Community > Posts By > thewalrusx

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Wed 07/02/08 10:40 PM

"He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals."

Have you ever had luck with Chinese fortune cookies? bed laugh laugh

slaphead You HAD to go there!?

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Wed 07/02/08 10:38 PM
Wow, you read it that fast?

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Wed 07/02/08 10:36 PM
Edited by thewalrusx on Wed 07/02/08 10:37 PM
It's the way you say it. My mom came to me with a problem about my teenage sisters. I'm a teacher with a year of experience handling some of the worst high schoolers you've ever seen. Apparently my sisters were getting snappy with their attitude and my mom wanted to know what she could say to them to not make it worse.

But here was the real problem: she wasn't frustrated as a mom; she was actually hurt as though there were supposed to be buddies. Just my opinion, that's one of the worsts mistakes you can make as a parent. You are NOT their to be your son's/daughter's friend; you are there to do whats best for them, regardless of how they feel. Teens are gonna have attitude because that's part of growing up (as long as its not out of hand), so there's no need to take it personally.

Don't threaten with punishments without any intention of enforcing it (with the hope that your kids will suddenly love you out of fear). Kids catch on to inconsistency real fast (especially teens).

I told my mom the next time they gave her lip to just pull a poker face and say: "I guess you don't want to go to your friends house tomorrow" then walk away, no arguments, just results.

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Wed 07/02/08 10:20 PM
Just my perception of others really. Ya the democrats don't seem to be doing a lot of anything right now, I'm kinda embarrassed to be a liberal.

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Wed 07/02/08 10:16 PM
orly? Was he a fuzzy-owl-beast/lazerchicken?

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Wed 07/02/08 10:00 PM
I think Christianity or any faith was easier to believe in before the industrial revolution because the things we view now as scientific law was strange and magical to people and easily explained by faith (such as the evolution of man). Also there is a general aversion to any authority thats been on the incline since the beginning of history. we can attribute this later factor to a general interpretation of the law of Entropy.

I think there has always been enough evil in this world to make the most faithful zealot question God's existence, but those questions were easily drowned out by "evidence" of god's existence through miracles. Notice though, how the advent of inventions such as the camera and microphone have suddenly discouraged god from showing any miracles in the last 100 years. For many people their faith in a god has kept them from acting on their animal instincts, so without proof of that god, many people give up on a transcendental view on happiness, and settle for satisfaction of instinctual desires such as sex, power, and survival.

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Wed 07/02/08 09:23 PM
I'm not gonna talk about Scientology's origins; however, Scientology today is used by a lot of the upper class elite as a way to find community with each other, and also give them a sense of spirituality in their life. Its much easier than Christianity or pretty much any other religion because it encourages them to be selfish and self absorbed. So its really a way of affirming their right to act like jerks.

Sorry, I have no respect for the church of Scientology, but i do love a lot of the people who practice it.

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Wed 07/02/08 09:18 PM
I don't doubt his military valor at all, but what does that have to do with his ability to lead a country?
(honest question, not rhetorical)

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Wed 07/02/08 09:10 PM
The current president is feeding off the American belief that a rich American is worth 1000 poor Americans, and a poor American is worth more than 1000 lives from other countries. If the majority of Americans didn't believe this than Mr. Bush would have been impeached already.

But don't blame the Republicans, look at what LBJ did in Vietnam...

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Wed 07/02/08 08:59 PM
"Whats the difference between me and you? You talk a good one but you don't do what you is supposed to do. i act on what I feel and never deal with emotions. I'm used to living big dog style straight coasting!"

The Chronic 2001: Still the best selling album of the millennium. This is the last of three verses in the song: "whats the difference"

You know he's a good friend when he offers to kill your ex for you.... let's hope this song was meant as a joke.

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Sun 06/29/08 11:26 PM
yeah apparently the words are more important than the message behind them to some people?

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Sun 06/29/08 08:45 PM

how does anyone know that god is not a woman?smokin

I have another question, what is human genitalia of either gender doing on a deity?

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Sun 06/29/08 08:42 PM
They should be able to if they want without judgment yes, but I wouldn't expect them to.

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Sun 06/29/08 08:36 PM
I dunno, I'd be doing the same thing though.

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Sun 06/29/08 08:32 PM
Theres two resasons (IMO) people stop caring.

1) Out of sight out of mind, if you never see hear, talk to or talk about a person, they become really easy to forget.

2) If a problem gets too emotionally stressful some people have trained themselves to kinda "shut down" as a defense mechanism.

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Sun 06/29/08 08:28 PM
"Do I know you?"

hehe, that's a bit harshdevil

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Sun 06/29/08 08:24 PM


the point-------->
[your head]


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Sun 06/29/08 08:20 PM
Nor Cal has been covered in smoke from brushfires for a week. It stinks and makes my eyes water something fierce. Other than that its just been hot in Sacramento.

Whats your weather status?

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Sun 06/29/08 07:41 PM
Of course, but as a general rule people only date others they find attractive, so anyone thats unattractively overweight is gonna have problems finding others.

But thats not what's important, what's important is what you think of yourself, and what is healthy for you.
Go for the body that you want. If you want to lose weight for yourself more power too you, but don't let others tel you what is beautiful and what is not :smile:

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Sun 06/29/08 07:33 PM
I have to admit, i was too lazy to read it :cry: