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Topic: A True American Hero and possible VP
Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:29 PM
Jim Webb,

In a confrontation with Bush shortly after switching parties!
Webb said he almost slugged Bush! LMAO!!!

On November 28, 2006, at a White House reception for those newly elected to Congress, Webb declined to stand in the line to have his picture taken with the president, whom Webb often criticized during the campaign. The president approached Webb later and asked him, "How's your boy?", referring to Webb's son, a Marine serving in Iraq. According to Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia, aides warned the President to be "extra sensitive about talking to Webb about his son, since Webb's son had had a recent brush with death in Iraq."[28] Webb replied "I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President." Bush responded, "That's not what I asked you. How's your boy?" Webb responded, "That's between me and my boy, Mr. President." The Hill cited an anonymous source who claimed that Webb was so angered by the exchange that he confessed he was tempted to "slug" the president, but of course did not.[29] Webb later remarked in an interview, "I'm not particularly interested in having a picture of me and George W. Bush on my wall."[30]

You got to Love it!!!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:30 PM
Webb was the 66th United States Secretary of the Navy as a Republican under Reagan, and a decorated Marine in Veitnam!
A real hero not just a POW!!

Jim Webb,

Military service
Service/branch United States Marine Corps
Years of service 1968–1972
Rank First Lieutenant
Unit Delta Company, 1st Battalion 5th Marines
Battles/wars Vietnam War
Awards Navy Cross
Silver Star
Bronze Star (2)
Purple Heart (2)

A real live American fighting man. A Lt. who led men (Marines) on the ground in Veitnam. He led through leadership. Never asking his men to do what he himself was unwilling to do!

You got to Love him!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:31 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 07/02/08 03:32 PM
Two of his medals,

Webb received the Navy Cross for actions on July 10, 1969. The citation read:

“ The Navy Cross is presented to James H. Webb, Jr., First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving as a Platoon Commander with Company D, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 10 July 1969, while participating in a company-sized search and destroy operation deep in hostile territory, First Lieutenant Webb's platoon discovered a well-camouflaged bunker complex that appeared to be unoccupied. Deploying his men into defensive positions, First Lieutenant Webb was advancing to the first bunker when three enemy soldiers armed with hand grenades jumped out. Reacting instantly, he grabbed the closest man and, brandishing his .45 caliber pistol at the others, apprehended all three of the soldiers. Accompanied by one of his men, he then approached the second bunker and called for the enemy to surrender. When the hostile soldiers failed to answer him and threw a grenade that detonated dangerously close to him, First Lieutenant Webb detonated a claymore mine in the bunker aperture, accounting for two enemy casualties and disclosing the entrance to a tunnel. Despite the smoke and debris from the explosion and the possibility of enemy soldiers hiding in the tunnel, he then conducted a thorough search that yielded several items of equipment and numerous documents containing valuable intelligence data. Continuing the assault, he approached a third bunker and was preparing to fire into it when the enemy threw another grenade. Observing the grenade land dangerously close to his companion, First Lieutenant Webb simultaneously fired his weapon at the enemy, pushed the Marine away from the grenade, and shielded him from the explosion with his own body. Although sustaining painful fragmentation wounds from the explosion, he managed to throw a grenade into the aperture and completely destroy the remaining bunker. By his courage, aggressive leadership, and selfless devotion to duty, First Lieutenant Webb upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.[6]

Much more than just being shot down and captured!
A mans man. A Genuine American Hero!!

Chazster's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:32 PM
A True American Hero, G.I. Joe is there.drinker

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:35 PM

A True American Hero, G.I. Joe is there.drinker

That's the Author of the new GI Bill!

A former Republican who turned Democrat because of GWB and the Iraqi War!!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:37 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 07/02/08 03:42 PM
We live in a world with troops who are among the greatest heroes who ever walked our land while our politicians lack the moral integrity and honor to even supply them what they need, while they dine with lobbyists and promise tax cuts, our people listen to IPOD's and speculate about housing bubbles, while our troops give their lives and lose their limbs for wars we send them to fight between our episodes of celebrity dance. and haughty pundits blowing insider wind on shallow television, between negative attack ads, produced by millionaire consultants.

Before this war was ever waged, while our reporters dined in fancy restaurants and published spoon fed fraud from partisans and ideologues, Jim Webb warned us, and said no. This is wrong. This will be disaster.

Before this war was ever waged, when the vision of wedge politics war was a gleam in Karl Rove's eyes, Jim Webb said no, this is wrong. This will be disaster.

