Community > Posts By > Godwhispers

Godwhispers's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:15 PM

how about I love you but the train leaves in the morning...


Godwhispers's photo
Thu 09/25/08 01:18 PM
Get RID of MAINSTREAM religion... ugh, it has POLLUTED the minds of so many... but as long as SATAN has DOMINION over the WORLD, MAINSTREAM religion will exist, its HIS GOD GIVEN RIGHT... UGH!

Godwhispers's photo
Thu 09/25/08 01:05 PM
Either you LOVE me or ya HATE ME... (giggling) but if ya hate me, can you at least tell me WHY? ROFLMassO =))

Godwhispers's photo
Thu 09/25/08 12:43 PM
teeheeheehee.... fun

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:23 PM

While there is a fine line between confidence and conceit. Why do people have to state the obvious. If you don't like a certain type of person ignore them. Arguing over a pointless topic is both foolish and futile. If someone has a more than healthy dose of self love who is anyone to tell them they are wrong. It is their opinion and they are entitled to it. We should all know by now a person changed against their will is of the same opinion still. Complaining because you read through profiles and found some of them to be conceited and making a thread about it isn't going to do anything worth while.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH is a priviledge that goes BOTH ways ...
I understand that. I was wondering why you have to go and point out a group of people who don't feel the same as you
just to alienate them in a public forum. Why is it you feel they don't have a right to have belief different than yours. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having different beliefs. This is a free country after all . What gives you the right to judge? If anything it makes you look like you believe yourself to be holier than tho.

I didn't target a specific group of anybody, lol, all I did was write a topic, now if conviction set in hey that is not my problem... of course there is NOTHING wrong with having different beliefs and through the love of JESUS CHRIST I have to accept anybody and EVERYBODY...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 12:17 PM

Religious fanatics bother me. Sorry.

Not a RELIGIOUS fanatic ... SORRY! and if I bother YOU... SORRY and do yourself a favor, don't read my topics...

I read all topics with people whining, because I think it's hilarious how so many people misconstrue profiles and then complain about it. Sure there are some people who hold themselves in high regard, but wht healthy person doesn't? I don't think that many people actually think of themselves as "God", if there even is such a thing. High self esteem is a way to keep standards. And if you don't like that, maybe you can find a rebound guy at the local pub.

Come on now, don't patronize me, there is a difference between HIGH SELF-ESTEEM and CONCIET... and as for YOUR comment on finding myself a guy at the local pub, that DEFINATELY may be more your speed...

Yes, that is absolutely my speed, considering I can't even legally drink. Wow, you read my profile and STILL got me wrong. Point proven about misconstrued profiles. Maybe you need to read them more closely.

I didn't read YOUR profile...

You obviously VIEWED it. If you had eyes with vision past your nose you might see my age. It's only the big text at the top of the page.

EXACTLY... I saw your age and didn't bother with the rest...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 12:16 PM

While there is a fine line between confidence and conceit. Why do people have to state the obvious. If you don't like a certain type of person ignore them. Arguing over a pointless topic is both foolish and futile. If someone has a more than healthy dose of self love who is anyone to tell them they are wrong. It is their opinion and they are entitled to it. We should all know by now a person changed against their will is of the same opinion still. Complaining because you read through profiles and found some of them to be conceited and making a thread about it isn't going to do anything worth while.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH is a priviledge that goes BOTH ways ...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 12:11 PM

Religious fanatics bother me. Sorry.

Not a RELIGIOUS fanatic ... SORRY! and if I bother YOU... SORRY and do yourself a favor, don't read my topics...

I read all topics with people whining, because I think it's hilarious how so many people misconstrue profiles and then complain about it. Sure there are some people who hold themselves in high regard, but wht healthy person doesn't? I don't think that many people actually think of themselves as "God", if there even is such a thing. High self esteem is a way to keep standards. And if you don't like that, maybe you can find a rebound guy at the local pub.

Come on now, don't patronize me, there is a difference between HIGH SELF-ESTEEM and CONCIET... and as for YOUR comment on finding myself a guy at the local pub, that DEFINATELY may be more your speed...

Yes, that is absolutely my speed, considering I can't even legally drink. Wow, you read my profile and STILL got me wrong. Point proven about misconstrued profiles. Maybe you need to read them more closely.

I didn't read YOUR profile...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 12:04 PM

I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning...shouldn't this be in the religious forums???frustrated frustrated frustrated

I am FAR from RELIGIOUS... btw incredible poem, hmmm.... GOD inspired?

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 12:00 PM

Religious fanatics bother me. Sorry.

Not a RELIGIOUS fanatic ... SORRY! and if I bother YOU... SORRY and do yourself a favor, don't read my topics...

I read all topics with people whining, because I think it's hilarious how so many people misconstrue profiles and then complain about it. Sure there are some people who hold themselves in high regard, but wht healthy person doesn't? I don't think that many people actually think of themselves as "God", if there even is such a thing. High self esteem is a way to keep standards. And if you don't like that, maybe you can find a rebound guy at the local pub.

Come on now, don't patronize me, there is a difference between HIGH SELF-ESTEEM and CONCIET... and as for YOUR comment on finding myself a guy at the local pub, that DEFINATELY may be more your speed...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:42 AM

Religious fanatics bother me. Sorry.

Not a RELIGIOUS fanatic ... SORRY! and if I bother YOU... SORRY and do yourself a favor, don't read my topics...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:37 AM

with the right supports it can

Satan isn't going to do a damn thing for you except take YOUR soul...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:35 AM

:tongue: I like most of the gods Ive met:tongue:


Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:32 AM

i have to be my own god, someone has got to fight my demons

now excuse me while i go play my devil music by the beatles

lol... someone has got to fight YOUR demons? a house divided cannot stand... lol...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:27 AM

Yes, nice blanket statements like ' the beatles worship satan ' are awesome and totally take the conversation to a higher plane of thought...

and YOUR point is? btw, do YOU have a picture of yourself next to your nightstand? or do you carry a picture of yourself on a pendant around your neck...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:22 AM

I wanna see the Nigerian lady who REALLY loves me!!!!smokin

ROFLMassO... could her name be SCAMMER for short?

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:21 AM
*raises her hand* YEPPERS I agree with every thing you have said here NOW... where the HECK is that fine ass POSTER BOY?

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:16 AM

Sure. But why are you yelling? :tongue:

*whispers* sorry sweetie, just felt a need to SCREAM! lol... thanks for your comment...

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:14 AM

uummm who is claiming to be their own God? huh

This post is in reference to a couple of profiles I have read... ugh, CONCEIET is such a TURN-OFF!

Godwhispers's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:13 AM

I see dead blow up dolls!!!!noway

ROFLMassO =))