Community > Posts By > EXAchilles
A few of the people I work with are really reserved and are only there for the money. But there are some people who I get deep into conversation with.
And eventually a loaded subject always comes up. One of the waitresses has an ex-husband who's addicted to heroin, one of the other waitresses has an abusive and alcoholic father, one of the cooks has been in prison, we all talk a lot because nobody really judges anyone out loud. |
Food for thought.
I just got my wisdom teeth out and I have to eat applesauce, yogurt and oatmeal for the next three days. I'd kill for a steak but I know I couldn't possibly chew it.
So when I can eat again I really feel like trying something new, something delectable that'll kick my taste buds into high gear. What've you got for me? |
Question for the "Nice Guys"
Well the important thing to find out is if he's a nerd or a geek, because they're rarely a 'bad boy' and are the most likely type to be considered 'nice guys'.
So bring up Halo or Super Mario or World of Warcraft and if he bites then you've got yourself a nice-guy nerd. |
are you
well this is a topic about sheep... with the poo flinging...I guess some things just aren't as taboo as I thought they were..maybe the cat should get out of the bag more? I don't think there's anything wrong with making fun of family. As long as you're not being mean or anything. And besides, my whole family thinks my impression of my cousin Timmy when he's drunk is spot on, even he was crying with laughter. The only rule is that if you can dish it out you have to be able to take it. |
Question for the "Nice Guys"
Have you ever outright told the girl that you are "trying to win" that you are a nice guy and not like all the others? I've been talking to someone who said this to me and it's not something that I've had said to me before. He also went on to explain why he is different from "the others". Whats your take on this? Could he be legit or just full of $hit? Could be legit, could also just as easily be full of ****. I've never tried that because as a 'nice guy' I rarely toot my own horn unless I just won in a video game. Take it with a grain of salt, but I don't think it'd be fair to automatically assume he's full of ****. |
what do you think
lol nice. we've been friends going on like 8 years now so idk If you've been friends that long then you've probably got a strong relationship and know each other quite well. If I were you, and if the situation permitted, I'd call her up to hang out or grab a coffee, and then after a little while just sneak it in there. If she says no don't get offended or too attached (sounds like she shouldn't though, if she likes you) and just be ready for a 'yes' or a 'no'. But that **** always ends up worse unspoken. |
are you
I'm in an odd position in my family, because the next youngest to me is 34 and aside from my cousin Laura (1 year younger than me), the next oldest is 9.
So we're black sheep but at Thanksgiving and Christmas we chill and shoot the **** and make fun of the family so it's cool I guess. |
Arthur & The Knights of Justice That was the single greatest show ever back when I was 6 or 7. I would wake up at 6 AM just to watch this and WMAC Masters on Fox! Kids. And there's also the unforgettable... Biker Mice From Mars |
I call a temporary cease-fire, so we can all agree that herbs, natural medicine, wine and Pot are all good. ![]() ![]() And that the IRS (haven't even touched them yet) are very, very bad because they will throw you in jail and seize your car and house for a dime bag. ![]() I agree that the things we are given by nature and life that occurs on this planet is divine, and that we should appreciate the secular miracle of life and diversity on this planet. But synthetic things are not nearly as magical. |
You would make a good Mason. This is pretty much what they believe. Lucifer embodies CHANGE, reminds me of Obama. We are headed for change in this country all right. So now you're going to equate Lucifer with Obama? Yes, he matches the Antichrist in some characteristics but I'd hardly call them one and the same. Besides, the Antichrist isn't real. He's a character in a book. Maybe we should be focusing on bringing down Voldemort too. ![]() ![]() But seriously, you don't really think Obama is the devil, do you? Lucifer didn't want more power, he wan't it all! It was an attempted coup. And you're darn right Yahwehs a dictator, he owns it all. How about if I waltz into your house and start ordering you around - it would be a change wouldn't it - and therefore a good thing. I told you change can be good or evil, but the Bible is a very conservative book that puts a negative label on change all together. In my opinion the Bible is also a very dated book, and many of the teachings in it are no longer culturally relevant. So therefore your change in my house would be an example of bad change, just like oppressing a land or race of people and attempting to convert all of them. And what makes Yahweh a good dictator anyways? He's killed his own people, much like SADDAM HUSSEIN! And cam you blame Lucifer for wanting more power? I want more power. I bet you'd like some more power too. Hell, if I could have it I would take all the power in the world. It's impractical and will never happen but should the opportunity arise I'll take it. I'd rather trust myself with it that some invisible man in the sky who likes to appear in fire and expects way too much from people. Hell, if I lived with a roommate who wouldn't let me touch the lights, the TV, or the food in the fridge and made all of the decisions about the apartment without me then I'd try to seize all the power too. When has Lucifer ever killed anyone? Are you kidding me? Reminds me of a story from the Soviet gulags. A poor prisoner starving to death tried to get a letter off to Stalin asking "Does Stalin know what is going on here, someone should inform him so he can stop this." Go ahead and write a letter to Lucifer. Logic fail. The Bible has no verse in it to my knowledge of Lucifer committing a genocide. And when's the last time that an army in the name of Satan or Lucifer has marched on an opposing religion and spawned a thousand years of bitterness between two races of men? And Joseph Cambell really does write myth, I'll stick with the facts. Like Sgt Joe Friday "Just the facts ma'am." Yeah man, stick with the facts. I would define fact as something that can be proven, tested, and has proof behind it. So not everything you read in a book is fact, even if the book tries to convince you it is. Especially if the book has to try and convince you it is. It's all just writing! That's it! We've been conditioned to take it as fact. But the Lucifer in all of us, the part of us that dares to defy authority, no matter how absolute, is the most beautiful part of the human condition, in my opinion. Without this challenge to authority the French Revolution and the American Revolution would have never occurred. And without this challenge to authority comes a subservient and anti-progressive model of society. So you may bow to your God, you may worship him; nothing I can say or do will change that, and I don't want to because your faith is your own. But I believe that Lucifer is a scapegoat, something the church uses to make concrete the idea of "evil". |
let me rate all of you
You are working overtime Lfer... how do you keep focus?