Before this war was ever waged, when the Democratic insiders in Washington held their fundraisers for Democratic leaders in fancy houses in Georgetown, and told them to hedge their bets and support this war, Jim Webb said no. This is wrong. This will be disaster.

To moms and dads, sons and daughters, grandmas and grandpas, concerned about the men and women who serve so bravely, I dont make many promises about politicians but I will promise you this:

From the moment that Jim Webb first walks the Floor of the United States Senate:

There will be a man of courage and conviction speaking with a voice of clarity and experience who knows what wars should be avoided, when wars should be pursued, how wars should be fought and what policies will best manage a successful exit.

There will be a man who knows what war really is, who will fight like a Lion to get our troops every single thing they need to survive and prevail. Jim Webb will fight like a Lion because this is in his heart, in his soul, in his character, in his spirit on behalf of his son who serves in Iraq today. On behalf of the son and daughter of every Mom and Dad. On behalf of his friends and his memories, and his respect and his honor, for all who fought with him in Vietnam.

There will be a man who has stood with his band of brothers and sisters in the crucible of combat, who will fight like a warrior for better heath care and benefits for our troops and our vets, and who fight like a warrior against anyone who tries to charge heroic troops Mafia-like interest rates more worthy of the The Godfather than those who sing God Bless America.

I have seen many of these guys come and go over many years in this Capital of our country which is not what it once was, and not what it can be, and I can only say this:

I would march behind this guy into a hellfire of bullets or hearings in the Halls of Congress, and would urge everyone who reads these words to go to Jim Webb for Senate, and put this good, honorable, brave, courageous and wise man into a government that desperately needs men and women of his character, knowledge, integrity and strength.

This is an excellent article about him and his Washington career when he was running as a Democratic Senator from VA!!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/02/08 04:13 PM
Silver Star.

The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star Medal to James H. Webb, Jr. (0-106180), First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Platoon Commander with Company D, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 9 May 1969, during Operation Muskogee Meadow, a six-man reconnaissance patrol from First Lieutenant Webb's platoon was ambushed and temporarily pinned down by a large North Vietnamese Army force concealed in a tree line four hundred meters in front of Company D's night defensive position. Immediately upon learning of the dangerous situation, First Lieutenant Webb organized a reaction force and proceeded to the point of contact to aid his beleaguered Marines. When his reaction unit came under enemy automatic weapons and rocket fire as it approached the ambush site, he executed a skillful evasive maneuver, established a base of fire, and continued to advance across the fire-swept terrain to the patrol's position. Rallying and encouraging his men, he directed his base of fire forward to a more advantageous position and led his assault team one hundred and fifty meters across on an open rice paddy in a bold attempt to recover several casualties lying in an open area directly in the line of enemy fire. As his Marines delivered a heavy volume of fire at hostile positions, First Lieutenant Webb repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire as he dashed into the open and pulled the casualties, one at a time, back to friendly lines. Then, consolidating his platoon, he initiated a sudden, vigorous attack which routed the enemy soldiers from their bunkers, disorganized their fire plan, and forced them to retreat from the area. His determination and bold fighting spirit inspired all who observed him and were instrumental in saving the lives of at least two Marines and undoubtedly thwarting the enemy's plan to launch a major attack against his unit's night position. By his leadership, extraordinary courage, and unflagging devotion to duty at great personal risk, First Lieutenant Webb upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.
Born: February 9, 1946 at St. Joseph, Missouri
Home Town: St. Joseph, Missouri
Personal Awards: Navy Cross (Vietnam), Silver Star (Vietnam), 2@ Bronze Stars, 2@ Purple Hearts

Look Winx.
He's from Missouri too!!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/02/08 04:38 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 07/02/08 04:39 PM
The legislation, which Sen. Webb drafted, will provide hundreds of thousands of veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with funds to pursue further education, just as the original GI Bill in 1944 sent 7.8 million World War II veterans to college.

During Senate debate recently over the legislation, an interesting dynamic emerged between Sens. Webb, McCain and Hagel -- all three Vietnam vets who had differing experiences of the war. Sens. Webb and Hagel were combat soldiers, whereas Sen. McCain (who originally opposed the bill) was a naval pilot and longtime prisoner of war. The three got to know one another only after returning to the U.S. in the 1970s.

"Not to denigrate John's five-and-a-half years in prison, but Jim and I have the perspective of being on the ground, doing the dirty work and seeing terrible and bloody suffering," Sen. Hagel says. "Jim and I have always been focused on the bottom ranks who are carrying the load."

Sen. Webb says, "I have no competition with John McCain. I admire what John McCain has done for the country. I just don't agree with him."

