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FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 11:56 AM

It's so nice to know that a Russian scholar has a crystal ball and can see the future.laugh

I say we nuke! laugh

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 11:55 AM
I'll take one from each line.

Someone else can decide which ones.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:39 AM

I have a new idea about how to handle them. Let's westernize them. Let's put them nice posh air conditioned cells with access to Satellite TV (western stations only), all the porn they could ever handle, great food to fatten them up, and denial of any support in participating in religious activities. They should be treated extremely well and the guards should be encouraged to befriend them, hell let's even throw in some prostitutes, then after a year or two of this we dumb them back into their hometowns. I hypothesize that there are two possibilities for what will happen to them next. They will either make converts of their peers. Telling them how great our culture is or they will be killed by their peers as traitors.

In Somalia and Indonesia, and possiby even in Iraq, feeding the people and making thier lives better would probably help a great deal in preventing them from being convinced that radical Islamic militism is the way to go. But we'd have to kill the warlords and Mullahs first...those feeding them now and preaching the better future to them. And we would have to basically overthrow the "government" there to ensure that the population is getting the stuff.

In Afghanistan, the Swat valley in Pakistan (actually all of North/Northwestern Pakistan), only killing them off en-masse is going to do any good. The entire adult population is indoctrinated in violence and radical Islam and a major distrust of any government or non-religious authority..and the youngsters are as well. Violence and fear is truly all that they understand. How are you going to talk to a kid whose 12th birthday present is an AKM and who has been taught that manhood means fighting a Jihad and that we are not only bad (which we probably are) but Satan himself? You can't.

Take no prisoners and fight an active, not reactive war against these people or we are going to be fighting it forever. And, we will lose if we fight it in a limited way like Vietnam, Somalia and Iraq right now.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:04 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Fri 05/01/09 09:06 AM

First of all I am a vet (Infantry) and an independent.laugh laugh laugh

The way our soldiers were treated was wrong. We used to hold a higher moral ground before Bush and would prosecute the criminals who tortured.

Now we are the criminals and have no moral ground to stand on unless we make the criminals amongst us stand up and answer to their crimes. If we dont then we lose all credibility, all trust, and appear as hypocrites to the world.

Do you seriously think killing a prisoner of war is anymore right than torture? LOL

What about the hundreds or maybe even thousands who were picked up for questioning and were innocent?

I don't believe in torture because I don't think it works. If it did work, I think it would be an option based on the situation.

You don't seem to have your facts correct on the Japan/ WWII issues. The "worst" we have done barely equates to the "least" methods used by the Japanese. They tortured thousands and many died. They had complete contempt for Americans and did not even consider us "human beings". To equate the Bush administration to the Japanese in WWII is either ignorant or dishonest. One of the big stinks after WWII was why we didn't put more of the Japanese officers to death for torturing and killing our soldiers.

Considered less than human???

Guantánamo Bay, Cuba
There is growing evidence that detainees at Guantánamo have suffered torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. Reports by FBI agents who witnessed detainee abuse - including the forcing of chained detainees to sit in their own excrement

Give yourself a dose of reality and
Dont call me ignorant or dishonest again!

OK, I will. You're ignorant.

Chaining detainees and forcing them to sit in thier own excrement. OK, they do that in mental istitutions here in the US!

Starving a man until he can't stand or even sit; Given filthy water to drink, just to keep im alive so they can do some of this:

Hanging a man up by his arms (behind his back) and breaking all his bones with a steel rod;
Hanging them on metal bedsprings and using electroshock on his genitals;
Suspended by meathooks while a guy slices flesh off your bone;
Beating them and dragging them on concrete until they're just ribbons of meat hanging off broken bones.

These are a few methods that our enemies use. So Im not feeling sorry for the guy that made a poop and sat in it or ws "scared" by a dog.

Lets not forget how this alwways ends. They saw off your head with a knife and videoape it so his family can see.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:39 AM

Word is, some of the detainees will be given a check, new clothes, a VISA and set loose in the US, walking our streets.

