I am looking for my missing socks.
Is it wrong?
I want the link too. I like free movie sites
Dancere: We are so protected on this land, no wars here in any living generation's lives...
Sorry, but your so naive! Have you already forgotten 9/11 -- just 8 years ago??? * * * * * * * * * * * * *And there's no 100% garantee it won't happen again -- the greatest mass murder in the US history! ! ! ! ! ! ! ****************************** We are so protected? WHO ARE YOU KIDDING??? ![]() ![]() ![]() Have you forgotten the Oklahoma City Bombing? Or Columbine? Or Wayko? Jim Jones? geez...give me a break. Violence is all around us, if that's what you want to focus on. Peas on earth, especially the sweet peas! |
Dancere: We are so protected on this land, no wars here in any living generation's lives...
Sorry, but your so naive! Have you already forgotten 9/11 -- just 8 years ago??? * * * * * * * * * * * * *And there's no 100% garantee it won't happen again -- the greatest mass murder in the US history! ! ! ! ! ! ! ****************************** We are so protected? WHO ARE YOU KIDDING??? ![]() ![]() ![]() Have you forgotten the Oklahoma City Bombing? Or Columbine? Or Wayko? Jim Jones? geez...give me a break. Violence is all around us, if that's what you want to focus on. Peas on earth, especially the sweet peas! |
There is a bit of truth in the actual statement which is the title of this topic; but I disagree with the implications: 'That women were happier before' or 'That things were better before' or 'That feminism has caused more harm than good to women'. I would much rather have the choice to be a miserable wage slave than not. I remember back in the mid-90s I was reading the state law books (out of curiosity) and found a law that was added, I think, in the mid-80s, which, in essence, made it illegal for men to rape their wives. Presumably, it was legal before. Yep! It was legal before... just like domestic violence was legal. Because the laws on the books deemed that a family matter... and was still linger ideals that women were property. That is where the phrase "rule of thumb" comes from...a man could not beat his wife with anything bigger than the size of his thumb...he could also beat her on Sundays at the State House steps. Sad but true, in South Carolina anyway. |
Hahaha... the Catholic's have found a way around divorce... it's called annulment.
An itch to scratch
I agree with using clear nail polish, works great because it sufficates them. Tea Tree Oil is awesome for mosquito bites,ant bites even spider bites, I use it all the time. My seven year old son has his own bottle of tea tree oil and uses it when he gets bitten.
actually language is required for thought. we think in language. everyone has a constant self dialogue the hardest part of learning a new language is revising that inner dialogue to think in that language I agree that we think in language. We dream in language also. When I am here in the US everything for me is in English, when I go to Greece (where I am from)I have to switch my way of thinking and think in Greek. It's weird. I was flying back from Greece one time, after being there for almost a year, when I was asked by the flight attendent how I liked my coffee. I could not remember how to say "black" I kept thinking "mavro", and telling myself in Greek "that's not right, what word am I looking for in English?" I finally said "just plain". I'm sure she thought I was an idiot. The whole time you knew you had the wrong word. The concept in your mind was [A] and when you matched the word you where using to express that concept it did not = [A] and so you knew you must continue to search for an appropriate word. We do not think in language we think in concepts, that get translated at another processing center in the brain. Thought is more fundamental then language. However one of the main roles of thought for humans is communication, so its challenging to separate them when looking at the final product when it gets pushed to the conscious level. Ahhhh! Bravo! Good way of explaining how we do not think in language. I understand what you're saying. |
actually language is required for thought. we think in language. everyone has a constant self dialogue the hardest part of learning a new language is revising that inner dialogue to think in that language I agree that we think in language. We dream in language also. When I am here in the US everything for me is in English, when I go to Greece (where I am from)I have to switch my way of thinking and think in Greek. It's weird. I was flying back from Greece one time, after being there for almost a year, when I was asked by the flight attendent how I liked my coffee. I could not remember how to say "black" I kept thinking "mavro", and telling myself in Greek "that's not right, what word am I looking for in English?" I finally said "just plain". I'm sure she thought I was an idiot. |
I believe that eventually we get what we deserve. Case in point..OJ Simpson And I think there are far more examples of people who never get what they deserve then those that do . . . He is locked up, if I were to hazard a guess, he's "getting" it. and Never is a long time, you can not be certain that they "never" get what they deserve. So then, imagining an unverifiable outcome which fits into one's definition of what would represent a 'just' outcome makes it a just world? ![]() Or we can sit here and complain about the things we cant change...so that makes your view much more logical ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() dat rite da debil may me do it |
I believe that eventually we get what we deserve. Case in point..OJ Simpson And I think there are far more examples of people who never get what they deserve then those that do . . . He is locked up, if I were to hazard a guess, he's "getting" it. and Never is a long time, you can not be certain that they "never" get what they deserve. |
Innocent child in Hiroshima in the year 1945? ![]() There were many more that died then just an innocent child in Hiroshima. It was an act of war. Is there justice in war? |
