Community > Posts By > plain_jane1

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:25 PM

Well it's MOST men. Right now it's one in particular.

more like SOME men.

No, in my case it's most. At least 99.9% anyway :wink:

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:24 PM

hes doin ur sister

...and your mother.

Could we keep this on a mature level please? It's not cool to joke about someone's mother. I'm sure we'd all agree to that.

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:22 PM

But if he was any kind of man, couldn't he just come out and say the truth rather than "trying to spare my feelings." The point is, he blatently lied. That's not trying to spare someone's feelings, it's making yourself look like an ***.

All I am going to say before I go to bed is that you started out the thread by saying MEN. Now you are saying MAN. See any difference? yawn

Well it's MOST men. Right now it's one in particular.

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:20 PM

bah, women do it just as much as men do, its definitely an unfair stereotype that men are constant liars. its a part of lifewhoa

I'm not saying they constantly lie. I'm not even saying it's all men. Just all the ones I seem to encounter. Maybe I have a sign on my forehead that reads, "Liars, Welcome" ohwell

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:17 PM

In this case, he's lieing to save your feelings. He's doing it because he's a nice person. Women do it too. "I just need my space right now." "I'm just into my job right now." "I just need my space." "It's not you, it's me."

right on texas....i saw you say something smart earlier --- i like the way you think

But if he was any kind of man, couldn't he just come out and say the truth rather than "trying to spare my feelings." The point is, he blatently lied. That's not trying to spare someone's feelings, it's making yourself look like an ***.

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:11 PM

flowerforyou all men are not that way and a bitter attitude towards all men won't attract the good onesflowerforyou

Maybe it's a lack of finding a good one that makes me feel this way? ohwell
yes and maybe just trying to enjoy life and try pickng a diffrent type of man to start a relationship with might workflowerforyou I hope you do meetsomeone specialflowerforyou

I thought I had--guess that was my mistake? ohwell Thank you, MissTina flowerforyou

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:06 PM

flowerforyou all men are not that way and a bitter attitude towards all men won't attract the good onesflowerforyou

Well said Tinaflowerforyou
thank you Pats there are plenty of good men on this site and offflowerforyou

Please, point me in the right direction, MissTina! :thumbsup:

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:04 PM

flowerforyou all men are not that way and a bitter attitude towards all men won't attract the good onesflowerforyou

Maybe it's a lack of finding a good one that makes me feel this way? ohwell

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:03 PM

Yep. We're all no good dirty lying b@stards. You might want to consider changing to women because none of them ever lie.

yeah, definitely try that :angel:

Yeah I have heard ALL about YOU from him! lol

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/23/09 08:56 PM
Why is it that when you show the slightest interest in a man, he gets all standoffish and starts lying to you? Even though he was telling the truth in the beginning. Does he suddenly have something to hide? Or is he just not interested anymore? If not, why can't he just say that? Or is he so egotistical that he thinks he is so much better than you? Any insights anyone?

plain_jane1's photo
Sun 06/21/09 09:09 PM

Real Beauty

Do we know it when we see it? Is it based just on what we see, or something more?

Most would agree that sunsets, fresh fallen snow, trees in the fall, waterfalls, wind & water shaped beaches are beautiful. As are sunrises, nature trails, deserts, mountains, animals in the wild, horses, white fluffy clouds in an azure sky, the smell in the air after a summer's thunderstorm and rainbows.

What about on a human level? The love a parent has for their child, of helping someone less-fortunate, being there for a friend in need, putting others first, performing acts of kindness in secret, paying someone a compliment, granting forgiveness even if it isn't requested, being merciful and loving the unlovable, all qualify as things of beauty.

Then there is what Madison Avenue and the entertainment industry tell us is beautiful.

As far back as human history goes, man-kind has been obsessed with physical beauty. But the perception has changed over the eons. What was considered beautiful even 100 years ago has changed? In our media saturated culture we are constantly bomb-barded with the "latest" fad of beauty. Beneath the surface of the plastic, manipulated and massaged object of "beauty", a reasoned person would ask, is there any substance? What kind of person remains if all of the outer trappings are stripped away? Is this a person that would be there for me through thick and thin? A person that would sacrifice self to relieve another’s pain? Put me first?

Sadly, many times, the answer is no and we allow ourselves to be caught-up in the "Madison Avenue beauty" and are willing to compromise our integrity for the temporary visual satisfaction. I say temporary, because the “beauty” can maintained for only so long. As time continues it relentless pursuit of entropy, we age and decay. Our functions systematically fail and we transition to the infinite. When the outer shell is stripped away, and we see the real person in all their nakedness, are they what we anticipated?

How different might our world be, if we pursued the objects of “real” beauty? Looking beneath the surface and examining the person for what they truly are? Discovering a person of depth, sincerity, integrity, kindness, self-sacrificing, empathy, intelligence, compassion, creativeness, and love, these are some of the parameters of “real” beauty.

The ultimate example of “Real Beauty in a Plain Outer Wrapper” was Jesus. When the infinite became finite, he didn’t arrive as one in his human lineage, King David, who was very handsome indeed. Instead he appeared as one you would hardly take notice of. He desired that people would respond to him because of the words he spoke and the compassion he had for them. Not because he might be physically attractive. He was substance over superficial.