Poppycock! LMAO

Here we are back to Gitmo again.
Do you even realize that the Prisoners held at Gitmo are but a small fraction of those held and tortured by the CIA?

Many of who have never even been charged with a crime.

Duh!!! MILITARY prisoners are not subject to CRIMINAL law, lawyers, or trial.

Military prisoners are subject to MILITARY justice. And they don't GET trials. They get POW camp or killed!

This is a big problem. Thinking that when you take a combatant off the battlefield carrying an AK-47, RPG-7, Mines, etc is subject to get a fair hearing in a court of law is just stupid.

I still say kill em all, let ALLAH sort em out. We're doing them a favor. 72 virgins and all.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:26 AM

What's a liberal fag? laugh slaphead
Its not a cigarette thats easy to smoke.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:25 AM

:smile: if torture saves American lives,i'm all for it. The Terrorists don't play by the rules why should We? Fight Fire With Fire be seeing you

Actually, torture really doesn't make people tell the truth, it just makes them talk. There are specialists in the fields of interrogation that can extract accurate, timely and actionable intelligence using a variety of non-violent methods. But not from people that don't know any. The FBI is great at this for domestic issues. The CIA and other agencies have people that are trained in proper interrogation techniques. The order to use other than approved methods came straight from the top in the cases that are being argued about now.

I'm all for prosecuting Cheney, Rumsfield and Bush for manipulating the congress and the people, firing the heads of every intelligence agency that didn't (couldn't) verify thier lies for going to war in Iraq. But not for torture. For the deaths of 4000+ American soldiers for a cause that only existed in thier heads and financial statements.

I'll say it again. Al-Quaeda has formally declared war on the US. In any war, prisoners of war (combatants) are detained for the DURATION OF THE WAR. This war will never end until we wipe out all Muslim Extremist groups. Spelled..FOREVER. So these "POWS" should be locked up FOREVER. In war, according to the Geneva convention, combatants not in uniform are spies and may be summarily executed on the SPOT. They should be. A 9mm round costs the military a penny or so, as opposed to the 10s of thousands at least that housing, clothing, feeding, giving medical care to costs us each year for each one.

We should have never gotten in the second Iraq war but now that we're there, we should kick ass and take initials, not even names, and WIN. Usually you win by killing your enemies, depleting his supplies, destroying his morale, etc. Actually, IMHO, we should never have been in the FIRST Gulf War. I don't feel that protecting a monotheistic monarchy that still has slaves from invasion is good policy.But theres that oil/money thing.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:39 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Fri 05/01/09 07:43 AM

It's sad that many in this country have lost their moral values and resorted to hypocrisy!

My morals are fine. I don't steal, cheat, lie or make promises that I don't keep. And I never hurt anyone that didn't need it.

Its sad that there are so many liberal fags in this country who want to give it away, sell it out, and play patty-cake with people that chop heads off, drag soldiers and civilians until they're just chunks of meat flying off by the roadside. You need to visit Afghanistan, Somalia, now Indonesia or some places like that where these people, our ENEMIES, were raised. They'd like you...a lot. But I don't think you'd like them much. Surely not for long.

You failed to mention how our US soldiers were treated by the Japanese in WWII. Beaten regularly, executed for the fun of it, starved down to thier skeletons...malaria, dysentery, etc. Or maybe the images and the truth of war disturb you too much for your gentle soul to manage. Stick with ballet friend.

BTW, I'm not for torturing them, I'm for KILLING THEM.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:28 AM

no oil companies?

I see Chesapeake but they are more of a production company than an oil company

Chesapeake is a natural gas drilling and production company. They are the ones that discovered the Haynesville Shale right here in my town. The 2nd largest natural gas find in history and recording the highest pressures ever recorded. They were paying up to 25,000/acre for leasing rights here.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:22 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Fri 05/01/09 07:23 AM

well first you have to make sure they have their feet in buckets of water

I used to use TENS. It never seemed to do much good for me although I know people who swear by it

