Community > Posts By > dmckinnon

dmckinnon's photo
Sat 03/30/13 05:57 AM what's next?

I was just curious what would happen if I started a thread like this. Considering the medium and the paranoia and mistrust I read on the forum I didn't expect any real interaction to come from it. Just interesting to see the responses.

dmckinnon's photo
Fri 03/29/13 11:29 AM
So who's interested?

dmckinnon's photo
Fri 03/29/13 09:33 AM
Why is it that lips are rarely what men make comments about then?

I compliment women on their lips/mouth. The facial expressions I've received from doing this would make a great YouBoob video.

dmckinnon's photo
Fri 03/29/13 09:30 AM
A relationship with no arguments is like a bike without pedals.

dmckinnon's photo
Fri 03/29/13 09:29 AM

Do you think we could communicate if we cut out all generalities and only spoke ABSOLUTE truths?( statements that were true all the time in every situation)

There's only one man I know who did this and they hung Him on a cross.

dmckinnon's photo
Fri 03/29/13 09:26 AM
i'm looking for a woman to love and be good friends

Try the woman you already have...

dmckinnon's photo
Fri 03/29/13 04:29 AM

Because every single person is a human being and human beings are not perfect—they have flaws, quirks, problems, issues, you name it. An imperfect creature is going to have some imperfect traits. That's just the way it is and it's never going to be different.

You can't know everything about a person no matter how long you've been with them. There are no guarantees in love, life or anything for that matter, except for God. So if you're putting your trust in Him you have an advantage over the unknown—unless, of course, He shows you something and you go ahead and do it anyway.

dmckinnon's photo
Fri 03/29/13 03:03 AM
The whole thing.

dmckinnon's photo
Thu 03/28/13 04:53 PM
Did anyone think to send one to the lab to find out what they're made of or what's inside?

dmckinnon's photo
Thu 03/28/13 06:59 AM
Edited by dmckinnon on Thu 03/28/13 07:00 AM

the cane? just a reminder from being hit by a car accident in '99.. ohwell no biggie drinker

The cane is just another reminder that you're special (in God's eyes :)

dmckinnon's photo
Thu 03/28/13 06:06 AM
This chafes some people...rubs them the wrong way. In most societies, we are taught to rely on ourselves for strength and to be proud of our accomplishments. To admit weakness of any kind is to leave yourself open for mocking from others. But it is only by being humble and open to God's control that we become strong.

I hear this a lot—sadly, from other professing believers. "I can do this, because God made me strong enough to do it on my own." Well, you can only do it because God made you strong enough to handle it (1 Corinthians 10:13), but they give themselves the credit, instead of God.

In the past year and a half I've went through more personal growth than I have my whole life (family tragedies, breakup, heartache, etc.) and yet I climbed up out of it all and I'm here now. I could easily say that I did it on my own, but I know better.

We can do things on our own, this is true, but I learned something from Jesus, who being the Son of God would not even accept the word "good" about Himself when someone offered it (Luke 18:19). In everything He did, He always gave all the credit and the glory to God.

In everything give thanks to the Father, acknowledge that you can do nothing on your own (apart from Him) and that it is all for His glory.


dmckinnon's photo
Thu 03/28/13 05:51 AM
blushing Oh you do flattery so well. lol. Thank you.bigsmile

[does his best Kevin Costner impression....bows, "You're welcome, m'lady."]

dmckinnon's photo
Thu 03/28/13 05:49 AM

Yes! Men in my house must kill/remove all arachnids from my girly presence!!!

LOL...will do :)

dmckinnon's photo
Wed 03/27/13 05:31 PM
LadyLiz I find it hard to believe you could be in a "meh mood". I looked at your profile pics and suddenly it was like Spring had arrived :)

dmckinnon's photo
Wed 03/27/13 01:14 PM
...and almost seven seconds looking at her lips.

I'm not surprised by this, considering what women can do with their lips.

dmckinnon's photo
Wed 03/27/13 09:31 AM
I know, because this happened with my ex. She has always been the love of my life and when we broke up it was like a part of me died. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

dmckinnon's photo
Wed 03/27/13 08:00 AM
You just have to be realistic. Common sense dictates that if your in a forum or chat online odds are there's going to be a fair percentage of people that aren't what they appear.

dmckinnon's photo
Wed 03/27/13 07:48 AM
How can you have an open mind if you think everyone is a scammer?

dmckinnon's photo
Wed 03/27/13 07:40 AM

Don't you think a woman can poses every ladylike quality women have ever posessed and still be capable of doing things that are considered "man tasks"? Or does a woman fixing her own leaky pipe under her sink make her a "she-man? I'm just curious what qualifies a woman as a "she-man"?

My ex had been through a couple really bad relationships with her two ex-husbands. I'm not going into any details, but these things only help to solidify in her mind that men were basically useless. She has always been a very strong and independent woman. She has three children, owns her own home and worked for 14 years as line support at a local factory. When I was with her I saw that she was literally killing herself at this job and it took me a few months to convince her of this. She was in pain every day, in her joints, especially her elbows. Finally she took disability leave and now she owns her own restaurant (with her sister) and spends most of her time working there.

I can fully understand the reasons she has to work, but it has made her very hard, cold and unreachable (emotionally). Even her own kids have a hard time interacting with her. When a woman gets to this point it seems all the things that make her a woman have been replaced by the new role she must now claim. I'm not saying all women are like my ex, but a woman was never meant to be the man and trying to be the man can do a lot of damage to woman, both physically and mentally.

I often tried to get my ex to do some lady-like things, but it wasn't in her to do them. I'm sure on some level she could have, but she had always been a Tomboy and fiercely independent and combined with all the bad relationships she had just warped into an entirely different kind of person.

My ex may have been an extreme case and I don't mind a woman showing some initiative, whether with the plumbing or whatever, but when a woman takes this to extremes and starts acting more like a man than a woman that's where the problem lies.

dmckinnon's photo
Wed 03/27/13 06:55 AM
My ex was like this and I've noticed a lot of women are just like her; more like a she-man than a woman. It's a complete and utter turn off for me. The loss of lady-like qualities I have always admired and am attracted to seem to be slowly disappearing. It's a shame really.

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