Blind For A Day...
I feel the same way, friends would dress me in funky, mis-matched clothes...try to feed me peas ![]() ![]() ![]() Mayo? That aint mayo!!!! ![]() Nah, actually I have some friends that would go into anything with me, no questions. The REAL ones have. |
Blind For A Day...
Edited by
Thu 04/30/09 10:51 AM
Could YOU handle it? Would you trust your friends & loved ones to "lead you in the right direction"? ![]() My friends would surely take me swimming, and laugh if I was paddling in the wrong direction...but quiely so as not to give away the boats position. I got some hard core mean friends! ![]() My family might call out to me...if they didn't realize that I've already changed my will...and left it all to my (visually)beautiful ex and her kids. ![]() |
Blind For A Day...
Blind would be great! Suddenly there would be no ugly people! Dude, ain't you ever heard of a paper bag...flag over face....or eyelids? Where you from? ![]() I'm a visually oriented guy and I like em beautiful. |
Blind For A Day...
When I was little, I pretended ALL sorts of handicaps. While none of them were in any way pleasant, it helped me develop a true empathy for a great many maladies. Think it put me in good stead for my clinical life that came to be, and grateful for ALL my good health blessings. Interesting to walk a mile in another's ... Of note, going blind is considered an EXTREMELY traumatic event that often catalyzes serious mental health disorders and a great deal of suicide, sadly. Would be SO extremely difficult and terrifying ... ![]() I've only faked Turetts syndrome....for court. ![]() |
Blind For A Day...
"Not really the sex part", Free? Obviously you've never been on the recieving end of an errant...uh...geyser...that sh!t stings!!! ![]() Nope, on MOST occasions I've been the Geyser, not the Geysee(??). There was this one girl. lol OK, I'm done. |
Blind For A Day...
i would sleep all day and listen to the radio. maybe make a game out of it... see if i can walk to the corner store and buy some beer without the use of my eyes. then find out what its like to be drunk and blind. then i would do stuff only blind people can get away with, like stealing and murder. See here, I was thinking blind men can get away with groping strange women.... hmmmm..Thanks! Go get myself some cheap sunglasses!! da dah dah dah dah dah dah dahhh! ![]() |
Blind For A Day...
Could YOU handle it? Would you trust your friends & loved ones to "lead you in the right direction"? ![]() I was melting lead into a mold and sweat dripped into it causing molten lead to spash into both of my eyes. I immediatley saw a flash of white and was BLIND! I TOTALLY freaked out! I'm running to the front crashing through sh*t trying to get some help. Its funny now thinking about but I mean I FREAKED! They took me to the hospital where they put some solution in my eyes, somehow got the lead out and then GLUED MY EYES SHUT. Seriously. So I was functionally blind for a few days until it came back. NEVER wanna do that again and ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION...even during sex! lol Not really the sex part. lol |
Its been an effective tool as well. If you want to see it, get a group of people our age and an equal number of people below 36, then bring up free-trade and globalization. Most of the younger group, more often than not, thinks free-trade strengthens America, that workers in America are overpaid, and their jobs should be up for bid to cheaper foreign labor sources. I agree that most people that are young, and know no better would agree. How any remember, or have read financial history, know that the richest period in American history was right after WW2 when we were the largest importer of raw materials and the largest exporter of manufactured goods? People could afford to buy new homes, new cars, etc. Anyone working could. Since our countries changeover to being slick financiers and not manufacturers, we have what we have meltdown. It was only a matter of time. If we do not build anything and we sell raw materials for others to make into goods that we buy is that good? How is a global economy good? Especially when major players like China value thier money on thier own vauation system? How is giving jobs to other countries to do FOR us good? Are you blind to the condition that we are in right NOW? |
| summary of the bill Bans any Rifle that accepts a clip. ![]() ![]() Here is the link to a letter you can Fax or mail to congress. Link to Gov. Fax and email numbers. Funny. I have an 1892 Model Winchester 44-40 that hold 13 rounds. And it's an antique so is not considered a firearm. But it still shoots like one. This bill will never pass even with a democratically controlled Congress. I HOPE!!! |
Edited by
Thu 04/30/09 09:51 AM
Listen, when Bill Clinton signed the Community Reinvestment act, he basically gave houses away to people who could not afford them. Millions of them. When millions of people "bought" houses, it artificially inflated the "value" of them due to "demand". Key word here..ARTIFICIALLY. It would have been different if anyone could, or did, actually PAY for them.