A senior adviser to Sen. McCain says Sens. McCain and Webb "like and respect" each other.

Although raised as a Democrat, Sen. Webb found himself more aligned with Republicans for their support of a strong military. In 2000, he even campaigned for Republican George Allen's first term in the Virginia Senate race -- before deciding to challenge him in 2006.

"When most men hit 60, they buy a red Corvette," says Chris LaCivita, a Republican political consultant. "Jim Webb became a liberal Democrat."

Son's Service

During his Senate run, some critics disapproved of Sen. Webb's use of his son's service in Iraq for political advantage. As Sen. Webb traveled up and down Virginia, campaigning for the Senate seat, he wore a pair of his son's combat boots. "Webb got in on account of his son," says Sam Jacob, a Virginia resident who fought in the Korean War and considers the senator a "hero."

The boots are now encased in a glass box in his Senate office on Capitol Hill. When his son, Jimmy Webb, returned from Iraq last year, the father and son went to a tattoo parlor to get matching tattoos of a warrior symbol, Sen. Webb says.

Sen. Webb's latest mission is to expand his influence into what he calls "economic fairness." Calling himself a Reagan Democrat, Sen. Webb says the Democrats, to their detriment, have ignored the military, poor whites and Southerners in recent decades, but that is starting to change.

To broaden his populist appeal, Sen. Webb recently has been talking about financial and consumer issues. In the past week, at a Senate hearing on foreign relations, he criticized the fact that foreign countries have been investing government money in U.S. financial firms. Earlier this month he visited a Richmond, Va., food bank, where he lambasted the rising cost of food and gasoline.

The next morning, as a keynote speaker at the state's Democratic convention, Sen. Webb talked about the recent passage of the GI bill. "Some told me to wait my turn, let others -- more experienced -- do it," he said. "But I didn't back down!"

The crowd began clapping and chanting, "VP! VP! VP!" Sen. Webb pumped his fist in the air and strode off the stage.

He's practically an Independent!

HECK YEAH!!!drinker drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/02/08 07:33 PM
Chaz is the only one that thinks Jim Webb would make a god VP huh!

mnhiker's photo
Wed 07/02/08 07:37 PM
I think he would make an excellent choice for Barack Obama!

adj4u's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:16 PM

I think he would make an excellent choice for Barack Obama!

On Monday, June 30, President Bush signed into law landmark legislation introduced by Senator Jim Webb (D-Va.) to provide post-9/11 veterans with comprehensive educational benefits. Last week, the legislation was overwhelmingly passed by both the House of Representatives and Senate.


yep probably one of his best political options

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:18 PM
I don't doubt his military valor at all, but what does that have to do with his ability to lead a country?
(honest question, not rhetorical)

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:56 PM
President Ron Paul and VP Jim Webb....yeah im asking a bit much, but wouldn't that be cool?

mnhiker's photo
Wed 07/02/08 10:01 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Wed 07/02/08 10:01 PM

I don't doubt his military valor at all, but what does that have to do with his ability to lead a country?
(honest question, not rhetorical)

I think it is because there might be a perception that just because Barack Obama isn't a veteran, that somehow he won't understand what's going on in Iraq or how to best resolve the conflict.

With a veteran as his Vice President, those fears should be laid to rest.

John McCain, even though he's a veteran, is out of touch with the dynamics of foreign policy.

He doesn't understand the politics of the Middle East, that's why he has to have someone like Joe Lieberman around who is better versed in those matters.

It's dangerous to have someone as President making these decisions when he doesn't even know what decisions he's making, or their ramifications for this country.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 07/02/08 10:03 PM

President Ron Paul and VP Jim Webb....yeah im asking a bit much, but wouldn't that be cool?

That might be interesting, even though I think Ron Paul is a dark horse candidate. ohwell

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 07/03/08 04:28 AM
Ron Paul is exactly what this country needs. And Jim Webb is just awsome. It's just too bad these men aren't more popular with their fellow members of congress, since they seem to actually care about what happens in their country.

Too bad Obama and/or McCain weren't more like them...

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 04:53 AM

I don't doubt his military valor at all, but what does that have to do with his ability to lead a country?
(honest question, not rhetorical)

I think it is because there might be a perception that just because Barack Obama isn't a veteran, that somehow he won't understand what's going on in Iraq or how to best resolve the conflict.

With a veteran as his Vice President, those fears should be laid to rest.

John McCain, even though he's a veteran, is out of touch with the dynamics of foreign policy.

He doesn't understand the politics of the Middle East, that's why he has to have someone like Joe Lieberman around who is better versed in those matters.

