Community > Posts By > plain_jane1

plain_jane1's photo
Sun 06/14/09 12:01 AM
Edited by plain_jane1 on Sun 06/14/09 12:02 AM
I have one in my backyard! LMAO!!! rofl rofl rofl

I call him Al!

plain_jane1's photo
Sat 06/13/09 11:49 PM
I'm starting to develop a strong crush on a man from Ohio! WOW! blushing :heart: :wink:

plain_jane1's photo
Sat 06/13/09 11:48 PM

Typical Males..... For any of you guys out there reading this, please DON'T be what a woman knows as a "typical male"!!! Be a unique one that she never wants to let go or get rid of! flowerforyou happy

D&W, how are doing lady? flowerforyou

Hear, hear for your comment. In order for one to attract attention, one must standout from the crowd. I am currently trying very hard to do just that, with someone from this site right now. D&W, you speak wisdom that others should read & heed.

Hey Tribefan! Thank you for seconding my comment! Congratulations on the wonderful lady! happy I hope things are going well for you!

D&W meet Tribefan.... Tribefan meet D&Wlove :heart: flowerforyou Am I right, Tribefan????

Sorry! Right state, wrong person.

I am from North Carolina!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

plain_jane1's photo
Sat 06/13/09 11:19 PM
Here it is, days later, and I still cannot get enough of these pictures. Every time I pass by it, it makes me laugh! HA HA HA! rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

plain_jane1's photo
Sat 06/13/09 10:49 PM

An unrecognized talent is a talent wasted. Take some time to compliment a friend today on something they're good at. You never know... you could just conjure a smile or two in the process.drinker

You and DAW make a great couple! Congratulations! flowerforyou

plain_jane1's photo
Sat 06/13/09 10:43 PM
Edited by plain_jane1 on Sat 06/13/09 11:29 PM
Just passing through the thread. waving

plain_jane1's photo
Sat 06/13/09 10:40 PM

Have you ever noticed how meeting someone who is interested in you & continues to want to know more about you, the effect it has upon your day to day outlook?

You find that you're smiling more to yourself. You wake up in the morning with an air of expectancy. You look forward to that next communique hoping to learn something today, that you didn't know yesterday. You find yourself opening up like a book, hoping that they will appreciate your openness & honesty. You step out there on that limb, hoping that it doesn't break, and hoping that you don't provide the saw that will severe it from the tree. Hoping forgiveness can be found when you've said something stupid. Hoping that the other person finds you as interesting as you do them. Finding yourself wanting to rush in, pell-mell, headlong, when patience needs to be the key to discovery and a true lasting relationship. Giving the other person the space & time they need to feel that they can trust you.

And maybe, just maybe, they will begin feel like they can't live without you. That you are the ONE. The ONE they've been searching for all these years. The ONE they will cherish and love. The ONE who will love them unconditionally. The ONE who will love them through thick and thin, hell and high water. The ONE who will always be there for them. The ONE who will hold them and tell them everything will be alright, when all has gone wrong.

May you find your ONE. :heart:

You sound like you've gotten bitten by the love bug for her!!!! You should tell her...

too early....blushing

surprised I am stunned! Very stunned to have read this! Tribsey, I had no idea you thought like this! blushing I guess I learn new things about people every day! I'm impressed! :wink:

plain_jane1's photo
Sat 06/13/09 10:38 PM
(((DAW))) flowers Beautiful thread, Sweetie! I love the daily happpenings you are posting! I had one of those crazy days this week myself!

As for the umbrella story, that was very sweet of him, and I see the beauty in the small things! :wink:

Keep up the great work!

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/12/09 07:48 PM
Someone Special flowerforyou

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/12/09 07:45 PM
Edited by plain_jane1 on Fri 06/12/09 07:46 PM
I'll have a Pepsi on the rocks please! :wink:

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/12/09 07:40 PM
A set of wings--isn't that enough?

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/12/09 07:36 PM
Good for you! I hate liars! happy

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:30 PM
The one on the right just might winrofl rofl rofl

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:27 PM
Tell him a joke.

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:25 PM
Single for now.

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:23 PM
I enjoy talking to you.
Because I do.

plain_jane1's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:54 PM
I didn't get it either, but I couldn't help but laugh. Thought I would share it with everyone, in case anyone is having a rough night.

plain_jane1's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:50 PM
Edited by plain_jane1 on Thu 06/11/09 06:52 PM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Hey how do you like my new shoes? I can run faster and jump higher!

plain_jane1's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:40 PM
I love this (((D&W))) Keep up the excellent work, Sweetie! flowerforyou flowers flowers

plain_jane1's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:30 PM

Why is it, that the most interesting potentials for dating are the people hundreds of miles away? I thought the whole premise was to find someone in your own backyard so to speak. Anyone care to comment?

The reason for this is simple. There are no good people in your back yard! Statistically speaking, if you have lived in one place your entire life (at least according to my own statistics ha) you would have had plenty of opportunities to meet the right one or at least a good one by the time you have turned 17.

However, since that didn't happen, you put yourself online and hope that the people you haven't met in your backyard yet will make themselves known. They don't. They are jack asses!

So you start talking to someone who lives hundereds of miles away (quite the beauty of being online, yes?) and find that you have a lot in common.

Sadly-------most people use the distance as a way of "punishing themselves" into never finding "the one". Because they will argue that the only possible "one" would have to live somewhere in their backyard. Does anyone else see the trouble with this kind of thinking?

Dating and love doesn't have to be some kind of sad, woe is me, Romeo and Juliet, Rose and Jack, we can't ever be together kind of tragedy. Love can be found anywhere. If two people who live far away want to make a commitment to each other and bridge the gap and are willing to really work and try hard for it--it can be just as golden as the story of the guy who ran into the girl in the corner of the hallway. :thumbsup:

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