Depends on what you use it for. For alleviating pain due to nerve issues, I hear they work well. I have a friend using one now. But I just play with mine. My ex loved it but she was a bit freaky(er) than me...and could sure take a lot more. lol Goes from tickle me Elmo to knock her cl*t loose. :angel: I
I've considered buying a used diesel electric motor from KCS but it was cost prohibitive.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:15 AM

The 10 highest-paid CEOs for 2008 at Standard & Poor's 500 companies based on calculations by The Associated Press. The analysis includes companies that filed proxy statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission between Jan. 1 and April 20. The total pay figures are rounded and are based on the AP's compensation formula, which adds up salary, perks, bonuses, preferential interest rates on pay set aside for later, and company estimates for the value of stock options and stock awards on the day they were granted last year.

1. Aubrey McClendon, Chesapeake Energy Corp., $112.5 million

2. Sanjay Jha, Motorola Inc., $104.4 million

3. Robert Iger, Walt Disney Co., $51.1 million

4. Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., $42.9 million

5. Kenneth Chenault, American Express Co., $42.9 million

6. Vikram Pandit, Citigroup Inc., $38.2 million

7. Steven Farris, Apache Corp., $37.2 million

8. Louis Camilleri, Philip Morris International Inc., $36.9 million

9. Kevin Johnson, Juniper Networks Inc., $36.1 million

10. Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co., $35.7 million

Why don't we let these companies bail out the banks that finance them instead of the average American if they can afford to pay their CEO's like this?

Notice how many of them asked for bailouts from us?


FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:14 AM

praise the Lord and pass the nipple clamps

Clover or clothespin? pitchfork


TENS, Violet Wand...12VDC needs a boost. I have experience in these matters.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:12 AM

praise the Lord and pass the nipple clamps

Clover or clothespin? pitchfork

FreeToB's photo
Fri 05/01/09 06:40 AM

Torture puts us at the same level as those we claim to be so much better than. It has never been shown to prevent an attack and the information gathered from it is unreliable.

This is why I'm for killing them right off, same as they do with us.
Ask one a few questions nicely and put a bullet in his head. The next guy will talk longer.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/30/09 11:53 AM


I don't know what scares more. This virus, or a naked guy with Jason's hockey mask?!

Hands down, the dude with the mask, just for creepy value. Athough you CAN shoot him if he shows up at your window. noway

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/30/09 11:51 AM

Someone needs to tell me what the frigging panic is over so few deaths but no one has any issues over the amount of people killed by drunk or drugged up drivers in the US alone?

I agree with closing the borders, though I've felt that way for more then just a flu going around.

100,000 deaths, out of a world population of 4 billion or so, is a drop in the bucket. This swine flu is no where near that amount yet, and may never reach that amount.

That makes it so much better!!! I don't realy think everyone is overcome with panic, just taking precautions.

I guess it is just a drop in the bucket unless it's your kid or you that dies from it.

Why not just nuke Mexico and kill it before it grows? It's only a few million people!

BTW, The CDC did say that is is LIKELY that this will turn into a global pandemic and LOTS will die. They could be wrong but I wouldn't take it so lightly. You know how that goes. I will be you as soon as you start on about "its nothing".

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/30/09 11:45 AM

i was looking for the article and got side tracked by the "regular flu" kills 250,000 - 500,000 people worldwide a year!! that's staggering scared

The 1916-1918 one killed 50 MILLION!
That one was a swine flu too.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/30/09 11:27 AM

:smile: the first person i thought of today was...ME!!. it's all about self-preservation,really be seeing you

Thats a sad commentary on a life when you care about nobody over yourself. Sorry to hear it.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/30/09 11:21 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Thu 04/30/09 11:22 AM

bigsmile Who was the first person you thought about today?bigsmile

:heart: Do you love them?:heart:

Actually I dreamed about my oldest friend Tim last night and was thinking about it when I woke up. He's back in Iraq just a few miles from the Iranian border and I do worry about him some. I love him like a brother.

I WISH I had dreamed of something/someone else but hey, I'm just tellin' the truth.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/30/09 11:07 AM

"Mayo" is code...:wink:

Wel, I thought that but you made the double sick face! Thats just not right.

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