Community > Posts By > kaminorisu
hahahah i swear this is my greatest bane when it comes to my creative writing. i literally sink hours in just finding that "perfect" name. as if i was naming a child to be.
So perhaps YOU can save some of my remaining sanity? ![]() Need a female name for lead. Has to sound pleasant.. something that makes you think shes a very kinda ,empathic person. a name where you think...this chick could be one of my closest friends ![]() will be set in modern day so new age names are fine. umm ethnic background... maybe Hispanic mix.. or.. i was thinking even Indian ( not native American) decent/mix but the name doesn't need to match that background. just more ammo for the creative juices. any Ideas? last names welcome too ![]() even if i don't use for lead may use some of the good ones for secondary characters! very interested in seeing what people will come up with ![]() |
Make sure you get plenty of omegas in your diet. i found it helps keep mine in check when nothing situational triggers it. i have a chronic case where i should be on medication, but i loath that stuff. And anytime i stop getting omegas in my diet.. it slowly returns. Its a life a long friend for me. Just gotta toss it the right bait so it stays outside longer.
65 days of static - Drove Through Ghosts To Get Here |
or do what i did..
watch it for free on that's what i always do with "ify" films. (the basics of the original was still there... but it takes more then basics to make a fun entertaining film... instead they only seemed to paraphrased the essence of the message and story within the film while adding color ...) |
heheheheehe...freaky |
8,11,15,21,22,24 apply to me... HA guess theres hope for me after all!
number one fav rpg... everquest... i suppose you could say it popped my rpg(and mmo) cherry =P
game could fully die out and id still log in now and again to play ![]() |
When the dead knock
thanks.. perhaps not the most positve in terms of casper the friendly ghost... but after having "something" randomly knock on my door about a few weeks ago ( creepy situation) and 2 grade b ghost movies later... pow! you get that hahaahhaah
When the dead knock
poetry...horror style
When the dead come knocking at your door, Horror and fright shall haunt you evermore. Drifting up the stairs, frightful noises pollute the air. Chills running up your spine, As their devilish voices moan and whine. Your fear and sweat like a exotic wine, The undead shall stalk your fragile mind. Stabbing your soul and licking your flesh, They shall not stop until your corpse is laid to rest. When the dead come knocking at your door, Terror shall strike you at your very core. You will never know peace until the haunting comes to cease. However these enraged spirits shall not decease. Constantly watching your back, They shall find you and attack. No matter how cautious you are, They will always find a way to catch you off guard. Run, Run away with great haste! You will soon learn your efforts shall be a waste. Run away if you can. However know they shall chase you until the very end. When the dead come knocking at your door, You wont be able to sleep anymore. Day or night, the dead shall become your plight. Their cries echoing into your ear, Becoming stronger as they creep near. Don’t bother trying to fight, As you would be swinging at nothing but a specter in the night. Drifting past you unseen, Unless your senses are keen. When the dead come knocking at your door. Be wary of the terrible things they have in store. Be wary my friend of these wicked fiends, Be wary of these evil things. Be wary of the shadowy figure or the small orb of light. Be wary for it is but a foolish soul that claims ghosts and ghouls can not bite. Be wary…, Of the lost souls that go bump in the night. Be wary my friend for it is you they wish to devour tonight. When the dead come knocking at your door, The void between your world and theirs shall be torn. Without any concept of time, They will forever wreck havoc in your mind. Just be thankful they do not rise from the grave. For if they did then no soul would be saved. Lucky for you their broken bodies no longer draw breath. But don’t be fooled for their spirit still wanders in protest. They refuse to move on for what they desire is now gone. So they shall take it onto themselves to end our time. To populate their world and ours with their own menacing kind. These are not haunts playing simple tricks, A mere flicking of the lights or a clock that stops to tick. These are only a subtle sign, Of what these devious entities really have in mind. Stay sharp! Stay keen! For when they first arrive they wont make themselves seen. Only if your gifted with an acute psychic eye, Oblivious you shall be as they lurk by. So if the dead ever knock at your door, This is all you can hope for. For when it is your time…. Peace be with you when your about to die. |
dont pick jamie HAHAHAHAHA
cherry twist- crystal method
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A Singles Dating Profile...
livingbybeats hahahah that was great, thats why i love people.
when it comes to dating each one of us is a hypocrite in one form or another, heheheheeh it makes things lively and messy. wonderfully written! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
depends, love picking me up? or paying for fuel? might be willing to go a little further if thats the case.
oh and if i gotta go far, does it include a free tire rotation? and maybe tune up? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
early worm quote of the day
hmm early worm quote huh?
if i was a worm early in the day and a bird was about to get me id be quoting... "dont come near me bird!!! i just woke up after a full day of eating dirt! bite me and im gunna C^@% in yer mouth!!" but thats just me =P |
My GOD is a Bully
hahahahaha no, guess you didnt catch the sarcasm
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cat snatcher that frames the little cyotoes
My GOD is a Bully
![]() My GOD is a bully. My GOD likes to pick on people and give them a bad day. Sometimes a bad week. Other times a bad run of years. Its funny. But not when my GOD picks on me. My GOD is a bully. My GOD helps you and me build character. My GOD stuffs our face in the dirt to remind us that we are one with the earth. And to bring us back to reality when we think we are bigger then GOD. My GOD is a bully My GOD has a sense of humor. It is because of this we look both ways when crossing the street. It is because of this people get hurt sometimes by itty bitty creatures that are a hundred times smaller then us. It is because of this my GOD creates something so yummy only in turn to make someone allergic to it. It is because of this cute fuzzy creatures ether spray us with something stinky, or maul us in one swipe. My GOD is a bully. But its all good, for if my GOD wasn’t a bully, then we would all run around thinking we was the shiz-nit. Anyway, Your GOD may not be a bully, so all you know is peace and love. That’s cool. But we know that since my GOD is a bully, My GOD can beat up your GOD any day. ![]() -kaminorisu ![]() |
Dear GOD....
Dear god,
Thank you. Thank you for showing me how to be whole with only loving myself. and without the need to long for another. So that i would be strong enough to actually devout myself to another. Thank you for dragging me through sh!t creek so that it would make me the good and compelete person i am today. Thank you for if in the future you decide to dump my head back in to remind me of my manners and place if i ever loose my way. Thank you, for creating another beautiful human being simular to me, yet so vastly different. for she in the apple in my eye =) Thank you for lemonaide, as i like lemonaide. Thank you for the crappy burger at that fast food place so that i know never to eat there again. And of course Thank you for having a sense of humor, as i hope i am able to amuse you in my sarcasim and silliness, even during the times when other people may take it as if i am making fun or "mocking" at your greatness. For you KNOW the meaning behind it, otherwise i dont think you would have put the extra time into wiring my brain to think in the way it does. oh.... and thank you for ants, for giving me something to grunt over when they invade the ferret cage, and i have to clean it spotless....after just cleaning it only a few days prier. again humor on your part im sure... thank you. and now back to the bathroom to ride out the nastiness of the fast food joint. again i assume humor on your part. |
In my pants game
busy child in my pants
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