Community > Posts By > Godwhispers

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 05:22 PM

The whole "gateway drug" thing is just some bull**** terminology for common intoxicants that almost everybody tries when they're younger. If it isn't pot then it's alcohol...if not that then cough syrup. What if yr dentist gave you nitrous when you were younger? Would he be responsible for turning you on to getting high. What about the person who offered you yr first cigarrette. Is he to blame if you later become a heroin addict. I've been drinking coffee since age 8...I'm a recovering alcoholic now. Was coffee my "gateway drug". Please...people that want to get high will always get high regardless of what drug is available.

Speaking from experience, POT was the gateway to MY DRUG ADDICTIONS ... I have been sober and drug free for almost 8 years now...

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:08 PM
I have an 18 yr old son who will be 19 on March 26 and he has openly admitted to smoking pot. I didn't raise him but his father raised him with very high standards so obviously he is just being down right REBELLIOUS. I tell him that pot is the open door to other drugs and he just laughs it off.... all I know is that he is going to have to be accountable for the outcome of what he is sowing...

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:01 PM
I have bought and sold stuff on ebay... whether I have been the buyer or the seller I have never had a NEGATIVE outcome...

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 01:46 PM


With all due RESPECT dear sir, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? scared

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 01:45 PM

What does it smell like?:wink:

ROFLMassO! and I thought I was BOLD... hey mechrissy2 can I hang out with you? maybe I can learn a thing or two in my old age...rofl

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 01:36 PM
WOW, so that's where babies come from, geeeee, I remember my mommy telling me that the STORK brought me ...surprised

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 11:50 AM
tongue2 yeah, pretty simple actually, oh and don't wear shoes


Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 11:39 AM
When it comes to my children YES I love with my entire heart... all of it!

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 11:37 AM
How did I become who I am? hmmm... you mean the spoiled side of me? LOL... YOU can blame that on mommy and daddy...

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 11:35 AM
Jack the Tripper, hmmmm OR was it Ripper OR was it GRIPPER OR was it DRIPPER, OR was it FLIPPER.... awwwww man never mind *stomps out of the room*offtopic

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 11:31 AM

wear looser socks

frustrated so that's what it is huh?

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 11:29 AM
He is cute so it's gotta be cute in his pants

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 10:30 AM
Edited by Godwhispers on Sun 03/01/09 11:24 AM
I have been told that I have COMMITMENT issues... so what do you think? The way I look at it, I have to GUARD what belongs to GOD.

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 09:24 AM
shame on him in his pants

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 09:17 AM
Edited by Godwhispers on Sun 03/01/09 09:21 AM
I date somebody who is soooooo INTELLIGENT that sometimes he is just DOWN RIGHT stupid! so what is the GREATER of the 2 evils?

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 09:02 AM
HECK no ya can't! I met somebody 2 years ago (Memphis TN) come June and everything he said HE WAS he WASN'T and everything HE said HE WASN'T, HE WAS! ... go figure... I have been on several dates since then (I will only date LOCALLY) and though I have met some really nice guys, NOT anybody that has KNOCKED my socks off...

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:55 AM

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:39 AM

Of course you can... why do you think I am still SINGLE? LOL...

Perhaps you're single because...


indifferent Is that not normal?

I was just goofin' around with Godwhispers... Of course it's normal. I hear voices all the time. Now, if you choose to respond to them, well then that's a different story!

HEAVEN or HELL? what are the VOICES saying in YOUR head?

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:16 AM

Galations 6:7,8

Dear Godwhispers,

In response to your response, I would like to make three points:

1. How do you know who the voices in MY head are? If I say they're idiots, trust me, they are!

2. Galations 6:7,8 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."
I mock everyone... (including but not limited to man, woman, animal, god, demon, ghosts and goblins, ...) I would hope that the Lord God would be big enough to take a joke or two...

C. You would not have even been offended at all if you had carefully observed the pic that I had posted. It's a picture of a phone headset, normally associated with either a telemarketer or customer service rep., meaning the voices in my head are stupid customers or clients asking stupid questions... So in fact, it had nothing to do with you hearing God's voice in your head. The voices in MY head are not godly by any means.

Thank you, and have a lovely weekend.

hmmmm.... well okay if YOU say so... I was under the IMPRESSION that you and I were still on FUNCHGUYS topic, you know which one, and I thought you had carried our conversation in here and that you were just being sarcastic... anyway... do you want to KISS and make-up?

Godwhispers's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:06 AM
14 brothers and sisters and I was considered the "BLACK SHEEP" of the family LOL... I have parents that love(d) me UNCONDITIONAL despite my "CRAZY" antics and even until this very day, my siblings don't understand why my parents were so LIENIANT on me... I have since "GROWN UP" (a MASTERS DEGREE in the college of "HARD KNOCKS") now my siblings view me as "ANAL RETENTIVE" lol... go figure HAHAHAHAHA! YOU ARE DAMNED IF YOU DO AND DAMNED IF YOU DON'T! LOL... BLESSINGS TO YOU ON THIS BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY MORNING!

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