Does anyone here know history??? If anyone wants to know what your homes value is, it is just a bit more than it was worth before Bill Clinton took office. Period. Housing prices, followed closely by the price of building materials, which have SKYROCKETED since the Clinton administration, NEED to fall. And every single person who lied on thier applications for home loans needs to LOSE THIER HOME! And I'm not going to feel sorry for mortgage holders, builders or people that lied on thier loan apps who benefitted HUGELY from this farce intended to appease black America. |
A Race-Specific Virus?
![]() ![]() I tried that as a preventative measure for the swine flu (yeah right) but all I got was some swelling in my groin area! Whats UP with that??? ![]() |
A Race-Specific Virus?
Maybe because Mexian has sub par health care? Is it just possible that the strain which mutated fits the genetics of a specific sub-section of the human race (i.e. mexican) because that is the subset the virus initially mutated within. Give it time and further mutations will develop that will effect other sub-races of the human. Actually, this thread is based on vapor and some nutcase conspiracy theory. Canadians, Scandinavians, Japanese and people in 10 other countries have gotten this. Because nobody has died except in Mexico and one 2 year old kid here who JUST left Mexico AFTER getting sick there isn't even noteworthy. That is, unless you decide that somehow, some evil madman has devised a way to INFECT everyone but only KILL Mexicans. It's just stupid. This thing started in rural Mexico where there is virtually no health care and no disease control like we take for granted here. I probably should check the news this morning to see if the proof (someone non-Mexican dying) is out there yet. According to the CDC, it won't be long. We should probably talk about the importance of paying income taxes. here somewhere? Maybe? Why? This swine flu crap is depressing enough. |
I've suffered with insomnia for many does my sister & my neice. I've used Valerian on can get it at an herb store...but be careful! It can make you have some cuh-razy dreams! Crazy dreams are cool!!! |
Edited by
Thu 04/30/09 09:32 AM
Take a Soma or two with those Budcicles. You'll be sleeping like a baby and dreamin' of bunnies.
![]() A round or 3 of good hot sex works wonders too. Especially if it's like..acrobatic! lol |
older than I am?
There is always a pervert "hidden" behind those nice guys ![]() Yep, and its always the girl who holds the keys to his cage. And they are just itchin' to let the beast out...especially once they get a taste of him. You know it's true...and so do I. |
older than I am?
You look about 20. They are just creepy old perverts. Blow up their computers!!! ![]() ![]() That knowledge for a small advance. ![]() Creepy old pervert, Jr. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Cool. Just let me generate a few numbers and I'll be right back with ya!!! |
older than I am?
OHH come on now. If they are being rude & crude; BLOCK them. Otherwise, what harm in an older man complimenting a young lady. Some of us ARE GENTLEMEN & can give a compliment w/o being rude. I enjoy telling a young LADY, that she IS a LADY. Way I understand it, they don't hear it from the younger males these days. Seems most younger males, just think about getting in a females pants & totally miss the idea of dating, courting, wooing; these things are apparently a lost art. Many of us "older" guys, enjoy the dating as much (or more) now then we did in our 20/30's. Besides a little arm candy, looks real nice across a nice dinner table; till the waitperson calls her our "GRANDDAUGHTER" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That reminds me of one time when I was out with my new girlfriend. I was only about 35 or so but my ex-gf was there and came up and said "Who is THIS??? Your daughter???". lol I forget my reply (being so old & senile, etc) but it DID piss her off. I met two girls last night at Waffle HOuse, of all places. I talk to EVERYONE. These girls must have been about 21 or 22. We ended up sitting together and before I left they invited me to "come see them" Larry Flynts Hustler club. lol Dancers. I should have known. |
older than I am?
You look about 20. They are just creepy old perverts. Blow up their computers!!! ![]() ![]() That knowledge for a small advance. ![]() Creepy old pervert, Jr. |
It's not just the Mayan Calendar. The Mayans predicted the landing of Cortez to the DAY, 200 years in advance of it.
The chinese calander and the I Ching (cycles) also stop at 12/2012. The Hopi indians predicted the same approximate date for the end of the world. Edgar Cayce did too. Who knows, who cares? After cheating death so many times, you start feeling like you need to give it a chance to catch you...just for fun. It's the end of the world as we know it..and I feel fine. |
older than I am?
you know you like it ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My kingdom (which ain't much) for the ability to be as brief as this. ![]() |