I'd take the new dollar coins, because I don't think God has any business about my money. Matthew 21:12-17 makes me think that God agrees that money and religion have no business together. If you went into a country and the currency had "In Allah We Trust" on it, how would you feel? The non-Christian and non-Religious citizens of this country don't need to trust anyone they don't want to. "Under God" was added to the pledge of allegiance in the 50's, many years after a separation of church and state was called for. Let's start obeying the rules we make for our society... sounds like a good idea. if i went into a Country and the coins had in Allah we trust ![]() i would respect the beliefs of that Country ![]() just like i believe that God ![]() should not be removed from our Coins ![]() or from the Core of Our American belief system ![]() Sorry if I came off as offensive, so I'll end my discussion on the topic by saying this: I disagree with your opinion but I don't have any right to call it right or wrong. That's just not nice anyways. And you're absolutely right, it was rude of me to not give you a sincere thank you for the good wishes. Let me make up for it. ![]() ![]() |
I'd take the new dollar coins, because I don't think God has any business about my money.
Matthew 21:12-17 makes me think that God agrees that money and religion have no business together. If you went into a country and the currency had "In Allah We Trust" on it, how would you feel? The non-Christian and non-Religious citizens of this country don't need to trust anyone they don't want to. "Under God" was added to the pledge of allegiance in the 50's, many years after a separation of church and state was called for. Let's start obeying the rules we make for our society... sounds like a good idea. |
Going do this one again because it soooo friggin funny. Someone actually got paid to think this crap up!!!! Tobor the 8th Man Oh man I love shows like that, try this one on for size That's Roger and the Rottentrolls, possibly the most contrived and pointless little kids show I've ever seen. |
Satan in misunderstood. The Bible is very hard on Lucifer, Beelzebub, or whatever name you will give him.
If you read the Bible FIGURATIVELY, the way BOOKS are meant to be read, and not FANATICALLY, then Lucifer embodies change. God tells man not to eat from the apple tree and the serpent tempts them, thus giving rise to civilization. Lucifer tempts Jesus Christ in the desert in an attempt to have some of Jesus' power. In both of these cases, Lucifer dares man to question God. If Jesus had gone with Lucifer then maybe Pilate would not have killed him. If Eden really was a place, then life would be impossibly different if man still lived in it. Time has progressed the way it has and people have met each other because we are NOT in paradise. So, if you truly believe all that jargon in the Bible as FACT, like some evangelical preachers do, then NONE OF US would exist without Lucifer. When Lucifer defies God and wishes for more power, he is overthrowing a system ruled by a tyrant. You can say anything you want about God being benevolent and always having the best interests in mind (although if you look at the first half of the BOOK then he seems like quite the anti-hero), but He doesn't like to share power. He also smites people he doesn't like or anyone who disobeys his ten rules without exception or appeal or a trial. That sounds a lot like a tyrant to me. Joseph Campbell says of Lucifer: "One of the most amazing images of love that I know is Persian – a mystical Persian representation as Satan as the most loyal lover of God. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created the angels, he commanded them to pay worship to no one but himself; but then, creating man, he commanded them to bow in reverence to this most noble of his works, and Lucifer refused – because, we are told, of his pride. However, according to this Muslim reading of his case, it was rather because he loved and adored God so deeply and intensely that he could not bring himself to bow before anything else, and because he refused to bow down to something that was of less superiority than him. (Since he was made of fire, and man from clay.) And it was for that that he was flung into Hell, condemned to exist there forever, apart from his love." Lucifer is not evil. Christians call Lucifer evil. When's the last time you read about Lucifer killing anyone in the Bible? Ever? Did Lucifer flood the entire world killing everything but a single family? Did Lucifer commit genocide on every Egyptian family? That isn't to say that Lucifer should be worshiped via Pentagram and the occult, nor that he shouldn't. Lucifer embodies change, and change can be good or evil. Judge the man and his actions, not the image that you are told of him. |
Say I Love You
Sharing love is important, but often times it's scary. Because there are few things in this life worse than unrequited love. I think this is a misnomer... you don't have to want/expect/have love returned in order to give it. You can and should be able to express genuine love/care for another person without the desire/expectation that they'll return it - for then, aren't you giving it in the hopes of GETTING something in return? That is not why love should be given. Hence, the premise of UNCONDITIONAL love... given without the expectation of getting anything in return. Express love because you want too, not because you're hoping to get something in return. IMHO. I don't disagree with what you said, but maybe I said it the wrong way. It's hard to give love if you don't know that it will be shared. Love is a two-way street and sometimes the headlights are blinding. |
let me rate all of you
Alright let's give this a whirl. 5 stars. your way cute mssilverfox-5 as well Thanks doll, ![]() ![]() |
What do you think?
It's not a bad profile, a bit run of the mill but that's hardly a bad thing.
Make yourself a little more distinguished if you want to get more attention. Best o' luck! |
What do you think
I say you can't see enough of it, post more pictures with more detail on your face.