It's dangerous to have someone as President making these decisions when he doesn't even know what decisions he's making, or their ramifications for this country.

Not only that but anyone who thought of slugging Bush over the idiotic war in Iraq while doubling as a true American Hero is allright in my book!:wink: bigsmile bigsmile

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 05:02 AM
He also served as Sec of the Navy under Ronald Reagan.

--Jim Webb served in the US Congress as counsel to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs from 1977 to 1981, becoming the first Vietnam veteran to serve as a full committee counsel in the Congress.

--In 1982, Jim Webb first proposed, then led the fight for including an African American soldier in the memorial statue that now graces the Vietnam Veterans memorial on the National Mall.

--In 1984, Jim Webb was appointed the inaugural Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, where he traveled extensively in, and worked closely with, our NATO allies. As Assistant Secretary, Webb directed considerable research and analysis of the U.S. military’s mobilization capabilities.

--In 1987, Jim Webb was appointed Secretary of the Navy becoming the first Naval Academy graduate in history to serve in the military and be appointed Secretary of the Navy.

--In addition to his wartime medals, Jim Webb has been awarded the following medals and citations:

-The Department of Defense distinguished Public Service Medal

-The Medal of Honor Society’s Patriot Award

-The American Legion National Commander’s Public Service Award

-The VFW’s Media Service Award

-The Marine Corps League’s Military Order of the Iron Mike Award

-The John Russell Leadership Award

-The Robert L. Denig Distinguished Service Award.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 05:25 AM
Probably one of his most endearing qualities to me is that he isnt a typical career politician.
His dislike for Bush and the Neocons are what made him get into politics.
It only makes sense that he would chose the Democrat Party to do so, but to me he is more an Independent. A real American with real American beliefs! It's a shame he isnt running for President. Maybe Ron Paul would make a good VP for his campaign driven?

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 05:29 AM
The 62-year-old lawmaker and novelist has a zeal that sometimes defies political niceties: He didn't shake President Bush's hand when the president asked about his son's deployment to Iraq. Some of his views aren't politically correct. He contends that "poor whites" are an oppressed class, and defends Confederate soldiers for fighting for state sovereignty.

A spokeswoman says Sen. Webb "speaks artfully about complex issues that many politicians shy away from, and it's his authenticity that is so compelling."

The self-described "redneck" occasionally carries a concealed pistol, and is still suspect to some Democrats for having served as Secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration. He speaks fluent Vietnamese with his third wife, a lawyer who fled Vietnam as a girl and whom he calls his "warrior queen." He takes long walks in Arlington Cemetery, stopping recently to place a rock on the headstone of Sen. McCain's father, a tradition that signals respect for the dead.

His best friend is Michael "Mac" McGarvey, who served with Sen. Webb in Vietnam, where he lost his right arm in combat; his arm stump has a dotted-line tattoo and the words "Cut on the dotted line." Mr. McGarvey, who Sen. Webb says is "as close as blood," managed a bar for a living and also supervised an artificial-limbs service at Veterans Affairs. "When Jim leaves behind the stress of Washington, we listen to country music in a honky-tonk and drink cold beer," he says.

Sen. Webb, who runs his Senate office using the 24-hour clock used in the military, is clearly at ease around the armed forces. On the road last weekend for Democratic events in Virginia, Sen. Webb posed with new fans standing in line to snap photographs with him, standing stiffly but politely. But whenever a Marine identified himself, Sen. Webb gave him a bear-hug embrace.

And in a scene that Democrats would relish, in recent days Sen. Webb stood as the honored guest of a sunset parade of Marines bearing rifles, drums and bugles at the Iwo Jima memorial near Arlington Cemetery. "I probably would change my vote from McCain to Obama if Webb goes on the ticket," said Denise Barrineau-Brooks, a Virginia resident who was watching her son in the Marine parade.

Descended from Scottish-Irish settlers who became pioneers in the Virginia mountains, Sen. Webb was born in Missouri into a military family that moved some 20 times during his childhood. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1968 and went into the Marine Corps, where he served as a rifle platoon and company commander in Vietnam. He earned several medals for valor including the Navy Cross, one of the military's highest honors, in part for using his own body to shield a fellow soldier from an exploding grenade.

After returning to the U.S. due to combat injuries, he became a staffer for then-Navy Secretary John Warner (who's now the senior senator from Virginia).

He graduated from law school, and then cycled through a series of congressional and Defense Department jobs dealing with veterans' issues, culminating in his 1987 appointment as Secretary of the Navy, though he quit in anger in 1988 over funding cutbacks.

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