I believe that eventually we get what we deserve. Case in point..OJ Simpson
Thoughts become things....so think the good ones. I am a firm believer in the "Law of Attraction". I could give many examples of how the Law of Attraction has worked for me. My favorite is what has happened lately. My husband has been gone for over a year now. He suffers with a serious substance abuse problem (crack head). His family knows where he is but would not tell me. I just want a divorce. Right before Christmas I thought "It sure would be nice to find him so I can file for divorce." Now here's the good part...I had been talking to this guy on line for a while and that night I finally give him my phone number. He calls, we talk, about an hour into the conversation he asked me about my divorce. I told him what the situation was, I make a laughing comment saying "you could have arrested him for all we know" (he's a state trooper) he said "I might have what's his name?" Of course you know, he HAD arrested him just six weeks previously for DUI. He gave me all the information I needed. How about that for attraction? It gets better! February 19th was my 4 year wedding anniversary, I was hoping that we could be in court that day or he could be served papers that day. About 10:30am I get a text message from my state trooper "your favorite crackhead was in court today, plead guilty for DUI"...hahahahahahaha this is his third offense, he's going to jail! But that's not my problem, I just want a divorce, and I can't afford an attorney because I am still trying to recover from him wiping out our checking account. As I was leaving work that day I see a client waiting in the lobby...he's an attorney and one that I have massaged before. I greet him by name, sit down next to him, tell him about my situation and then asked if he would work a trade for handling my divorce. He said yes. How about that for attraction? Divorce papers have been filed! Thoughts really do become things! Oh and I found $20 in the parking lot by my car that day. |
angel check out crackreality.com it will answer many questions
Taken for granted......
what things have you done to stop being taken for granted...............advise please If you have a giving personality it is easy to feel taken for granted. Looking within yourself and figureing out why you seem to go further than you feel comfortable with. I don't know if any of these reasons apply or maybe there a completely different ones. ( ) You feel you have to make up for being selfish in another part of your relationship? ( ) Do you want to be seen as "nice". ( ) Have you been allowed to say "No" in your history? ( ) Have you always pushed yourself beyond your boundries to be successful? ( ) Do you see being submissive as feminine? ( ) Are you too intelligent to acknowledge someone being and ass? ( ) Are you hopeing that what you give out will come back to you? ( ) Are you trying to be more giving because someone was so selfish in your life that you don't want to be like them? ( ) Do you feel so grateful/guilty for having what you do that you feel you have to give back? ( ) Do you just go ahead and do it because it seems petty to complain? ( ) Do you just do it because it is quicker or it gets done your way? ( ) Do you tolerate a guy because he isn't as bad as some you have seen? ( ) Do you tolerate someone because your friends/family will blame you for picking a looser? ( )Do you think this is as good as it gets? ( ) Do you stay with the devil you know because you are afraid of the devil you haven't met? ( ) Do you feel superior that you give more than your share? ( ) Do you take it will make your partner look unmanly to help you? ( )Do you think he should know how to help? Read your mind? ( ) Do you not want to fight because you know he won't fight fair? Once you figure out why you let someone take advantage of you it probably makes sense to set a goal to say "NO" to your top three worst peeves? Habits are hard to break but practice makes perfect. Wouldn't hurt to work on prevention either. If you don't start being a doormat you don't have to stop. If the only way some guy is going to stick around is because he can take advantage of you in the first place it is easier to loose him early. If you are hopeing to remediate someone it is possible but not anything to bet big money on. I found when someone doesn't pick up their stuff either putting it away in totally the wrong place is helpful. Throwing things away is effective. I had a room-mates that left underwear on the floor. I warned them and then when it got down to about two pair of underwear they started making it into the hamper. When a guy forgets to say "Thank You" don't do whatever you did and tell them well I figure it didn't mean enough to you to say thank you so I didn't see it was necessary. When someone doesn't remember you for a holiday skip them the next holiday or year and remember someone that does. One thing I know does NOT work is nagging, treating them like a kid, or being the manners police. There is a saying that "What you ignore you endorse". In some cases that is true if you ignore the behavior but not if you totally ignore the person. Sorry someone is making you feel bad. (HUGS) True, True, True and True ![]() |
I have two, pic of one is on my profile.
The Meaning of Life
The meaning of life is but a breath...what a person does with is up to that individual.
Age is simply mind over matter...if you don't mind, it don't matter. I like younger men, my sons father is 12 years younger. I have dated a few younger men and a few my age. I have a lot more fun with younger men.
Holy Hell's Bells
yeah, sometimes, if it's that bad, you would have to use a few candles...lymphatic drainage next...you'll feel the lymph nodes behind your ear, they should be inflamed I somehow don't think I'll manage draining lymph nodes. lol...it's easy...just rub down your neck then thump it hard. might be a bit painful at first...works for pink eye too. |