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Mon 03/10/14 10:11 AM
Edited by MelifluousSculptor on Mon 03/10/14 10:15 AM

Do like I do. See someone new, look at them, walk around them, sniff their butt, and if it smells ok.....extend a hand and say "Hi, I'm (insert name). Nice to make your acquaintance."laugh Then make small talk till a topic of interest comes up.tongue2

*Butt sniff*shockedsurprised
Hi Scoob!! waving

no photo
Mon 03/10/14 10:08 AM

The internet dating sites just provide the means to meet people and I think ladies need to be more careful before agreeing to meet up than guys do for safety sake. However, I believe to get to know someone for romantic reasons you need to meet up as quickly as possible, just to talk over a coffee, but above all to meet one another. If you both want to date again, then that is when you start to learn more about each other in my opinion, through normal communication.

Hi Dutt,
I agree with you about women needing to be careful, as much as I absolutely hate that fact of life. :angry:

I suspect that it's a mistake to meet someone for romantic reasons. I'm starting to think the best way to approach life is to go in with no expectations and a curious mind, and see what is offered in return. Then there are no preconceptions and no disappointments, only reflections.

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Mon 03/10/14 09:58 AM

I don't have opening lines or anything. I just read their profile and if I have something to say I say it. I don't think you can get to know someone online, I think you have to meet and hang out in person to really get to know one another. For the most part you just need time and patients, the more time you spend with them the better you'll know them.

Yes indignus, I totally agree. A friend of mine was chatting happily with a man on another site, and suddenly he started to unload all this sechsual stuff that would freak out a navy seal. Thank god he revealed it before they hooked up.

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Mon 03/10/14 09:55 AM

Once you have the person's name and DOB, hire a PI. Let him/her do the grunt work.

That's creepy huh

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Mon 03/10/14 09:53 AM

the best friend i ever had i couldnt stand the first couple of years i knew them.

Feller, that's neat! What happened or changed that you started to hit it off with the best friend?

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Mon 03/10/14 09:48 AM

No car, that's a drag. I'd offer to give you a lift but considering the cost of fuel and the distance between us it'd be cheaper for me to by you a brand new car.

You like hot wheels right? rofl

Hi Techno!! waving

A new car!! Sweet!! Something orange with flames on it I think!!
I have just the spot on the shelf for it!!

no photo
Mon 03/10/14 09:41 AM

To really get to know someone takes a lot of time. I thought I knew my ex after knowing him since I was 14 and being married to him for 13yrs..If they are willing to give out more information than u ask then generally they are being truthful.. Stay open minded and be a good listener.. If you listen closely you can pick up if he is BS. Ing you just to get in your pants... Lol. Mind games are always a sure sign to back off. If you make a solid effort you will get to know about them in less than a month... Ps. If it's someone close enough to have coffee with or a date make the effort to meet them in person. What do you got to loose??? The more friends you make in life the more fun you will have!!!! Lol.

Hi Kim :)

Yeah, I'm thinking... if assuming as in previous post, we change as we experience new things, I suspect you knew your husband well, and everything was genuine. I hope you don't lose your trust in people, and most importantly in yourself and your own judgement. flowers

no photo
Mon 03/10/14 09:32 AM

I can do it on my phone; I have an IPhone but you need to click on the "Full Site" icon at the bottom to be able to clock on their forum posts by the number under their picture. It may be different on other phones. :smile:

what icon should i click on my phone ? bigsmile


I can't seem to find that button!!! rofl

no photo
Mon 03/10/14 09:26 AM

though we probably never totally know people in any complete fashion, as we are all so complex,,

So true Harmony! Do we ever really even know ourselves completely? We're always learning new things about the world, and so ourselves also. Isn't life grand??!

no photo
Sat 03/08/14 11:14 PM
Edited by MelifluousSculptor on Sat 03/08/14 11:14 PM
The roaring laughter of my good friend Morning_Glory72! Having a hoot!!

