PM truest love.....When I breathe in the cool night air...I know that you are giving your breath, your kiss, your smile to me.

When your lips carress my is electricity that sends shivers through my soul. I swear I can still smell you in my shirt.

I daydream about looking into your half shut eyes as our panting breathes slow to become one....and I carry that stupid smile with me through out my day.

You are my one. You are my only. I would give the world around me for but one small moment of knowing that you are truly happy.

Let's see your old man top that.

Blah, blah, blah...psycho-babble romantic RUBBISH! :tongue:

She already committed to folding MY underwear... so THERE - AND bake me a batch of cake-like ginger cookies!

Now, if that isn't LOVE...I don't know what is, folks! pitchfork

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:01 PM
Not that I'm *sick* of the threads or even comradorary around the election...

But, I do find it quite comical and amazing how one black man and one white woman can cause such an uprising in one itsy-bitsy election?

Interesting to ponder if folks would have been so *aware* at the time for the "race" of Clinton...Carter...Johnson, or even Nixon...? ohwell

Maybe it's happen-stance that the internet has given a voice to those who remained silent in those years, but I fear that is not the case. I fear it is those who have only chosen to find their voice through typed words on an internet site vs. making their voice heard by casting their vote.

My only voice tonight is for those of you (and you know who you are) that have not become politically educated and active through the years, and just now are doing so and want to find a podium to stand upon...VOTE WISELY, absent emotion.

Hard to do, I know...but, if you have actual practice from past experience, you can do it. Do NOT just vote for the sake of voting "against" your supposed opponent, but rather FOR what you desire for this country...our a whole. flowerforyou

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 06:32 PM

the point of this thread was basically to vote for whomever you want to

your reasoning is your OWN

no reason to bash someone for their beliefs

And I agree with your a point.

However, you made a point of bashing those who are still "sitting on the fence" on the eve of this election and going so far as to call them "liars" for not having made their mind up yet. ohwell

I don't know about YOU...but, have you ever stood at the counter of Baskin Robbins and him-haw'd over what flavor you desire before actually placing your order?

Why should YOU place such harsh judgment on others who are still internally debating who will decide the fate of this nation before they pull the curtain behind them tomorrow?

To me, THAT was the point of your thread as stated in your own words originally. ohwell

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 03:09 PM
I took advantage of the early voting this year and cast my votes last week.

Yes, my votes were very informed decisions. You can also bet your last tax dollar that my information was NOT gathered by anything I read copied/pasted in a dating site thread either. :wink:

Just a sidenote to all vigilante voters this election: Be sure to cast your state congress/senate votes wisely because if you are accurately informed and educated in the sport of politics, you will know that these are the ones that actually make our country tick-tock. :wink:

And for the non-voters out there...have another macaroon and beer in front of your boob-tube. drinker My response to any and all of your b*tching in a year...or two...will be: yawn

breathless1's photo
Sat 10/25/08 01:50 PM
I agree, seek medical attention.

Swelling, pain and bruising around an injection site can be normal at times, but given your medical condition - I say, be safe vs. sorry.

Also, just a sidenote...if you bruise or swell easily, perhaps you can use a homeopathic ointment called Arnica. That stuff is great - it helps the body to reabsorb the blood quickly and reduces swelling and bruising in half. :wink:

breathless1's photo
Sat 10/25/08 01:37 PM
Not sure, it would depend as others say.

But, this I can tell you - if I fell for their "personality" online and THAT was way off base in person as often times is the case - SEE YA! :wink:

breathless1's photo
Sat 10/25/08 01:11 PM
I don't either, but it sure provides a lot of entertainment for the rest of us, huh? laugh

Oh wait a minute, I posted a minor mishap with my daughter last night just asking for some suggestions. noway

It got handled on its own and with the support of a few friends in private email though.

Am I one of "those" now? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! tears


breathless1's photo
Sat 10/25/08 12:38 PM

My opinion...honestly?

A whole lot more peace-filled. :wink:

breathless1's photo
Sat 10/25/08 12:34 PM

haha I think they are both elitist

most of the people in this country are pretty middle of the road maderate. a little liberal here and a little conservative there. But these two represent the elite of both sides.

I wonder how many houses FDR or Kennedy had?

I don't think so with Obama. His childhood is not like that.

His dad died and he was an alcoholic. Bi-racial. Moving around a lot. Mom on food stamps. Mom died. Went to college. College is not easy. Became a lawyer. Worked in community service.

To me, that is not an elitist.

but he still seems to be of that liberal class who thinks he is superior to most of the middle American "fly over" country. The comments about "clinging to guns and religion" or telling that guy that he wanted to redistribute our wealth. It worries me when people think they know better how I should live my life and try to force me

Yep, must agree, Quiet...those comments concerned me too. Still do! ohwell

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