no photo
Sat 08/17/13 09:25 AM

In settings, you can also block those interested in an intimate encounter. I find that helps. flowerforyou

Ok, I found that setting again. I did did set it to block those guys.

no photo
Sat 08/17/13 09:21 AM

In settings, you can also block those interested in an intimate encounter. I find that helps. flowerforyou

Ouu! How do you do that?! I marked that I'm not looking for that if I remember correctly, but I still see them. Maybe I missed something?

no photo
Sat 08/17/13 09:16 AM
I really do understand what you're saying, and I'll likely alter my profile slightly, but again, what I was going for is that friendship is what is important with me. The deep stuff comes after if there is a connection. If a man has enough security in himself to see the value of a woman who doesn't cast people aside like the carcass of a fish, he is very welcome to come and get to know me. That's what I'm going for with that profile. I'm also trying to get it across that friendship is more valuable than f*cking, in the hopes that the men who are looking for the latter will go away. I hope men who are also emotionally secure will also see the honesty, and that the scammers will not interpret it as the sign of an easy mark.

Maybe you're right, maybe I could rework the profile to say that more directly. Anybody have a little constructive criticism in that regard?

Thank you so much Jade, I'm glad that's coming across!

no photo
Fri 08/16/13 09:40 PM
I've tried various anti depressants and techniques, but had so much trouble quieting my mind, especially if I woke up in the middle of the night. Now I am medication free (weeeee!!!!) and I usually sleep very well. The key for me was vigorous walking early to mid day. So many things improved with the increase in cardio. But I wasn't able to do that until I paid attention to my diet. I cut out all complex carbohydrates by following the SCD diet (a god-send!), and that helped me get back some of the energy I was lacking for so long. I'm doing really well now and have more energy than I've had in over a decade, and I feel great! I recommend it to everyone I talk to about the subject of medication or fatigue.
Hope this helps!!

no photo
Fri 08/16/13 09:25 PM

Rodeo chaps, bongos and a sombrero. Don't ask...

I thought this was weird until I got to the sombrero and then it all made sense. No need to ask! :laughing:

I love shopping at Value Village. Retail clothing stores all have the same "trends" for the season and all look the same from store to store. VV has a huge variety of styles and colours and all sorts of stuff! If I feel funky (often) I can usually find something. Favorite place to shop.

I also sculpt, so I like to go through their nick knacks to find interesting pieces that can serve as settings for the characters I sculpt. Awesome place to shop.

no photo
Fri 08/16/13 09:11 PM
My little dog was just rescued from the shelter. She came from a horrid place where the woman was hoarding dogs, and she lived with them in her house. All 80 of them. So she is just loving being able to walk around or just lie down and snooze, and just to be able to relax. She's also pregnant and due to deliver at any time now. Once the puppies are grown and gone I think her true personality will start to come through. I think everything about her is special and I'm just so glad she is here instead of there. :heart:

no photo
Fri 08/16/13 08:58 PM

Same question=Same results each time.Always enjoyable to read with somes laughs thrown into the bargain.The "blanket generalization" comment was priceless & timeless.This topic lies immortal for various reasons.If interest is sparked between a couple then they have other devices to quickly exchange pic.'s.Geez!A current avatar may also represent a current thought,mood or even have relation to a specific topic at hand.Just a thought.Happy Mingling:)Relax!laugh

Good thought about an avatar representing a mood. I didn't think of doing that because I didn't really want to engage in community chats. Now that I'm here I kinda like it biggrin I guess I relaxed a bit winking

I wish these things had "like" buttons. Good post.

no photo
Fri 08/16/13 08:53 PM
Interesting. Actually what I was going for there, was to say that I was married for ten years to a lovely person, and just because the marriage is done, does not mean I cast the man off. We are still friends. That's the kind of person I am, I don't take friendship lightly. It's interesting that you interpreted that as a sign of being a "time waster". It's also confirmation that these things are indeed, difficult to get across through correspondence.

Thanks for the feedback though, I'll think about rewording again.

Can I interest anyone else in a little constructive criticism?

no photo
Thu 08/15/13 07:01 PM
Anybody up for a little constructive criticism? I'd like some feeedback please. waving

no photo
Thu 08/15/13 07:00 PM
Ah!! You're a wise young man!! Give feedback on this site please, to the older men (who often show their chest, or don't say enough).