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Sat 03/08/14 11:12 PM
Welcome, shy guy waving

no photo
Sat 03/08/14 08:33 PM

...marriage is a commitment and a responsibility one must endure to make it work and last long or forever. There are no such things as a perfect match most successful marriages today is due to patience, endurance and determination... if you must marry get ready to get married and remain married... What do you think be frank.

To be frank, I'm not really sure it's anyone else's business when or why a couple decides to call it quits. It's a very difficult thing to live with another person, and if one person isn't happy, guaranteed the other isn't either. We are all adults and are capable of deciding how long we wish to keep trying, and it's nobody else's business how long one chooses to "endure" their marriage.

I'm sorry, I think my response is a little "in your face" so to speak, but I get annoyed with moralistic assumptions about a person leaving. It's a personal thing between two people, and the minute you try to impose a set of rules on what conditions must be met for people to separate, you've infringed upon my freedom and my privacy.

no photo
Fri 03/07/14 08:04 PM
Edited by MelifluousSculptor on Fri 03/07/14 08:04 PM

...stop worrying about it like its a prize to be won. Think of it more as a gift than a trophy. Then think of why we are given gifts? It is because we are who we are. Regardless if its birthday,Christmas, whatever it really doesn't matter. We are given gifts for being ourselves. So be yourself and be true to yourself. Good luck.

Brilliant. Nicely said. :smile:

no photo
Fri 03/07/14 08:01 PM

You can win her heart by gambling your heart.

Those are wise words! So true. Tell her how you feel, what you like, what you hate, the things that hurt you... it feels like a big risk, but it really is worth it. That's real intimacy.

no photo
Fri 03/07/14 07:57 PM

Lol, mehn! It a hard game out here. All she or they are after is the big wallet and a nice ride. Then i begin to wonder if truely love exist. To men, i think it dose, but to women love is nothing.

Chin up sweetheart. I assure you that is not the case. If they want material things they are material women. You need a romantic woman. If she's smart, she doesn't care about money. Or maybe I'm the one who isn't smart! shocked

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Fri 03/07/14 07:52 PM

Honestly, I don't think I have every truly been in love with a man before having sex with them. I have never fallen in love because of bomb D as you said, but I have lost all feelings because of lousy D. lol Straight up, if I didn't have an emotional connection with him I wouldn't sleep with him, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it was love.

Yep, I'm with you there. It has taken me a loooong time to fall in love in the past. I thought I was in love but experience after experience tells me there's always more to learn about love. I have to have a strong attraction and interest, but these days its all about the friendship. I've had dreams, all recently, where I've reached out for a friends hand, and when he held mine it made me orgasm! That's new! Not orgasms in my sleep but ones over hand holding... whew.

Sex can happen over feelings, but love comes with trust, and some people need a very long time to completely trust.

no photo
Fri 03/07/14 07:41 PM

Do you fall in love before or after you have sex?

during... but i fall out of love a few minutes later...ohwell

OMG Where did you get that great smiley!! I don't have that option, but that was my response too!

no photo
Fri 03/07/14 07:40 PM

Do you fall in love before or after you have sex?

during... but i fall out of love a few minutes later...ohwell

LOL drinks

no photo
Thu 03/06/14 06:17 PM

I think I will chime in here on this one.

What a woman wants and what a girl thinks she wants are two separate things. Maturity will eventually bring the girl around to the correct line of thinking.

I don't know... I'd really like a batman!! MightyMoe, will you don the suit!?? love

(can you "tag" someone on here??)

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Thu 03/06/14 05:34 PM
Ok, I know, offtopic, but I had to share a story... I worked in a pharmacy when I was in my early 20s. Two elderly women arrived at the cash register at the same time, and the first, when retrieving money from her purse dropped something on the floor. From my vantage it was funny to watch, as both women stooped down in super slow motion to pick the thing up and clunked their heads together laugh Don't worry, it's ok to laugh, both of them howled!!