So if you cross paths with someone on this sight that you find to be stimulating and intriguing, are you going to dismiss them because they don’t match what society has conditioned us to perceive as “beauty”? I ask you, who is calling the shots in your life? If you do decide to look elsewhere, be aware that somewhere down the road, you may find that you missed the opportunity to connect with someone of “real” beauty and substance. And that you probably have missed your chance at real happiness.

That is so beautiful.... I love it...

plain_jane1's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:18 PM

Rainy Day... 6-12-09

I saw the most beautiful thing at work yesterday. It was storming outside, thunder and lightning; torrents of rain pouring out of the sky. I walked down the hallway, stopping to look out at the wall of windows in the main lobby of the building.

Outside I saw a girl standing under the covered area of the building. She had some books in her arms that she had placed on the ground so she could hold her bag better.

Out of nowhere, her boyfriend ran up out of the rain from the parking lot with a small umbrella that was possibly a child's and opened it. He reached down and grabbed her books and walked the girl out to her car, walking himself in the rain to keep her dry and covered by the tiny umbrella.

He walked his girlfriend to her car, then hurried to his own, already soaked from the downpour.

I smiled, my eyes filled with tears at seeing such a kind gesture. I was reminded of love in it's purest form, chilvarous and noble. My heart just jumped with excitement at seeing this small gesture mean so much. :heart: flowerforyou

You need to write more, diffrent ones.

plain_jane1's photo
Thu 06/18/09 06:23 PM
That's something you don't see often enough.

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/16/09 03:57 PM

Are you a risk taker?

If not, why are you here? Why do you lurk about these forums and threads, if it's not to take a risk? "A risk at what?", you ask. A risk at real love and romance.

You say you're not a risk taker, really?
Do you not realize that we take risks every day?
We take risks when we merge onto the freeway, step into the crosswalk, take that first baby step, ride our 1st bike, kiss our 1st kiss.

We take risks when we entrust our well-being to others such as: aircraft mechanics, elevator servicemen, bus drivers, train engineers, taxi drivers, doctors and politicians.

There are no true rewards without risks. It may take many risks to reach your reward. Thomas Edison risked his reputation literally 100's of time before he achieved his reward. Something hard-fought is well earned.

Have you considered the cost of finding your true love? Is it worth it?

If you shun risks, you will lose the thrill of discovery.
If you shun risks, you will become dull and lifeless.
If you shun risks, you will become old before your time.
But most of all, if you shun risks, you will risk missing the person, who can bring sunshine, rainbows, smiles, love, appreciation, admiration and joy into your life.

When God created Adam and Eve and gave them free-will, he took a risk. He risked the fate of humanity on the fact that he wanted mankind to freely love Him, not because he told them to.

If God can take a risk at enjoying true love, why not you?

Tribefan have You taken a risk?????happy

Yes, I have. Well worth it.

:wink: flowerforyou love :heart: flowers smitten

Hi sweets. Phone died, no juice, my bad. smitten

That's okay baby I still love you.:heart:

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/16/09 03:35 PM

Are you a risk taker?

If not, why are you here? Why do you lurk about these forums and threads, if it's not to take a risk? "A risk at what?", you ask. A risk at real love and romance.

You say you're not a risk taker, really?
Do you not realize that we take risks every day?
We take risks when we merge onto the freeway, step into the crosswalk, take that first baby step, ride our 1st bike, kiss our 1st kiss.

We take risks when we entrust our well-being to others such as: aircraft mechanics, elevator servicemen, bus drivers, train engineers, taxi drivers, doctors and politicians.

There are no true rewards without risks. It may take many risks to reach your reward. Thomas Edison risked his reputation literally 100's of time before he achieved his reward. Something hard-fought is well earned.

Have you considered the cost of finding your true love? Is it worth it?

If you shun risks, you will lose the thrill of discovery.
If you shun risks, you will become dull and lifeless.
If you shun risks, you will become old before your time.
But most of all, if you shun risks, you will risk missing the person, who can bring sunshine, rainbows, smiles, love, appreciation, admiration and joy into your life.

When God created Adam and Eve and gave them free-will, he took a risk. He risked the fate of humanity on the fact that he wanted mankind to freely love Him, not because he told them to.

If God can take a risk at enjoying true love, why not you?

Tribefan have You taken a risk?????happy

plain_jane1's photo
Tue 06/16/09 03:13 PM
I'm taken by the sweetest man alive.happy happy happy happy :heart: :heart: :heart:

plain_jane1's photo
Mon 06/15/09 04:49 PM

tngxl65... you are entirely too nice, damn man! rofl

Turns out I really am an ass. Don't tell anyone.

We can tell rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

plain_jane1's photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:12 PM
romeo it won't be to long before you are taken:smile:

plain_jane1's photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:07 PM
A sweet tender kiss

plain_jane1's photo
Sun 06/14/09 08:55 PM
A smile :smile: and a wink:wink:

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