My favorite thing about your profile is your little playful bits. You show a good sense of humour and a great sense of confidence. Very attractive qualities.

My favorite thing to see in a man's picture is a close up of him smiling. I'm a sucker for a man with a great smile and kind eyes.

Your profile is terrific!

no photo
Thu 08/15/13 06:47 PM
I have to say I don't like short and to the point. I like a guy to show me he's not afraid to talk and then I know he has an idea of who he is and what he likes.

Personally I really don't dig pictures of guys beside cars. Your car doesn't tell me what kind of person you are. Same with manly pictures. Especially ones where the shirt is off. I don't care what your chest looks like if you're a dick.

Sorry Mortman, I think I'm being I'm being a bit acrid this evening. Really not feeling well with headache and some kind of bug.

I agree it's not the most flattering picture though Acer. The pants make you look kind of disproportionate. But take a look at Morman's pics. Nice close ups of his smiling face. Very cute. I love a great smile! It doesn't even matter if a man is a bit goofy looking. If he has a great smile and kind eyes, he's half way through the door.

no photo
Thu 08/15/13 06:34 PM
Hmm. Maybe add more to give people an idea of what you're all about, and add a thing saying something like -- not looking for intimate encounter or something like that.

Sometimes I'll get a response from someone that is a little short and vague, so I'll say a bunch of stuff conversationally. Usually they stop responding pretty quickly if they have to do much talking and they're just a scammer. Not sure why that is. I get the feeling they're often very unfamiliar with the English language.

Care to give me some feedback? I suspect mine might be too long LOL

no photo
Thu 08/15/13 05:54 PM
Hi Apples,

Sometimes I click on someone's picture and it doesn't display their age until I've arrived on their page. Maybe they're not looking at your age, because you're a very young looking 53! Maybe you should do more initiating : o lol

no photo
Mon 08/12/13 06:43 PM
wow! 18 000 posts! You're the chatty type eh Krupa! laugh waving

no photo
Mon 08/12/13 02:21 PM

I want to see pics and even then I'm not sure I'm speaking with the person on the picture that I am viewing. Once on a 3d site, I was enjoying chat with someone that I thought was a woman. One day this person said to me " how would you feel if I told you that I'm really
a man?" I didn't know what to think and did not engage in online chat for about 6 years....

Omg eye, this made me LOL!! Sorry, I'm sure it was one of those moments for you, but the "6 years" part made me laugh!!


no photo
Mon 08/12/13 01:59 PM

Completely agree! I understand that people aren't comfortable with putting them up, and I respect them for it! it just makes me nervous about answering some, sometimes... :/

I agree too Darling (great name! :thumbsup: )

I always feel a little bit of a twinge of something like guilt when I ignore a photoless profile, but it makes me a little bit apprehensive when someone messages me without a photo. Its like they're hiding. I understand that people may be shy, or cautious, or whatnot, but I do choose to be cautious as well, in not answering or contacting them. My own safety comes first.

I actually do judge a person by their photo though. If someone looks grouchy in a photo they've posted on a dating site, where they want to make a good impression, I steer clear of them. I look for kind eyes. Regardless of what their appearance is, if they have a great smile I will respond. I'm very attracted to a good sense of humour, and to those who appreciate a good sense of humour. I have this idea that they're usually light hearted and open to others. Lovely people.

no photo
Wed 07/24/13 11:04 PM
A really great smile with a genuine, hearty laugh and who is not afraid of eye contact.

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Wed 07/24/13 10:47 PM
Yes Jeanie Beanie, you might be right. Or they're someone who got very hurt by someone.

But I really think Kic is right on the money. It's hard to come out of a relationship with a healthy attitude when you've been hurt by someone dishonest. Those people who hang onto bitterness for dear life I think are really scared by what could happen if they let themselves trust, without realizing they'll never accept another person who is just like the one they just left. So they're already safe. Or maybe I'm limited in my perspective.

no photo
Wed 07/24/13 10:38 PM
Crosses border without passport while wearing nothing but sneakers.
Very sneaky!

no photo
Wed 07/24/13 10:25 PM

Clint Eastwood Movies

1. Million Dollar Baby

2. Any Which Way But Loose